High Magic Earth

Chapter 1736: Narrator's sacrifice


"Cowardly again..."

Like the product of a strange experiment, Will's limbs seemed to grow in the direction, like a licking eater, slowly wandering on the top of the room, the surrounding roof.

His movements are very sensitive. Often he can span a few meters with an easy jump, but his body is extraordinarily light and even quiet. Even if it is huge, it has a volume of two or three meters on some gravel. There was almost no noise.

Like a hunter in the dark, Will slowly came out of the security forces' enclosure.


"Don't affect me anymore."

Will complained in his heart.

"These words sound too terrible. Do you think we are making movies."

"But these foods are really weak and cowardly."

Venom also shouted with dissatisfaction.

"You just need to tell me, you don't need to let me speak."

"I said it! We! It is us! How many more times do you want me to emphasize!"

Ignoring the venom rubbish, Will turned into a humanoid body again, and became the most humanoid venom image in the movie, and then jumped off the roof.

The huge body of two or three meters tall fell lightly on the floor, but it did not make a slight sound or even shake.

Venom and Will really match.

Because Will is a deformer himself, he doesn't need to be obsessed with the human body shape, which allows the venom to play a greater power and role.

For example, running, how can the limits of human beings be raised, it is impossible to compare with the limbs on the ground in the same situation.

They are always faster.

And Will. . He can exert the venom blessing power to a greater extent than a simple human form.

But it was too noisy.

Will endured the complaints and nagging of venom while slowly approaching a town with a gun, hiding behind the corner of the wall, with his back to his unlucky egg.

According to Venom's idea, the following large group of people are all its food, it wants to play with them a little bit, and then kill them.

There was indeed a moment just now, Will also emerged this idea, but it was quickly repressed by him.

Will, who calmed down, decided to make a quick decision.

In fact, he had no intention of entangled with these security forces. He didn't want to hurt their lives. The mission goal this time was very much irrelevant to them. If possible, Will would have wished to turn around now.

but. . Will is very clear.

Even if he shows the power of the present, these guys will not give up.

It has nothing to do with it.

Because those high-levels, such as Dr. Wu, will definitely stay away and continue to issue orders to pursue themselves. After all, in their eyes, they are very good research materials.

There are many ways to solve it. Solve Dr. Wu directly. The main person on this island is him. Solve him. Others may not be so persistent.

The second is to leave here. If you don’t want to kill everyone, just leave here. . But Will's task is not over yet, he can't go.

So he chose the third option.

Solve everyone, and solve all the security forces here, then there will be no problems.

No one bothered him, he could even have more leisure time to complete his task.

Of course, this solution does not mean killing all security forces. Will would have been able to do this before, but he has never done so.

Will doesn't think he is an absolutely good person, but he doesn't think he is a purely bad person. He kills so many innocent people in one go. . He can't do it.

. . The murderous demon is not so easy to do, and the wailing of those innocent people will be lingering in the ear all the time. This is not a supernatural phenomenon. It is purely low psychological quality and unbearable psychological ability.

This has been studied in the training career of Will police, professional psychological teaching in this area.

Will is not sure if his mental capacity is enough, nor does he want to know.

The solution he said was to stun everyone, or let them temporarily lose their fighting power and kill people. . Will is indeed under psychological pressure, but after breaking his hand and breaking a few bones, he has no pressure.

It is not a permanent disability.

It is unavoidable to be injured in their career. On the first day of entry, they are already mentally prepared for disability.

The previous Will was not sure of this, he could indeed kill everyone. . But there is no guarantee that they will lose their combat power and mobility without killing them.

Only now he has venom. . Will doesn't think he is invincible though.

But it is indeed possible to solve everyone without hurting life.

Therefore, the unlucky egg in front of him is the first one.

Will stood for about three or four seconds behind the unlucky egg. He didn't make a sound, so the unlucky egg didn't seem to notice at all.

But after all, they were born as mercenaries or retired soldiers, and they are still keen on the sense of crisis.

He was keenly aware of what seemed to be behind him, and then. . He turned tremblingly.

Although he didn't want to admit it, at this moment, Will really enjoyed the fear of the person in front of him. . Looked at his almost twisted face, horrified eyes, and trembling body.

Venom still has an effect on yourself.

Will realized this.



Then, not paying attention, Will realized that he even licked the man in front of him with a scarlet tongue.

Hell! That's a man!

So at this moment, not only was Robert's eyes twitching, his legs were trembling wildly, the venom in front of him was almost the same, Will was the same. . Mouth twitching.


Then in the next moment, in order to be invisible, Will waved his hand violently and instantly flew the man out. .

The sound here reminded other security forces in an instant, but seeing that a new round of free shooting was about to begin, Will was not going to make them a live target.


"Bang Bang Bang!"

"where is it?"

"God, what the **** is this?"

"He's too fast!"

Like a swift black panther, Will, who was incarnation of venom, leaned down slightly, stretched his limbs instantly, switched to some animal-like form, and began to frantically shuttle through the battlefield.

No one can catch up with his speed. Even if he catches up, he can’t even aim at it or even shoot casually. . Because Will has been walking among the crowd of security forces. If he shoots casually, it is unlikely to hit him, but it is more likely to hit his own person.

For a time, the entire security force was in chaos.



Someone started shouting loudly.

Will is like a precise machine, because almost no security forces can counterattack in his hands for even a second, everyone is shot at the moment he jumps over, and then falls **** the ground .

It was like a rampage train, where Will went. . Everyone flew into the air.

In less than half a minute, the security forces were mostly dispersed by Will.

The person who fell on the ground was either queuing on the spot or seriously injured and comatose. At the lightest, he had broken several bones, and none of them could get up anyway.

And this is Will's deliberate reservation, even part of the experience in the case of paying attention to the disappearing angel.

Otherwise, maybe. . The battle is now over.

The angel disappeared.

Yes, Will has been paying attention to the surroundings, but he hasn't noticed that it's appropriate. . Hell.

But Will was sure it hadn't left, but he didn't know what conspiracy it was.

In fact, he never underestimated that angel, because the background of the angels may not be worse than the origin meeting, or even more.

He gained venom and gained stronger fighting power, but these improvements may not be enough to widen the irreparable gap between the two.

The next moment, when the angel called an archangel again to help, Will was not surprised.

So he didn't intend to stay and provoke each other.

He just has to solve these security forces, otherwise it is very likely to fall into the situation before. . Even with Venom, he could not ignore all attacks.

"I saw him!"

"That's a monster!"

"No... that's venom!"



"Have any of you brought sonic weapons?"

"Why would anyone bring that ghost thing!?"

The security forces are in a terrible situation. The opponent's speed is very fast. At this speed, they have no advantage in narrow terrain operations or open terrain operations.

Unless directly using large-scale weapons for scrubbing. . But that is impossible.

So they must retreat temporarily, anyway, retreat is an option.

As they gave up their offense, they had more time to observe this extremely fast enemy. . Then someone recognized this classic image.

Although I don't believe it, but. . It really looks like it.

But the real problem is that no matter whether this monster is venom or not, they can't deal with it. If there is a sonic weapon, it may be possible to check the identity of the other party, but. . How can they have that kind of weapon?

So even if there is doubt, it has no effect on the situation.

Will's killing. . No, the stun still continued. He was in a hurry. The hidden angels and unfinished tasks were constantly urging him.

But there is still good news, that is. . It didn't take long for him to resolve this group of security forces.

. . .

monitoring room.

Looking at the venom Will killing on the screen, the one who solved Dr. Wu, and the angular deadpool stretched out a big lazy waist.

"I don't like this description."

This guy started to say strange things again.

"Uncle Deadpool is the most handsome at all times."

"I am a huge fan."

He left his mouth, revealing a row of teeth. . Yes, the Deadpool has his teeth.

"Is it strange?"

The guy murmured in dissatisfaction.

"It's your luck to see them."

"Forget it."

This guy waved his hand.

"I feel like the big guy is coming."

"I still take a step first."

Deadpool threw a dart at hand.



The dart hit the screen of the monitoring room accurately and penetrated through it, smashing the screen out of the crack. .


"How much more water do you need."

"I just scrapped a monitor."

The deadman was dissatisfied with two darts.

. . .

There was no one in the monitoring room and I didn't know where the deadpool was.

Because he lost his perspective temporarily at that moment. . It may have left.

But his departure is not the end, because some invisible wave came, and the black portal that seemed to be silt began to condense again, and then appeared in the empty monitoring room out of thin air.


The portal was pulled out of thin air. Because there was no accidental interference, its spread speed was very fast, and within a few seconds, it instantly spread into a circle of about three meters.

Although it is a portal. . But the circle did not show the scene on the other side of the door, and some only had black paint.


It was like the whole space was shaking, the portal trembled suddenly, and then a **** hand that was two times larger than the average person stretched out from the inside.

It grabbed the edge of the portal. . It's like holding a cookie.

Then went on, an arm that was also beaten several times than the average person.

It may be that the portal is a little narrow, and the owner of the arm is constantly struggling, like pulling himself out of the portal, but shaking and shaking, but no success.

Perhaps it was a little irritated, the owner of the arm made a hissing sound, and this angry hissing even penetrated the portal, and he could hear the blur on the other side of the door.

That is. .


. . .

Lito kept Wei Li hidden behind him, looking at the two unexpected guests like the Wolverine's father and daughter.

Not just him. While he was looking at the two uninvited guests opposite him, the two uninvited guests were also observing him and Willie.

"Mage didn't open the wrong door?"

Without evading the two, the two uninvited guests began to communicate in a low voice.

"...How do I know that he probably felt the summon here."

"There is venom here?"

"..how could I know."

"Who are the two people on the opposite side? I don't remember seeing them both."

"...How do I, uh, maybe they are not superheroes, just passers-by."

After the two of them had no one to communicate, they naturally looked at Lito and asked.

"who are you?"

The man in question was www.wuxiaspot.com~ that was suspected of being a genuine Wolverine. . Logan.

Lito did not answer, but asked rhetorically.

"I'm also curious, who are you, suggest to answer."

If they are really Wolverine's father and daughter, then they will answer, after all, both of them are carefree players, and do not care about these details.

If not, through their personality when communicating. . I feel that they are also likely to answer.

Sure enough, the two did not hesitate at all.

"I am Logan."

That man. . No, Wolverine said.

"Maybe you are more familiar with my other name."


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