High Magic Earth

Chapter 1722: It really came from a fairy tale

No action is right.

Although the metaphor may be somewhat inappropriate, at this time Foxfire's movements are indeed like children. . Only the less you care about it, it will realize that you do not care about these things.

Otherwise it will have the opposite effect.

Of course, there is a greater possibility that regardless of whether Nancy showed concern or not, Foxfire would slaughter these people.

Based on its cruelty, it does not seem to be unable to do it.

Nancy looked at it all indifferently.

Like a tiger entering the flock.

Huohuo's huge body shook slightly and squeezed directly into the interior of the work area. This is not a fully enclosed work space, because the work areas on the island are not all buried underground or in mountains, such as here, There are a lot of transparent glass and doors all around, leading to the outside.

. . Of course, the outside is also a protected area and a power grid, which cannot be left.

Therefore, the internal space of the room is very large, close to the height of five meters, and the area is as large as a half of a football field. .

Foxfire can wreak havoc in it as much as possible.


"The security forces!"

"Those of the security forces!"

The crowd screamed and fled in panic.

This is not a core research area, nor is it a security force. . It is just a normal work area, some people are responsible for basic office administration, and some are trainers and the like.

It is true that International Gene Technology Corporation has branches all over the world. The headquarters is located in London. Some clerical work can be completed using the Internet for cross-border transmission, but there are still many basic tasks that need to be completed on the island.

For example, complaints from tourists, problems with tickets, and even damage to equipment maintenance.

This requires a large number of people.

In other words, here are all ordinary office workers, not those retired soldiers or mercenaries in the security forces, or those who are very valuable talents in the research department.

It's just that they work on this semi-enclosed island.


The screams soon came from behind.

Foxfire doesn't matter who the humans are here. . In its sight, they are all prey.

Ferociously knocked over several desks and computers, and it directly bite an unlucky guy hiding under the desk and trembling.

The guy didn't have a time to scream, and he snapped his jaw fiercely, instantly making him silent.

Then came the second one.

Foxfire's killing speed is very fast. Its teeth, claws, and even a huge body are the most lethal weapons for humans.

Even Foxfire does not seem to have any other supernatural powers except charm.

But humans are too fragile.



"Save me! Save me!"

The screams continued one after another, and more and more people fell to the edge of Foxfire, with broken limbs, debris, and blood. . And the ambiguous body.

But no one can care for these people, and no one will go back and look at them. .

No one dares to face this monster.

In fact, because of Will's reasons, almost all of the security forces have been transferred from their posts, even if they haven't rushed to Will yet, they are on their way there.

This caused most of the work area to have no resistance at all, and it was also because Huhuo rushed in and did not encounter any obstructions.

Otherwise, there will be security forces, and Foxfire will not kill these people so easily.

Foxfire looks fierce, but it is only about three meters away. It is not as big as two desks connected together, and like human beings, it has more attacks. . But the defense is seriously insufficient.

Although it is much better than humans, it is still a flesh and blood, and has no and no ability to reproduce at speed.

If you are shot, you will bleed, penetrate the skull, and you will die.

Most security forces are equipped with stun guns, but there are still a few pistols for patrol, etc. If you are lucky, you can still resist.

But it's a pity. . There are no security forces here.

"Quick! Quick!"

The crowd escaped faster.

Many people did not know what was going on at the beginning, but just heard exclamations and screams. . Seriously, they really did not respond for a while.

enemy? The kidding enemy is not a war zone here, but inside the company, at most it is quarreling and fighting.

Even dinosaurs are not very similar. They are far from protected areas and wild areas, and even far from the entire dinosaur area, which belongs to the outer area of ​​the entire island.

Even if there are really dinosaurs running out, then it must spread to the island only after it ravages the whole island.

In a sense, the arrangement of international gene technology companies is very reasonable, they still consider the work safety and risk of ordinary civilian employees.

Although there are some cultivation areas near them, most of the dinosaurs there are not as tall as human legs, and they are all cute things. It is too late to sell cute animals. How can they hurt people.

As for fire, that's even more impossible.

So many people's heads are dazed, knowing that the foxfire is rushing in directly, and the blood of their limbs is flying all over the sky, they only realized what happened.

. . They did not know this monster, nor did they know why such a huge and terrifying fox appeared.

They only know that this thing is in danger.

Everyone is fleeing outward, no matter whether they see this scene or not, at this moment, the human conformity psychology is brought to the extreme.

Once the panic spreads, it will sweep across everyone instantly.

Doors, glass windows. . Everything around them was the exit from which they fled, and almost instantly, the entire work area was emptied for a small half.

The remaining people are either slow-moving or running slowly, or they are themselves in the center of the work area, no matter which direction they are in.

And they are also the most unlucky group.


Foxfire once again broke a bad luck egg.


Just as it shook its head, it seemed that something had smashed hard, making the Huhuo head hurt.

It turned sharply, then stared at it fiercely.

Not Nancy. . The woman's magic is very powerful, and there are many patterns, this feeling, just like these little ants when defending before death.

If the fox fire kills, then naturally some people will resist.

Although not everyone has such guts, those who are about to be killed by Foxfire and about to die. . In the face of death, it will naturally rise up to resist.

It's a pity that they are useless, and even their fists hit Huhuo's mouth. . They can only hurt their hands.

So Huhuo saw a trembling woman.

It is a not-so-beautiful golden white female, and she has little place to hide. . Leaning against the wall, the office desk next to it has been overturned and there is no shelter around.

In fact, she was useless to hide because Foxfire sniffed it out.

So Huhuo will notice her soon. . Death will come.

In the face of death, she chose to fight back. In fact, she picked up the laptop next to it and threw it away, but it was not enough to tickle Huhuo.

Foxfire cracked his teeth.

It hates such small ants that are not self-controlling.

The huge body swayed flexibly, stepping on his paws, and Huhuo walked slowly towards the woman.


"Go away! You monster!"

The woman screamed and screamed frantically, and she could hear it. Although she screamed fiercely, she still inevitably had the kind of intense panic and fear.

Hu Huo's face again showed a grinning smile.

Yes, it does not want to massacre these people quickly. . Otherwise, many people will not be allowed to run out, and even now the entire work area is almost emptied.

It just wanted to threaten Nancy out, cruel, and can do the same.

Foxfire silently extended a paw, and it decided that this time it would not kill the human being at once, but instead. .


Nancy appeared not far away.

Foxfire immediately turned its direction, and at the same time swept its huge tail, it seemed inadvertent, but it happened to hit the woman by the wall.

The tail pulled her out a few meters away, and the woman rolled a few times and lay on the ground without movement. . I don't know if it is dead.

Then Huhuo faced Nancy carefully.

It has already suffered several losses on this woman, so it is clear that this woman is terrible, but the good news is that this guy is finally led out.

perhaps. .

"Not so many possibilities."

Nancy said calmly.

She looks wrong.

Although she has always been indifferent, most of them are calm, not really indifferent, but now. . She revealed a real indifference.

The cold, even more chilling than the **** fox fire opposite.

The instincts of the beast are stronger than humans, and the magical creatures are similar. Foxfire instinctively feels that Nancy seems to be more dangerous than before.

But I don't know why, but this does not prevent it from being extra cautious.

"Cautious...it should be."

Nancy seemed to speak nonchalantly.

Wait, Huhuo's claws suddenly burst out, can it hear what he is thinking?

It has been said that Foxfire's IQ is not low. As a supernatural creature, it can even understand the meaning of mind reading. It also noticed Nancy's anomaly for the first time.


"The power of darkness... will always be the most powerful."

Nancy slowly raised her wand, and a colder breath appeared.

Her wand did not know when it appeared. It was no longer the transparent state before, but a pure black wand with beautiful golden patterns on it.

The magic wand is very delicate, and still has the unique style of fairies and fairies.

but. . Nancy doesn't seem to be one of them anymore.

"You have wasted too much time."

After two sentences, it seemed useless, Nancy said to Huhuo indifferently again.

"Now, it's time to do what you should do."

Hearing this sentence, Huhuo also regained his doubts about Nancy's ability to read.

Because it's time to come. . After all, there is a victory or defeat between them, as for following orders? Foxfire doesn't obey orders.

But in the next moment, Nancy suddenly laughed.

"Win or lose? Don't be so troublesome."


A violent flame suddenly used Nancy's wand.

Black, scorching, with a shocking heat wave, it seems to be able to burn everything in front of you, with a hot breath instantly spread to the front of Foxfire.

Foxfire's body was collapsed to the extreme in an instant, and he wanted to dodge, but found that his speed seemed to be no faster than this flame.

It is simply unavoidable.

The fact is true.

It was too late to dodge, and the flame instantly fell to its tail, and then. . The heat spread in an instant.


Foxfire screamed with pain, but more anger.

Pain stimulated its fierceness, and there was almost no hesitation, so it ignored the flame behind it and rushed straight forward.

In front of it is Nancy.

This is also in line with the fiery choice of Foxfire.

Once in the face of the fullness of Foxfire, Nancy will either choose to avoid it, or choose to entangle a few times, and then jump on Foxfire.

Natural agility made Foxfire unable to take her, and then began to slaughter ordinary people.

But this time, in the face of the impact of Foxfire, Nancy did not avoid it at all.

It stood in place, the wand standing in front of her, and a large black breath emanated from her. . This breath seems to be a non-existent substance, not smoke or black smoke.

It seems to be visible, but only visible. . this sense.

Cold and dark.

There is no reason, just because of seeing, so there is such a feeling.

Then Nancy waved her wand again.


The ground slate in front of her feet shattered, and large strands of vines emerged from the ground, but these vines were not as thick as the wand, but more than a person. . It's even thicker than a whole person by several laps.

This is not like a vine at all, but more like a tree that looks like a vine.

And there are more than one. These huge vines with a full thickness of two or three meters rushed out of the ground for four or five moments, blocking the distance of four or five meters in front of Nancy in a blink of an eye.

Even Huhuo was too fast to sprint, and it was too close to Nancy. When these vines emerged, they didn't have time to react at all, and they slammed into them.



Foxfire made a pain.

This one is not light.

It was a little dizzy and turned around, but the burning and severe pain from the tail became stronger and stronger.

"Run up."

Nancy's voice suddenly appeared around.

"Wind...can ease your pain."

"And I believe you know the way forward~www.wuxiaspot.com~You will definitely know."

As Nancy's voice fell again, several vines in front of her rose instantly.

They are like tentacles. . No, because these things are so huge, they look like monsters on the ground, and they are more like monsters than Huhuo. With the power of roaring, they are slammed towards Huhuo.


Foxfire didn't have time to dodge, nor could it dodge, and was directly smashed by Yan Shi. . He was even smashed directly.


It again sent out a terrible pain, not understanding why the situation suddenly reversed.

But on the other side, Nancy felt the black wand in her hand, but she knew why.

Because of the black wizard. . In other words, the dark fairies are better at magic than the hypocritical godmothers, and the power of magic is also greater.

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