High Magic Earth

Chapter 1730: Burn my symbiosis!

"In the movie... that's not the case..."

Willie naturally saw this scene and said dumbly.

But after all, she is a guy with a clear brain circuit, and the next moment the conversation turns, the entire focus is biased.

"and many more."

"This is, this is... a movie?"

She pointed to the black circle in front of her and kept shaking, while the other hand was still holding Lito's arm. . She did not let go after Lito took her from the sky.

Wei Li's expression is not complete, and she does not know how to describe the scene she is seeing right now.

"I think you can understand what I mean, right."

"What exactly is going on."

"Everything in the movie is true? Or do I live in the movie world at all?"

"...How can I not remember that Captain America is really a man in history."

Lito didn't answer immediately.

Like Willie, he didn't know what to say. . Could this guy be told that her brain hole did not go wrong this time, and she was really the one in the movie.

It's just not the movie of the superhero series, but the movie of the Jurassic World series?

This world has comics for superheroes, Marvel, and even DC. . But there is no Jurassic series of movies.

Lito had specifically checked.

He didn't know how to explain it.

In fact, it is not difficult to explain this problem. Unless reading the memory of Deadpool directly like Professor X, most people in the box are not unable to accept that they are false.

Because the so-called false is itself a relative definition.

Even more idealistic. . Everything is impossible to prove true.

Some of the researchers collected from other worlds at the conference were also told these things long ago. Although they were a little surprised and a little weird, they were not really crazy.

not even one.

but. . This is really not the time to say this.

Because, like Wei Li said, this is not the case in the movie, so-called Wei Li has never seen. . Lito has never seen it.

"What is this."

He asked himself in his heart.

Sphinx's ability quickly responded to him. This question can be answered, but it takes ten minutes. . Seriously, this time is not long, but for now, it is meaningless.

"In fact...I think the movies we watch should be the same version."

"So, don't you know?"

Willie can always respond quickly to these strange questions!

Lito felt he was unable to vomit.

"Then I suggest we walk better."

"After all in the movie...ahhhhhh!"

Yes, in the movie, in the movie. . I don't want to hear these words in the movie anymore.

This time Lito didn't wait for Willie to finish. In order to prevent her from continuing to verbose, she picked up Willie directly, then turned and ran back.

Of course, there are more reasons. . Although the ability from Sphinx could not judge what this was in a short time, he quickly gave him the answer on another question.

Is it dangerous?


So Lito turned around and ran. . Although he also wanted to see what was going on, he really didn’t have to stay as a sphinx.

The same is true of using abilities to get answers after escaping from here.


Wei Li suddenly started screaming again.

Lito was puzzled.

Although this woman is unreliable, it is not a priority, and it is her head. . Isn't it surprising if you just run with her?

Is it. .

Sure enough, Lito heard Wei Li's exclamation again in the next moment.

"They came out...be careful!"

Wei Li's reminder was timely, because in the next moment, Lito also felt a fierce breath coming, the strong wind was very irritable, because the visitor had no intention of covering up his attack, this was not a sneak attack. . It was a raid, and even the sound of footsteps did not cover it at all.


Afraid of hurting Willie being carried, Lito's evasive action is stiff, not very large, so it seems a bit slow. . The unknown attack from behind almost slipped past his side, paddling on the wall next to it, making a series of sounds like metal collision.

It even met Mars.

Lito didn't dare to stay and took Willie back a few steps in a row, so that was the one who wanted to see it.

Because the opponent's speed is very fast, although Lito didn't run too far, but he was able to rush out of the portal and instantly catch up, which also means that the opponent is obviously not an ordinary human in speed.

So Lito had to be more cautious.

But when he saw what was coming from behind, who was responsible for the attack from the rear, he was stunned again.

"you are.."

Lito looked at the visitors with some hesitation.


His voice was a little uncertain, even very uncertain.

As for the Wei Li she was carrying, she was even more dumbfounded. . Although I don’t watch many movies, don’t try to deceive me.

Willie didn't like Benny's big face very much, but she was very good with Hugh Jackman's senses. . She feels that this type of man is a real man, very secure, even if she is in bed. .

Of course, Lito is definitely not such a type.

However, although he is not as stylish and masculine as Hugh Jackman, but he is not of the type of custard. Hispanic is born with a temperament, which is not as rough as Hugh Jackman.

As for why Willie would stick to him now. . Who knows.

The question of what a woman is thinking, never wants to understand.

Willie has a good sense for Hugh Jackman, and naturally has a deeper impression, but the guy in front of him. . Is it Wolverine?

Seriously, if Lito didn’t call it that, Willie couldn’t think of Wolverine at all, so this guy is really Wolverine?

Wolverine. . Or that the caller did not speak, even if he heard that Lito, who is theoretically an indigenous person in the world, uttered his name as a cross-world visitor, he was not surprised.

It just put away the offensive posture, then stood silently, staring at the two.

The reason he did this is also simple, because the portal is not over yet.

Yes, portal.

Although the portal that seemed to be Kama Taj later changed from Jin Cancan's high face value to black, a strange existence that no one can recognize, it is still a portal.

The black aperture hangs on the ground, and an invisible force spreads continuously with its appearance, even blowing away the dust on the ground.

But at this time, the leaping portal was no longer golden, but black lacquered, as if it were mud-like material, and there were constantly black spots that fell to the ground. . Then it evaporates and dissipates instantly.

Although it looks very strange, it can still be perceived as very unstable. . The black aperture couldn't stop shaking, and it even seemed to break at any time.

The person at the other end of the portal clearly realized this, and she grabbed the edge of the portal aperture with one hand and jumped out of it directly.

At the same time she appeared, the dark aperture suddenly began to shake extremely unstable. . Then it completely dissipated.

But it left two strangers.

And watching them both. . Lito can also confirm their identity completely.


He looked at the first one, who was still in front of him, whispered, his voice calm and very confident.


Then Lito's eyes fell on the man who appeared later. The woman, tall, had a helmet that was as sharp as a cat's ear, and looked like she had just passed high school, not long into adulthood.

If there is only one Wolverine, Lito may not dare to admit it, but as x23 appears, then the former must be Wolverine.

. . The reason seems to be unnecessary.

Wolverine, x23, x23, Wolverine, it's that simple.

Of course, whether it is Wolverine or x23, their characteristics are really too distinctive, even if they don't have the pair of steel claws, their appearance will not make people mistake.

Especially Wolverine, Hugh Jackman, even the research house of Willie.

But Lito didn't seem to recognize it, or dare not recognize it.

The reason is also very simple.

Because the Wolverine standing in front of the two Lito is not in the pure sense, or the one who is well known.

His appearance is a little different, very different.

He has a mask on his face, to be precise, a hood plus an eye mask. The two eye masks are exaggeratedly large, and they don’t look very fierce. Even if it is not his whole person, his steel claws are very fierce, this pair Wearing blindfolds will make him look funny.

In fact, if it were just that, then Lito would still recognize it at a glance.

This is Wolverine, the one in the comic, because this is exactly his signature dress in the comic.

Since it is necessary to go deep into the enemy's back and deal with the superheroes, Lito cannot fail to read the comics of those superheroes, so it is impossible to recognize them.

But the problem is. .

The two people in front of them are not simply dressed in the comics, because their bodies are covered with a layer of nearly the same material.

Black, and white and white matter.

. . venom?

Lito is still a little too dared to admit it.

The image of this thing is too classic, almost reminding him of the past in an instant. . But the question is why Wolverine and x23 have them. .

and many more.

Lito remembered that it really did. .

But this time, Wolverine, who has been silent since catching up with the two, suddenly spoke.

"who are you."

"Where is this?"

"Why don't I know you."

Very good, this has the style of Wolverine, the tone is concise and clear, and there is no trace of unnecessary nonsense.

But curiosity is something every Sphinx has, and it is the greatest desire.

"Are you a Wolverine?"

Lito also directly confirmed with the other party.

While the other party paused for a while, but also directly gave the answer.

"I am not Wolverine."

"I am... Venom Wolverine."

As his words fell, the x23 in the rear also came up.

The black surface is dotted with white stripes, and in addition, there are classic lacquer yellow stripes and patterns belonging to Wolverine.

Yes. . It seems that this is true.

They are, venom.

. . .

Will didn't notice the weirdness of the mouse in his hand.

But not long after he escaped the mouse, or even less than three seconds, he suddenly felt a very strange feeling.

Or, strange, and wonderful.

Something seems to be connected with him.

From his hands, it spread into his heart and touched his brain.


The little mouse in Will's hand made a small scream, and then suddenly disappeared, and in the next moment, a voice appeared suddenly in Will's ear.


"Are you my new host."

This sound sounds like a male human. . But it seems far rougher than humans, hoarse, with a lazy sense of fatigue, but it seems like a viper waiting for the opportunity, with a little deep cruelty hidden.

"Not a just defender of superheroes..."


The voice didn't wait for Will to answer, so he talked a lot, and at the end, it seemed to greet Will with some kind of malice and smile.

"So, hello... Will."

Will raised his eyebrows slightly.

The other party knew his name, maybe Mianlong told it in advance, or maybe it was. .

Seeming to be aware of Will's thought, the voice said nothing but laughed.


"The truth...ha?"

Will didn't understand what this guy was saying.


He tried to say hello.

"What a fragrance."

Will suddenly felt that blending this guy might be a mistake. . As soon as it merged, it began to say strange things that it could not understand.

Make sure they can communicate and communicate well.

"So, what should I call you."

But Will remained patient and continued to ask in his heart.


"You thought you knew."

A hoarse response came from the voice.

Will shrugged.

"I do know one."

"But you seem to be different from the one I knew in the movie."

Will originally wanted to satirize Venom, but never thought that Venom seemed to nod and agreed.


"It's really different."

Will twitched his lips.

"But... you are also called Venom."

"Don't want to tell me that you are all called venom. You are a symbiote. Since they are all venom, what's the difference between you?"

"Parallel universe."

Will felt as though he heard a trace of contempt in this hoarse voice.

"This concept is still discovered by you humans~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Are you a human being?"

Will twitched his lips.

"So good..."

"How many venoms are there?"

"I mean something like a parallel universe."

This time, that hoarse voice became more impatient.

"Why would I know this problem."

"Why do you think I will know this problem."

Its two consecutive rhetorical questions made Will's mouth almost cramp. . But he did realize that he seemed to have asked some stupid question.

. . And I don't know why, he seemed to speak to this guy as if he was demented, so to avoid this, he decided to shut up now.

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