High Magic Earth

Chapter 1735: Standard configuration venom*1

The farce of Will and Venom did not last long, because there was not much time left for them.

"Silently silent."

"Silent and silent."


"Xiaoying Liu..."

Waving his wand, Will waved his wand a dozen times in a highly unprofessional way, throwing out dozens of familiar and strange spells that may not even be magic at all. .

And then smoked at the corner of the venom's mouth. If it had a corner of the mouth, um, it did have a corner of the mouth, and finally it seemed that it finally succeeded in trying the magic.

Seriously, even the venom of Mo's feelings couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after the success, because this guy's magic looks too unreliable.

Waving the wand, and then casually muttered a spell like a mantra. . Then it's over?

Is this really magic?

Several times Venom wanted to question Will if you guys would be magic, as a warrior. . Just obediently acknowledge the identity of the warrior, and don’t insist on saying that you will be magic, OK.

This is still under the premise that some magic will succeed in Will.

I don't know why, it's the same casting method and action, but Will seems to be very idiot whether it is an action or a spell.

And there are some spells that even venom sounds like it was made up at all, and even spoke casually.

If it weren’t Will, some spells did work, and it’s estimated that Venom had already begun to spray Venom.

Fortunately, it finally succeeded.


Will waved his wand again, and the small shock erupted again. . But this time the venom didn't seem to feel anything strange and didn't notice it.

"feeling not bad?"

Will asked.

The venom in his heart was screaming in anger.

"I emphasize again, we! It is us! Our feelings are interlinked! I am you, you are me! My feelings are yours, your feelings are mine! Why do you ask so many idiot questions. "

"...So I can understand this sentence as well."

"Why do we ask so many idiot questions."

Obviously, with the venom as a power increase, no matter what the angel's conspiracy, at least can temporarily solve the angel in front of him, Will has always been in a good mood.

There is even interest in mocking with Venom. . And the level of poisonous tongue does not seem to be low at all.

At least enough to make the seven qi of venom gas smoke.

"You idiot!"

Venom was too lazy to refute Will, and began to scream and scold in his heart.

In fact, now Will can be sure. . The venom on him is not the venom in the movie.

Maybe they are very similar, but they are not the same after all.

Moreover, this so-called is very similar to the ability aspect. They are all symbiotes, are all venom in symbiotes, and all have the symbiotic advantages that venom has, such as being good at speed and change, and not superior in strength.

But for their own character. . They are not similar at all. Yes, they are all venom, but they are venoms with completely different personalities.

This is not surprising. Just like humans, humans in parallel worlds cannot be exactly the same. Not only are there a few gaps, but they may even be good or bad in a narrow sense.

As a symbiosis of the same kind of intelligent life, naturally it is the same.

Venom was jumping and scolding there, and Will suddenly slammed his palm with his right hand.


He said.

The venom calmed down and asked with that characteristic hoarse voice.

"Why, did you forget where you put your mind."

Just like Venom said, symbiotes. . It is one with Will Ben, even if he scolds cheerfully, at this time Venom still has to care about Will's affairs.

Because the safety of both of them is common.

"Magic succeeded."

Will said.

"But I used too much magic in one breath... I don't know which magic succeeded."

"Wait until the effect fades, I'm afraid we still have to do it again... Wait, what are you going to do?"

Will suddenly found that the venom was constantly breaking free, and then the effect was fed back to his body, which became the layer of venom on his body and began to be taken off as if he were undressing.

"This will help you avoid so many idiots trying the second time."

"I've had enough of your idiot behavior."

"We are over!"

Venom shouted loudly in Will's heart.

In fact, Venom itself is quite depressing. . Before deciding to choose Will as the host, based on the venom's brief observation and inner peep, it felt that this guy was still a reliable and calm person, but how did he become a symbiote together. .

"calm down."

Will quickly persuaded.

"Change host if you are not ready, you will die."

"I would rather die!"

Venom continued to growl.

As Venom said, choosing a host is a very rigorous thing.

For symbiotes, the most important thing for choosing a host is the potential value. The greater the potential, the greater the help for the symbiota, and the better the evolution.

But one cannot simply look at the potential.

In addition to the potential, it is also a very important factor to be out of sync, and there is naturally no problem with co-production, if it is not. . It will probably be like the two of Will now. .

But of course, from the very beginning, this venom actually had no choice.

Just when Venom and Will are here torn between themselves and themselves. . The movements of the two guys suddenly and strangely stopped, and at the same time stopped.

"There is food."

Venom reminded hoarsely.

"Eat him."

"I don't think I need to remind you of cannibalism."

Will responded politely.

of course. . The time for the **** between the two is over.

Because although the angel was sullied by the poisonous liquid Will, he was temporarily quiet, and there were a large group of security forces around him.

Just tear it at Will and Venom. . Ah no, during this time of running-in, there have been a few lucky people, or rather unlucky eggs, touching him.

Really a lucky witness.

So in order to witness their luck, Will waved his hand without hesitation.


The venom attached to his arm, instantly turning his arm into a fierce existence like a huge mace.

With Will slamming forward. . It's like waving a giant shield.


The thick arm of a normal man's waist hit the unlucky eggs, making two dull loud noises, and then flew them out instantly.

After a row of three or four meters in the air, they fell heavily to the ground. The wailing and screaming stopped abruptly. If it was not Will's deliberate observation, they found that they had not broken their necks and thought they were dead.

But fortunately, they just passed out.

"Don't kill people."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Will still advised Venom.

I don’t know if it’s because of the nascent body, or if it’s weak, and the venom on Will’s body behaves differently from the venom in the movie.

It's not rubbish, the most intuitive difference is that it has a low ability to control Will's body.

You know, the one in the movie can directly control the host's body, even mandatory control, but Will is the one in the body. . It can only be considered interference at most.

The control of the body is still in the hands of Will, and if the venom is struggling to shout, it can indeed have a certain impact on Will, but it is not irresistible.

After Will initially merged with Venom, he had already done a long struggle to break away from the control of the body. He was not used to handing over the control of the body to other creatures. . But I did not expect it to be smoother than expected.

But even so, Will reminded.

Because they are symbiotes, as Venom said, from the moment of possessive success, they are no longer two independent individuals that are irrelevant to each other, but a whole.


Therefore, the communication between the partners is very important. As a former police officer, Will knows this well. If the partners cannot communicate well, the consequences may even be devastating.

In the movie, there are so many lessons from misunderstandings caused by improper communication, deceiving each other, and concealment for the benefit of family. . Isn't it enough?

Will didn't want this to happen to himself at all.

"Do not kill?!"

Sure enough, upon hearing Will's words, Venom made a scream like a scream. . It's strange that this guy who is afraid of sound waves is able to make such audio.

"Then you should get rid of your magic tricks."

"If you can't even eat food, what's the point of me living? I would rather die!"

. . Why are you crying like a little woman, like to die every day.

Will choked on his mouth.

Of course he knew that Venom was not a little woman. . Although it complained so much, the hoarse voice and the cruel heart that was like a joke but hidden deep but real existed, all of which showed that it was not a little woman, but a more crazy scary monster.

After hesitating, Will explained.

"Not everyone can kill... bad guys, sinful people can still kill, no, eat, eat."

"That's about the same."

Venom muttered.

"Be careful!"

"It's there!"

Several unlucky eggs were lifted out of such a big movement, naturally it was impossible for them not to be noticed by other members of the security forces nearby, so the first time, the presence of venom was exposed.


"Be careful of grenades!"

Will hid himself tightly before, fearing that he would be hit by stray bullets, so even if he turned into venom, he would still occupy a corner.

Except for a few unlucky eggs that have been touched, a huge black figure may be seen in the trance. . And almost all felt that he was outside of hallucinations, and no one else found Will's classic image of Venom.

However, through the observations just made, the security forces also knew exactly what they were hunting for.

Hunt down a monster.

Even without seeing Will's new image at this time, in their eyes, Will is also a destructive and lethal guy comparable to dinosaurs.

Even worse.

At the moment when he discovered Will, let alone the bullets poured out, even the grenade was thrown over several times. . Of course, it is not a high-lethal grenades, but the flash and smoke bombs.

"Pap!" "Pap!"

With a big wave of Will's hand, the black venom surface looked like a giant shield, and he threw back the flying grenade intact.

As to whether they would explode early due to the impact, what would happen after being thrown back, but Will would be too lazy to care.

He does not advocate killing, but it does not mean that he is the nanny of this group of security forces. Will is not stupid enough to be sympathetic to the enemy.

And the security forces have been chasing him stalker, even if he knows that this is Dr. Wu's pot, he is still very unhappy.

It's not easy to try not to kill.


Like a baseball, Will's huge venom incarnate jumped forward violently, just like a licking eater, and ran directly out of a distance of four or five meters.

He fell next to the other two unlucky eggs, waved his arm, and let them hang on the wall again.

"Attack! Attack!"

At the same time, the gunfire also became more intense instantly.

Because Will jumped directly into the crowd.

If it is Will. . He certainly would not do this, but now he is not alone, he is Venom Will, no, Venom Shaper.

venom. . Fearless.

It may also be that the air has just come out and there is almost no hesitation. Will will instinctively fall to the center of the crowd, all enemies in all directions.

But if it is only the security forces, Will really has nothing to fear.


The speed of the venom is very fast. Although it fell into the crowd, it fell from the sky. . Only members of the nearby security forces saw this huge monster.

So without any hesitation, they went crazy and attacked.

Similarly, here naturally attracts other people scattered around. Unlike the previous corners, the open terrain is relatively open. . Attacks from security forces have been at least several times stronger than before.


"Bang! Bang!"

Not just smoke bombs, even flash bombs exploded several times.

But no matter what kind of grenade, Will has almost no effect on Venom. At first, Will was worried that the continuous shooting of bullets would directly break him into pieces, but now he has the defense of Venom. . This guy can ignore bullets.

The same is true for smoke, and venom can even eliminate the need for breathing and flash bombs.

They don’t throw shock bombs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don’t know if I didn’t bring them or worry about accidental injuries. It is true that shock bombs mainly caused by sonic waves will cause great damage to the venom. It is not impossible to even lose the fighting power directly, but. . Will's magic made up for this.

In a sense, he did not think that Venom would suit him so well.

No, to be precise. . With the help of magic, Venom is suitable for almost anyone in the origin conference.

Mianlong is running around in different worlds. . It's really not running around.

This thing is very valuable.

Will smiled. . But in the form of venom, his mouth was wide open, his scarlet tongue cracked with his fierce teeth, as if to swallow the head of the man in front of him.

Then quietly, Will slowly leaned down. The tall body of nearly three meters seemed to have no weight, lightly stepping on the gravel on the ground. The peripheral part surrounded by security forces.

For the venom that can almost ignore the terrain, the surrounding characters have been exchanged.

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