High Magic Earth

Chapter 1742: Parasites: You leave the group

"Although it's a waste scum...but it won't let you parasitize..."

One leg scratched the residual image in the air, even with a slight and sharp sound of breaking the air, Lito kicked a small poison that didn't know life or death, and whispered in his mouth.


Naturally, this made Wei Li very dissatisfied.

But Lito ignored her directly.

"I am not a waste."

"I am a scientist, a scientist."

Wei Li murmured uncomfortably.

"... Behind every superhero or super team, there must be a smart and beautiful scientist as technical support, which is how it is done in the movie."

"And I! I am the scientist! You dare to look down on me."

Willie groaned angrily.

Fortunately, she finally knew that the situation was serious and did not make any idiot. . This is her advantage. Although the death spirit never stops, she can always avoid the supporting role in the movie that can not survive three games.

"You are just a researcher."

Lito had to remind.

"I am a genetics professor named Stanford!!! I left the core work area just because the research direction is different!!"

Lito pouted, but said nothing, but moved his footsteps again to make Wei Li cover more tightly.



Lito's movement seemed to touch some kind of signal, and the small poisons suddenly made a very harsh sound, like a rat cry, and then they became agitated in an instant.

"Hold on me!"

But Lito was not much surprised. He seemed to have expected this scene long ago. His eyes turned into the empty state that seemed to have no focal length again, and then he pulled Weili and pulled back.


"Roar! Hulk!"

Lito's speed is very fast. With a few steps, he took Willie out of a distance of more than ten meters, which is not comparable to Hulk, but it is no problem to leave this group of poisons behind.

They are also parasites. The speed and agility of the little poison is far worse than that of another star in the parasitic world.

Lito even doubted whether they could catch up with the host with their speed.

Really worried about them.

This is indeed the case. At the worrying speed of the small poison, it is impossible to catch up with the target to be parasitized by itself, so most of the time, they are parasitic in the form of sneak attacks when the target is controlled, or when they can’t be caught. Go up.

It's just like. . just now.


Lito didn't run out of two steps at all, he heard Hulk's roar coming from the rear, and then glanced at it, he saw Wolverine disappeared again, and now the entangled Hulk became Laura again. .

In addition, a black venom prototype followed behind him.

This group of little guys is naturally not human. The spider-like arthropod structure allows them to easily entangle on the ground walls and ceilings, and they are in large numbers, densely packed, at least hundreds.

They followed Lito closely, and they seemed very infiltrating just by looking.

But this is not the most important, the most important thing is. . Lito noticed that not all the small poisons were coming towards him, and there was a small part of them, who left the team and went straight to Logan and Laura.

They are not Hulk opponents at all. They often fall into a coma and lose their power. At that time, they will have no ability to resist the possession and invasion of small poisons.

. . Do you want.

Lito hesitated for a moment.

Logan and Laura are parasitized by poison, they will die directly, and then be transformed into a poison superhero, but get rid of the former without looking, the only result is that they will undoubtedly become enemies.

But it does not become an enemy. . Does it have much to do with yourself?

Indeed, there seems to be a little trouble in Will, but after all, they are going to leave this world, and as long as they leave this world, not to mention the poison Hulk poison Logan poison Laura, even if the poison comes out They are okay.

This world was originally a sub-world of the new humans, not the home of their mysterious side.

In addition, the Wolverine in the comics has never died, just like the little spider, he has to die a few times in some not-so-famous niche issues, and the atmosphere of the plot will be highlighted, anyway, it will not affect the main. Plot.

But despite thinking this way, Lito didn't know why, his footsteps had slowed down, and then turned around and back again.

Willie, led by Lito, naturally discovered this for the first time.

"what are you going to do?"

She asked suspiciously.

"Logan and Laura cannot be parasitized, we have to help them."

"Can you beat Hulk?"

Willie continued.

But fortunately. .

"We don't need to fight Hulk, just destroy these poison prototypes."

"Wait... us?"

"of course."

For the first time, Lito's tone changed from indifferent to even indifferent, and it became heated again.

"Hold on me!"

He shouted again, and then kicked out of the air with a violent kick.

The gravel is about the size of a human head. . It whistled, and flew towards Hulk in an elegant arc.

But unfortunately, not only did it not touch anything along the way, but even the final landing point seemed to be far away from Hulk's position.

It seems that Lito's attack seems a little outrageous.

But this is not the case, because at the moment when it was about to cross Hulk, a small poison suddenly fell off the top of the roof, and the action looked like it was going to pounce on some creature.

then. . Lito's stones just passed by.

The next scene that appeared was this little poison, as if I had just pasted it on this stone.


The little poison made a scream, and was instantly smashed into pieces by stones.

But it was only the first one. As the stone flew over, the sound of boom fell not far away, and soon a second, third, or even a series of four or five small poisons jumped from above.

It's just that the moment Lito has won is enough.

Enough Logan's self-healing ended.


After a crumbling rubble underneath, an arm was suddenly stretched out, and three steel claws popped at the end of the arm, cutting off the small poison that fell in a flash.

Then in the blood of poisonous oil, Logan slowly stood up.


His gaze moved slightly, swearing, and then spit out the **** black liquid in his mouth.


Logan naturally knows poisons, and as Lito inferred, it is not impossible for simple poisons to rely on a number of forced parasitic hosts, but most of them are very good third- and fourth-tier heroes. Massacre a large amount, the number is not meaningful at all, how many deaths come, how many second-line heroes are the least able to leave.

So more often, the parasitism of poisons does rely on sneak attacks, or poison parasites that have successfully parasitized control the target, and then they parasitize.

Just like they are now.

At this time, the situation of Logan and Laura is very critical, because Hulk's combat power is much higher than them. Once accidentally wounded and unable to move, he will be directly parasitized by poison.

Even at that moment, Logan already had the idea of ​​letting Laura escape first after he stayed.

But he saw Lito who turned back again.

Well, it seems that although this guy is not the type that looks good to him, he is not a jerk. . Well, now in Logan's mind, Lito's status may already be equivalent to Scott.

Rogan's eyes collided with Lito. Although there was no verbal communication, the two understood the meaning of each other in an instant.

Next, Logan naturally wanted to continue to fight Hulk. If he didn’t, Huo wouldn’t let them go, and Lito, Lito still had the original plan to escape.

But before fleeing, the little poisons must be cleaned up first.

Although there is only a short moment of eye contact, it has given enough choice to two people.

Logan wanted to come to calm down with the cigar at this time, but obviously, this was not a good time. In the end, he could only touch his claws helplessly, making a series of crisp sounds and splashing Mars, and then shouted at Hulk again. Rush there.

There have been a lot of small poisons gathered in the past, he must clean up those things for Laura.

At the same time, Lito also regained his gaze without focus.

Everything is now under his control, such as crushing the poison that attempts to parasitize Logan with stones, because Sphinx's wisdom will tell him what is about to happen, or the tacit communication with Logan. . Sphinx will also answer what he thinks about Logan.

In other words, Lito knew that Logan would turn around and continue the good news with Hulk, he could boldly clean up these little poisons.

At least don't worry about cleaning up halfway, a Hulk will suddenly be killed.

This is where Sphinx is convenient.

But the next question to consider is how to clean up these small poisons.


Willie in Lito's arms snarled in her throat.

The communication between Logan and Lito was very short, even for a moment, including Lito's seemingly unintentional kick, but it just happened to be the kick for Logan.

. . This didn't even notice to Willie.

So she didn't know what happened just now, she just knew. . Lito suddenly turned back, surrounded by poison, as if he couldn't think of it.

"I said, hold on."

Lito repeated.

Then in the next moment, he had crashed into a pile of poison.


With Lito's landing, it seemed that there was some invisible wave of air passing by, and the actions of the poisons around him stopped at this moment.

But only this moment.

At the next moment, the poison around me was like crazy, and began to swarm towards Lito.

Willie clutched Lito's collar tightly.

Although she seems to have a bigger heart, it does not mean that she is an idiot. As Stanford's famous doctor, she definitely does not lack IQ.

So in the face of this situation, it is impossible for her not to be nervous.

But she can only choose to believe Lito, otherwise there is no way.

Willie didn't scream, didn't get confused, nor did she. . Wait, what is going on, but what is this.

Suddenly, Wei Li suddenly realized that her hand feels a bit wrong.

To be more precise, what she was holding felt wrong. Originally she was holding Lito's clothes, which were rough, and even some clothes that were slightly damp under the sweat.

But now, this thing seems to have become. . Fluff?

Willie froze for a moment, but immediately realized something.


Sure enough, at the next moment, the field of vision in front of her suddenly stretched and seemed to rise infinitely. . But in fact this increase lasted about three or four meters, and then stopped.

And Willie looked down after holding her body steady. . Lito has indeed become a sphinx, no longer a human form.

Willie grabbed a large hand of Lito's hair with a little excitement, and seemed to be ready to get back to study, which immediately attracted Lito's complaint.

"Don't you already pull so much!"

But there is only one complaint, because after half a second, these little venoms continue to swarm like they have not seen Lito's changes at all.

The IQ of the venom prototypes is pitifully low. For them, there is no fear of such feelings, so even if they face the larger Lito, they do not have much reaction.

On the contrary, for them, the larger hosts seem to be more powerful and seem to be more suitable for parasitism.


Similarly, Lito did not dare to care about the poison that swarmed in.

He waved his front paws violently, and fanned out a small piece of poison that had been thrown out, and at the same time his body had jumped forward and continued to run.

Poison possession is amazing, but it's not that simple. It's not easy to pounce on which host.

It takes not only time but also a certain area of ​​erosion.

In fact, Lito doubts that he has become what he is now, and whether the prototype of these poisons can be successfully possessed.

Don't look at Hulk's bulk, but it is still much worse than Sphinx. After all, although Hulk and Sphinx are both close to three meters in height. . But Sphinx's width and length are also close to three meters.


Lito in Sphinx's form continued to run, almost hitting all the small poisons along the way.

There is not much difference between the Lito forces in the two different forms~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But the size of Sphinx is several times that of humans, and the range of natural attacks is also many times larger.

In almost every attack, Lito can easily fly at least a dozen small poisons.

Of course, this increase in attack area does not mean that, like the previous whip leg, it will definitely eliminate every small poison hit by Lito.

But it is definitely enough to crush some of the unlucky eggs.

In any case, the current slaughter efficiency is much faster than humans. . No matter how sphinx is not good at fighting, it is also an ancient and powerful mythical creature.

Even the fighting power is comparable to second-tier heroes.

It's like Logan and Laura who are continuing to struggle with Hulk.

However, after Laura was slapped out by Hulk again and hit the ground fiercely, she inadvertently raised her head and looked at the creature resembling the Sphinx not far away, but it was a question mark in the head.

"What the **** is that?"

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