High Magic Earth

Chapter 1725: This is probably cp

It seemed that to show her determination, she immediately reached out to grab Lito's clothes.

Lito sniffed.

Of course, he has countless ways to get rid of Willie, but I don’t know why, and when it comes to his mouth, he suddenly can’t say it.

As a feeling player, since I feel that I shouldn’t say it, I don’t say it.

If you think you can't refuse, then don't refuse.


Lito shrugged.

"But I will not guarantee your safety."

I have to say that Lito is really similar to Willie. . Or it is appropriate.

Because most people hear Lito's words, even if they don't fight back, they will be somewhat hesitant, but Wei Li doesn't.

She is almost as impulsive as Lito.

Faced with what she wanted to do, her instinct told her what to do. She didn't hesitate at all, and she acted more than she thought, and she made a decision directly.

"of course."

She said.

By the way, I stepped back a few steps.

Lito looked at her inexplicably.

In fact, Lito already thinks that the so-called iceberg cold beauty Dr. Willie Wembley may be a guy who feels better than himself. . Even neurotic.

It's probably not surprising what she did, what decision she made, what she said.

But now he still doesn't seem to understand what she is doing.

Then the next moment, he heard Willie seem to take it for granted.

"Aren't you in a hurry."

"I think four feet are faster than two feet."

"By the way, you still have wings, can you fly? But I think your wings seem to be a little...can't drive your body like this at all."

"The ratio of wings to body must be at least one..."


Lito quickly interrupted Willie who seemed to have entered the academic field.

No matter which scientist, they have a problem, and this problem is the same, that is, once entered the state can not stop, chatter. . Know that the skill reading was interrupted.

Lito didn't want to hear these things, he couldn't understand them either.

"I don't want to be a sphinx to hurry up."

Lito took a deep breath suddenly.

He knew exactly what Willie meant. . What did she want to say.

Indeed, Sphinx is four feet, and four feet must run faster than two legs, but he is not a dog and does not want to go this way.

But I don't know why, but Lito felt that he couldn't say it.

So he took a deep breath and said to Willie again.

"Stay further."

Wei Li was very obedient, even a little excited, and she ran a dozen steps back again. . But she suddenly turned her head and asked.

"You don't want to throw me away."

"I won't disappear as soon as I turn around."

Lito rolled his eyes.

"You just looked back."

"And do I need to be so troublesome to get rid of it?"

Wei Li shrugged innocently.

"But you were overtaken by me before."

Lito rolled his eyes again. He thought it was really annoying to talk to this guy, so he decided to be too lazy to continue to ignore this guy.

"You know I'm in a hurry."

"So now, stop talking nonsense."

Willie nodded cleverly and flashed aside.

Lito leaned down slightly. . Then in an instant, his body and volume began to stretch, enlarge, expand, and completed an inflatable transition in just a few seconds.

Then Lito shook his body, relieved.

Transforming is actually a very magical experience. This is not just a change in volume, including height and weight, even vision and strength.

It was a whole-hearted change.

Soul and body. . The two are indispensable to form a creature, and there is no saying that the soul is more important, so when the volume changes, even if the impact is very subtle to Lito, it is still subtle, but it still has an impact.

The simplest, after Lito becomes Sphinx, the fragile ground that humans could easily walk on, Sphinx cannot step on it.

Lito needs to take the initiative to reverse his mentality. He is no longer a human, but Sphinx.

But how to say that the person is Lito, Sphinx is also Lito, so it is not so difficult to change, but some guys who have changed due to unexpected factors. . That may not be so easy.

In just a moment, Lito readjusted to his new volume, and he was startled when he turned his head to look.

"..what are you doing!"

Lito subconsciously lowered his voice.

He speaks in a human state, but Sphinx, his voice is very loud. In fact, Sphinx, as a creature that likes to communicate with humans, his voice is already soft.

But even so, it is still huge in human hearing.

Not to mention. . Sleeping dragon, it is a giant dragon.

Lowering his voice has become Lito's instinct, he doesn't want to cause any other trouble because of his voice.

But apparently Willie didn't realize Lito's good intentions, or didn't care if she realized it, because all of her attention was focused on Lito at this time.

Willie was squatting beside Lito.

There was still a distance from here, she didn't know when she suddenly slipped over. . It may be the moment Lito becomes Sphinx.

Willie squatted there, staring at Lito, or Sphinx.

"How beautiful..."

"It's amazing."

"how did you do it."

She looked up and sighed very naturally. . It didn't seem to see Lito staring at her.

Fortunately. . Wei Li is not really an idiot.

After Lito stared at her for four or five seconds, she finally touched her nose.

"Sorry, sorry."

"I'm so curious."

Lito glared at her again.

"Come up."

He said angrily.

As he spoke, Lito squatted halfway down.

Most doctors are vulnerable. . And those researchers in the laboratory, but who can wear a white coat and drive a scooter, and Willie who is only catching up with Lito is obviously not in the list.

You know, she sent several mischievous people to the hospital.

It may not be easy for a normal researcher or doctor to climb up Sphinx's huge body, but for Willie. .


Seeing Lito squat down halfway, Willie grabbed his plush hair unkindly, then kicked her feet, and turned directly onto Sphinx's back.

. . Her movements were so skillful that Lito couldn't help but grin.

Of course, Wei Li didn't notice it, because she was silently releasing the few hairs she pulled down into the specimen bag she carried with her and carefully kept it. . Obviously ready to go back to study.

Lito stood up and walked slowly a few steps, allowing Willie to adapt as quickly as possible, to find a sense of balance, so as not to fall off his back.

But after walking a few steps, Lito couldn't help asking.

"Have you ever ridden a horse?"

He still had a grudge about Willie's skillful movements. . This is not something that can be explained by a passion for sports or fitness, nor can it be explained by a talent.

Riding a horse sounds easy, but it is not simple.

And even if Sphinx is in a sense, its back curve is very similar to a horse, but it is not so easy to flip up.

But Wei Li's answer again seemed somewhat reasonable.

"of course."

She said.

"My grandfather has a large ranch in the Scottish highlands."

So he only drove a few minutes of the horse while filming the TV series, and Lito, who was provisionally guided for ten minutes, immediately closed his mouth.

Damn it. . Why he has entered the supernatural world, still can not avoid being ridiculed by the local tyrants.

As a fellow in Hollywood, Lito has the characteristics that other Hollywood people have, for example. . Not famous, and no money.

Don't expect how rich he is not a big star.

"Sit firmly."

Lito didn't want to communicate with Willie anymore, because he was worried that this guy would stimulate himself intentionally or unintentionally. . That feels really uncomfortable.

Then in the next moment, Lito had galloped away.

Of course, during this period, it is necessary to ensure that Willie does not fall down. Although this probability is not large, the human body is too fragile. It does not matter if Sphinx bumps, but Willie. .

So it is better to be careful.

In fact, although Lito complained that he was not a dog, don't always think of Sphinx in a dog-like way. . But, in a sense, he is almost the same.

. . .

Lito. . Ah no, Willie was on her way on Sphinx.

On the other hand, Foxfire also quickly approached the battlefield under Nancy's drive, but Will, who was in the battlefield, already felt that he could not support it.

The security forces are quickly enclosing here, and according to Will's observation and analysis of personal experience, they will completely surround the place for up to about five minutes.

The angel in front of him was not afraid of death. . But he didn't want to get stuck here, so it's hard to make it, really want to use that thing?


The angel smashed it with another blow.

It doesn't matter what Will's mental activity is. . In its eyes, Will is its goal, and only this mission goal.

The heavy fist broke the wall, and by the way, the anti-theft floor glass of the laboratory beside the wall was also penetrated, and the fragments of the glass were scattered all over the place.

Will stepped back a few steps.

His strength is not as strong as that of the angel, but most other places are half a catty, such as speed, fighting skills and even regeneration level.

He didn't fall behind too much, but it also meant that he couldn't get rid of the opponent easily.

So this is the situation now.

He was entangled here, fighting head-on, but it was difficult to get any benefits.



The angel was chased with two fierce punches again.

It only has Will in its eyes, so it doesn't care about or care about everything else, and even if it hears the sound of the surrounding security forces surrounding it, it has no response.


"Found him!"

"I saw him!"

"and many more.."

"Be careful!"

"The situation has changed, the goal...not right."

Will heard the voice of the security forces.

They are even in the corridor a few meters away.


Will's face finally became gloomy. He slammed into the angel again, ignoring the cracked bones, and threw himself directly to hug the angel, then slammed it sideways.


A large area of ​​vacancy appeared on the other side of the bulletproof glass that was cracked on the other side. Naturally, it was impossible to be as strong as originally. When Will held the angel and slammed it, it was scattered directly over a large area, accompanied by the screaming. As the glass fell, Will and Angel rolled into the laboratory.


He ate the angel's punch hard again in the face, and Will's half of his face was deformed, but he also took the opportunity to get rid of the angel's entanglement and kicked it out.

In the next moment, Will quickly flew again and kicked directly to the test bed next to it.


Nearly five meters long, a test bed weighing a few hundred pounds flew in response to the sound, and with a roar, flew directly out of the glass where Will fell into.


After surpassing the distance of a few meters, it landed heavily again.

Although only a few seconds, but during the flight of the test bed, Will's deformed face has returned to its original state.

In the same way, the test rig whizzing out with great power instantly blocked the momentum of the security forces that were originally about to rush in.

No one has the confidence to resist this thing. . If such a heavy test stand falls, once it is hit, I am afraid that it is not a death but a serious injury.


The angel was bored again with a punch.

Lito's hard-to-recover face changed its shape again. . But now he can fight back.


In the next moment, Lito also waved out with a frank punch.

His fighting skills with the angels were half a catty, both of which were straight-forward tough guys, unable to take precautions. The angel was also beaten by Will, staggering two steps and almost falling to the ground.

Fortunately, it leaned against an experimental table.

Seeing this scene, Will also slightly adjusted his position without leaving any traces, stepped sideways, and stood in front of the huge laboratory glass gap where the two rolled in.

Sure enough, at the next moment, the angel who stood up again saw the experiment table next to him, and he didn't hesitate much, so he grabbed it directly.


Will murmured to himself.

The test bench with a weight of several hundred pounds was raised overhead by the opposite angel~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just like in its hands, this thing doesn't seem to have any weight at all.

Underneath the huge test bed is a thin human body, which makes them look extremely uncoordinated.

But fortunately Will doesn't need to watch for too long.

Because in the next moment, the angel had grabbed the test rig in his hand, with a roaring wind, and then suddenly threw it at Will.

Of course, Will was naturally prepared.

The moment he saw the angel let go, he suddenly lowered his head, threw himself forward, and then rolled over on the spot.


The roaring wind blew past, and the heavy test bed almost wiped Will's head and flew past. . But in the end, he didn't touch him, but like the test bed that Will kicked out, he flew out of the gap again with terrifying power.

Suddenly, Will can clearly feel that the momentum of the security forces outside has once again blocked.

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