High Magic Earth

Chapter 1727: According to the laws of the film, the more spoilers will appear in the end


Although I really want to save these nasty guys in the security forces. . But Will couldn't make himself jump out and shout loudly to attract firepower, let them away from the more dangerous angels, and instead attack themselves.

Of course he couldn't do this. Will, who was trained as a regular policeman, was told that he was never a hero in this situation. . It's calling support.

In fact, Will did just that.

So now the best way is not to trap yourself, or force the security forces. . That's definitely useless. Will is still their goal now.

Instead, it directly attracted the angel's attention, and then continued to shovel with the angel, and gradually shifted the location where the battle broke out gradually away from this neighborhood.

Increase the distance from the security forces.

of course. . Will didn't expect much distance to be able to pull away, the security forces came to find them, and even if they were abandoned, they would not be allowed to escape.

Unless Taman is called directly to jump in time and space, or the angels forcefully leave with their wings open, they will be completely enclosed sooner or later.

But Will doesn't need to delay for long. The current time is calculated in minutes. It may be as long as one minute or even a few seconds. . The situation may be reversed immediately.

and so. .


Will turned sideways, avoiding the angel who rushed over like a giant truck. He gently stepped on the experimental table next to one foot, the bones of his legs were elongated, and his muscles became tighter. He instantly jumped out like a spring. Four meters away.

He didn't stay after falling down. His body seemed to have no bones or no need to consider the force of movement. He turned one hand suddenly for half a week, picked up a fire extinguisher from the ground, and threw it towards the angel.


The fierce angel brother waved the fire extinguisher directly with one hand, and his stomach burst through a crack, irregularly twisted into twofold like ninety degrees, and then snorted with white gas.

Will's movements suddenly took a slight pause. . It seems a little thoughtful.

Only the next moment, the angel brother had left the remains of the fire extinguisher hanging on his fist aside, and then rushed over again.

Will's cheek twitched.

Although he did want such an effect, it was so upright against this guy. . It also made him a little uncomfortable.

And most importantly, what is it going to do.

It is not surprising that angels appear here. They may not know the existence of the origin conference or what Will’s mission is this time, but now this group of new humans and angels. . The most important thing is that the angels must have mastered some technique to detect their existence.

Free people on the mysterious side can always be found by them, even in the real world.

What's more, the world of Jurassic World where Will is at this time is itself the home of the new human beings, and is the source world of the new human beings. It is normal for the angel to quickly detect the trace.

Want not to be found by them. . Unless they have been hiding in their own magical source world.

But obviously, this may only be possible with a few very special guys.

It's not strange that the angel found Will, but Will's strange thing is why such a guy who was half a catty to himself came to the door.

It cannot take itself away, and it is difficult for it to escape from it. . So the significance.

The only thing this guy can do is to hold himself down, so it has to delay time, and then, is it when the real conspiracy begins?

Will had to have such doubts.

Of course, Will also has his own support, such as Nancy and Lito, who are still on their way from Fox and Horse.

But I know what my family is. . Will is clearly aware of the level of these two people, and the Toby who added.

Ok. . Maybe he didn't really know Nancy.

But in Will's view, everyone is half a catty. Lito and he are both new human beings, and they are not the blood of magical creatures who are good at fighting.

Nancy's qualifications are much older than him. . But fairy? This thing does not sound like a battle direction, but is good at assisting.

The assistance may be scarce and useful, but at this time, it really can’t keep up with the combatants.

As for Toby, it was a real addition, even newer than Will, or the idiot newcomer who was pretentious and had little IQ.

Will doesn't think he can take advantage of both sides in aid.

Because a sentence is more morale-damaging. . The comprehensive combat effectiveness of the Origin Conference is actually not as high as the angels.

Although Will does not want to admit this.

Mianlong is indeed very strong, but they can't expect Mianlong from everything, not to mention, angels are not without high-end combat power. As the existence recorded in religion, the only advantage is that they can get a part of the angel's information very clearly.

Although it may be false or exaggerated, it is some intelligence after all.

The really collected information can divide angels into roughly several types. The first is the infinite power. Like the combat angels of the land combat units, they should be regarded as the main cannon fodder of the lower layer.

The higher-order angels may be the leader-level characters. They are no different from these cannon fodder angels. Even if they are not slightly more powerful, they have never thought of listing them separately.

Instead, he continued to draw among the cannon fodder angels.

The most important difference between them and ordinary cannon angels is of course not the height of combat effectiveness or wings, but a higher level of intelligence.

Fighting power is never a measure. . The leader-level angels are weak, while the cannon fodder-level angels also have a strong presence.

Just like the angel brother Will faces now.

What distinguishes them is wisdom.

Although the cannon foal angel has a human form, it is more like a beast, or even a robot. When he obey the command, he will never speak.

It even makes people think whether they will speak or not.

Angels like the leader level can speak, with clear ideas and almost no difference from normal humans, although they still don't like to talk.

But after all, they can communicate and communicate.

As for the higher order angels. . The origin meeting has only been seen once.

It is made of steel.

Although this description is a bit strange, it is indeed so. It is covered in a shell like steel armor, and it can’t even tell whether it is the armor or the original.

It really looks like a steel angel.

They are the most senior leaders of cannon fodder.

Of course, this refers to the angelic group that is mixed with the new human beings, rather than the angels scattered in different source worlds and with strange and strange abilities.

Although I have only seen one steel angel, through the collection of information, the origin conference can still conclude that this thing is not the only existence.

only. . So far, there have been mass-produced angels, which is nothing special.

But according to religious legends, those famous archangels or archangels all have their own identities.

In a sense, they are already regarded as gods.

Such as Gabriel, Michael and so on. .

Mianlong is indeed the high-end combat power of the Origin Conference, but the angels are not without it. Even if the records in religious legends may be exaggerated, there must be a certain prototype.

So in a sense, the origin conference is indeed not an opponent of the angels.

Of course, they are not unaware of this. . After all, what Will is doing now is not to enhance the overall strength of the Origin Conference.

So Will doesn't think that if he really wants to fight reinforcements, his helper can be comparable to the angels' reinforcements.

and so. . Getting out as soon as possible is the right choice.

But the problem is that at least one-half of the researchers and the main researchers with the title of professor and doctors have not been taken out. .

In fact, the machine can be replaced, and even if Will didn't get it this time, he might be able to get it at a high price in other worlds.

The key nature of the Jurassic world is gene recovery technology, not a machine with technological faults from other worlds.

But researcher. . No one can replace these researchers.

After all, technology is the key to the Jurassic world, and who owns the technology is in the hands of these guys. Even if you find a genetic expert in other worlds, I am afraid that you can’t fully reproduce the recovery of the Jurassic world. With hybridization techniques.

This is why Will has been reluctant to retreat.

He needs other people to come over and help him delay for a while. . For a period of time, he can forcibly take away the remaining researchers.

but. .


Brother Angel made a fierce punch on the wall next to Will's head, stones splashing, scattered wall skin splashing on Will's face even made him feel sore.

In fact Will may not realize that he is also a very difficult existence as a deformer.

Otherwise, if it is replaced by any other abilities that are relatively simple, or biased to the type of attacking members of the origin conference, I am afraid that it will be completely cool.

This kind of angel who does not seem to be afraid of death is far less easy to deal with than it seems.

Because its super power is doomed. . As long as it is a little careless, and it is rubbed by it, it will be the result of undead and serious injuries.


"Bang Bang Bang!"

The angel was silent.

It is not angry because it has been entangled with Will until now, and it seems that the attack has been losing successively. It is still chasing Will in silence, just like a programmed machine.

A series of heavy blows fell on the wall, and the angel's fist kept chasing Will's head and fell, almost denser than the wind and rain.

Will's movements are also very fast, and he doesn't even have any skills. He rolls against the wall like an attack chase that often appears in movies. . Almost every time the offense from the angel was avoided by him dangerously.


Heavy punches blasted away the walls, splashing large pieces of gravel.

Looking at an opportunity, Will followed the gravel cover and stepped directly on the angel's waist. . But the angel's feet plowed in the ground, just shaking, there was no tendency to move.

At the same time, there was no shaking angel backhand that wanted to grab Will, but he emptied directly.

Will had expected that he could not shake the angel so easily. He didn't intend to shake it, but used this power to continue to pull back a distance.

After a sudden kick, Will didn't continue to attack at all, and turned back to the distance.

By the time the angel wanted to catch someone, Will had retreated four or five meters, and the dexterity was like a monkey. . In fact, in order to make the distance easier, he even reduced his size.

Now he only looked more than a meter high. .

Brother Angel was still silent, but he rushed over again at a faster speed than before.

The man is still in the air, heavy punches have fallen with whistling.

And Will is also not in a hurry. When the angel rushed over, he had stretched his body again. The person was also in the air, but he had changed from a little thin person of more than one meter to a normal person close to one meter and nine.

It's still the muscular man who looks very muscular.


Carrying the angel's fist hard in the air, Will pulled back.

In fact, I haven’t known how many times such chases and escapes have passed. In the previous time, Will and the angel came like this. He was already skilled and could not be more skilled.

If this is a game. . He may be able to pass through with his eyes closed.

As long as you don't come to the trouble. .

"Da Da Da Da!"

The next moment, just before Will had landed, a series of explosions suddenly appeared.

The crisp gunshot suddenly appeared in Will's ear, and even he could feel the amazing heat rubbing against his scalp.

The training from the police made Will instantly recognize that this was a semi-automatic rifle firing. . It seems that the security forces are starting to move.


In less than half a second, Will felt again as if a fist hit him, and then he felt a half of the body numb, and then the pain suddenly appeared.

He was shot.

Fortunately, at the same time, the firing stopped. After all, it was not a submachine gun. It could not be swept for more than ten seconds. This shuttle bullet was already the limit.


Will fell from the air, and blood was scattered all over the ground.

Take a deep breath~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Numerous nerves began to transfer and deform in Will's body. . In just half a second, the pain disappeared.

Will used his transforming ability to temporarily block the pain.

After all, he was trained, and the moment Will landed was a roll, directly rolling behind a bunker he had just stared at.

It was an experimental table that overturned the past.

It can be used to temporarily avoid it for a while.

In fact, if the ordinary person is replaced in the position of Will, even if he is trained, it is impossible to react so quickly after landing.

Because I was afraid to die on the spot after counting a few shots. . What bunkers are you looking for.

But Will is a deformer, and it has no fatal weakness in itself. Even if the firearm can kill him, it will be difficult, even harsh.

At the same time, just after Will had just hid in the overturned laboratory table, the dense gunshots like raindrops quickly began to resound.

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