High Magic Earth

Chapter 1716: So still follow the routine

"very good.."


Nancy stepped back slowly, aiming her wand at Toby who was kneeling on the ground, and murmured in her mouth.

She walked cautiously around Toby for a week and a half, from the back of his side to the blind spot of the eyes directly behind.

Nancy seems to be comforting her mouth constantly. I don't know whether she is comforting herself or Toby, but she should be cheering herself up. . After all, they were so far apart that Toby could not hear what she was saying.

It's hard to say whether Toby still has his own consciousness.

"But why I'm not surprised that this happens..."

Nancy scolded secretly.

All of this is like the scene that often appears in movies.

A doctor who had no way to do so injected an unfinished test agent, or after an unlucky test product was forced to stare at the test vial, the change has since reached the peak of life.

Whether they are villains or heroes. . I'm afraid it's not very friendly to the experimenters who were the background at the time.

And Nancy, feeling herself, is like the background boards that often appear in movies.

"So... I'll be the fate of cannon fodder for a while?"

Nancy muttered.

It is a pity that as a goblin, she never believed in fate because of all the stories she knew. . Much of it is about breaking the fate and breaking the shackles.

Instead of submitting to fate.

Therefore, she cannot be a cannon fodder.

Even if she is really a character in the background wall, it is also a hidden boss level.

. . As the existence of establishing the origin meeting with Mianlong, Nancy's bloodline may not seem to be a type of combat mastery, and Nancy's appearance may not look like a difficult guy.

but. . People can't just look at the surface, can they?


Nancy hung her wand halfway, and her voice shouted calmly and clearly.

Very strange. . Yes, this is a very strange feeling.

Originally, Nancy seemed nervous, even if she was not afraid, she felt a sense of urgency because she was not sure what she was about to face.

But suddenly, following Nancy's quiet questioning, she seemed to be a different person, as if she didn't care about the guy in front of her.

Even if it is not clear that Nancy is not schizophrenic, she will be mistaken for two people at this time.

So I can only say. . A woman is really a fickle creature.


Nancy shouted calmly again.

"Can you hear me?"

"If you can't hear it... shall I ask again?"

She didn't seem to intend to hide her existence, so she asked indifferently.

It's a pity that Toby didn't like the routines often seen in the movie. After Nancy made a sound, she rushed straight at the first time, just like a beast that can only capture the sound and follow the sound.

He was still kneeling on all fours, his head drooping slightly. . Didn't even care what Nancy was saying.

Nancy raised her eyebrows.

Just when she was really ready to ask again, Toby on the ground finally made a move.


Suddenly a crackling sound came, in the area where the sound was imprisoned. . Extra clear.

Nancy raised her eyebrows again.

Because she clearly saw that, in a flash, Toby's arms seemed to suddenly rise more than a circle. . And this is not an illusion, because as his arm swelled, the ground cracked at the same time.

This seems to be due to his weight or strength.


Nancy whispered.

I am afraid that this level of strength can be caused more than one-fold, even three or four times, than the original weak chicken Toby. . It seems that it should not be time to consider this issue.

So Nancy raised her wand without hesitation.

"It seems you can't hear it."

She muttered.

"I fainted!"

The fleeting luster flew out of Nancy's transparent wand instantly and hit Toby in front.

But after Nancy observed silently for a few seconds, she could be sure of her conclusion. . This guy doesn't seem to be affected at all.

And in just a few seconds, Toby's body has become more and more obvious.

His arms began to swell, and not only swelled, but also quickly grew white hair, accompanied by a smell like something rotten. . The smell was so strong that Nancy couldn't help but sniffed her nose.

And the arm is just the beginning.

The first is the arm, which spreads to the palm, then extends up to the shoulder, then the neck, and the mutated legs that appear simultaneously underneath.

Toby swelled as if he was inflated, and as the swelling grew larger, more white hairs appeared on his body, and the smell of rotting became heavier and heavier.

"If you don't know what you are... I thought you were going to be a zombie."

As an Asian, Nancy went abroad shortly after becoming a free man. She lived in China for more than a decade, but she is a purely domestic person. Of course, she is no stranger to what is going on.

One of the most painful things to know about Nancy is that she cannot chase TV series at will after going abroad. Although she has to start chasing American dramas because of becoming a free man, she still likes second- and third-rate domestic dramas.

That's why she vomited that Toby was like a corpse.

If you switch to Will or Lito here, I'm afraid the only thing you can think of is probably. . Werewolf?

But in fact, Toby is neither a werewolf nor a white-haired zombie. The reason why he has such a mutation at this moment is very simple. That is, the medicine that Mianlong handed to Nancy is quickly activating his bloodline. In the words of science To explain is to activate his deep genes, the original genes, and began to appear in large numbers in the ancestral imagination.

and so. . He is becoming foxfire.

A magical creature of his blood origin.

"Torn apart!"

"Crushed bones!"

Nancy hurled two spells.

Now that everyone knows what is going on with Toby, Nancy certainly can't continue to wait silly here, waiting for the enemy to finish transforming and then playing it. This is only the case in the movie. . Again, Nancy is not that stupid.

The coma spell seemed useless to Toby, but the effects of the two spells appeared immediately.


Toby, or Toby in a half-fox state, uttered a scream, and the spot where he was hit suddenly became bloody.

Large pieces of flesh and blood flew down, and the embarrassed appearance looked like he was hit hard in an instant.

But Nancy knew very well that he was only a skin trauma now.

Foxfire is a weak magical creature, so it is not strong enough to be immune to tearing spells created entirely for harm.

But it is not weak enough that a spell can be knocked down.

Even serious injuries are impossible.

but. . The pain aroused the fierceness of Foxfire in the first time.


It made a howling like a wolf, and turned its body very keenly. Because it has not yet returned to its ancestors and became a fox, it now looks immobile, but its movements are still agile.

Although Nancy seems to be able to fight, and has been cautious, but it is also the first time to face the legendary magical creature Foxfire. . Or called a Japanese monster.

And still this special situation.

She didn't detect it for a moment, and then glanced at Huhuo, who suddenly changed her direction, and then. .

Vertigo struck.



The roar continues.

Toby seemed to have completely lost consciousness and became a beast that only knew howling.

His expansion is getting faster and faster, and the size of his body has changed from the normal human height to a height of more than two meters and nearly three meters, until the current three meters.

But what is more exaggerated than the height change is his total volume.

Foxfire. . As the name suggests, it is a fox, and foxes that are far taller than humans have more weight and length than humans. . That is almost several times the gap.

With Toby on the ground at least four and a half meters from the cross section, his clothes had already been propped up, his body was covered with furry white hair, and it was hard to see the original human form.

Moreover, a tail that could be discerned was formed behind him.


Toby uttered a seemingly painful roar again, the whole person. . Or the entire fox seems to be completely complete.

At the same time, Toby's roar awakened Nancy.

"Etc., etc!"

Nancy is sober quickly.

At the moment when she realized that her thinking seemed vague, the brain closure technique started to work on its own. . As a million-dollar magic, Nancy might not have learned it.

This thing is not only the standard configuration magic in the origin meeting, basically any wizard will not let it go. Fortunately, the wizards of the hourglass are not talented or stupid, so it is very difficult for most aboriginal wizards. Closed brain learning. . It is not difficult in their eyes.

But even so, Nancy seems to be a step late.

Nancy, who was awake, looked forward and calmly scolded.

"Damn it!"

How did this guy change from a semi-finished product to a complete body in a blink of an eye?

Appearing in front of Nancy at this time was a huge white-haired fox that was nearly three meters high and more than double its height.

Its body exuded a strong decay, while two black eyes stared at Nancy. . It seems to show some cruel meaning.

Even super-evolution is not so fast.

Nancy vomited in her heart.

But there is no doubt that the loss of the moment just now is obviously not as simple as a second or two. It is probably the special ability of Firefox that has confused Nancy for a longer time.

During this time, Foxfire itself is a complete transformation.

It still seems to be immobile now, but even so, its transformation may have reached the last moment, leaving only the last point.



After a pause, Nancy originally threw it away in preparation for a life-spell, but when she blurted out, she didn't choose a life-threatening spell.

Because she thought of the scene where she was injured by two ordinary injury spells. . This guy may not be as tough as it looks.

And her mission here is not to kill Toby, but to assist Will.

Seriously, she has wasted too much time here. . There is no more time for her to waste.

Nancy calmed down again.

Before being confused by this big fox, it really scared her. Soul magic, soul magic, these magics about thinking can control thinking are always very dangerous.

So she wanted to kill Toby in the first time, but after calming down. .

It's just a fire.

Not to mention the fire, even the dragon. .

Nancy looked back at Toby with a calm gaze.

The huge fox still couldn't move. In the face of Nancy's magic, it couldn't escape, but the tail that had grown completely was obviously not a decoration.

Faced with a fleeting inexplicable spell, Foxfire's body didn't move, and the tail at the rear had been swept away quickly. The tip of its tail was burning with a flame, and this flame seemed to be like a magnet. As I swept the spell, it seemed to absorb it.

Nancy did not see clearly. . But it is a fact that her tearing spell did not work.

"This...I know for the first time."

Toby is a new member, and Foxfire is also a very unpopular Japanese monster. In fact, not many people understand this thing, and even hear very little.

And even Lito didn't use his ability to acquire knowledge, so Nancy's only understanding of Foxfire. . It comes from Google.

She only saw that Foxfire can charm people's hearts, especially women. As for others, it can absorb magic. There is no such thing in the information.

But it doesn't matter, there are more monsters that are resistant to magic, and she has also dealt with more.


Squinting, Nancy said again.

It can be seen from the very different styles of spells that the magic Nancy uses now is not a product from the world of Harry Potter ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but belongs to her own.

That is the magic in the blood of the goblin.

Nancy's magic is similar to Foxfire, both instincts and no specific spells. . But she had a magic wand in her hand, and if she didn't read a spell, she always seemed to feel something worse.

So according to the effect, Nancy just said a word casually.

And tearing, as the name suggests, it will tear everything in front of you. The effect may not be so exaggerated, but it is still very easy to tear a bush of thorns in the forest.

At the same time, Foxfire's tail struck again quickly and quickly, and its flames seemed to counteract the moment it touched the magic. . Let Nancy's magic lose its effect again.

But although it counteracted the magic, it also made Nancy see exactly what happened at that moment.

It is not absorption, nor offset, but. . Broke up.

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