High Magic Earth

Chapter 1734: You know too little

"No, no, no..."

Robert muttered secretly, praying not to be so unfortunate, and turned his head slowly.

But as his movements became larger and larger, his heart became deeper and deeper. . The deep Shen seemed to sink into a bottomless abyss, as deep as his eyes at this time.

Because that is. . A huge, black, monster.

From the feet of Robert, his feet are almost twice as big as ordinary people, and his legs are almost twice as big. . This is a guy who has completely doubled humanity.

Its surface. . In other words, Robert's feet and legs are black, black, and deep, and it seems to have a slight sense of stickiness.

It's like black mud.

But as Robert's gaze continued to rise, he finally caught a little different color.

It was a bit of white, like white paint, spilled on the black silt surface, and merged with the silt, mottled and mottled, like an abstract scroll.

In fact, on the waist, abdomen, chest and shoulders, these muds are not only black muds, they are more like muscles bulging one after another, scattered on the surface, just looking, you can feel it The power in it.


A **** uttered involuntarily, and then Robert continued to look up. . Seeing its face.


That is. . venom.

Not surprisingly, Robert was able to recognize it the first time, because although he did not like chasing Marvel, his seven-year-old son liked it.

So not long ago, he accompanied his son to watch the Venom Trilogy. . probably? No, it seems there is only one.

Not a mercenary, he has a lot of money to match his son to the movies. Once he is not addicted, he can watch it twice, three times or even until he gets tired.

. . But there is another advantage of working at an international genetic technology company. In addition to money, he still has a lot of time.

Time is more expensive than money, and it is also a rarer thing.

He used to be a mercenary before, he didn't have time at all, but time. . No amount of money can be exchanged.

But as an employee of the international genetic technology company's security forces, he also has time, weekends, holidays, and even paid holidays.

This allows him to spend more time with his children.

He loves himself very much, in fact, it is for him, in order to have more time to accompany him. . Robert will give up his career as a mercenary and enter the international genetic technology company.

And not long ago, that is, the weekend three days ago, Robert had just accompanied his son to watch the venom.

So when he saw the monster in front of him, Robert's words blurted out.

It is so similar to venom.

The dark appearance, the muscular black matter, and the huge, strong body almost as tall as two humans. . And the most important.

Its face.

The eyes of the inverted triangle are white, with a slight turbidity, as if they were coated with a layer of filters, and the layers are stacked like jagged teeth.

If a slender scarlet tongue is coming, then too. .

Robert saw this monster, and this monster naturally saw him.

"Hello there."

Then it suddenly opened his mouth wide, exposing a sharp, jagged tooth, and then said hello with a hoarse voice.


It said condescendingly.

Well, Robert is not a little guy. He is an adult, not only an adult. Even as a mercenary, he is not as strong as a bear, but it is not bad.

At least belongs to the upper middle level of ordinary people.

It's just compared to Venom. . It can indeed call him a little guy.

The greasy big mouth was slowly cracked, and besides exposing the jagged teeth, it seemed to see what Robert was thinking. The scarlet long tongue stretched out slowly, and then there was a stiff Robert face in the body. Lick gently.

"Nice to meet you."


At this time, Robert finally reflected from the initial shock.

Venom, okay, but it may be venom, but no matter whether it is venom or something, it is standing in front of itself at this moment. . It has to attack itself.

Life-saving is the most important thing.

He hasn't lived enough, his son can't lose him, he. .

But unfortunately, Venom obviously doesn't think so.

After the special and friendly meeting and greeting, Venom did not give Robert a chance to respond. He just tried to pick up his firearm, and Venom waved violently.


I saw only a black afterimage in the air, and the next moment, Robert had made a muffled noise, and then hit the side wall heavily.

It didn't crack the wall, cracked, or something, but even so, Robert stayed on the wall for three or four seconds, as if it was hung up, and finally it slowly slid down.


The venom-like monster made a resisting sound. After a few seconds of meditation, I didn't know what to do. Then I looked at my hands again, and then looked at the half-sitting wall. Robert, then became full of desire to attack again.

Like a beast about to kill some.

Full of cruelty.

. . .

Will felt his condition had never been better.

After he punched the entangled angel goblin with a punch. . He felt that he could beat it a hundred more times.

But that guy was rare and did not rush up immediately. It is very strange. It was like a dog skin plaster before, and it was impossible to get rid of it.

It is impossible to win oneself, and it is impossible to keep oneself completely, but it is constantly entangled.

Now that the angel has gone uncharacteristically, Will feels that 80% of them have a conspiracy, eh. . You don't even have to think deliberately.

But the conspiracy, in fact, there is nothing to worry about, after all, things have reached this level, no matter what, all come together next.

The almost unrecognized Will, who felt that his first mission had been destroyed, no longer cared so much.

In addition to the angels, the rest is about the security forces in front of us.

Despite the increase in the venom symbiosis, Will still does not feel that he is invincible in the world. After all, the symbiosis is even in the superhero echelon. . That's not the first echelon.

Indeed it ranks very high, but compared with the real big brothers such as Professor Oding Guyi, it is really nothing.

of course. . Only the big guys can compare with the big guys. If you have to compare with these super fighting powers, then there is nothing to see in the whole superhero world, only they can watch.

Because even if it is the current clamor, I dare not say that I am sure of the big guys in these superhero worlds.

Perhaps Yi Chou can deal with one or two, it may be because of ability restraint, which can be dealt with, but there are still many big brothers. . After all, it is the big brother.

Despite these factors, the ability of the symbiosis is still considerable.

. . And this is not to say that in the comics, it is just a movie or the superhero world of TV series. If it is in the comics, um, the symbiosis is still not the first echelon.

So the combat strength of the symbiote is good, and the rate of increase is also very high, but it is far from invincible.

Moreover, it has a fatal weakness.


"And firelight."

Venom was silent, and even seemed to want to laugh inside.

Listening to Will's whisper, it was also very strange.

"Why do you say that."

"Are you reminding me?"

"Are you an idiot, my weakness... of course I know."

Will rolled his eyes in his heart.

"I'm not prompting you."

"I mean, your weakness is too obvious, and the characteristics of your symbiosis are also obvious."

"Many people in the parallel world know you, and they can attack us targetedly. I don't think all parallel worlds will follow the rules of never fighting with Captain America."

"It's impossible that once we enter a certain world, people in that world will selectively forget all sonic weapons."

"They will definitely use these things against us."

"I admit that I feel very good now, very good, you have brought me a huge increase... When the same, fear of sound waves and firelight, especially the weakness of sound waves is too obvious."

"In a sense, I even feel that these increases cannot compensate for the weakness of the symbiote."

"...Should I thank you for your honesty."

The venom was a little dazed by Will's sudden series of madness.

But it went down without a hit.

After all, as a symbiote, it knows its strengths and weaknesses.

Faced with the venom of the venom, Will seemed to have not heard it, and he even received the whole speech in a daunting way, shrugging from praise.

"You're welcome."

Venom felt that once this guy was shameless, it was not much worse than himself.

But Venom now has no intention of entangled with the other party.

"I think you may have made a mistake."

Venom said very seriously.

"And didn't understand the true meaning of my existence at all."

Will didn't answer, but Venom had understood his response through the tacit understanding and telepathy between the two.

Appreciate further details.

"Think about my name carefully."


Will tempted.

"It's a symbiote, an idiot."

Venom sprayed without hesitation, and then did not give Will a chance to refute, it continued.

"As the name suggests, we are with the host."

"you and me."

"It's us."

Will didn't answer.

Seeing this, the venom also continued to spray venom abnormally.

"We grew up with the host, so... selecting the host is a sacred thing for us."

"Sonic waves and firelight are indeed our weaknesses, but this is when we chose an ordinary human as the host."

"And you, I don't think you are a normal human being."

"The problem of firelight does not seem to be so easy to solve, but sound waves, I think your current idea is very good, using magic to cut off the sound, we will naturally not be affected."

"...But you should pay attention that isolation does not mean that you can't hear, but I can't feel it, only when we can't feel the sound at all."

"I won't be affected...everything."

Venom's voice is always so hoarse. . It was like the throat was torn and shattered.

After a moment of silence, Will suddenly said.

"You said you can't check my mind...you are lying to me."

"I didn't! You idiot!"

"It's too loud for your own thinking! We are thinking about this magic that isolates the sound as soon as we successfully combine it! I think it's impossible to hear it!"

"...Are you a magician? I always feel that you are more like a warrior, judging from the information that your body feeds me."

"Okay, I think our conversation direction is getting stranger."

Will interrupted Venom's complaint expressionlessly, then paused, and he slowly raised his left arm.

With Will's mood, the venom attached to his arm separated to the left and right, revealing the original skin, and then a shape of a wand emerged from under his skin, gradually rising, and finally his skin flesh apart, Exposing the wand that was placed inside.

"...We really look like."

The venom who watched this scene all the way couldn't help but spit.

"No, we are nothing like it."

But Will was refuted mercilessly.

Unlike Nancy, Will does not have any exclusive wands, nor is this wand an old wand, or any other famous powerful wand.

It's just an ordinary wand in the Olivander wand shop, but it has a high degree of agreement with Will.

As a deformer, Will's demand for magic is not high, nor is it his main means, but it has to be said that magic is sometimes too convenient.

And because of the power of Will, it is impossible for many magic to be released from the wand, so the wand is still a very important medium.

So Will put it in his arms. . Under the flesh.

The privilege of being a transformer.

He didn't have the cool magic wand that Nancy had, but he had his cool storage method, eh. . Probably cool.

"Silent and silent."

Will squeezed his wand, and soon a magic was thrown on himself.

Then he looked around, and he didn't see any effect or abnormality.


Then he suddenly flicked his wand towards the ground under his feet~www.wuxiaspot.com~Boom! "

A slight shock burst. . This sound is very weak for humans, or even almost non-existent, but it is like a thunder to a symbiote that can capture ultrasound.

The venom was startled by the sudden sound. . Almost jumped from Will, the whole fluid was frightened.

"what are you doing!"

It growled angrily.

"It's nothing."

But Will shrugged without sincerity.

"See if it works."

"You guy... are you an idiot!"

Then Venom became more angry.

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