High Magic Earth

Chapter 1732: Take over, pickup. . Oh no


At the next moment, Will suddenly moved faster than his thoughts, and turned sideways as if blissfully furious. His huge fists clenched with one hand, like a siege cone. . Slashed hard to the side.


The fierce attack directly struck a sonic boom in the air, and then finally fell precisely on the angel.

"Bang!" "Bang Bang"

It's like an ordinary person being hit by a truck, these angel brothers who tried to sneak attack directly flew out, and broke several experimental tables, cabinets, or other various debris that stopped it, sending out bang bang bang The muffled noise finally clung tightly to the wall.

Will looked at its end. . That wall has been completely cracked.

The angel was hung on it, as if it was printed in the middle of the wall, and was directly stuck there.


Will retracted his fist.

At the same time, most of the black venom covered him also faded, revealing his arms and his face.

"It really is..."

Will whispered.

"Quite useful."

"No matter how quiet... I can hear it too."

Venom seemed to be very unwilling to intervene in the face or the time.

It was still smiling happily. . But this time, Will felt that even this hoarse voice sounded very intimate.

Because it is indeed very useful and strong.

Immediately strong.

"It seems that you feel..."

The venom attached to him spoke again.

"So, happy cooperation?"

But at this moment, Will was suddenly strangely silent.

venom:. . . ?

Although the venom looks idiot. . No, it's ridiculous, but it's not a low-level creature. Even if its racial symbiosis is not attached to human beings, or attached to any creatures, it is still a high-level creature that is not weaker than humans.

And thinking of Will's malicious joke just now, Venom is indeed not the strongest of their race.

Of course, it is not the bottom of Luther.

There are many stronger than it, massacre, madness, contempt, scream, and a lot weaker than it, reward, fear face, pork grind and so on.

But in any case, the symbiote is a big family, a race that is not weaker than humans.

. . So don't treat it as a low-level creature, or a mutant creature that can be easily eliminated.

They are difficult to entangle.

Also very smart.

But even the IQ of Venom is online at this time. . It also didn't understand what Will was thinking for a while.

Uh, he doesn't like to use his own power? Just kidding, Will doesn't think he's such a person in any way. Venom can feel it, but he doesn't reject him.

Worried about conspiracy?

. . Well, this is also a bit depressing to Venom. In fact, most people have more or less worry after getting themselves.

But this guy, um, not only this guy, even the guy before, seemed to have no worries when he caught himself.

They may have known themselves for a long time.

Symbiosis is not very famous. . But in fact it is quite well-known.

But even so, they should be worried because symbiota, as the name suggests, they are one with the host, and even more intimate.

In this case, if the symbiote is malicious, it is indeed difficult to prepare for it, because no matter how powerful a presence is, it is difficult to guard against oneself.

Symbiosis can grasp such weaknesses.

Of course, there are indeed some guys who do not need to worry about the symbiotic sympathy, so Venom is very depressed, why do they encounter two in a row.

But the problem now is that since he is not worried about his problems and does not exclude this power, he has nothing to hesitate.

It should have been a happy thing to find the host. . But Will's saltiness is not unpleasant, and Venom is very uncomfortable, and now hesitation makes it even more uncomfortable.

This guy is hesitating, is it because. .

"...Can you read my mind? My memory?"

. . Sure enough, human beings are such stupid creatures.


"It is one."

Venom said low in Will's ear.

"you are me."

"I am you."

"So can it or not."

But Will apparently didn't eat it, no matter how the venom played the atmosphere, he also slammed a word.

Although not visible. . But Will still felt that Venom seemed to be slacking off.

"Okay, no."

Venom said indifferently in a hoarse voice.

"I can't read your thoughts and ideas, but if you are thinking about me, or want to tell me this sentence, these thoughts tell me, then I can still see it."

Will nodded.

"So, how do you think about it."

Venom asked again.

After being silent for a while, Venom suddenly felt that the surrounding world seemed to become real and more vivid.

The next moment, he heard Will speak slowly.

"Happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation."

Venom grinned an invisible big mouth.

It's like swallowing everything.

. . .


Robert made a gesture, and the leading players behind him carefully moved closer to the smog zone in front of them.

Although it has firepower suppression. . But Robert is still not quite assured.

And in fact, as their encirclement continues to shrink, fire support from all directions has long since ceased.

If possible, Robert of course prefers to directly use firepower to smash the other party into a sieve, and then just go up to collect the corpse, there is no such troublesome things now.

But the problem is. . Here is the International Gene Technology Corporation, a high-tech gene company, specimens, living samples, etc. These things are most important to them.

From the first day of employment, Robert was always ready to capture living samples.

If he is still the former mercenary, then he has nothing to say, just kill the other party and collect his body. The mercenary really loves money. . If it wasn’t for money, who would come out and mix it, isn’t it all for money.

It's just that ordinary people are doing ordinary jobs and holding low income, while they are doing crazy things in the eyes of ordinary people and holding higher. . In fact, there is not much income.

But in fact, in addition to money, mercenaries value life more, because life is gone, and no amount of money is useless unless the money is left to family members.

So most of the time, they will take risks for money, but once the risks are not in proportion to the benefits, they would rather ask for less money and save their lives.

This is also the reason why most mercenaries have a bad reputation.

Now, obviously, it is the time when the benefits and risks are out of proportion, so Robert would rather kill the target directly and ask for less money, rather than take risks.

. . That's a monster.

But unfortunately, he is not a mercenary now, but the leader of the third emergency team of the security forces of the international gene technology company.

He can't command as he pleases.

At the very least, the overall goal of the International Gene Technology Corporation cannot be violated, from the order of Dr. Wu. . Catching each other alive.

Even if Robert is reluctant, he must have so much, because the international gene technology company gave him money, a lot of money, and a high salary.

With such a high salary, you must listen to the company's orders and do things for the company, otherwise you can't afford the money.

"Watch out!"

Robert reminded again.

If it is possible, he is really reluctant to venture close, but. .

Robert led the other eight team members carefully, approaching them from the left, northwest of the base.

In addition to them, there are three other teams. A total of four teams are moving closer to this area, enclosing it from all sides.

But even if there are close to forty companions around. . Robert was completely at ease.

Because, that is a monster.

Robert is responsible for the outer defense of the entire base this week. It is probably to pay attention to whether there are any dead dinosaurs in the wild dinosaur area who want to play the grid.

He was not in the first place.

By the time he drove over, Will would have been driving for nearly half an hour.

But the communication along the way. . He was also prepared for what he was about to face. Of course, Robert didn't believe it.

Normal people hear gene warriors for the first time in this era. . Nor will it be believed.

Robert's doubts and doubts still depend on his work in an international genetic technology company, and they have successfully recovered dinosaurs.

Then soon. . Well, after about ten minutes or so again, they finally locked their target and surrounded it. Then Robert also saw the target of this mission for the first time.

Code-name deformer.

There is no name, but as the name suggests, from his code name, he seems to be a guy who can be changed into the appearance of anyone else.

At the beginning, Robert was still curious what happened to him if he became a woman.

Because seriously, Robert was a bit disappointed when he saw Will. He didn't look any different from an ordinary human being, and he didn't see the peculiarity of the so-called genetically modified warrior.

really. . Just some kind of exaggeration?

Then, before Robert could firmly believe in this idea, the goal disappeared in everyone's eyes again. When they re-locked each other, the other party and another individual who seemed to be non-human creatures. . Fighted.

An entire laboratory has been destroyed by them.

As if it were a shredder, the buildings where the two went were destroyed, and in almost a few minutes, the laboratory here was demolished to pieces.

Then they shifted the battle position again.

Robert is thankful that thanks to the fact that this work area is not built underground, otherwise the best load-bearing device may not be able to withstand the toss of these two people.

. . Or these two non-human creatures.

This time Robert could be quite sure what Will was. . Whatever he is, he cannot be a pure human being.

Even if he looks similar to humans, it is impossible.

Because humans are not as destructive as he is.

Robert is also a person with several years of qualifications in the mercenary. Even if he is not an elite and a leader, his vision is never low.

He has never seen such a creature.

. . This is simply not a test item ran out of some super soldier serum experiments, so a secret project.

Because even if Robert may not have the opportunity to touch things of that level, as a mercenary, he must have heard of it more or less.

Nothing can be concealed, even if there is only a trace of wind, but Robert has never heard of such a place.

Even when Robert saw Will, he felt that the world was strange.

It is like the world of Chumen. After living for more than ten years, I suddenly discovered that everything around me is false and artificially fabricated.

Robert felt this way.

It's like he has lived most of his life. . I originally thought that comics are just comics, and movies are just movies. As a result, all kinds of mutated creatures and terrible monsters in movies and comics appeared in the real world.

. . That's it.

Of course, it may not be so exaggerated, but it definitely reshapes Robert's three views.

Fortunately, mercenaries are mercenaries after all, and their psychological qualities are stronger than ordinary people. They finally came out from the rain.

After the initial shock, Robert quickly thought of an extremely realistic problem.

In most movies and comics, guys like them, whether they are mercenaries or security personnel or soldiers in the laboratory, whether it is to capture the protagonist, villain, supporting role, or just a casual monster ran out of the laboratory.

The casualties also seemed to be very heavy.

They are the background boards to highlight how terrible these mutant creatures are. . Abandoning this useless cranky thinking, from the performance of the target and a glimpse of another non-human creature, Robert did not have any hope for the combat effectiveness of their security forces.

It can't be beaten.

Robert, who was carefully moving towards it at this time, had such a feeling, as if facing some kind of ferocious beast.

Dangerous and fatal reminded him all the time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ let the cold hair on his arm and back neck all stand up.

The last time he encountered this situation, it was when he encountered a leopard attack in a tropical jungle in Africa.

Two seconds before the stealth killer was about to throw him. . Robert felt this kind of heart-pounding feeling, as if the soul would feel away at any time.

Of course, he survived in the end, because he still had two teammates at the time. Under the same circumstances, the African Leopard would not attack a relatively large team like them, but maybe the leopard was hungry at the time. . There must be so many, otherwise you will be starved to death, and then launched a sudden attack.

His teammates helped him survive, but even so, he paid nearly ten scratches on both arms and two scratches under the neck.

But now, the feeling of being spotted by the African leopard reminds him almost every moment, making the creepy feeling even more shocking.

Yes, it is not just a few seconds before the African Leopard prey, but every moment. . It’s all like that.

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