High Magic Earth

Chapter 1720: Insert 1 advertisement

This is Yangmou.

Do not. . That's not right, because it may not have risen to the level of strategy, it is just some small means of subtlety, but I have to admit that sometimes these small means are indeed very useful.


Nancy stood in the distance and another small oval-shaped fireball was thrown out by her. The fireball was not really big. It might not be the size of a human palm.

It's not even completely a fireball. This thing is elliptical and flat. Upon closer inspection, it looks more like a frisbee than the signature skills of the five fireball gods.

And this volume and size. . It doesn't seem to be lethal.

This is indeed the case.

This small fireball has little lethality. It keeps exploding on Foxfire's face, body and surrounding edges, and has even exploded three rounds, but none of them actually hurt Foxfire.

But it really hurts.

Nancy apparently did not intend to actually kill Huhuo, but had some kind of disgusting thought on it.

And because of the sacrifice of injury, the speed of this small fireball is very fast, biubiubiubiu flutters everywhere in the sky, and even looks like if Nancy is willing, she can throw it like a serving machine.

Naturally, it is difficult for the fire in the distance to avoid this difficult little thing.


Another small fireball exploded on Foxfire, and it burst into a small flame that quickly burned on Foxfire, burning for about five or six seconds, then slowly weakened, and finally turned into a ray White smoke.

However, it eventually extinguished on its own, but it left a black mark the size of its eyes on Foxfire.

The scorched breath flew out, making Huo Huo's mouth irritated.

It grasped the ground fiercely with one hand, his body and back slightly arched, and his entire neck was also tight, looking like a tight bowstring.

This is the preparation before it tries to sprint, it is ready to wait.

Yes, in the face of Nancy's provocation, Huhuo could not bear it. . So Nancy's abacus worked.

This is normal. Although it is provocative, it is indeed very effective.

First of all. . Foxfire couldn't let Nancy provoke in this way, because now she threw a small oval fireball that seemed harmless, but who knows if she would suddenly be fired in a certain attack, even if a ray of death.

So it is impossible to just let her lose her biubiubiu.

Secondly. . Even if Nancy really doesn't throw out deadly magic, then does Huhuo stand still? Isn't that just standing here and being beaten in vain?

Standing and beating seems to be the worst situation, no matter what Huhuo does again, it will not become worse than it is now.

So no matter what, Foxfire will not stay where it is. It must go straight to Nancy, whether or not this Nancy is a so-called phantom.


Nancy stood in the same place, and another small fireball was thrown over, looking very leisurely, and then the small fireball was directly glued to Foxfire's face.

This time, Huhuo really can't bear it anymore.


Its figure disappeared instantly,

Even as if the air made a cracking sound, the figure of Huhuo disappeared instantly, and turned into a fuzzy arrow directly towards Nancy.

It's fast, but it hasn't reached the point of pulling out the afterimage.

The afterimage is not so easy to pull out, because it is not only fast, for example, the more typical fast silver and the Flash, they are fast enough, but they are a silver lightning and a golden red Lightning, there is no so-called afterimage.

The appearance of afterimages is not only slow or fast, but it also requires some force-generating techniques used in the running.

For example, sudden stop and emergency stop.

Foxfire can't do it naturally, but it is at full speed in the gallop, and Nancy, that is a special effect from her magic.


At the next moment, even when the blinking eyelids did not fall, Huhuo came to Nancy of the biubiubiu who was yoyo.

It pawed fiercely and snapped it towards Nancy.

In an instant, the rubble splashed, the ground under Nancy's feet exploded, and large pieces of rubble flew around like someone kicked hard.

But there is no doubt that this Nancy is still fake.

Nancy’s phantom was penetrated by Foxfire’s claws and immediately shook twice, but did not dissipate immediately. Even after Biu threw a small fireball again, it slowly dissipated in place.


With the disappearance of Nancy, it seems that something small fell on the gravel of this place. This sound is very obvious, but in the roar of raging fire, it was not heard. Not noticed.


It rolled down to the ground, turned half a circle, and then slowly appeared in the air, just like the optical camouflage blocked on it was pulled away, revealing its true face.

It was a magic wand, and there seemed to be a flame at the front that did not completely dissipate.

But this is also its last moment, because in the next moment, the paw has stepped up mercilessly and pressed it directly into the pile of rubble.

Even because it is too small, the owner of the paw may not even realize what he has stepped on.


Foxfire raised its claws again, the ground gravel wriggled, and then exposed the broken wand again. The end of the wand seemed to be burning repeatedly, but the entire wand itself had been broken into two sections.

And in the broken position, you can also vaguely see a line of exaggerated and funny cursive characters

"Weasley laughs...the shop"

. . .

Foxfire stared at the scarlet eyes constantly searching for his goal, but there is no doubt that Nancy did not appear at all. . She didn't know where to hide long ago.

She is not stupid again.

At this time, Foxfire is on his head, and his body is at its peak, so wherever Nancy appears, she must face Foxfire's anger as soon as possible.

Its speed is being adjusted to the extreme. . The first time anyone appears, I am afraid that it will suffer its full pursuit and slam.

Avoiding one's edge is the most correct choice.

So Nancy hides and uses the invisibility spell.

It's like she used the invisibility spell to temporarily hide the wand produced by the Weasley brothers.

Yes, the broken wand is certainly not Nancy's.

Nor can it be understood in this way. It is not that the wand does not belong to Nancy, but that the wand is not commonly used by Nancy. Although it is also transparent, it is only a prank wand that Nancy temporarily released the invisibility curse.

Nancy's real wand, but it can be truly transparent. . Very special magic wand with little fairy.

The role of this prank wand is actually very simple, it is used to provoke foxfire.

As a magic wand dedicated to mischief, there is a magic on it, and the only magic is to continuously fire small fireballs with little power.

In fact, this little fireball is really not powerful, not hot, nor has the ability to explode, even if it is stuck on the face of the person, it is just a shock. . Of course, there will be some powder that makes people laugh.

In fact, it simply can't make the fur of Foxfire black.

of course. . That refers to the original one, and Nancy obviously improved this thing.

But their producers, the Weasley brothers, are indeed very talented in this area. Even with the magical talents of fairies and fairies, Nancy can't make much changes.

It was impossible to retain the original characteristics and demand speed and power, so Nancy only gave up a little power after giving up.

So it's still a big flat fireball.

But for now, it is enough to provoke foxfire.

In addition to provocation, another function is to use it as bait.

Nancy’s illusion is not magical. After all, it has no entity at all, so it is impossible to release magic. . It couldn't even pick up the wand.

But with this wand. . But it can be fake.

The principle is also very simple.

The real Nancy hides, and then uses a floating charm to float the wand, making it invisible by the way, the angle is adjusted to almost the angle that the illusion holds, and then. . Just let the magic on the wand activate by itself.

So everything just looks like it is not real.

Although it was a prank wand, it was extremely practical. Nancy, who was a rich lady, had swept the goods at the Weasley joke shop several times. Later, even the Weasley brothers hid her and opened the shop.

Because according to the Weasley brothers, they wanted to bring laughter to more people, not just one person.

So when the first few large purchases made them make enough money, they began to pursue their ideals.

But even so, Nancy bought enough.

Her initial world is obviously a fairy tale world, and what is most in the fairy tale world. . Not a fairy tale, but a variety of adventures.

In the adventure, picking up money and a treasure chest can be regarded as the least valuable kind.

Fairies and little fairies have no need for money, or even have any concept, so Nancy is cheaper.

Gold coins, silver coins, precious stones. . Well, the little fairy fairies love it, not because of value, but because they are beautiful.

No woman can refuse this kind of shiny thing, including the little fairies.

But even without gems, there are various other precious crafts, works of art, plus things like gold coins, Nancy has collected several large boxes.

Well, the treasure box itself is also made of sterling silver. .

It's not easy to get rid of it at home, but these things are still very popular abroad, because they look too much like a treasure from a sea or a cave. .

Nancy is undoubtedly rich.

How much she wants for such a mischievous little wand, it is completely distressed to wear it.


There was a thick heat between Huhuo's nose.

Obviously, it is angry, and it is also in a state of high tension and alertness. . This makes its own consumption very huge.

Cruel eyes were glancing around.

In addition to being able to charm people, it does not have any other supernatural powers, such as seeing through everything in disguise with its eyes, so even if it wants to find Nancy. . There seems to be no way.

Similarly, it did not make useless growls.

It is a fox rather than a tiger, and even if it is a tiger, it rarely seldom makes any extra moves when facing its prey.

For animals, any of their actions must be meaningful because of the cruelty of nature.

Just like now, Foxfire does not have any extra movements.

It didn't scream or anger, because it knew that even if she was angry, Nancy wouldn't come out, but would only make the other person happier in vain.

. . Foxfire's wisdom is not weaker than humans, and it has never been a beast.


Then in the next moment, another small fireball did not know where it suddenly came from, and then fell across a parabola near Foxfire's head.


Another small burst of flames exploded, and left a large piece of burnt black mark on Foxfire's fur.

Huhuo fang fangs, disappeared in an instant, and when it reappeared, already came to a corridor a dozen meters away, and at the same time a Nancy's fantasy was crushed in an instant.

Yes, Foxfire is patient and has enough time to wait, but Nancy does not.

Because Will is still waiting for Nancy to save her life.


About another half a minute later, a new Nancy illusion reappeared, and then began to disturb towards Foxfire again.

Foxfire rushed over with a dull head.

Nancy's current situation is also very clear, so it is very confident. . It must be the first to show flaws. . and many more!

found it.

Suddenly, Huhuo's nose moved slightly, and then suddenly turned around, rushing towards a place where there was no Nancy illusion, or even nothing.

but. .

"It's really annoying."

Along with the violent violent waving of claws, Nancy's figure suddenly appeared awkwardly. She kept evading the foxfire's attack and tried to find the time to be close to the foxfire or release the teleport~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The whole person seemed to be in a hurry.

But despite the panic, Nancy quickly realized what exposed her.

"I forgot that you still have a dog nose..."

Nancy stared at Foxfire with a sneer, and then at the cost of her right arm being scratched by Foxfire's sharp pointed claws, she quickly left the battle circle again.

Then it didn't even last a second. . Nancy disappeared without a trace.


Foxfire made a seemingly sharp cry.

Rarely, it seems so anxious.

Because of its high level of intelligence, she clearly saw Nancy's fearlessness, so she was very worried. This may be the last chance to master the initiative to counterattack.

Once this opportunity is lost, I am afraid that the other party will find a way to eliminate their own smell, and then it will no longer find the **** guy.

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