High Magic Earth

Chapter 1737: So here it is. .

"He said he was Wolverine."

Willie hid behind Lito's not wide shoulders and whispered against his ear.

Lito was a little helpless. The young lady with a clear brain circuit didn’t know if she was born with a big heart or had no heart or lungs. It seemed that she didn’t even know what was called fear.

Just like now, it seemed to be panicking a few seconds ago, but now he hides behind himself and looks at the excitement.

This is really. .

Lito shook his head.

"I heard it."

He said angrily.

Lily's long hair rubbed his ears a little, which made Lito uncomfortable.

The little movements of the two did not hide the intuition of the Wolverine in front of the beast, but the Wolverine, which is very rough both inside and out, does not care about these details.

He only cares about two things, who the enemy is and where the enemy is.

Even if it is not a battle, he will always choose the most intuitive and convenient way to end everything.

Of course, this does not mean that Wolverine is stupid. He is just too lazy to think about too complicated issues. After all, he is almost immortal, and everything in the world cannot escape the end of death. . In a sense, he does have the capital to care about all this.

"I am x23."

In the same way, this x23 inherited Wolverine's "sex" personality almost in one vein. There are genetic reasons and x23's childhood experience. In fact, her "sex" personality may be more unique than Wolverine.

I just don't know which version of the story these two are from.

"Have you heard of our name."

Don't expect Logan to speak. . So now the question can only be handled by x23.

After introducing each other, x23 went directly to the topic.

Lito didn't answer immediately, but it was this momentary hesitation that was immediately captured by x23's intuition like a beast.

"You have heard our name."

x23 said indifferently.

"This is good news."

Then she ignored Lito and Willie and talked to Wolverine again.

"It seems that the mage is very reliable."

. . Master?

The two of them did not continue to ask questions, and Lito would naturally not speak out. If you listen more, you can master more information. For Sphinx, the more basic knowledge you have, the more upper-level knowledge or information you will have. A geometric increase.

This is their advantage, the inherent racial talent.

But hearing x23, Wolverine didn't know where to "touch" a cigar, lit it, and then spit out the bite of the cigar head.

"Do not."

He said.

"That guy is not reliable."

"We only came to the two of us, the others."

x23 seemed stunned for a while, only to realize that there were only two of them. . There are no other people, and there are no other signs.


x23 was silent.

"We can't deal with those things...if they follow."

"So I said that the guy is not reliable."

Wolverine breathed out a smog. Although it seemed that he was indifferent to most things, as a veteran who has experienced countless wars, his thoughts are always the clearest.

"We want to find the heroes of this world."

"Tell the information first."

"Otherwise they will be caught off guard."

Wolverine's vital capacity. . Or that he didn't care about his lungs at all, a few big mouths sucked, and the speed of a cigar had bottomed out with the naked eye.

He flicked the abandoned cigar aside, and then asked Lito again.

"The guy over there."

"Where is this?"

See, he really didn't care about the details. Wolverine ignored Lito's name. . Anyway, he doesn't look like a superhero, not a superhero, it doesn't matter if he knows his name.

Lito was silent again for a second, then replied.

"On the island of the Jurassic World Theme Park."


Wolverine and x23 are both stunned.

Two people. . No, Wolverine, as a senior old man, has been in the United States for hundreds of years. It seems he never heard of this place.

Is it a small town in a backcountry or something new in recent years?

"International Gene Technology Corporation."

"On the islands of the Jurassic World Theme Park."

Lito also pretended not to know anything, and repeated again seriously.

He didn't lie, if Wolverine wasn't the one in the movie. . His beast is very, very sharp.

Although it is not as magical as mind reading, he can hear it at once if it is too rough and crude.

Through the heartbeat speed and instinct of the other party, it is like a mutant version of Daredevil.

but. . Lito did not deceive people, they were indeed on the island of the Jurassic World Theme Park, but Lito knew the meaning of Wolverine, but did not give a correct answer positively.

Obviously, even if Lito wore a company name, Wolverine didn't know where it was.

He frowned, and said impatiently.

"Forget...how far is it from New York."

"If you take a boat, you can arrive in fifty minutes."

Lito answered seriously again.

"I am just a yacht."

Wolverine and x23 froze again.

It turned out to be on an island. . Yes, the theme island that the other party said before was originally a small island, but this is even more strange.

The waterway fifty minutes from New York means that the island is not far from New York, and it is probably an island near the Hudson River.

But why he never heard of it.

If it’s a small island that hangs overseas, it’s normal to hear that it’s very difficult to find, but the small island near the New York port is definitely “touched” over and over again Inexplicable island.

perhaps. . Is it the difference between different worlds?

This strange question turned around Wolverine's head, and then he was thrown out of his head.

"Let's call Stark."

Wolverine curled his lips, turned his head impatiently and whispered to x23.

"Isn't he talking about a security code? He said that if he told him this, he would definitely come over."

But x23 shrugged.

"I didn't bring my cell phone."

"And the signals of the two worlds are different."

Wolverine breathed out his breath again impatiently, then turned his head, and his eyes saw Lito.

"Need a cell phone?"

Lito asked wisely.

Wolverine nodded slightly.

In fact, Lito's cooperation is obviously not normal. For a normal person, or ordinary people, he seems to be too calm.

But think about it carefully, since the other party knows the existence of superheroes, even though the way the Wolverine arrived through the portal seems a bit unscientific, it is not unacceptable.

After all, aliens or strange creatures opened a door over New York in three days, and everyone should be used to it.

And even if the other party really has something unusual, such as an agent in a certain department, Wolverine doesn't care.

With an immortal body, he really has nothing to worry about.

And Lito. . Lito didn't take out his phone, but turned his head likewise, just looked at Wei Li next to it.


Wei Li was obviously a little dazed.


Lito rolled his eyes.

The young lady at the Academy was so full of energy when she was useless. . Lito thought it was better to find an opportunity to part ways.

This is simply a professional pig teammate.

"Oh, oh."

Hearing Lito's answer, Willie started to **** for "chaos" and quickly wiped out an apple in the pocket outside the white coat.

Lito took it, and by the way, pressed Willie's finger on it to unlock it, and then threw it to Wolverine.

Wolverine looked at the compact mobile phone and frowned slightly, but said nothing, just stuffed it to the next x23.

"I don't remember Stark's number."

He said.

He doesn't like that **** very much. . Especially x23 actually wrote down his number.

X23 apparently knew long ago that Wolverine and Stark were not right with each other, but said nothing. After receiving the call, they clicked on it.

In the distance, the researcher Miss Wei Li seemed to be back online again with curiosity. She continued to lean her head against Lito's ear and whispered.


"They are talking about Stark."

"Is that Stark I think."

"How can I not remember that there is a Stark Industrial Building in New York.. Have I been on the island for so long?"

You joined the job two years ago, don't treat yourself as if you were on the island for more than ten years.

Lito resisted vomiting.

As mentioned before, Wolverine in the movie only has the ability to die, but with a pair of Edelman alloy steel claws, it almost occupied the position of the US team. It is simply Logan's five or five open, which can be entangled with anyone for a while. . Except Magneto.

If you don't watch him in the movie, he in the comics has more than just a pair of paws and undead abilities.

In addition to these two, he also has the keen intuition of this almost beast, including instinct, hearing, even a little sense of smell, etc.

Just like now, although Villi's muttering sound is very low, it is still heard by Wolverine.

Wolverine frowned slightly again, but said nothing.

It's just very fast, the x23 next to it said very innocently.

"Unable to get through."

"What do you mean."

Wolverine asked.

"It's an empty number."

The tone of x23 is obviously also a bit uncomfortable, she may feel that she has been fooled. . But it is not surprising to think that these are two worlds, and even the time may be different.

But the problem is. .

"I tried all the numbers."


"The only one who communicated is not Stark at all, but an advertising company that doesn't know anything."

This is clearly wrong.

If the private number may be used for time reasons, it has not been used or has been suspended, but most of the numbers were specifically told by Stark before leaving.

He has been using these numbers and can reach him.

But now, they are not reachable.

"which year."

Wolverine asked.

"year 2010."

x23 answered immediately.

In fact, she didn't need Wolverine to ask, she already thought of this question.

But this time. . There is still no problem.

It was neither too early nor too late. Anyway, during this time, Stark was definitely there, not dead or not yet born. .

Health. .

Wolverine seemed to realize something.

So his eyes fell on the Litos again.

"Tony Stark."

"Have you heard of this name."

"of course."

Without waiting for Lito's answer, the next Willie said first.

"Iron Man...I like him very much."

Okay, sure enough, no woman doesn't like Iron Man.

Isn't it too early for Toby Stark to become Iron Man in this timeline? . This problem disappeared only after a moment in Wolverine's head.

Because what is more important now is why he can't be reached.

Seeing Willie bring Logan into the pit and further and further away, Lito finally decided to speak.

"In the comics."

He said.

Wolverine froze.


"I mean, Iron Man is in comics, superhero comics, he is very popular."

"You too."

"Damn... what are you saying?"

Wolverine's brow furrowed deeply.

He suddenly felt as if things were out of control in an instant. . Floated to the horizon.

"In fact, these issues can be discussed later. What I am more curious about now is... is the poison in your body?"

Wolverine's expression calmed down in an instant, and the next x23 immediately popped up his two steel claws.

"who are you."

Wolverine asked again.

This time, Lito could not help but answer.

"Um... my name is Lito, you can call me like this."

"As for who I am, you can temporarily treat me as a superhero or something, although I may not have too great deeds or anything in my heart."

"But believe me, I am not a bad person."

Lito thought it would be troublesome.

No matter how discreet the Wolverine is, he is also a superhero, standing on the side of justice and facing at least strangers like himself who have suddenly appeared, at least have some precautions.

Lito put himself in the perspective of Wolverine, and he felt that he would definitely be guarded. After all, the timing of his appearance as a stranger was too coincidental and suspicious.

But unexpectedly, the next moment Wolverine actually pressed the paw beside x23, and then said directly.

"...I don't care if you are a superhero or a crazy villain~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and I don't have time to care anymore."

"Because a crisis is about to sweep the world, everyone can't escape."

"Whether you are a hero or a villain, good or bad people have no meaning in front of them at all."

Lito didn't respond much, and asked quietly.

"What is it."

Wolverine is used to going straight, without much concealment.

"Since you know the poison "liquid", then you probably know exactly what they are."

"The coming enemies are a group of more symbiotic creatures than they are. They are almost born to be the nemesis of poisonous "liquid" and the nemesis of all living things."

"We call it...poison." Gaomo Earth

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