High Magic Earth

Chapter 1717: As long as I am flexible. .

"There are two things..."

Nancy whispered in Chinese.


Her figure flickered suddenly, as if she moved a distance of three or four meters from the place with countless phantoms, and she moved back from the place abruptly, and then with the movement of Nancy, the countless phantoms were like Retracted like a spring, she fell back on her body again, forming and condensing her figure again.

In the next moment, the gravel splashed and the ground cracked.

It was a huge paw, with a roaring momentum and a sharp wind, suddenly shot in front of Nancy, where she was originally.

And with just one blow, the whole ground was nearly cracked into hundreds of small pieces of rubble, and some of the rubble splashed and even rubbed Nancy's cheek. . Leave traces of blood.

The tiny blood beads slipped down the arc of Nancy's face, and then she gently licked her into the mouth as she rolled to the corner of Nancy's mouth.

"It's still so sweet."

Nancy said lightly.

But if you look closely, you will find that Nancy's heart seems far from her surface, because that kind of madness has always been hidden under the surface.

Even through her eyes, you can fully see the extreme craziness, the craziness that was conceived. . It seems to be waiting, waiting for the moment of birth.

Darkness and light coexist forever, they are opposite front and back, especially for these small creatures living in the world of fairy tales.

The blackening is three times stronger and the whitening is weaker by seven points. This truth is particularly useful for them.

Wizards in fairy tales can be blackened from white wizards to black wizards, friendly and simple hunters can also be blackened to killers, and even white unicorns will be blackened into black unicorns. . Fairies are no exception.

There are little fairies like fairy godmothers, and terrible witches who can release sleeping spells. They just don't know what happened to Nancy.

At this moment, the fire in front of Nancy slowly withdrew its paws, and then stared at Nancy closely with her dark eyes, a strong provocative expression in her eyes.

The sharp pointed claws slipped across the ground, leaving a deep mark of more than half an inch on the ground, and the sharp scratches formed five parallel lines of varying lengths. . Highlight the most primitive threat.

The threat from a beast that seems to have come out of ancient times.

Foxfire is still not completely transformed, so it still cannot move, but this does not prevent it from possessing threats and aggressiveness.

The right claw that fell suddenly before came from its trial attack. . If it weren't for Nancy to hide fast enough, now it wasn't the ground that shattered, but her head.


The next moment, Huhuo exposed his sharp fangs again, and gave a threatening roar to Nancy. . The roar rolled in its throat, which sounded like a sob, accompanied by a thick rotting breath.


Nancy showed a disgusted expression, her head suddenly turned to the side.

Countless afterimages slowly emerged with the shaking of her head, just like the movie was fast-forwarded in the case of pause. At the next moment, Nancy’s left foot moved to the left. The shadow also instantly became larger, and a series of Nancy appeared beside her, looking like she was recording her movement.

Then the next moment again, Nancy has disappeared in place.

Countless afterimages ended, and when she reappeared, they had fallen over Foxfire.


Nancy jumped lightly and fell to the top of Foxfire on her knees.

This kind of teleportation with afterimages is Nancy's unique way of moving. It is a kind of magic and inspiration that combines phantom shift and phantom manifestation. . Not only the inspiration, the special casting method itself, but also the special power of the goblin from the blood of Nancy.

If there is no special power in this bloodline, even if you know the spell or the method of casting, it is impossible to use it.

Just like being a wizard, Slytherin's descendants can speak snake language, and they are serpentish, while Trelawney's descendants can get real predictions. . These are special abilities that other wizards cannot and cannot learn.

In fact, real goblins can fly, just like the little ones in fairy tales, no matter if they are large in size like a child's goblin type, or small in size, with only a slap area, they all have wings. .

Two pairs or four pairs of transparent wings or opaque wings, they will fly them with the fan.

But Nancy is in human form at this time, maybe she may really have a chance to grow wings in the future. . An ancestor like Toby, but not anyway.

Without wings, she can't fly.

But in addition to flying, most fairies or fairies will also teleport, which is the scene that often appears in fairy tale movies or fairy tales. . For example, when the magic wand was thrown, the little fairy disappeared, and a series of twinkling stars shone.

Although the description is very fairy-tale, it is undoubtedly a magic.

And it was a kind of stupid magic that Nancy didn't want to try at all. . In a fierce battle, then she suddenly sprinkled a starlight and disappeared? This style has completely changed.

Of course, Nancy couldn't even use this kind of magic, because the level of power activated in her bloodline was not so complete.

Although the effect of this kind of magic seems to be a bit unacceptable in style and special effects. . But the actual effect is still very good.

It seems to ignore the distance at all, there is no distance limit, as long as you can think of it, it can be transmitted.

This is much more convenient and safer than Phantom Shift.

At least I have never heard of a fairy tale about which little fairy turned himself in half while teleporting, and half of the little fairies were flying around.

However, although there is no complete magic release method in Nancy's blood, instinct is still there.

Because she learned the original version of Phantom Shift, and only used it a few times, the two will combine with each other on their own, and then become some new magic.

There was no need for Nancy to do anything deliberately during this period.

Like Harry at the beginning, he didn't even know he could talk to the snake, nor did he need to know, because when the right time came, when he saw the real snake. . He naturally knew how to do it.

This is instinct.

So Nancy's phantom shift has become the way it is now, with special effects. . The effect is also very different from the original phantom shift.

Not only is it safer, but the limited distance of transmission also has its roots. Most importantly, it moves very fast.

At the moment when Nancy appeared the afterimage, she actually disappeared in place. The remaining afterimage is just the afterimage, not her.

And during the time of disappearance, she may have entered some undiscovered singular space. Of course, this is also not clear to Nancy herself, because she does not really have the ability to enter the different space temporarily. When she disappears, her thinking will also stand still and reappear, so that her thinking will begin to flow again.

The reason why she thinks that she may transit through a different space is mainly because there is a clear time interval between disappearance and reappearance. . Only guess like this, otherwise there is no way to explain.

This is Mianlong's guess.

In other words, the phantom shift may actually move through different spaces, but this has not been confirmed, and even if it is confirmed, it does not make sense.

Because if it is impossible to have a normal flow of thinking in a different space, then whether or not the different space is involved is equivalent to ordinary teleportation, and there is no difference at all.

Nancy turned into an afterimage and disappeared at the same time. After about half a second, she would reappear, and she could not perceive where she had gone in the half second.

It is precisely because of this lost half a second. . Mianlong guessed that there was a different space.

But excluding these small details, this type of teleportation is obviously more convenient than phantom shifting. . Because the latter seems to be fast, but it also takes several seconds, and at a critical moment, one second is the gap, the latter itself is not safe.

In fact, in addition to Nancy, many people in the origin conference, perhaps as long as they have and contain teleportation abilities in the origin of the bloodline, the phantom shift has changed, similar to magic improvement, or variants of spells, etc. of.

This is the change that comes from the blood.

And not just limited to the ability to teleport, in fact, any power as long as it is in the bloodline, and the power also in the Harry Potter spell system, the combination of the two will immediately change.

In fact, this is not accurate.

Because the subject that caused the change is not Harry Potter or a spell from another system, but the power itself hidden in the blood.

Even if there is no external power, the power of the bloodline itself also exists.

It is these special forces. . Only then did the wizards in the origin meeting seem to possess a lot of cool and incredible magic.

Whether there is exotic magic or not, these magical instincts exist.

And the foreign magic will only combine instinct with it, making it appear more magical and unknown.


Even though Nancy was light in weight and lighter in movement, Toby felt the presence of Nancy in the first time.

This is normal.

The size of Foxfire is not large enough to directly ignore a person, just like a dog with a hat on his head. No matter how light Nancy moves, Foxfire cannot be ignored.

The next moment, Huhuo immediately started to shake wildly.

With a big movement, Nancy saw why it could not move because its hind limbs did not seem to be completely transformed. Compared with its front legs, its hind limbs were extremely thin, as if they were not fully developed. Deformity.

For most canines, their hind limbs are longer and more powerful than their forelimbs, and this situation is clearly not right now.

But Rao is so, its crazy swing power is also big enough.

Just like when the falling water dog just climbed to the shore, although the hind limbs could not move, it did not prevent the Huo Huo's body from twisting wildly.


It swings like crazy, and makes a sharp scream like a fox, the roar seems to be able to pierce the surrounding air. . This is more imposing than a real fox.

But this does not affect Nancy.

"Good...be quiet."

Nancy’s feet are like stepping on cotton or springs, jumping very lightly on Foxfire’s head, her legs move very quickly, and the whole person is like a tumbler, no matter how crazy the big fox below Writhing her head, she can always find the center of gravity and balance quickly.

Her feet are like stepping on the piano. . It seems that there is no need to hesitate at all, and you can quickly find the right place and notes to maintain your balance.

Because Nancy is a goblin, a goblin living in the forest.

There are many fantasy races familiar with the forest, such as tree people, unicorns, and even Tianma. . But if it is said to be the most familiar with the forest, then there is no doubt that everyone will only think of one existence.


It's the kind of thing with sharp ears, both men and women, beautiful and unusual, long life, like art and elegance, good at bows and arrows. . There may be the kind of elves that might be good at magic.

They are undoubtedly children of the forest, darlings of the gods.

But the goblin is not bad.

Little fairies, fairies, although they are not real elves, they also have a relationship with them, and they also live in the forest.

So when it comes to their familiarity with forests, they are no worse than elves.

most. . No, all the goblins are basically flying. In the face of enemies that are too different in size, they can fly around to avoid them.

Although Nancy couldn't fly, her instinct for flying was still inherited by her and became another kind of power.

It's as if the son of the forest jumped in the forest with a sense of balance.

More flexible and flexible than Taishan. . Nancy can hardly fall down, and she can fully evade with ordinary attacks, even if it is unbelievable in the face of ordinary attacks~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But of course, this is not absolute, she There will still be mistakes, but there is very little that can threaten this proud child of the forest to this extent.

At least this stupid fox is not good at the moment.

"you are way behind."

Nancy's voice seemed cheerful, but slightly indifferent. . Very weird sense of mixing.

The fire underneath was tumbling, while Nancy kept jumping above. . And in any case, Foxfire could not throw Nancy to the ground, or threaten her, which made these two guys look very interesting.

Like an elf stepping on a ball.

"Look at my eyes...? Hey, you shouldn't see it anymore. Forget it, let me think about what to do."

However, confrontation with Toby, then took Toby to fill the potion, and then returned to the ancestor phenomenon. . This series of situations has wasted nearly ten minutes, so at this time, Nancy has no more time to spend.

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