High Magic Earth

Chapter 1744: Researchers are also very important. . It’s all done in the movie...


Crazy twittering, the little poisons no longer tried to attack or parasitize Lito, but continued to flee, rushing to the west from all directions. . It's like discovering something that scares them, or it sounds a rallying order.

Almost in a blink of an eye, they escaped most of the time.

Let Lito, who is chasing them everywhere, is also a question in his head. . Fortunately, Willie on his back has been looking around curiously.

Naturally, I also saw the whole process of superheroes debut.


This is her first and only reaction.

Then she dragged Lito's hair. . Instructed him not to chase after the poisons.

"I remember if there were any parallel world theories in the movie of superheroes...you know, can you tell me if you know."

Willie's gaze hadn't left those superheroes, and then said while pulling Lito's hair.

Lito was very impatient, he didn't like his hair being dragged around, and he didn't know what these little poisons were suddenly crazy about and started running away.

It is true that the little poisons are not strong at all. It is only when they are fighting head-on. If they hide after fleeing, their sneak attack is fatal.

Even if you are not careful, they will be parasitized successfully.

The little poison after the escape is the real poison.

But Willie's hair was hurt. . Although Willie's hand strength is very small, it is very painful.

"What parallel world are you talking about?"

Lito coped impatiently, then turned his head.

Then his eyes gradually rounded, and then more and more rounded.


He said.

"what happened?"

I am just chasing the time of the little poisons, why does it seem that the whole world has changed.

Indeed, Lito heard the explosion when Stark played, but he thought it was Hulk. . In order to avoid accidentally hurting Stark, he did not use powerful weapons to wash the floor. After all, Logan and Laura were entangled with Hulk.

So the slight explosion sounded like Hulk was attacking.

With the power of Hulk, no matter what he attacked, he was like demolishing a house. The rumbling sound was no worse than that of a small-scale explosion, so Lito didn't hear the explosion at the beginning.

but now. . He doesn't have to listen.

He glanced at the person who came, and then put the portal that had not been completely closed into his eyes. Lito quickly recognized who they were.

The most obvious target flying in the sky is Iron Man, Tony Stark.

To be more precise, Venom Iron Man.

In addition, there is the venom eagle eye with a giant bow and arrow, the venom agent Romanov who almost became a real black widow spider, and the venom Captain America carrying a shield. . That pitcher plant looks almost like a guest in a ninja world, is Dr. Strange?

Lito took a closer look, eh. . It is indeed Dr. Strange.

The superheroes are almost here, which is not good news.

Because where they are, there has never been tranquility, only fighting.

Sure enough, Lito's eyes fell on the opposite side not far from the superheroes. The little venoms who had suddenly escaped were quietly running along the walls, ceilings, or the gaps in the ground, and they were converging towards them. While there. .

Then there must be superheroes, supervillains.

Poison villain.

Or. . Not all villains.

Poison Deadpool, Poison Black Panther, Poison Iron Fist, Poison Daredevil, even Poison Thor and so on. .

Well, it really is the world of poison.

Leto knew the world of poison, and the division of the warring parties did not depend on pure justice or evil, because poison was a parasite.

As long as it is parasitized, even if it is a teammate in the previous second, it will become an enemy in the next second.

If you follow the camp to draw style, Daredevil, Thor, Black Panther, etc. can not be counted as evil, at most. . Deadpool probably counts?

But the emergence of poison villains is not because of evil, but parasitic.

Once parasitized by a small poison, even Iron Man or Doctor Strange will become a poison villain.

This is why Raytheon and others will stand opposite.

Lito took a deep breath.

He probably understood why Willie asked the question just now.

Because all this is happening now, it seems that some are too unfolded. . The world they are in is clearly a Jurassic world! Spielberg's Jurassic-themed series of movies! Rather than Russell Brothers’ superhero-themed series.

why. . These superheroes will appear here.

For Wei Li, she seems to be doing her normal work every day, and then suddenly a lot of superheroes come to the world, and then tell them that the comics are not just comics, they are actually some of the superhero comics. The first issue was that they didn't find it.

Then superheroes popped up like mushrooms, and from then on the whole world crooked and entered the initial year of superheroes.

. . This is too unacceptable for Willie.

And not to mention Willie, even Lito now feels a little weird.

They entered the second movie world of the Jurassic World, borrowed some genetic technology, genetic talents, and rare biological genes, and then left the world, returned to their main world, and continued to study blood deduction.

The progress of the Jurassic world will be as in the movie. International gene technology companies will have their ups and downs. Sooner or later, dinosaurs will accidentally re-escape, and then trigger various disasters. Of course, this will also be a protagonist.

Ok. . Star Jue.

Just like the plot shown in the movie.

Although dinosaurs are somewhat dangerous, they are not super-spec fighting power, nor supernatural powers, and even various Marvel black technologies.

. . The technology for recovering dinosaurs is indeed very dark, but compared with the superheroes' black technology, it is far worse.

In the end, this world may become a coexistence of dinosaurs and humans, or it may stage a song that can be weeping like the rise of the next-door ape star. No one knows.

But after all, this is a story with dinosaurs as the main melody, or the world.

Not a superhero!

So what the **** is this, and why suddenly there are a lot of superheroes, and it is still a special universe like the poison universe.

According to Lito's knowledge, the Poison Universe has no movies at all, only comics, and the only one that can be related, it is estimated that it is the most recent venom released.

Ok. . Although people are in the Jurassic world, for the origin conference, there is no technical pressure to get the latest movie from the present world and then pass it to the companions of other worlds.

Not long ago Lito returned to the dorm alone after get off work, eating fried pig skin, drinking beer, and then watched the latest release of venom.

Seriously, he thinks the visual effects are top-notch, but the actors are notable if they are replaced by him. .

Heck, it's a bit off topic. As a former Hollywood actor, relying on and substituting the movie has almost become Lito's instinct.

In any case, the appearance of these guys is already an indisputable fact.

Even Lito has no good solution. . And this is definitely not good news, even Lito has made up his mind to slip away immediately.

If Lito was going to help Logan and Laura before, now he doesn’t want to control anything.

Because even before facing Hulk, under the entanglement of Logan and Laura. . In fact, the risk of Lito is not high, just need to clean up the small poisons.

but now. . Seriously, the battle between these superheroes is not something Lito can do.

He can indeed intervene at the level of Logan, but there is absolutely no way to intervene at the level of Thor, even if placed in ancient Egypt, the power of Thor is absolutely comparable to some gods.

With Sphinx, you can't fight it.

And the only gain. . Probably it is sure that the comic superhero world does exist.

Although this is a gain, it is not good news.

In addition to the movie world, is there any other world, this has always been one of the research topics of the origin conference. . Unfortunately, there has been no gain.

Even if he joined the sphinx like Lito, which was called a fraud, the ability from Sphinx told Lito that it would take at least three years to resolve this problem.

Fortunately, the time is not long, but it is not short.

But now this question finally has an answer.

Although it sounds meaningless, it is not so, because there is a most intuitive situation, that is, for superheroes, they are completely different from the movies and the comics.

But as for why there is a comic book world. . Lito felt that he would not think about it for the time being.

Although he is a Sphinx, his abilities are naturally related to questions and answers, but in fact he is not a guy who likes to think about problems.

Lito is a sentimental school. More often than not, it is not a nerd.

So this problem is left to other guys who are good at thinking and like to think at the meeting.

Silently returning to the human form, Lito dragged Willie to her side and covered her mouth by the way.

"do not speak."

Lito also said in the voice of mosquito feet.

He pulled Willie and quickly pushed near the edge of a ruined wall.

The Hulk smashed up before, almost destroyed everything in this work area, and several laboratories have become a ruin. Even there is no complete building or place in this neighborhood. The ceiling has been completely smashed, and you can directly see the sky. Apart from the gravel, it is still gravel.

Fortunately, it is not underground, but the working area on the ground at the edge of the island, otherwise it will collapse long ago.

Lito noticed that many superheroes have actually discovered themselves.

There were already two professional agents, Hawkeye and Black Widow, and even if they were not agents, the superheroes were all experienced in combat, and it was impossible not to observe the battlefield.

Not to mention the wall hanging like Stark. . It's still in the venom version, and I can't find it until I see it.

But no one said anything about Lito's little moves.

After all, their enemies were the poison opposite, their former companions. . And no one knew Lito!

If they are parallel worlds, they must be acquainted. For example, the parallel world itself, even if there are strange worlds, such as special worlds with opposite genders or opposite camps, can also be distinguished.

But no one knew Lito, that is to say, he was not a superhero.

The natural focus is one point lower.

Lito took Willie back to the edge smoothly. . But Lito was completely unsure of whether he could successfully complete this task.

Wei Li didn't struggle, but she kept accusing Lito silently.

Lito rolled his eyes and whispered in her ear.

"You should be a member of the world of superheroes. Maybe your world is hiding some superheroes that haven't appeared."

"And don't you think the resurrection of dinosaurs is actually incredible? Most of the world has no such technology at all. It is normal that dinosaurs can't repeat it."

"So... don't think that your world is a normal world."

"You just live in it, so you don't notice it."

Lito naturally knew what was wrong with Will, and although he had begun to remedy, there were still many areas that could not be remedied at all.

For example, if a researcher or PhD on the list did not come to work today, then no matter how Will will remedy, this task will eventually be taken away.

Lito used Sphinx's ability to know that two researchers were absent today. . One researcher's position can be replaced, while the other one is not so easy to find.

It is estimated that Will's side is also troubled.

. . And Willie.

In fact, Wei Li's professional direction can't completely replace the absent researcher, but in the end, there are some areas where the research directions overlap, and it is entirely possible to take it away as a remedy.

Yes, Lito is going to take Willie away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So there are some things, there is no need to continue to hide her.

For example, about this world.

About all the world.

Sure enough, Willie was always very sharp in this regard, and she instinctively refuted the sentence.

"It's strange how gene resuscitation technology is. This is a natural development of genetic technology. Do you understand it?" She sent a contempt for Lito, a technology layman.

But the next moment, she noticed the abnormality in Lito's words.

"Your world? Other worlds?"

"What are you talking about... it sounds like you don't belong to this world at all."

After a pause, Willie stared at Lito thoughtfully.

"You didn't belong to this world, right?"

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