High Magic Earth

Chapter 1719: Pulling hatred is also top-notch

The magic soon ended.

Nancy moved the transparent wand away, and the woman suspended in the air immediately fell helplessly. She collapsed to the ground directly, and even if it was not her back and the breathing was up and down, she looked like she was dead. .

But it is almost the same as death.

Because her memory has been completely torn apart, including thinking, of course, although not as serious as an idiot, it is similar.

Because in order to prevent the memory from being restored, Nancy destroyed it completely. You must know that it is not only magical means, abilities and other super powers that can restore memory, even technology.

So even if she does not become an idiot, she will be more or less affected by a lot.

First of all, her memory must be gone, not only was it torn apart and shattered into a mass of paste, but it was completely crushed for a long time.

Although she won't be stupid, her memories will go back to her childhood. .

But it is just memory, and her common sense still has some left, but it is also very fragmented, so it is necessary to pray that she is lucky enough, such as leaving some useful common sense, such as men and women.

Of course, it's not that serious. Although common sense is gone, IQ is still there. Human instincts won't make themselves aliens or do things different from others. Even if you forget a lot of things, you will carefully observe , And then gradually explore.

This is to prevent the memory from being repaired.

Secondly, memory itself is closely related to thinking and belongs to a very delicate existence. The confusion and smashing of large sections of memory will inevitably affect thinking itself.

It may not be that serious, and it may become abnormal.

This does not mean being stupid or silly, but the brain circuit is not normal, that is, the so-called brain circuit is relatively strange.

So for people who want their brains to be clear, this may be a good thing. .

The woman was paralyzed on the ground, motionless, and only occasional convulsions came from her body, but Nancy only looked at her indifferently, and then she looked down at another person again.

And she. . Has been completely paralyzed, seems to be scared paralyzed.



She couldn't even speak a normal word, or even a word, and could only keep whimpering, and as Nancy kept getting closer, her whimpering and convulsing movements became bigger and bigger.

Tears all over his face. . She has completely wiped her eye makeup. She is not a beauty, but she is definitely not ugly to be seen by Toby, but she does not have the thick makeup like the monster that has been solved by Nancy.

But even so, her face was blurred at this time, tears collapsed, and even the muscles on her face seemed to be twitching. She was so scared.

This is not to blame her.

Because Nancy really looks like a demon at this time, in the perspective of ordinary people, Nancy is not as simple as coma and brain circuits become abnormal.

Instead, she waved her hand, suspended the person in midair, and then seemed to draw the other person's soul, and then when she let go of the hand again, the person fell silent and fell to the ground. . It will not move.


Death sounds like a simple thing, far from the terrible so-called torture, but the most terrible thing is always death.

Because death means disappearing, disappearing forever, everything does not exist, too. . Stop forever.

forever and always.

In the face of death, any creature has a great fear from instinct.

Just like now.

Nancy came to her.

Looking at her distorted face distorted by fear, Nancy sighed inwardly.

But fortunately, Nancy knew she was not planning to kill each other. . So she still feels a little bit better.

Although Nancy can deal with completely innocent people, it is better to avoid such things.


After being silent for about half a second, Nancy whispered.

It was only at the next moment that her cheeks suddenly twitched, and then her voice became insincere, and she opened her mouth very calmly and indifferently again.

"But... it's really ugly."

The next moment, ignoring the fear expression of the remaining woman, she waved the dense vines surrounding her into a gleaming starlight, and then suspended it in midair again with a magic wand as usual.

Pull away from the memory, disturb, smash.

Less than thirty seconds later, a newly forgotten person with a clear brain and no memory at all. . It appeared.

Nancy threw her back to the ground.

To be honest, it was already kind for her not to kill them directly. Although the Origin Conference is a decent organization, there are no killing guys in it, but there are few soft-hearted people.

Most of them would rather kill them by mistake. . This is not the expansion caused by extraordinary power, but before, there have been lessons of blood and tears.

Nancy was silent again for a second, and her head slowly tilted backwards. With her movements, countless afterimages suddenly appeared near her head, and then the afterimages spread to her whole body in the next instant.

The afterimage is backwards, her body is also dumping backwards, pulling out dozens of afterimages of Nancy in the spot instantly.

With the disappearance of the afterimage, countless Nancy afterimages appeared again next to Huhuo not far away. They fell together and stacked together, and then reconstructed a real Nancy.

Foxfire glanced at Nancy, not knowing whether it was the default or what. Although it was still full of disgust, it did not show obvious hostility.

It seems. . Brainwashing was quite successful. . Right.

Nancy's eyes flicked slightly.

Foxfire is still walking forward on all fours, Nancy is also silently following, one person and one monster seems to have formed a brief tacit agreement temporarily.

That's it. . The speed is a bit slow.

"Can you hurry up?"

Nancy was some distance away from Foxfire, and apparently still wary.

The way she walked was strange, hopping. . It looks like a very unstable child, but careful taste does not seem to be the case, but a kind of joy that seems to bring happiness to people.

Nancy was bouncing around and said.

"You shouldn't delay."

"Procrastination also makes no sense."

"Because your heart is very clear that you have to do this, otherwise you will not go now. Since that is the case, if you delay the time, you will eventually feedback to yourself."


Nancy didn't finish it, but the meaning was already obvious.

Foxfire still wants to deal with itself unswervingly.

Although it is a monster and does not speak, it is a magical creature after all, and it also has a very high level of wisdom. Even the degree of wisdom itself is not weaker than humans. . It may be stronger than some humans, so it is completely different to worry that Huhuo can't understand his metaphor.

Sure enough, Huhuo grinned a little uncomfortably at the next moment, but after all, he didn't attack, and he also mentioned his speed.

Foxfire is fast.

If it weren't for Nancy to use the tricky way to get to Huhuo to prevent it from attacking herself, in the end, whoever wins might lose.

But even so, Nancy still just followed slowly, not struggling to catch up, even if she was behind, she didn't seem to care.

She didn't worry that Foxfire would think it would re-attack because it was faster than herself.

Although the other party is sensible and wise, it still cannot dispel its brutal nature.

Because even if the speed is fast, it is useless. As long as Nancy is close to Huhuo, then the previous scene will be re-staged, and if Huhuo is not close to Nancy. . Seriously, it doesn't have many deadly attacks.

So it makes no sense.

Although it may be meaningless because of its fierceness, Foxfire will still do it. . But this may not be high.

And since Foxfire is running with its legs open, it is much less likely to pace slowly, trying to find opportunities to attack itself.

Seeing this, Nancy seemed to be relieved in secret.

Then in the next moment, Huhuo seemed to have a premonition, suddenly turned around and rushed like an arrow, seeming to be ready to take off Nancy, who was secretly relaxed.


Foxfire is extremely fast.

Although the speed of canines is not the fastest among animals, it is also in the forefront. Foxfire as a fox-shaped monster naturally retains this characteristic.

The distance of more than ten meters crossed over in less than a second. . It is still impossible to keep running at this speed for a long distance, but it is absolutely sufficient for sprinting.

Within half a second, normal people seem to have no time to react at all, and it is impossible to respond.

Perhaps it is okay to be prepared in advance, but something unexpected happens. . There is only a one-in-a-billion chance that an adrenal hormone bursts suddenly and then reacts immediately, but more, it is open and helpless.

Including Nancy too.

It may be that the reaction of some members of the origin meeting can keep up in such a short time, but. . That would definitely not be Nancy.

As a fairy, a fairy, she doesn't look like a creature with agility.

So Nancy didn't do anything at all, as if at the next moment, she would be directly bitten by Foxfire and then turned into two halves.

but. .

"The beast is the beast."

It seemed that Nancy, who had not responded at all, suddenly changed her face and uttered a very cold word.

Her speed is naturally not as fast as Foxfire, so halfway through, Foxfire has pierced Nancy with sharp fangs, ready to tear it, but. . It was worn directly.

Yes, the fox fired an empty air.

It wasn't until this moment that Nancy's second sentence passed on leisurely.

It's just an afterimage, just a phantom.

"Do you really think I have let your guard down?"

The next moment, Nancy's voice appeared again, but it was indeed a few tens of meters away, she looked at the fire here far, and there seemed to be a mockery on her face.

But Huhuo grabbed the steel plate on the ground with his claws, but did not immediately rush over.

Therefore, it is said to have IQ. Although IQ is good, it will also cause suspicion in this situation. . It suspected that this Nancy was also a fake, a phantom.

No, it must be fake.

A pair of foxes stared deadly at Nancy, exuding a full of maliciousness.

Obviously, Nancy hadn't been worried about Foxfire since the beginning.

Neither Hu Huo suddenly showed the success of being brainwashed, nor the cooperation afterwards, which allowed Nancy to relax.

Because Huhuo didn't move fast at the beginning.

Because of this, and only this, Nancy will be suspicious of Foxfire, because if the brainwashing is successful, Foxfire should try to help Will and stop the security forces.

And slow down, whether it is really planning to attack yourself, it means that brainwashing does not seem to be as successful as expected.

So, what Huhuo will do is self-evident.

Even if the speed of the Foxfire behind was raised, it seemed that he really cared about Will, and Nancy did not relax any vigilance.

Because since the brainwashing was unsuccessful, everything Huhuo did might just confuse himself.

Of course, all this is just Nancy's suspicious, maybe brainwashing has really succeeded. . But careful to drive the ship for thousands of years, this caution has rescued Nancy many times.

And now. . Sure enough, Huhuo never gave up at all.

And similarly, Nancy has given up using brainwashing to encourage Foxfire to help them, because she feels that this is not likely to succeed, and even if it may succeed in the end, I am afraid it will waste a lot of time.

At that time Will might be cold.

Fortunately, at the beginning, Nancy considered the second plan and the backup plan. The worst, she went to support herself.

Such an important task is directly related to the task of the next stage of the Origin Conference. Is Mianlong really just arranging the two adorable new ones, Will and Lito?

Both are strong and have great potential, but they still cannot wash away the condition that they are new.

They even passed through a source world. They didn't understand most things. The information about the source world was also heard from Mianlong.

Indeed, the task may be successfully completed, but they are still more likely to encounter various unsolvable situations ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~.

So in addition to their two cute new, there is another existence to ensure the feasibility of the task, that is, Nancy.

Although it is a woman who does not look too powerful, but. .


Foxfire was digging the floor there, and when Nancy suddenly raised her hand in front, the transparent wand suddenly fired an oval fireball like a firework.

Fireball swooped over and hit Foxfire's face directly.


Huhuo fired an angry roar.

It did not dodge, one did not react, it thought it was just an illusion, there would be no substantive movement, and the other was that its body was too large to easily dodge.

Fortunately, this thing is not lethal, but it still makes it tingle as it explodes on Huhuo's face as well. . Strong anger.

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