High Magic Earth

Chapter 1718: professional

"Hopefully Will has not been surrounded by security forces."

Secretly whispering, Nancy seemed to cough a little embarrassedly, then cleared her throat.

Yes. . It's like a preparation before singing.


After a pause, Nancy coughed twice, and then the next moment. . She actually sang.

"Grumpy and stupid fox."

"Like a small bear."


Although it seems that only instinct is left for degradation, this refers to the brutal aspect, and the IQ of Foxfire is still there, and it naturally understands what Nancy is singing.

These words are not praises. . So the fox fire below is more irritable and angry.

She twisted her head violently to bite Nancy, but she gently avoided it by a slight jump and even stepped on the tip of its nose.

Although not painful, it was enough to double Huhuo's anger again.

And Nancy's singing continued.


"But it seems to have forgotten."

"It was also a hero."

"To stop the darkness."

"Fight for justice."


The Huhuo fired suddenly below.


It whispered like a wounded big dog, and seemed a little confused. . Even the movement slowed down immediately.

So to say that brainwashing, Nancy is strong.

Fairies and fairies are professional. . In particular, this kind of singing like a choir, the little fairy's blessings will always have a very magical effect, not only to regain confidence and courage, and even to resurrect from death to time, such a thing is not impossible.

If you have to ask the fairies or fairies how this is done, they don’t actually know, they just tell you cutely, "This is the power in your heart, this is the power of love."

Damn it. . Obviously magic.

Although Nancy’s singing is not as exaggerated as a magical effect, it can be perfectly matched with her own hypnotic and blessing abilities. . Magnify the effect several times or even more than ten times.

But Nancy doesn't use it often.

This ability was developed not long ago by her, but as the origin meeting gradually got on track, things that required Nancy’s hands were long gone, and there were fewer times to use this kind of hypnotic ability instead of fighting .

Not only does Nancy need a shot, but also a guy who can resist her hypnosis under normal circumstances is even rarer. .

Secondly, it is too shameful to use this ability. When I walked on the road, I suddenly sang. Do you think you are a little princess in a fairy tale? Then you sing and sing again . . This is not an Indian musical.

As a normal girl, this way of chanting, naturally Nancy can not use it.

But now it is obviously obligatory. . But fortunately, there are no other people around, and no one else will see this scene.

Otherwise, Nancy might really want to kill her.

As for the two women. . They could not escape.

"Look squarely at your heart."

"Don't let instinct dominate you... ah!"

Nancy's singing continued.


But in the next moment, Huhuo, who had been quiet for a while, suddenly turned his head suddenly, and in accordance with the movement of his head, his body also turned directly in place, almost 180 degrees. Facing Nancy, then his big mouth flicked towards Nancy quickly.

This sudden attack made Nancy scream. . Almost didn't let Foxfire bit.

Fortunately, at the last moment, she rushed to the side in an embarrassed posture that seemed to have dropped a heel, so as to avoid the ending that was really bitten by fox fire, and let its upper and lower jaws sharp fangs collide in the air, making a sound like The crunch of the air must be broken.

It almost succeeded.

Huhuo's turning strategy was very successful. No matter how sensitive Nancy's steps were and how light her body was, she needed an exact foothold after all.

And suddenly twisting his body to face Nancy, although it seems that there is no change, but in fact, the place where Nancy can be used for landing has rapidly reduced. . And it's very dangerous.

Even if she is unlucky, Nancy may fall into Foxfire's mouth by mistake, as if she had delivered it to her mouth by herself.

In fact, just like Nancy, she almost made a mistake and stepped into the air. . He threw himself into the big mouth of the blood basin that Huhuo opened.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and acted lightly, which avoided the trap below.

With a scream, Nancy twisted her body like dancing catkins, but she almost caught her waist.

However, this method can work, only the first time a surprise attack is carried out, and then Nancy is prepared, so no matter how Huhuo plays his fangs out of flowers, he also wants to approach Nancy.

"Your heart is not like that."

"Your enemy is not here."


Nancy gently stepped on the tip of Foxfire's nose to make it grin, and then jumped lightly to the side again, avoiding its bite.

The chanting is still going on, although it is not really good, but it is indeed very beautiful. The large chanting seems to have a strange rhythm, let people involuntarily indulge in it, indulge in it, and then quiet down .

Of course, this effect is not so immediate for Foxfire, but it is not small.

At least at this time, Foxfire was no longer as irritable and full of anger as before, but calmed down, and seemed to be very confused and puzzled.

Nancy didn't intend to completely brainwash Foxfire or reverse it, turning it into a good magical creature or something, that was really too difficult.

Because that is a particularly biological nature, whether it is a magical creature or not, let alone Nancy sing and sing can completely reverse a creature. . Even if she concentrates all her energy, it won't work.

Fairies and fairies are good at blessings and exchanged for another kind of translation, that is, no matter what, there is a time limit, it is short, only for a period of time.

So Nancy couldn't completely reverse Foxfire's thinking.

She can only hypnotize Foxfire for a short period of time, allowing it to redirect her target to the apparent security forces.

That is the correct goal.

"...Inner heart."

Foxfire is getting quieter and quieter. It seems to be lying on the ground, motionless, and only the fur arc on the back is slowly undulating, as if it seems to be asleep.

Seeing this, Nancy's chanting seemed to come to an end as well. She gently jumped off Huhuo's back, and then gave Huhuo a careful look.

The rotten breath is still permeating, but this big fox is not as irritable as it was before, and it looks quiet. . Well, it's still not cute.

Monsters are called monsters, because they are monsters, completely different from humans.

Indeed, there may be cute adorable monsters, but it is definitely not the one in front of it. It is taking the real line of realistic painting style. Whether it is permeable rotten breath or tusks, there is a let Dreadful danger.

Really asleep?

Jumping from the back of the big fox, Nancy also had this doubt in her heart, but as she went around to the front of Foxfire and looked at it, she found that she was squinting halfway.

Seeing its appearance, it seemed to glance at her impatiently, and then looked at her lazily.

The good news is that Foxfire did not attack as soon as it did before.

"So... have we negotiated?"

Nancy said openly.

Huhuo fired an extraordinarily strong rotten breath from her nose. The smoked Nancy frowned again and again, and she waved a bubble charm to herself. . This feels a lot better.

But it is obvious that Foxfire is too lazy to meet Nancy regularly.

"Well, it seems not."

"But you understand what you should do now."

Nancy's brief hypnosis did seem to succeed. Upon hearing this sentence, although Huohu seemed to be very reluctant, she still stood up danglingly.

It didn't bother to ignore it, or ignored Nancy next to him, exhaled a smoggy, rotten breath again, and then the claws of his limbs turned around and walked slowly outside.

This direction is indeed the location of the core laboratory, where Will is being surrounded by security forces.

but. .

Nancy narrowed her eyes.

The speed of Foxfire is not fast, and the distance of four or five meters is passed in a blink of an eye. This is not too much for its original body that is more than three meters long, and it is easy to catch up, so we still need to solve the rest. Little trouble.

Nancy's gaze fell on the two women who had been scared to death.

I have to say that the psychological qualities of these two people are still very good. At least ordinary people will not be as calm as they are when facing this situation.

Although it is a bit exaggerated to say that it is scared to lose reason or even crazy at the spot, there are still very few people whose psychological tolerance is so low, but they are rarely so calm.

Because when Nancy walked over, they could still tremble to speak.

"You... what are you going to do."

The woman who tried to knock Nancy on the board said tremblingly first.

She is also the most frightened of the two. . She knew very well what she wanted to do at the time, and she believed Nancy knew it too.

Although the vine entangled her and stopped her, it was this vine. . Is the best proof.

Prove that she found it.

So this woman is now afraid that Nancy will retaliate against her.

but. . Revenge her? No, it won't.

why? Could someone deliberately avenge an idiot?

So Nancy slowly raised her wand.

"what are you going to do!"

The woman screamed in a broken voice.

Nancy's wand is transparent, so in the eyes of outsiders, there is nothing in her hand, but abruptly pinched a very strange movement.

But in fact, even if this action is not strange at all, everything that happened before will have a great impact on these two women.

The huge fox seemed to read the storm caused by power. . These supernatural phenomena really happened in front of them.

There is no door that humans touch at all.

They are very excited, excited that they may have witnessed the other side of the human world, or have set foot in, but they are also very frightened, because they come from people like them in the movie. . There is often no good ending.

Blanking is standard.

Even if it were not for Nancy and Huhuo to fight very fiercely, but it has not caused any substantial casualties, I am afraid they will be even more terrified now.

They didn't care because they didn't really see blood and suffered casualties.

This is normal. No matter how bad things are, there are laws protecting yourself. This awareness has been instilled for countless years. . So unless there are real casualties, it is difficult for ordinary people to quickly reverse their thinking.

Nancy waved gently.

The transparent wand seemed to be flying in the air, and the next moment, the woman's voice came to an abrupt halt, and no sound could be heard anymore.

"This is much quieter."

Nancy complained without sincerity.

At the next moment, her wand swayed in the air, and then suddenly fell on the woman's head.

Almost in a moment, although there was no sound, the woman who was still struggling had quieted down immediately, and her eyes seemed to look at the front with some hollowness, like a doll with a lost soul.

Just in. . In an instant.

The white light slowly emerged along the woman's forehead, they were swaying in the air like catkins, seeming to move along Nancy's fingers.

Then these lights became more and more clear, from the beginning there was only a white piece until it became. . If there is a smoke-like change in form.

And looking closely, these smogs with shapes are exactly the little people, and the faces of these little people are the woman's face.

It’s just a minified version.

It looked as if her soul had been pulled out.

Seeing this scene, the remaining woman finally seemed to collapse, she wriggled frantically~www.wuxiaspot.com~ wanted to scream, but her voice was erased by Nancy with magic.

Nancy on this side was deaf.

She gently slid the wand, and a large amount of memory was pulled out. Then in the next moment, she suddenly stirred in the air, destroying most of the memory, or even evaporating a part of it, and then stuffed the memory back.

The woman under Nancy's wand seemed to be choked on her throat and suffocated for a long time. She rolled her eyes and seemed to die at any moment in the next moment.

But even more weird is that no matter how painful her expression is, it seems that death will come at any time, but because the voice is erased by Nancy, all this is just, and it can only be a silent mime. .

This silence has deepened the strange feeling now.

Even Huhuo, who had walked a certain distance, looked back. His IQ was still there. Although he was not sure why he didn’t speak, he didn’t want to, and he still forgot the memory belonging to Toby. . This is not even clear to Nancy.

But of course, the bigger reason for Huhuo to turn around may also be to watch Nancy instead of focusing on her magic.

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