High Magic Earth

Chapter 1743: It's time to call someone

"Don't be distracted!"

The next Logan let out a loud roar while kicking Laura.

The strength is so great that even Laura can hear the sound of her waist bone breaking while flying out, and the whole person has to turn back to ninety degrees.

The mutant ability of the Wolverine brothers is self-healing. The powerful self-healing ability makes them almost immortal, and does not involve any level of strength.

Perhaps Logan’s strength may be greater than that of ordinary people, but it is certainly not as good as Hulk. The reason why he can kick this amazing effect is probably because he is very heavy.

Yes, weight weight.

Although Logan is not tall. . But very honest, the most important point is that his bones are all Edman alloy.

This weight is extremely amazing.

And he can still walk vigorously under this bone weight, in a sense, his strength has also entered an extraordinary level.

But it can only reach the level of freedom of action. Sensitively, it must be no less than Laura.

But Rao is so, under a single blow, Logan's strength is amazing. . At least Laura kicked her waist, no problem.


Laura fell heavily not far, lying on the ground difficult to move, thanks to Lito has already started to clean up the surrounding small venom, otherwise it is now an excellent parasitic opportunity.

Then, Logan succeeded Laura and took her place.

Although Logan had a heavy hand, his sudden attack on Laura was definitely not to harm her, unless Logan was possessed by poison, but it did not.

Sure enough, in the next moment, Hulk's heavy punch fell without stopping, Logan couldn't resist it at all, and could only barely cross his arms and paws in front of him, and the whole person flew out instantly, flying out for nearly ten Mi Yuan then slammed into the wall on one side.


Logan was directly embedded in the wall, and even his arm was about ten centimeters away from the wall surface.

After struggling several times, Logan pulled himself out of the wall again.

It's not a good habit to be distracted during the fight, thanks to Logan helping Laura block it. . As for the way of reminder is too rough, there is no way.

That's how Logan's fighting style is. You can't expect him to suddenly walk up the technical stream.

. . Similarly, it is estimated that only Laura cloned from his blood has the same self-healing ability to withstand his special friendly reminder.

For the two who are very self-healing, it is not a problem to have a broken waist, and even heal it, and it will not take even a few seconds.

As salted fish generally struggled on the ground for about a second or two, Laura suddenly kicked herself from the spot with a strong waist, and the man was halfway in the air, just like Rogan, with his arms crossed, will Both claws are in front of me.

The next moment, the attack from Hulk came as expected, his heavy punch fell, and Laura flew out like a cannonball, and was embedded into the wall.

This is the case, it seems that Logan and the two have entangled Hulk, but in fact they are just passively beaten.

In the face of monsters such as Hulk who have reached the ultimate power, they simply cannot find a suitable counterattack opportunity. Even if they find it, it is difficult to cause any real harm to Hulk. Although Hulk’s self-healing is not comparable to the Logan two, but Also very strong.

Especially his real identity should be classified as a symbiotic poison.

They are just delaying time with their immortality. . If you change it to someone else, it would have been hammered into a pie.

. . But they are not afraid, even if the hammer becomes a small cake, give them enough time, the two can recover.

But neither Logan nor Laura saw any hope of winning. . There is no hope at all. They can't beat Hulk, no matter how long they delay.

This is also their disadvantage.

Immortality just means that they don’t die. Even if they can drag on again, it doesn’t mean they will win.

Naturally, in theory, immortality means absolute victory, if the condition of victory is the death of one party. . But this situation is too extreme and can only exist in theory.

Accidents always happen, time will change everything, that's it.

Laura took the lead out of the wall. After all, she was more sensitive than Logan, and then she walked vigorously, jumping like a cheetah on the raised ruins and fragments of the wall. Her movements seemed to be better than that of professional parkour players To be agile and quick, just like flying, a few blinks and ups and downs, then returned to Hulk.


She let out an angry roar and rushed up again without fear.

Neither Logan nor Laura knew what the pain was.

This time Laura didn't continue to distract, although she still didn't know what the creature sprang up like a sphinx.

. . No one told her that it was Lito.

Moreover, in the mutants, it is rare to directly change the form of humans, from the human body to the body of another monster.

It's even rare enough.

The greatest degree of variation is probably the degree of the devil, the red devil, and even the beast. . Then there is the human form like angels, with some variation as the representative.

So for a time, Laura had no idea that it was Lito.

It's just that this doubt is only a moment. . Little girl, there is still curiosity, and her and Logan’s immortal nature also destined them to be distracted on the battlefield.

No one else can.

Quickly dodge a few times. . Laura soon fell into the disadvantage again.

In fact, even if they don't see any hope of victory, they can't help it. . Because they did not have the confidence to escape from Hulk.

If anything, they have long gone.

Fortunately, Lito helped them stop the parasitic of the small poison, otherwise in this case, they should have been parasitized by the poison.

This is how the Poison Legion developed.

First, some superheroes who are not influential, and then use various sneak attacks to parasitize more heroes. When there are more superheroes parasitized, the battle will become chaotic. Under chaos, there will be more superheroes. The heroes were attacked and parasitized by the small poison.

. . Wait, Lito?

She suddenly remembered the guy before, who seemed to be gone, but now there is a huge sphinx running around. .

Is it possible that this is the guy?

When Laura was pressed by Hulk on the ground and hammered again, and Logan snarled and rushed up, she observed the giant sphinx with only half of her eyes.

It's really possible.

Because she saw the female researcher on the back of the Sphinx.

Ok. .

"Wow! What the **** is that."

But at this time, a very exaggerated voice suddenly came from behind the battlefield. Even without seeing people, just listening to the voice can imagine his exaggerated movements and exaggerated gestures at this time.

. . The **** guy, deadpool!

The name popped up directly in Laura's mind.

"Wowwow, am I already so famous?"

"But sorry, dear, you are not my dish."

The next moment, Laura suddenly felt dark in front of her eyes, and then it was. . The **** guy didn't know where he jumped out from, so he crouched so indecently on the side of his head, then looked at himself with his head tilted.

The tone is as usual. . and many more.

That is. .

"Oh... it seems you noticed."

Deadpool flicked his horn. . To be precise, it is because of the parasitic appendage of the poison, and the armor-like horn-like protrusions generated on the head.

"I am a poison deadpool now."

"And I have teeth!"

As he spoke, Deadpool grinned suddenly. . Exposing a row of infiltrating teeth.

The teeth appear exaggerated and jagged, not at all like eating, because the sharpness is unscientific, more like an attacking weapon, specifically for biting.

. . Just like venom.

The tooth of the authentic venom after the possessor.

"Wow... Deadpools in other worlds will definitely envy me."

"This is a brand new experience."

"In uniform."

Deadpool continued to bounce the horn on his head.

"But there are still teeth."

His teeth kept biting in front of Laura's face.

"...It's so exciting, and I want to go now."

Ok. . Sure enough, it was still the dead waiter in three games.


Then the Deadpool changed his face and looked at Laura seriously. "I'm not talking to you. I'm not interested in you, and are you an adult."

"You know, *adult, but it's illegal."

Deadpool has a serious face.

But Laura did not listen to his nonsense. . To be precise, it has been a long time with the dead waiter, and I automatically learned the skills to filter these nonsense.

Laura's entire focus was on the armor shell of Deadpool.

more specifically. . He leaned over, poison.

"You... possessed?"

Laura asked hoarsely.

At the same time, her body is rapidly healing itself, and it won't even take more than ten seconds, it will be completely restored again.


Deadpool said.

"But don't get it wrong, nobody can possess Uncle Deadpool."

"I found them."

"You are crazy."

Laura's voice was still hoarse.

She understood the meaning of Deadpool.

In fact, after saying so much, it is ultimately one thing.

He betrayed.

"Don't say so ugly."

Deadpool shrugged.

"I just made the right choice."

"But what is that guy."

Deadpool draws his knife, and then points to Lito, who is killing all sides.

"I remember this is the world of poison, a symbiote special, not my special."

"No one told me that there will be a story of a deadman slaughtering civilization and wonders today."

Laura didn't answer.

"You are still so boring."

It seemed to feel that Deadpool rolled his eyes under the poison mask, his katana pointed at Laura's neck, and then raised high.

"You have to make a choice too, little girl."


The blade was sharp.


But just as the blade was about to fall, and then Laura's head was cut off, a very subtle noise appeared, and then a quick and small missile fell precisely on the arm of the deadpool.


The missile burst, the effect was not great, but it was enough to instantly blast off the deadpool's arm, and then the whole person was rushed out with the air wave.

same. . Although the power is not great, but it can shock the deadpool, for Laura, the power of the explosion is also very dangerous.

At the moment when the Qi wave was generated, her entire head was almost cooked by heat. . Fortunately, this does not require much time for her self-healing.

For example, now, her facial skin is recovering at a rate visible to the naked eye.

But what really needs to be concerned is not these things, but this missile is from. .

"make a choice?"

"Sorry Wade, the choice was right, but you made a wrong choice."

Well, no need to think about where this missile came from, because at the same time that the Deadpool was blown up, several missiles passed by and went straight to Hulk.

In a burst of bursting sound, Hulk's figure was temporarily buried by the air waves, while another figure flying in the air was also emerged.

"It looks like I'm not too late."

The guy who flew in the air glanced at the broken uniform, but still unscathed Logan and Laura.

. . Anyway, for them, as long as they don’t die, there will be no injuries on the surface, so it’s not too late when he comes.

But the next moment, his eyes noticed that Lito, who was still slaughtering the little venom, was not far away.


He exclaimed like Deadpool.

"What's that... someone explain it to me?"

"Who's that thing? Is there such a guy in our world? Is Stephen sure that he hasn't made a mistake?"

"Jarvis, haven't you heard?"

"Sir, according to the data scan, the protein content of the unknown organism is more than..."

"and many more."

"Just tell me what it is."

"Sir, there is no record of similar creatures, but the most likely result of the analysis... It is Sphinx in Egyptian mythology, a creature that likes to block the road to ask the riddle of the blocked."

Communication in mid-air did not conceal anyone.

So Logan and Laura, who took a breath below, heard clearly. . For example, Jarvis talked to them.

Logan glanced back, then looked away.

The Stark guy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ just likes that.

Compared to Stark who came to the rescue, Rogan's eyes fell more on the portal that had not disappeared. If Stark is alone, he may not be able to beat Hulk.

Come one by one, it is almost one by one.

Fortunately, although Stark didn't look very reliable, he wasn't as stupid as Logan imagined. He didn't come alone.

Under Rogan's gaze, other superheroes soon passed through the portal and came to this side. Even within half a minute, seven or eight people had arrived. . Even Strange Doctor Steven Strange himself.

This is stable. .


It's a pity that just as Logan felt that he could finally win a round this time, the poisoned Hulk and the poisoned Deadpool were also lit up near the ruins where they were buried.

Poisons. . Also came.

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