High Magic Earth

Chapter 1724: On the way to fox riding

Those extremely powerful angels can even break the plates on the earth. . This terrifying power has exceeded the definition of supernatural in the general sense.

Although there are not many people who can fight against them, they are definitely not many.

And for human beings, this can already be said to be the degree of irresistible natural disasters, even in ancient times. . This is the power of annihilation.

Otherwise, why angels are also called gods.


Another punch came right together, and the turbulent air wave even made Will take a few steps back.

The power of this monster angel is amazing. . The strength of the two punches does not let Will numb his arms, his hand bones were even directly cracked, his arms were broken, and the stubble of Sensen’s bones even stabbed out from under his skin, making it very special. Feeling numb.

Its power is too great.

Will knows that his strength limit is tonnage. This monster angel can repel himself and take the upper hand. Even the spare power of each attack can shatter and crack his bones, which is obviously tonnage.

And still far exceeds its own tonnage level.

Although these angels mixed with the new humans seem to be strong, with wings flying in the air, and powerful, they seem to be able to destroy everything. . It's like the Divine Soldier.

But the number of really powerful ones is still not much. Most of them are of the level of the combat power of four or five Captain America units. For some ordinary superheroes, it is definitely crushed, but it also encounters a truly high-level existence. . They are no different from cannon fodder

For example, Professor X, Magneto, Black Phoenix, Tyrant, and even Thor. .

But this level exists, even if there are not many super-British worlds flying in the parallel world, or there are always so few people of this level in each world, and there will be few changes, even if there are , It’s just like changing people instead of status. . Like a heritage.

However, for free people who are generally low-ranked, that is, those with low combat effectiveness, such angels are completely sufficient.

The combat effectiveness of free men is generally not strong.

The Origin Conference is the largest organization among free wizards. Although it has always been secret, it does not mean that they have never been active.

They just do not reveal their identity, the existence of the origin conference, nor the fact that they all belong to the same organization.

In fact, the Origin Conference is more active than most free people on the mysterious side.

More than those idle wizard groups, more than spontaneously gathered vampire families, werewolf tribes, and other magical creatures holding groups to warm up.

Because the people in the origin meeting are very strong, even if they are not the top ones, they are more than ordinary wizards, vampire werewolves, or other strange magical creatures.

Secondly, the Origin Conference also holds the means of free access to the world.

Yes, this is the most critical point.

Although Taman, who has a very high concentration of back-time bird blood, has certain limitations to travel through the world on his own, but still has to leave other ordinary free people behind him.

You have to know that other free people do not have any means to control the shuttles in different worlds. They can only passively wait for the world from the source. . That is the call of the golden hourglass.

The gap between the autonomous shuttle world and the passive shuttle world is obvious. This is huge, and it can even be said to be completely different.

For example, Yi Biao, who has a shadow space door, although he can't say that his strength has soared, is also different from the ordinary free man.

There is also the Origin Conference. Although they may be much worse than Yi Huo, they also have to move other free people far. . All left behind.

This kind of situation like a small stove is of course unfair, but there is never fair in the world, not only because luck is also part of the strength, but also more. . Since this can be done, whether it is a trick or a shuttle to other worlds by strength, it naturally means more potential.

Occupying more resources and self-sufficiency is a step ahead. It seems reasonable.

and so. . The Origin Conference is definitely active in the group of free people, and it has not been exposed so far, and it is indeed well hidden.

Although their number is still very small compared to the many parallel worlds, it is already a large organization in the group of free people.

Similarly, their intelligence network is the most comprehensive.

According to the intelligence gathered by the origin meeting, most of the new humans have low combat power. Although they can easily obtain supernatural power, they are at the lowest level.

The mutated power is inherently extremely uncontrollable. Even if I have watched many movies and TV series, I am afraid that even they themselves do not know how to promote this power.

Even knowing whether to have the courage to try is still a question, the most important. . Even if you try it, I am afraid it may not succeed or improve.

Otherwise why is it called uncontrollable?

Of course, there are indeed very lucky guys, who have awakened extremely powerful mutation forces from the beginning, or the kind with extremely high growth.

But such a chance. . It is even rarer than the level of Professor X.

This random awakening as if looking at the face seems to be equally unfair, and indeed it is, it is not fair in the world, no matter where it is.

but. . Sometimes things can't just look at appearances. Under the so-called unfairness, maybe it's not an arrangement of fate.

After all, there are reasons for results, and everything in the world has a reason.

Will learned from the conference that most of the free people now play the role of the little ones in the plot world, like a background board for onlookers, or even data that only exists in the text.

Even if most people don't mention joining the ranks of the protagonist, it is difficult to find the protagonist by connecting them.

In general. . They are like low-profile super heroes.

It's not a cool superhero movie, cool fighting scenes and abilities. Most of the time, they can only show off on a few small things.

It's like a sitcom with slightly supernatural elements.

It is more about the handling of interpersonal relationships, life and daily life than fighting and conspiracy.

There must be factors of instability among them, but more is to strive for stability. Westerners’ ideas are very different from those of the eastern countries. There are very few people who call on me to let me go. . Most people like to live their lives in peace.

Of course, it is not without it, and if their S2 is really a S2, they must make things as big as the world.

So it’s not that there are no restless factors, but most of these guys don’t start to become restless after gaining power, but before gaining power, they are themselves restless, such as street gangsters or non-influential gangsters. What.

Just like Toby.

Similarly, the new humans are not without powerful guys, but they are few in number, and they are very similar to the way the origin conference exists. They also spontaneously gathered together and held groups to keep warm.

There are many such small organizations among the new human beings. Of course, the largest should be the research institute. Most of the new humans have joined it passively or actively, leaving only a small part of them still idle.

For countless parallel worlds and outsiders, the number of free people does not seem to be large, and even the spray can not be splashed into the world.

Even if it wasn’t for the origin meeting to deliberately find their troubles, as Will knows, the companions in the meeting never met the free man of the new mankind several times.

The situation is purely coincidental.

but. . If you are in the circle, the number of free people is still quite large.

Fortunately, most of them are cannon fodder levels.

This is the case with the new humans, and the free men belonging to the mysterious side wizard are similar.

In fact, if you are not a member of the Origin Conference, and you do not have the ability to move around the world autonomously, and you can only passively wait for the source world to call, I am afraid that the best situation is probably at the level of Professor Hogwarts.

As for other mysterious professions that are not wizards, they are probably at the same level.

Because the existence of the source world is not long, and the time of calling is also very random. About half a year, it is not impossible to experience the source world only once or twice.

Unprepared first crossing, prepared but unable to choose the second crossing.

There must be some gains, but I am afraid not much.

Well, the free people belonging to the mysterious realm are probably not in a good situation.

So in the face of angels of this combat power level, they can already form a crush. . Of course, Will is definitely not within the scope of being crushed.

He definitely belongs to the top level in the fighting power of the free man. If it is replaced by a new human being, even if it can't beat Thor or Hulk, it is definitely not a background board like cannon fodder.

Captain America in several units. . There are still.

In the face of ordinary angels, Will is not an opponent, but it is obvious that the angel opposite is also a high-level existence among the angels.

It is prepared, and it is directed at itself.

This. . That's what Will worried about.

Since it was prepared, would only one angel appear.

And even if this matter is not mentioned, continue to entangle, the security forces that are about to arrive, will also be very troublesome for Will.

"Damn it."

Will stepped back again under the strange power of the angel and couldn't help complaining.

"How did they return?"

It's been three or four minutes since he called from the phone. Now they have magical rush, and even if they encounter strange situations, they should come over.

So far, let alone Toby, not even Lito and Nancy appeared.

Even Will wondered if the mission had indeed been a problem, and they were stopped by some angel.

Just like before. . Are you ready?


"Here, here!"

The shouts not far away are getting closer and closer, accompanied by intensive footsteps. Obviously the security forces have been locked here. His fight with the angels is not too loud, but it is not a hidden area here. It was found to be normal.

Will pouted.

He felt that things seemed to be getting worse.

Although it is not irreversible, just. . Do you really want to use that thing?

Seriously, he really doesn't like to have another creature that is always on his body and often talks to himself. . Still so nagging.

. . .

On the other hand, Lito finally removed Wei Li hanging from himself.

The two stood opposite each other, both Lito and Willie had some breathing, and it seemed that they had not recovered from the sudden impulse.

After a while, Lito suddenly questioned.

"What's wrong with us?"

"I do not know."

Wei Li's tone was very relaxed, and she could even hear a touch of joy. She shrugged very freely, and most of her attention was on Lito.

But not interested in Lito itself, but interested in the big guy hidden in his body.

"I do not know either.."

Lito murmured.

He has always been an impulsive player, everything goes with the feeling, but this time. . He didn't seem to feel anything.

"Nothing to think about."

Willie's tone is still very relaxed.

"Just do what you want."

"So... are you human? Or something else."

Lito suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

"Can't you just ask such questions at this time."

It's really amazing.

As an impulsive feeling player, Lito naturally values ​​romance. Seriously, he feels that the atmosphere before is quite romantic. Of course, there is only such a loss, a loss of romance.

But as soon as Willie spoke, nothing was lost.

"I'm just curious."

Wei Li argued innocently.

"Occupational habits."

Lito also calmed down from the impulse, he grabbed Willie and set aside, then said angrily.

"We don't seem to be so familiar yet."

Passionate people always have ruthless places, just like Toby. . He follows everything with feelings, and it is possible that somehow he will love vigorously, but again, he doesn’t feel how ruthless he abandons anything.

Because the feeling is gone, so it should be.

So he could say this to Willie very coldly.

It is true indifference ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and not a gesture.

"You saved my life."

"Are we not familiar yet?"

Look at the familiar. . Or, apparently with ulterior motives, Lito was a little helpless, but suddenly felt that it seemed to be good, so his attitude eased a little, and said again.

"In fact, Dr. Wembley."

"I'm happy to explain it all for you."

"But now I'm in a hurry."

"It's ok."

Wei Li seemed very understanding.

Just at Lito thought she would wait for you in the next sentence. . Of course, when Lito was definitely not coming back, Wei Li suddenly said again.

"Bring me."

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