High Magic Earth

Chapter 1723: Really only exists in fairy tales


Foxfire coughed up a big mouth of blood.

It has great power and speed, but it is still a flesh and blood, facing such a giant vine. . Almost under one blow, it was seriously injured.

But it is more important than serious injuries, and it is more confusing, and why. . Why did the other person's human being suddenly become so powerful.

She has been hiding, why is that.

Foxfire is not just a little bit of intelligent creatures. If you cut away the instincts of cruelty, its intelligence is even far greater than that of ordinary humans.

Thinking about complex issues is also very easy.

Huhuo immediately realized that it was about to rescue, or instinctively, the place that had been prompting it to go, which was probably not a good place.

perhaps. . To be more dangerous.

Otherwise why the human in front, who is far stronger than it, does not go by himself.

It finally realized the key point of the problem.

In fact, although this potion provided Toby with great power, he even turned from a completely free-flowing free man into a magical creature comparable to his bloodline origin ancestor.

But it may be successful in strength, thinking. . It was undoubtedly a failure.

Because Toby disappeared and disappeared completely.

He didn't even exist in the thinking with Foxfire. Not only did Foxfire's thinking have nothing to do with Toby, but even the memory seemed to disappear completely.

Because it doesn't recognize Nancy.

Of course, it is hostile to Nancy. That's because Nancy first attacked Foxfire first, so Foxfire will always be full of hostility towards Nancy.

Not because of Toby's influence.

Foxfire's thinking is still sound, but there is no memory of Toby, it seems like a brand new creature.

This is not good news.


While pondering silently, even when she had moved to escape from here, Nancy waved her arm and wand again suddenly.

A crisp explosion appeared in the air between her and Foxfire, which sounded like a whip in the air.

But there was no long whip in Nancy's hands. . Only magic wand.


Nancy flicked her wand again.

The magical long whip crossed in the air invisibly, and then made another explosion, but this time the sound was very close to Foxfire, even on its back.


Foxfire made a short scream.

Because it's not just the sound of a whip whipping the air. . There is more substantial pain.

The invisible long whip has fallen on it.

Foxfire's instinct shrank, and he immediately wanted to escape backwards, but he couldn't beat the other party. It should still be running. After all, the other party's speed doesn't seem to be as fast as his own. .

and many more.

Huhuo suddenly realized one thing.

It thought that the other party was not his own opponent, but as a result, the other party was just disguising. . For some reason it doesn't know, what about speed?

"Where are you going."

Sure enough, in the next moment, Nancy's figure slowly appeared behind him, that is, the direction in which Foxfire was about to fade.

Numerous afterimages emerged out of thin air, and then slowly gathered together, when they fell back together, overlapped, and converged, Nancy appeared again.

It seems that for some not-so-good reasons, most of her magic has lost its previous state. . But this particular teleportation method has not changed.

The hair on Huhuo's whole body seemed to explode.

Nancy is still indifferent.

She waved her wand and said softly.

"...You forgot, your tail is still burning."

The fire was startled.

Hearing Nancy's reminder, he realized that it seemed to be the case, and then the next moment, the pain of the heart spread along its tail, even making it unable to resist the roll and put it out.

"Go early."

"The flame will naturally go out."

The black flame was burning.

Foxfire is like a picture of a fire. Its tail, shoulders, back, and even most of the body are burning this kind of black flames, clusters of them, they are like bone gangrene, neither in Huhuo's body, but can not be completely thrown away.

It seemed to have burned strong enough, and pain began to emerge along the burning parts of the flame.


Huhuo couldn't help crying again.


Nancy, not far away, waved her wand again, then whispered.

"What are you waiting for."

Foxfire escaped intentionally, but it did not feel that it could easily throw away Nancy, and these burning flames did make it panic. . Most animals have a natural fear of flames, as do foxfires.

In a panic, it decided to choose the simplest and clearest method, which was to follow Nancy's guidance.

Because it seems like this, the flame can be extinguished.

The fire rushed out violently.

Like an arrow, it left the work area again and ran quickly along the corridor. . But this time, there was a little bright red on the blurry arrow, like a flaming jumping flame.


The escaping crowd in the corridor did not go far away, or the fire was too fast, and it almost caught up with this group of people in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this huge monster chasing up again, the crowd re-screamed, and many people began to hide in the room next to them. . May be praying this monster does not see himself.

Their prayers did work, because Huhuo ignored them.

Although ridiculous. . But Huhuo is really not a murderous beast. The reason why it did such a thing just now is to lead Nancy.

Now that since there is no need to lead Nancy out, it is still on fire, and Huhuo is naturally too lazy to ignore these guys.

It rolled up a gust of wind, and instantly passed through the entire corridor, and the blazing flames and heat waves, just because it passed by, it seemed to ignite the air.

Among them are the black flames burning by Nancy, and the flames of Foxfire itself.

but no matter. . Foxfire is moving fast towards Will's location.


Nancy waved her wand again. In the next moment, she took a step forward, and countless phantoms appeared in an instant. Then when she disappeared and reappeared, she had once again arrived not far behind Foxfire.

The galloping Foxfire seemed to see Nancy coming. . So the speed is a bit faster again.

But it didn't seem to realize that this time Nancy seemed to be slightly different from before again.


Shaking his head violently, Nancy's eyes looked exceptionally clear, without the kind of coldness that felt like it was before.

"What a bad feeling..."

Obviously, Nancy herself knew exactly what was going on. . But she seemed inevitable.

Yes, in the fairy tale world, either black or white. Although there are gray areas, most are black and white.

And in the fairy tale world, many things simply cannot be explained by science. . No, to be more precise, even in the eyes of magic, it is very unmagical.

It was eroded by darkness. . It is a very magical specialty in the fairy tale world.

When you do not have justice in mind, you will embrace evil and fall into darkness.

Nancy does not know where the so-called erosion comes from, but this sentence is not wrong. In the fairy tale world, if you are not a good person, then you must be a bad person.

Because even those civilians who serve as background boards. . They are actually good people.

Most of the villagers are kind, lovely, and optimistic. In other words, they are not neutral, but are born with kindness.

Guys like tax officials are inherently evil.

This black and white is almost very distinct.

So Nancy, who was born in the fairy tale world and is a relatively well-known little fairy, is naturally no exception.

Fairies, little fairies, most of them are good people, but what is Nancy? . She doesn't think she counts because of what she has done in other worlds.

But seriously, the position of black and white is absolutely vague. She doesn't think she is a bad person, because everything she does has a cause. Although some places may be excessive, it is not purely bad.

What's more, there is absolute justice and evil in this world.

But there is in the fairy tale world.

So there is no doubt that Nancy began to be eroded by evil.

Don’t think that little fairies can be spared, because even if Nancy is not counted, there are many little fairies or fairies in history who have fallen into darkness and embraced the existence of evil.

And the little fairies deserve to be a unit of natural kindness. Even though they know that Nancy is falling to the darkness a little bit, they have not rejected Nancy, nor have they given up Nancy, but helped her.

Every time Nancy returns to the fairy tale world, she will be blessed by other little fairies and help in various other ways.

But even so, it seems more and more difficult each time to break away from the so-called dark control.

And slide down the darkness. . It has become more and more clear.

Nancy doesn't know what the so-called darkness is. There are not many people in the fairy tale world. Even she didn't find a possible prototype in the so-called plot of TV or TV series.

So she did not know how to solve this problem at all. . For now, she can only pray for good luck.

. . .

On the other hand, Will and the unknown angel have started a formal fight.



At this time Will will swell a whole circle than a few minutes ago.

If Will had taken the slim and delicate route of fresh meat before, then this is the route of the muscular sportsman. . The angels on the opposite side are similar.


Will once again punched the angel. . Then the bones were retracted without leaving any traces.

Yes, if you don’t watch Will often fight with angels, the angel’s strange power even punches the bones out of the flesh, exposing the stubble of the forest, the battle between the two is still very ornamental.

There are not many exquisite moves in this angel's battle. It wants to kill Will, and he pursues the most lethal attacks. There are no extra moves. Every move is fatal to Will. . Well, from the usual fatal parts.

In the same way, Will's fighting style is actually biased towards the stubborn, because he is a policeman.

Police fighting. . It’s not that magical, and Will actually tends to favor the style that is often shown in movies, that is, you punch me and kick you, and you stop me from playing like that.

Focus on strength, not so-called bells and whistles.

Will likes this style very much, but he couldn't do it originally, because his size is not enough, so no matter how great the strength is. . It is also impossible for a heavyweight player of 100 kg to suppress a player of 300 kg.

Although the original Will was not thin, it was not considered muscle.

Therefore, most of his fighting classes in the school are still similar to taekwondo and jujitsu.

But it doesn't matter now.

The deformer's ability gives him a natural advantage. . No matter how much weight he wants and how big the system is, for him now, it is just a matter of moments.

So now there is a situation where two strong men are fighting each other.

In fact, if it weren't for Will, he was wearing ordinary clothes, not Captain America's uniform. . Otherwise, he carrying a shield now looks like Captain America.

Fighting style, size, shield behind. . As well as the enemy.

After all, the villains mostly follow the principle that they only deal with superheroes who are good at the same field as they are. Just like there will be no trouble for the wizard to find Captain America, the same fighters are the ones who find Captain America. . For example, a hidden fan, a bone, etc.

but. . Although Will looks evenly against the angelic power on the opposite side, but it just looks.

His strength is not as strong as the other.

Now he can be sure that the other party is not an angel from his world, that is, the angels of the Cassidio series. Similarly, this so-called angel blade may be fake, of course, it may be true, but whether it is Both true and false are useless to the other party.

Because the other party is not the kind of angel that can only be killed by the blade of the angel, the blade of the angel cannot kill it naturally.

This thing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ should be a specialty of the new human side.

Yes, so far, the Origin Conference, or Mianlong, they have met a lot of angels, including the newly joined Will.

A lot of information about these angels was collected in the origin meeting.

They are not well known by Will. . Angels from the Cassidio group are another group of angels from the same group.

It is not yet clear where they come from, and whether there are any movie or TV drama worlds where they come from, but one of the properties they show is what Will now faces.

Strength, speed. . Far beyond the limits of humanity.

Among these angels, there is also a gap in their own power. It may be because of the so-called angel levels. The slightly weaker angels are like half or a few Captain America, just ordinary super powers.

But a powerful angel. . Power, just power, seems to be comparable to gods.

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