High Magic Earth

Chapter 1731: It must be a fake

"Hey, don't throw anything on me."

This guy seemed to know what Will was thinking, shouting in dissatisfaction in his ear.

But in fact, the situation is as it is now, and it is impossible to not communicate. The current situation is of course very bad, otherwise Will will not call this suspected venom.

"You really hurt me."

The shouting of this guy still didn't stop.

. . and many more.

Will shook his hand, watching the little black substance follow him as a dog skin plaster. . No, it was more like jelly, and suddenly it felt like something was wrong.

"Don't dump it!"

"Damn it!"

"Tap! You bastard!"

Will was silent for a moment, and felt something was wrong.

"...Are we missing any steps."

He said.

The venom's loud murmurs and complaints in his ears stopped immediately. It seemed to be tasting something, and responded by sucking his mouth.

"It's a little less."

"That's really great."

Will rolled his eyes in his heart and complained.

"Now that you know... then start quickly."

"OK, OK."

Venom responded with no sincerity.

"Then let's see if it can match successfully."

Its hoarse voice always seemed to be disturbingly malicious. . Although it sounds a little funny, it is really hard to make people laugh.

Because this is a completely different voice from human beings, full of cruel and **** breath.

Will didn't care so much.

He is not an ordinary person who knows nothing, especially not the Marvel Indigenous who cannot see the Marvel comics, and suddenly encounters the possession of Venom. . Immediately was scared and screamed.

Even the little spider was terrified when it first encountered venom.

Secondly, as a deformer, Will cannot actually be counted as a human being. There are two things that can be scared when two non-human creatures are together.

But after hearing the murmur that Venom seemed to carelessly, Will quickly interrupted it.

"Etc., etc."

"What is the match."

"Why... success?"

Will's question surprised Venom.

"Did that person not tell you?"

"Which one."

Venom smiled hoarsely.

"The one who gave me to you."

Mianlong. . Mianlong didn't tell Will anything messy, he just put the venom directly in the stretch bag and gave it to Will.

But Will also remembered that venom did not seem to be worn by anyone. . No, anyone can possess it.

If they do not match each other, it will be dead.

It’s just a match question. . The problem does not seem to be great. Although Will is not clear about the nature of the source world, the Origin Conference has long seen some problems in the diverse capabilities of free people.

Their compatibility seems to be strong.

Will is not worried that Venom will not match himself.

And even if it doesn't match. . Seriously, the deformers are not so easy to die.

On that side, the venom is still chattering nonsense.

"Relax guys."

"I've seen more of you in this situation."

"Isn't your old boss asking you to die."

"It's no surprise that the partners are turning their backs, the husband and wife are killing each other, the old boss is framing... these things are too common in our lives."

"And you don't think a person who was framed by his old boss really matched up in the end. Is it a very familiar story."

"Many movies are unfolded like this."

"You are the protagonist, buddy."

"There is nothing to worry about."

"Then if it didn't succeed."

Will sneered and asked back.

"That's naturally cool."

Venom is still that hoarse and careless voice. . It revealed indifference to life and humanity.

"Okay, let's get started."

Will was too lazy to continue listening to the venom chatter, interrupted it, and said it bluntly.

"Ok, as you wish, man."

Venom smiled hoarsely twice, seeming to be wrapped in endless malice in peace.

Then the next moment, Will suddenly felt a cold feeling wrapped in his fist. . It was like being suddenly soaked in cold water.

Without waiting for his reaction, the cold spread quickly and entrenched his arm at a very fast speed, as if there was no end at all. There was only a small black mass of swelled quickly, directly He swallowed his entire arm, and then swallowed his shoulders and half of his body.

At the next moment, Will would only see the venom entrenched in half of his body spread out in the air, like a large black net.


The big net swooped down.

Will felt like he was swallowed up instantly. . Then his eyes were black, and he completely lost his vision.

. . .

monitoring room.

Dr. Wu is looking anxiously at the monitor screen.

Since Bakalim took his people away, Dr. Wu has completely lost his news. . He had no information about Bakalim at all.

Bakalim did not contact him, and he did not find Bakalim and others in the surveillance screen, it was as if he had evaporated from the sky.

What the hell.

Fortunately, the security forces are still rewarding. They have already found the target location and have been surrounded by them.

This point, Dr. Wu can see clearly through monitoring.

So he has been staring tightly at the screen. . The release of smoke bombs made him unclear about the situation at the scene. The light had been going on for three or four minutes, which made him extremely anxious.

But fortunately, the smoke bombs have gradually dispersed. If there is no accident, he should see that the security forces have completely removed the other party.

This unknown guy is very strong. . Far beyond the average human, but still not to the extent that it is unthinkable.

Although Dr. Wu would like to get this cherished material, he is not stupid. If the opponent really has the powerful fighting power of the Hulk, let alone mobilize the security forces to pursue, Dr. Wu must turn around and run.

But the other party did not reach this level.

Even the performance is not as good as Captain America in the movie.

His variation is amazing. His strength and speed are far beyond the limits of humans, but his combat effectiveness has not yet turned against the sky. Dr. Wu believes that there are so many security forces and so many guns. .

"...This, what is it."

But in the next moment, Dr. Wu stared at the screen with wide eyes, and said very slowly in a tone that was almost clenching his teeth.

"...See, ghost."

But Dr. Wu, who was staring at the screen, didn't notice. Just behind him, I suddenly didn't know when a golden portal popped up silently.

And just like the one Lito encountered.

The portal quickly changed from gold to black after just a few seconds. . It's like something stained with mud.

At the next moment, an angular, red and white hand, or claw, was stretched out.

It slowly grasped the edge of the portal as if it could really touch it, and then suddenly pulled it, pulling its body from the other side of the portal in an exaggerated motion.

It turned around and made a silence gesture to you.


Seeing that Dr. Wu didn't seem to find his own existence, this guy waved his hand to break up the portal, and then crept crept past.

Dr. Wu is still shocked there.

As the mist of the smoke bomb dissipated, the monitoring screen gradually became clear again. . He couldn't believe what he saw in his eyes.

"Damn it, **** it..."

"Is this thing really real?"

"Really that!?"

Dr. Wu is still a little unbelieving, or not too sure.

then. . The smoke bomb completely dispersed.

Looking at the thing exposed on the monitoring screen, Dr. Wu took a breath.



Dr. Wu: . .

Suddenly he felt something was wrong. Why did he take a breath of breath and there will be two inhalation sounds, which is an echo?

"Not an echo."

As Dr. Wu wondered, and was about to look back, there was an unpleasant voice suddenly behind him.

Cold and hoarse. . And dangerous.

"And, you guessed it."

"Bingo, right."

"But there is no reward."

Why is there a person behind me.

Dr. Wu shook his body, but before he could do anything, a cold samurai sword penetrated his chest. . It came out from the back of his heart.

"Goodbye little boy."

"May heaven have no villains."

The cold spread from Dr. Wu's chest to his whole body in an instant. . As an ordinary person, he has little chance or even a chance to resist.

As the cold continued to spread, Dr. Wu at first tried to struggle, whimpering what he wanted to say, but because the guy behind covered his mouth deadly and strangled his throat, he could not make a sound at all, or Struggling to get out.

quickly. . Dr. Wu was completely silent.

Then the next moment, when the guy let go, Dr. Wu slammed on the ground.


This guy took the samurai sword with a very skilled and fancy sword flower in his hand, and then directly received the place where the waist seemed to be the scabbard.

The reason seems to be. . That's because this thing grew up with this guy, not the external equipment, nor the clothes or dress.

And it is simply one.

"Of course one."

The strange guy made a shy expression with his chin resting, and said in a fussful tone.

"Not just the scabbard, but also the samurai sword."

"So they merged with me again."

As Dr. Wu's body fell, all the appearance of this guy finally appeared.

"Are you kidding me."

"You can't change the description method?"

"And seriously, the other one is still frozen in the ice cube... Did you forget?"

. . This strange guy grumbled and said a lot, but he didn't quite understand what he wanted to express.

Although this is English, but.


Then this strange guy uttered a series of swear words again enough to be silenced.

"Alright alright."

"I surrender."

He spread his hands and held them high above his head. . It is good to show all his appearance.

"Damn it."

He muttered a curse.

"You haven't given up yet."

"Don't describe it."

"I am a deadpool."

He pointed at himself. . Armor, or skin or something.

"Red White."

"My logo."

He pointed to his waist again.

"There are samurai swords."

"I am a deadpool."

"Charming Deadpool... Although I killed a Dr. Wu, you won't hate me for this."

"He's a villain."

"Seriously, I hated this guy when I watched the Jurassic. Why should I resurrect the dinosaur, he has such a level to directly resurrect Muto."

"and many more.."

"The guy who has been living in the background and talking shouldn't really go to Muto's trouble."

"...Forget it, it's my business."

"I'm just a deadpool. Everyone loves a deadpool."

The guy kicked Dr. Wu's body away with one foot or another, then whistled and turned away from the laboratory.

. . .

On the other hand, Will also slowly stood up from the ground.

As Mianlong said, it is very strong and very good. . Will never felt that he had been so good.

It should be true. . venom?


"Thank you Kuajia."

The hoarse voice of Venom suddenly echoed in Will's ear.

. . Except that it is annoying to say a word from time to time.


"You really hurt me."

. . When Will decided to take back the previous words, it was not unlike the venom he knew, but it was too similar, all of which were natural words.

Listening to the whispering complaints in his ear, Will knew this.

and. .

"I heard that Venom is a loser?"

"On the planet of your symbiosis.. You are not so good."

"Isn't it just like the good students who are often bullied in school, and it turns out that your study is not good."

Will suddenly issued a series of questions.

Venom's complaint stopped abruptly.

Then there was a silence.

Just when Will thought it would not respond, or even speak again, the venom suddenly threw a few words coldly.


"Look for beating."

Well, with the venom's tone still hoarse, cold, and full of cruelty, but Will can still hear the anger and anger.

It can even make up its appearance.

Then Will really laughed.

The venom suddenly ran away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ what a laugh! "

It roared loudly in Will's ear, spreading a part directly from him, outlining a head. . Then stared at Will violently.

"Your uncle Venom speak!"

But Will apparently ignored it, and the smile was bigger.


"I'm going to be angry!"

Venom became more and more angry. . It's like jumping and scolding.

But after all, it didn't do anything, such as throwing Will directly onto another wall, or hanging it on the ceiling.

Just keep yelling.

It's just like. . A Husky who has just learned to speak?

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