High Magic Earth

Chapter 1726: Indecision. .

What is needed is this effect.

At the last minute, Will was really not prepared to use the last resort.

First of all, he didn't like that thing very much. Out of sync is one aspect, another. . Will is a very decent policeman, okay, although he may not be an absolutely good person, not an orderly and kind camp, but at least a neutral and kind position.

As for that thing. . Well, he is not a chaotic evil, but it is definitely not a lawful evil, but no matter whether it is evil or neutral, Will does not want to be combined with it.

And there is not much break-in between them at all. Soon, Mianlong has just got it, and it has not become the standard configuration of the origin meeting like the badge logo.

That is the mission, Mian Long gave him one before leaving.

With Will's resistance, he certainly can't have any chance of running in.

So that thing really enhances combat effectiveness, but how much can it increase without the slightest tacit understanding and cooperation. . It's actually a problem.

Most importantly, it is not without weaknesses.

That thing is very strong, but the weakness is equally fatal.

. . Although Mian Long talked about the make-up plan, after Will heard it, she didn't think it was reliable.

It hasn't been tested and checked yet.

In addition to these, the most important thing is actually still. . Willn't we lose face?

It was the first time that it was still such a task that didn’t sound too difficult. He made it as he is now, and even needed to use that thing. .

Will himself felt that he should give himself a disqualification.

So let's leave it first.

But since he didn't use the last resort, Will wanted to continue entangled with the strange angel on the opposite side. . Unless he really turns into Captain America, he can't force a 50-50.

Then you can only use some small means.

The good news is that reinforcements have 30 seconds to arrive at the scene. . probably.

Will doesn't know what Nancy and Lito have been delayed, and hasn't rushed over yet, but in fact the whole time is not enough. The news has been sent to now, only a few minutes.

. . Hurry, they will always come over, it will be fast.

Well, what Will needs to do is very simple, as long as he delays a little, and delays the arrival of others.

Therefore, the first thing to do is to block the security forces.

The security forces have locked here and arrived, and evasion and escape are useless, so the only advantage left is that the members of the security forces are still not aware of the existence of angels, nor are fierce battles happening here.

That is, they do not know the form here.

The battle between Will and the angels does not seem to be fierce, but to the extent that the house is demolished, it is not easy for ordinary people to join in.

Of course, firearms and more fierce heavy firepower are certainly not resistable by Will and Angels, but the problem is that the attacks from the two of them are not affordable by ordinary people.

An angel's punch on Will would at most deform his face and fracture his bones, but if it fell on an ordinary person. . You can refer to the tragic image of the frontal collision of the big truck.

This is not an exaggeration, just like Superman can resist missiles, but it does not mean that missiles are useless.

Will is not superman though. . But the nature is similar.

So Will introduced the angel to the laboratory, and even if he was to be hit with a few punches, he had to bring it into the laboratory's bulletproof glass.

Because the test bed he threw out before was the way to stop it for a while.

Although he can avoid this thing, if Will cannot avoid it, the heavy test bench is a big threat even for him.

Not to mention the security forces composed of ordinary people.

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and even the table of the test rig was flying around, and the walls were falling everywhere, which definitely made their progress slow down. . Because it requires careful trial and error, we must always figure out the situation and then go on.

This gave Will a certain amount of breathing time, and only a little time was enough.

Of course, in addition to trying a wave first, it is possible. .

"Be careful!"

"The situation ahead is unknown!"

"Be alert!"

"Roger that!"


Will soon heard a series of shouts from outside.

The table directly thrown out by the angel did indeed have the desired effect. . It blocked the momentum of the security forces and began to become cautious.

And although most of the security forces are mercenaries or retired soldiers, they are no longer in the army.

They will not use gestures and silent signal communication like some special combat forces. Most of the time, they still use shouting or intercom.

Of course, it may also be because they have already determined that Will's goal will not be able to run at all.

Even if there is one more person now, Will does not know who is fighting, but they are still confident, after all, the entire security forces have surrounded here.

So it doesn't matter if Will hears their contact.

Similarly, although they did slow down the siege as Will expected, but at the same time. .


Will suddenly heard a leak.


Then in the next moment, he instinctively turned his head, and it turned out that the idiot angel across from him was utterly punished with a punch.

The fist wind almost wiped his face and drifted past, like a knife rain, leaving a series of blood marks on Will's cheek.

Seeing that he couldn't hit him, the angel was not discouraged, and he didn't give up. His shoulders sank slightly, rushing straight in the direction of one-handed fist, and slammed into Will's body.

The huge force exploded in an instant, directly slamming Will out.


Will flew out until he hit the back of the test bench before being intercepted. His waist was twisted back and twisted exaggeratedly, as if he had been cut off by his waist.


It took about two or three seconds to stick to the test stand, and Will slipped down from above, and then snapped to the ground.

His waist was indeed broken, and his lumbar spine was broken. This injury has not been saved for normal people. He was even used to paralyzing in bed for the rest of his life, but for Will. .


Lying on the ground, he suddenly twitched, his waist made a clear click, and then it seemed to have recovered, and he was about to try to get up.

But of course, the angel on the opposite side would certainly not let this good opportunity pass. It flickered and could not see clearly, so he came to Will's side instantly.

Another punch fell heavily, knocking Will who had not climbed up to the ground again.


The ground slabs were cracked, and the hard slate even showed large areas of cracks.

Will coughed up blood.


But before he could launch a counterattack, the next moment, the air leak next to him suddenly became louder, and then there were almost no signs, and a large number of pungent smoke emerged.


"Cough cough cough!"

Will coughed violently again, but this time it was not because of the injury, but because he smelled the gas with a severe pungent smell.

It was smoke bombs, or tear gas.

Tears in case of indecision. . Well, this is also regarded as the standard configuration of the intrusive attack. After perceiving that the internal situation has become uncontrollable, the security forces decisively decided to make the situation more chaotic.

Throw a smoke bomb.

"Cough! Cough!"


Will felt his head hit again. . He seemed to be a little confused.

Then before he could pull his head out of the ground pit, another blow came out. In the continuous blows, Will tilted his head hard and saw the angel brother next to him. Not affected by the tear gas at all. . He was holding his head in silence and struck the ground hard.

An angel is not a human after all, even if it looks like a human again, its structure is completely different.

With a curse, Will took a deep breath and slammed the ground.


Numerous **** suddenly appeared at the angel's feet. . It was changed from the ground, and the original slate was directly transformed into a ball by Will.

Even if the angelic power is extremely regenerative, it needs to follow the most basic physical laws, unless it is a slime that can stick to the ground without feet.

Unsurprisingly, the angel suddenly slipping under his feet lost his balance and immediately dumped to the side.

Although it thought of its wings in a flash, fanned and looked for balance, it still gave Will a chance.

An instant is enough.

Will rolls forward and rolls forward, while his face has already been restored during the rolling process. . And instead of restoring to the original repair, the gill-like filtering organs are formed on both sides of the mouth, and the breathing function of the nose is stopped, and the odorous gas in the air is filtered.

Rushing forward, Will is not like fighting an angel, what he needs to do is delay.

but. . The idea is good, but the fact is not so easy.

Because Will soon noticed the screaming wind behind him.

When he glanced sideways, Will scolded, and the **** angel behind came up, and the rolling smoke didn't affect it at all, nor was it disturbed by tear gas.

Will can only stand up against him again.

"Be alert!"

But just after Will and Angel collided two or three punches, that is, about five or six seconds later, he suddenly heard the sound of the security forces prompting each other and footsteps in the smoke.

The security forces began to explore. . They can't wait to follow in.

"Be careful!"

"The target is still fighting an unknown person."

Will's battle with angels is not audible to deaf people. . Members of the security forces were aware of this for the first time.

But they did seem to die too much, knowing that the situation here is dangerous, and still decided to rush in and intervene in the first time.

The members of the security forces were advancing quickly, and it was almost a few seconds before Will heard the footsteps. He felt as if a member of the security forces was passing by him carefully.

Obviously, they are equipped with filter masks, so they don’t have to worry about tear gas, but how to say it is just a security force. . So no one is equipped with infrared settings.

They still couldn't see the inside of the dense fog.

Otherwise, they don’t even need to explore it carefully, just shoot them at the infrared-locked target.


Will hands up and down. . Very skillfully chopped this unlucky egg on the back of his neck with a knife when passing by himself, making him pass out neatly.

Even at this time, Will would still be able to kill without killing.

But of course, because of the critical situation, he may also be anxious to start, and the degree of mastery is not so good. .

A click sounded crisply, probably the bone of the unlucky egg was misplaced?

But Will can be sure that he is not dead, Will will not make a mistake, but his bones may not be so lucky. . It is inevitable to lie in bed for a while.

"He's here!"

Then the next moment, Will suddenly heard the shout.

Will also has little visibility in the richness. In fact, it seems that he is not affected by the richness. Whether it is the angel of sight or smell, he has a greater advantage than him here.

But Will didn't need to defeat the angels. What he needed was to delay the security forces to completely surround it, and then launch a intensive shooting.

Unable to see the specific situation, Will really thought he was found after hearing such a cry.

Then he soon realized that he was not referring to himself.

It's an angel.

The security forces did not realize this, but soon they also realized it because. .


In the thick fog, muffled noise came.

"Be careful...that's not him..."

Along with the screaming screams, there was an instant chaos, and the screams and muffled sounds continued one after another, accompanied by bursts of gunfire.

Will frowned~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He will show mercy, but the angels will not.

Obviously, those people are dead. . Will didn't think anyone in the security forces could block the angel's power.

But they shouldn't be damn.

Although thinking this way, Will did not rush out immediately. . It is difficult for him to do anything, especially in the field of rich tear gas.

Secondly, he was entangled with the angel and could only let members of the security forces thump like moths.

Rather than this, it is better to divert the attention of the security forces, but also divert the attention of the angels. . Uh, well, it looks like it's no longer needed.

The angel did not have much interest in the security forces, or even any interest. Seeing that no one was in the way. . Because it was solved by it, the angel didn't need any action to attract attention, and directly locked Will not far away, and then went straight to him again.

It's like a terminator who only knows that he is fighting and is endless.

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