High Magic Earth

Chapter 1741: The sense of sight of a parasite


Seeing this scene, Lito also cursed in his heart.

He felt that he might still underestimate Hulk, and also overestimated the fighting power of Wolverine's father and daughter.

Wolverine's combat power is not bad, but it is more manifested in the characteristics of immortality. He will not die in his own right. His fighting style is extremely brave and he is violently fighting.

In the face of an enemy whose combat power is lower than his own, he is a nightmare, and he will burst into the crowd without dying is a slaughter.

But in the face of enemies whose fighting power is much higher than their own, Wolverine can play a lot less.

Because if you can't beat the enemy, then the number of deaths will not change this fact, but of course, the undead feature makes Logan a perfect meat shield and sandbag, he can firmly attract the firepower, dead Taunt and involve each other.

But if you want to win this battle, just a meat shield and sandbags that attract firepower are not enough.

In a sense, they lack an output.

The current situation is that Laura is acting as the output, but in fact it is the same as Logan, and it also belongs to the role of the meat shield, and the output ability may not be as good as Logan.

And Hulk. .

Hulk was not that easy to kill.

Lito feels that he has already drawn the high Huo Ke's fighting power, but may still despise the existence of this guy.

Invincible Hulk. . Sure enough, there is no wrong title.

Being able to intervene in the ranks of the first-line heroes is really not a simple character. Hulk not only has the ultimate strength, other indicators, whether it is regeneration, defense, or even speed, are far more than Other ordinary heroes.

Even Logan Galola’s combined combat power is not low, but in this way he wants to kill Hulk. . It is indeed difficult.

Thinking of this, Lito's feet moved back unconsciously.

But Lito couldn't beat it, but he could go off, but Laura couldn't.


Laura gritted her teeth tightly, her face tense, like a wounded female leopard.

Seeing that his old father was hammered to death again, Laura did not flinch.

She was hanging on Hulk's neck, nowhere to borrow and no effort, but Laura knew she could not continue this way, otherwise she would be the next one to be hammered to death.

With no more options, her legs cleverly wrapped around Hulk's neck, and the venom on her body also began to spread countless tentacles to help her fix herself to Hulk's shoulder.

The next moment, she turned up and sat directly at Hulk's neck.


With the focus, Laura didn't pause at all. While pressing with his left hand, his right hand suddenly pulled out.

The steel claw that pierced into Hulk's neck was pulled out instantly, and at the same time, Laura pierced downward again without stopping.


The blood-like liquid splashed again, spraying Laura's face.

But Laura was unheard of. She pulled out her left hand again, and then stabbed hard.

The shell of the poison is unexpectedly hard. Although it is not as volatile as the venom, it can be changed into various shapes and punctures something like a tentacle, but it is very defensive.

Because after all, the poison has become one with its host and become one.

True oneness, not venom-like possession and symbiosis.

The host is dead, and the poison replaces the original host.

So Laura's first two steel claws could not cut Hulk's neck, but stuck inside.

Of course, in addition to the viscous defense power of the poison, Laura also had too much power when she fell from the sky.

For example, now, Laura's two steel claws cross and puncture quickly, and there is no sign of being stuck in it.


As if she had fallen into a frantic state, Laura didn't care about anything and nothing, and her two steel claws constantly cut Hulk's neck and head, trying to separate it from her body.

Obviously, in Laura’s original world, these venom heroes should have faced poisons a lot, and they have summarized some of their experiences in dealing with poisons.

Like the settings in most science fiction movies, poison is difficult to kill. It has a certain self-healing ability. After combining with the host, it will become more powerful because of the combined host.

For example, Hulk, although Hulk is known for its strength, it does not mean that he has no self-healing ability. Although his self-healing ability is no worse than Wolverine, it still surpasses most superheroes.

And with Hulk's defense. . Actually, not many things can hurt him.

So it is simply useless to injure poison.

Like venom, they can also recover quickly and want to kill poison. . The most direct way is to cut off its head.

For most living things, the head is the core. If you lose your head, you generally cannot continue to survive.

However, Hulk's neck bones seemed to be unexpectedly hard.


Not much time was left for Laura. Seeing her cut with steel claws four or five times, Hulk’s neck still showed no signs of breakage. She realized it was not good.

Sure enough, after two punches knocked out Logan, Hulk turned his head and stared coldly at Laura who was riding on his neck.

As if the head was broken, there was still a huge gap between his head and his neck. There was no emotion in his eyes, no pain or hatred, or even the breath of any creature.

Watching Laura calmly and indifferently.


Laura froze for half a second, and without even thinking, the venom on her body instinctively shot a tentacle and directly stuck to the ceiling above her, then Laura swayed and rolled off Hulk's neck. Down.

Sure enough, in the next moment, Hulk, a thug who was already half a meter tall, fished up and tried to pinch Laura in it.

Fortunately, Laura had already stepped away.

But Hulk was also accustomed to the flexibility of these little bugs. He couldn't hit him, and he also stomped on the ground and chased up.

The poison is not as flexible as the venom, but the speed blessing to Hulk is not slow, especially Hulk, his impact is very amazing.

"Boom! Boom!"

Explaining the tentacles shot by the venom as a pull, Laura slammed a few times like the Tarzan, avoiding Hulk’s initial attack, but soon realized that Hulk’s attack was approaching like a shadow, evading and Not a solution, because to continue this way, he will soon be caught up.

As an equally immortal female Wolverine, Laura never knew what to fear.

In case of indecision, then a wave of recklessness.

Seeing that running away could not solve the problem, Laura chose the most Wolverine-style way of solving the problem.

That is to fight head to head.

"Let's go."

Lito seemed to hear that Laura didn't know who whispered.

Perhaps it is communicating with her symbiote.

Sure enough, Laura's momentum changed suddenly after the next moment.

She no longer simply tried to escape and evade, but began to use the rapid movement of venom, sensitive and Hulk began to circulate.

Although it is a frontal battle, it does not mean that Laura must have no brains. That is not a frontal battle. . But to die.

Laura's advantage is still agility.

. . Of course, at least she thought so.

Lito in the distance was not optimistic about Laura at all. . And Logan, who is recovering.

"I think we should retreat..."

Lito whispered to Willie next to him.

Sure enough, although Laura was fast, she sensitively avoided the fist, slap from Hulk, and huge stones smashed from top to bottom. . But meaningless.

Because although Laura was swiftly jumping towards a cheetah, she kept jumping around Hulk's legs, but her steel claws could only leave a wound on the surface of Hulk's poison armor.

Poison Hulk can't be seriously injured, and even these wounds will quickly heal, and even the blood-like poison fluid will not flow out.

Ok. . Lito was not optimistic about Laura at all, but it was Laura's attacking location that made Lito pay a little attention, because she had been attacking Hulk's next three ways.

. . It's really a vengeful guy. Of course, it may be Laura's lack of height and can only attack here, or this is indeed a cause of weakness.

But the significance is not great.

Sure enough, he didn't hold on for more than ten seconds in Hulk's hands. In the face of Hulk's fierce offensive than himself, Laura was caught by Hulk's arms after a certain dodge. , And then a Hulk attack.

By the time Hulk had let go, Laura had become shabby again.

. . But the good news is that Logan had pulled his head out of his chest at this time, and then healed himself back.

Although Lito didn't think it was good news, because he felt that even if Laura and Logan stepped forward, they wouldn't see any hope of victory.

"It is indeed time to go."

Looking at the future situation from Sphinx, Lito muttered again.

then. . Not surprisingly, the next expert, Willie, once again refused to show her weakness.

"...Although I don't want to splash cold water, we are in the same situation as in the movie now. I'm afraid it's not so easy to go."

Wenyan Lito immediately looked around, and found that there were a lot of strange little guys as Willie said. . I don't know when I have surrounded the surroundings.

"What it is."

It wasn't until this time that Wei Li realized that their situation might not be as optimistic as they thought. . He asked Lito in a slightly suspicious voice.

. . But there was still not much fear in her voice.

At this time, even Lito had to admire her. This is a really big-hearted girl, and she hopes that her big heart can continue.

After all, a guy who is not scared at all is much better than a girl who is scared and only knows howling.

As for what the strange little guys are. .

"They are poisons."

Lito said.


Wei Li's face was dumbfounded.

Lito was silent for a moment, then asked in a low voice.

"You know that Superman and Iron Man are not together?"

"of course."

Willie responded quickly, "Silly Sweet White and the old bat are a pair... No, I mean, I know the difference between Marvel and DC."


Lito was silent again, and he always felt that Wei Li had inadvertently exposed something terrible.

But anyway, just know the difference.

After all, the guy in his arms did not look at the ancient battle of Casillas on the screen, and then wondered why they did not call Superman to help the Marvel vegetative.

"So it's that you didn't listen to what I said to Logan just now."

"I heard it!"

Willie refuted her arrogantly.

"They are another symbiote different from venom."


Lito explained.

Yes, I don't know when they have been surrounded by densely. The strange little guys are the prototype of the symbiotic poison.

There is no poison before possessing and parasitic on the host.

These little guys have a head, whose head is black and white, more precisely, the mouth of the whole body is white and black, and its limbs are as thin and short as spiders, connecting its head and limbs, That is, its body is an arthropod resembling the human spine.

Symbiotic primitive form.

"So... as long as they are possessed, can they become superheroes like Venom?"

"Why do they deteriorate, does it affect the host's mentality?"

"If I resist, can I resist its interference."

It can be heard from Willie's words that she is very confident in the strength of her soul.

But a cold glance at the woman who was good at death, Lito directly dispelled her thoughts.

"Forget it."

"Poison and venom are different."

"You can still chat with Venom Poison, if the poison is... You are dead, only the poison that controls your body survives."

"Otherwise you think why they are called poisons."

But after taking a deep breath, Willie said that she sucked her lips and said it was a pity.

"Yes, that's a pity."

What a ghost!

Lito glanced slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Logan took over Laura's position and continued to entangle with Hulk. . This is not that they blocked the gun for Lito. In fact, the poison Hulk tracked across the world was originally directed at the two of them.

And the most troublesome thing is that Poison Hulk may not be the last one.

Although it was only a sweep, Lito knew that Logan would not be Hulk's opponent at all, and he would repeat the previous tragedy in less than half a minute.

and so. . It is indeed time to go.

But besides Logan, the little poisons around them also seemed restless, and even after Lito and the two had discovered them, it was even more. .


Lito suddenly jumped a whip leg and directly sneaked a small one, trying to sneak up on Willie's little poison from behind and kicked it into pieces on the spot.

These small poisons are different from the poisons behind the parasitic host. They are quite fragile when used as prototypes, so with the strength of Lito, it is enough to eliminate them.

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