High Magic Earth

Chapter 1733: you know too much

Thinking of this, Robert's footsteps couldn't help but slow down again, and at the same time he was more careful. He was holding a gun and almost advancing slowly at a speed comparable to a walk.

The rapids retreat bravely, retreating from the ranks of profitable mercenaries, and most of the guys who choose international gene technology companies want to live a stable life.

International gene technology companies give a lot of money, but certainly not as much money as mercenaries, if they are simply for money, they will definitely not come here.

The most important reason is to sacrifice lives.

Only life is more important than money. Without life, no amount of money is useless.

So of course Robert was terrified of his life. If it was possible, he didn't want to continue to hunt down the other party, hunt down such a monster.

He felt like he was the army in the movie, or the beauty of hunting down the Hulk.

. . Yes, it can be smashed into patties at any time.

Moreover, Robert's feeling is indeed correct.


Because in the next moment, Robert did seem to realize that he might feel it. . Some slight vibration from the ground.

"Alert! Alert!"

Robert suddenly became confused.

This was not earlier in the Middle Ages, or the cowboy era of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and there was no ability to listen to sounds, and Robert could not lie down to listen to the sound of horseshoes on the ground. . He couldn't hear it either.

He is not a mutant, nor is he as familiar as a cowboy like a horseshoe.

In fact, the sound transmission effect of the soil is very good, but it is still far-fetched for the human ear. Unless it is a person who is trained or in certain times, he can perceive the advent of the enemy through subtle vibrations and sounds.

Robert must have no such skill.

So in other words, it can be understood that since the sound and vibration can already be noticed by Robert. . That person will definitely not be a little guy.

That would be a big one. .

"Be careful! Be careful!"

Robert kept making silent tactical gestures, and along with the eight surrounding players, he gently held the gun and quietly pointed the muzzle at the mist that was about to disperse.

As a barely elite mercenary, Robert was not the one to panic when he encountered a small problem. He also experienced hundreds of battles, large and small, and even participated in small wars in many African regions.

So he is not at a loss, but just afraid. . death.

He is afraid of death, and he may not be afraid of it in the past, and now, for whatever reason, since he chose International Gene Technology Corporation, he must want to live longer.

So he was scared.

But the more frightened, the more Robert did not step back.

This is also the experience summed up by his mercenaries for many years. . The bullet has no long eyes, yes, but the human back also has no long eyes.

Although the probability of a stray bullet hitting everyone seems to be equal, facing the enemy with the back and facing the enemy with the front is ultimately easier to avoid.

Maybe by chance, he subconsciously avoided a deadly bullet.

But with your back to the enemy, you are really looking at luck.

It's just that this is a life-saving experience in the rain of bullets, so is it useful for monster-like enemies? . Robert actually didn't count.

But probably, it may be useless.

So I should be running now?

Robert with the gun thought cranky. . Then in the next moment, a dark shadow suddenly came out.


The leader of the other team was shouting a little bit shyly.

Then, at the same time, the gunshots swelled instantly.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!"

Dr. Wu knew that the target might be difficult to tangle, reminding the security forces to carry a lot of high-powered firearms, such as large-caliber rifles.

This thing doesn't work well in regular combat, because the rate of fire is slow and the recoil is strong. Few people can use it. Even if it is used, it can't shoot a few bullets.

But when facing monsters. . It may be particularly useful.

Although they have never encountered any monsters, they are used on large beasts, animals, such as dinosaurs.

So in the chaotic gunshots, in addition to the crackling sound of fried beans, there are also a lot of rumbling noises. . It's like the effect of subwoofer sound.

These are the weapons of large caliber firearms.

I can't be sure if they hit it, but if it hits, it's definitely enough for any unlucky egg to be hit, and drink that pot. . probably.

Everyone's nerves are tight.

I witnessed the target fighting another unknown person, or creature, their combat process, the destroyed wall building, and the hundreds of pounds of experimental tables thrown like Lego bricks. . Everyone chose to believe, and had already raised vigilance in their hearts.

Whether it’s a semi-trust and doubt like Robert, or purely as a joke or a joke, or a guy who doesn’t believe that this world still has supernatural power, or that countries really hide super warriors, after witnessing Will’s authenticity, I have chosen to believe.

Mercenaries are pragmatic guys.

They don’t believe it. . Because they are about to face such enemies, if they do not believe it, they will all die in the end.

So they also had vigilance long ago, and the whole person's nerves were tight.

So face the shouting of a certain captain. . Their tight nerves were instantaneously released, so they tilted the fire as if instinctively.

Without even looking closely at what the other party is, grenades, flash bombs, smoke bombs, tear gas bombs, they were thrown out of the brain again.

It really feels that they are fully equipped with helmets, filters, respirators, and gas masks. . Even all kinds of precautions are available, so everything is thrown out.

Fortunately, they did not wear a fully enclosed helmet, otherwise the shock bomb might be thrown out.

As a striker's unit, the eight teams from the surrounding team are the most equipped, otherwise it is impossible for them to rush to the front.

But at this time when the gunshots were loud, Robert did not choose to shoot. . Even with a curse, he began to shift to the side as soon as possible.

"Damn it!"

Robert cursed fiercely.

There are not many people who do the same as him, but there are also many.

They are not timid, afraid, or counseling, but a very normal choice.

Face the enemies that appear suddenly. . Finding bunkers is the most correct way.

Instead of going directly, do you really think you are Captain America?

Robert wondered how the group of guys around him mixed into the security forces. . Doesn't it mean that international gene technology companies only recruit elite.

Are these people elite?


Robert's approach is correct.

Just when everyone fired the gun, he had quickly moved to a freezer, and then the height of the freezer covered him, and half of his body was hidden behind him, and then he shot the same tentative shot.

Then in the next moment, the crowd suddenly flew up.


The exclamation flashed through the air.

Yes, it flew.

Just like a truck hit the crowd directly.

Robert hid in the distance, and then saw four or five people suddenly take off in the distance, and even flew a distance of three or four meters before the exclamation.

It's like being thrown back by something. . Then fell heavily again.

Although it is impossible to fall at this height, at least it will fall into a half cripple, and even if you are unlucky, you will also die.

Robert didn't see whether those people were dead or not, but after falling, there was no screaming soon.

At least he fell into a coma.

Similarly, he did not see exactly what was made.

But it is not necessary to see clearly. . This can only be their goal, that monster's handwriting.

Sure enough, he didn't make a death. . The choice is correct.

Robert noticed that the place where the crowd was lifted off was also the place where the combatants gathered the most. Obviously, that monster was not a monster, it had human intelligence, and it was very clear to attack the most threatening place.

In this case. .


Robert hadn't thought about it yet, another violent shaking came out.

And this time it was more than just shaking. . Because the freezer he was hiding in really started to shake violently, as if hit by something heavy.

Robert hiding behind was startled and quickly moved to the other side next to the load-bearing column, and during the transfer process he could not look around, a series of screams appeared, several people were thrown away, and then He landed heavily again, and even the direction of the fall was around Robert.

Several people fell to the ground and scared Robert.

The weight of a person is also very heavy. If a person hits a dead person who hits the same person, thanks to the fact that it did not fall on him, otherwise it would be possible to smash him to death.

It seems that his luck is pretty good.

Robert didn't dare to stay. He trot all the way around, and he didn't shoot either. He knew that the guy was probably not far from the freezer where he was hiding, but fortunately did not find him.

. . Because just after he was transferred, the freezer seemed to be severely smashed by some force, the hard metal shell directly changed its shape, and the reagents inside were broken everywhere.

If it wasn't for him to run fast, it might be the same situation waiting for him now.

Similarly, Robert did not shoot during the transfer process. At this time, firing is simply to find death. Not only does it miss the target, it will attract hatred. . It is also possible to hit yourself.

In fact, the probability of hitting yourself is greater.

Because there is only one goal, or at most two, the rest. . Everyone is everywhere.

Robert's approach is correct, and more than Robert is alone. After the target threw several people into the air and then fell, almost everyone began to spread around.

Everyone is walking around. . No, quick transfer, almost no one shot.

Are worried about accidental injuries.

but. . The beginning of the transfer of security forces does not mean that the other party just stopped attacking.


Another two unlucky eggs were lifted into the sky, and then fell back heavily.

Robert hid again in a corner corner. . Then he carefully extruded his head and observed the situation in the mist not far away.

In fact, the moment he almost faced the target before, he seemed to vaguely see what it was.

But it is not completely clear.

That seems to be. . Some kind of black creature is very huge, far larger than humans, almost twice as large as normal humans.

Unlike what they discovered at the beginning, the target is only human volume.

. . Sure enough, is it a monster?

Robert doesn't want to know what the monster is, how it was born, and what kind of abilities it has.

His only thought now is to save his life. . Then under this premise, maybe you can try to complete the task.

Robert had also paid attention to the person who fell from the air just before the quick transfer. He didn't die, but it didn't look easy either.

But the problem is, it doesn't necessarily mean that his luck is so good, and he will fall down with no serious injuries. Maybe he broke his neck directly and died on the spot.

This is not a rare situation.

but. .

and many more.

Robert, who was secretly observing, suddenly noticed that there was no movement in the distance. This group of idiots re-sprayed a lot of smoke bombs. The diffuse smoke blocked the site, and nothing was clear.

Although Robert is equipped with infrared capture equipment, but seriously, that thing is not very easy to use.

. . So he couldn't see why it was quiet. Did the monster leave and escape?

It’s not impossible, after all, it seems that they have been chasing each other, and Robert naturally sees that the other party seems to have no intention of killing all of them, otherwise he does not feel that his group of people can be appreciable when the other party attacks. Survival rate.

It is true that their firearms may have a certain deterrent, but the other party can completely avoid head-on engagements and sneak attacks, but the other party has never done so.

Despite this fact, Robert cannot always put the hope of survival on the enemy.

So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Robert, who was observing and cranky, was suddenly silent for a while, because between vaguely, he seemed to have a very bad feeling.

It's just like. . It's like something is behind him.


Robert calmed down suddenly, and he stood up slightly, then murmured inexplicably.

He suddenly realized that his current situation seemed to be like a movie. Yes, the scene that often appeared in the movie, such as those cannon fodder fighters who were hiding behind the bunker, carefully observed and prepared to attack, and the goal had come silently. Behind him, just wait for him to turn his head, then. . Death is coming.

"That's really... too unfortunate."

Robert felt more and more abnormal around him. It seemed that even the air had solidified, as if the noise of the entire battlefield had left him.

Take a deep breath, then. . Robert's slightly stiff neck turned silently back.

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