High Magic Earth

Chapter 1746: It must be a fake

Facing the fierce Thor, Thor, a ray of sadness flashed through the eyes of Tony's Venom Warframe.

This strange symbiote suddenly came to the world where they were, parasitizing a lot of superheroes before everyone had responded, and with their characteristics, they quickly spread their advantages by snowballing. getting bigger.

Even many of Tony's familiar comrades are unfortunately parasitized.

For example Thor Thor, Black Panther and so on. .

Stark will certainly feel sad, but after the sadness, he must be determined, because they must prevent these symbiotes from continuing to erode other people, otherwise the casualties will continue to spread.

Although they were very reluctant to admit it, they were indeed at a disadvantage in this war, because the poison was like the zombie virus in the zombie movies. Once infected by the parasite, the result was not only death, but also the last moment. Enemies of companions fighting side by side.

And their poison symbiotes are just like ordinary human beings in the face of those zombie viruses.

That feels too bad.

This method of infecting the enemy and turning the enemy into his own is too advantageous. The number of venom will only decrease, while the poison will continue to increase.

But even so, Stark will not give up, and he cannot give up.

And he firmly believes that the final victory must belong to them, he will also find the crucial victory conditions.

Because he is Stark.

. . .

"His...not bad."

The voice of venom rang in Will's heart.

The scarlet long tongue protruded unconsciously, and seemed to shake as if to lick something, Will's eyes were corpses and wailing everywhere.

"I said, we are great partners."

The voice of venom rang in Will's heart again.

Will slowly stood up, and the presence of the venom symbiosis magnified his body nearly twice. The huge body looked like a trumpet Titan.

Members of the surrounding security forces lay on the ground. . Of course they weren’t dead, otherwise there would be no wailing. Although Will started a little bit heavy, he still knew the size.

None of them died, most of them were fainted, with the worst injuries. . Probably the degree to which a few ribs are broken.

Of course, it sounds very easy to break the ribs, but it is definitely a serious injury, because when you hurt the ribs, if you are not careful, the ribs will hurt the organs.

The organs protected by the ribs are the main organs of the human body, such as the heart and lungs, once penetrated. . In an instant, it will change from serious injury to death.

And even if there is no damage to the organs, it is not so easy to pure rib fracture to heal, because the position of the ribs and themselves are not so easy to heal.

The disease roots may fall, such as wet and cold weather.

So breaking a few ribs sounds not very serious, but it is not. . The human body is an extremely delicate machine and extremely fragile.

Although this did not shout in Will I will not be a man! But it is no longer a human being, but a profound experience after becoming a deformer.

Facing the nagging of Venom, Will responded with silence.

Although it only took less than ten minutes to get along, Will has quickly learned how to get along with Venom correctly.

That is to say less nonsense and less talk.

. . No way, they were all nagged by venom.

"We really are in harmony, it seems that my vision is pretty good."

"You know, I always thought I would also find a superhero as my partner, of course, super villains also seem to be good."

"But you, you are not a superhero, I haven't even heard your name."

"I will be one of the most special in the Venom family..."

Venom does not have the ability to observe the multiverse, nor can it watch a possible future 14 million times like the Supreme or Doctor Strange. In theory, it should not know the existence of other worlds, even the existence of a multiverse.

But Will knows.

As the host of venom, Will knew that it meant that venom knew.

However, in the face of the venom chattering, Will could not help but return.

"Maybe I am the first hero."

"Newly born superhero."

"You know, before Spider-Man became Spider-Man, who knew Spider-Man was Spider-Man."

This sentence sounds a bit confusing, but Venom still understood it the first time.

After all, Venom and Will are symbiotic now.

The first generation of superheroes. . Will's meaning is already obvious, or he is also a superhero, but he is not well-known yet, and he does not have his own name, so no one knows him, nor does he know that he will also be a superhero in the future.

Ok. . It's like a story about the origin of a hero, or a big event where a new hero is born and joined.

Venom stiffened.

To be precise, Will felt himself stiff all over.

"Then you are not the most special."

Will continued, he hit the venom mercilessly. . Full of malice, because he was really annoyed by venom's nagging.

"In the venom family of the multiverse... you will not be the only one."

Venom was silent for a moment.

Will suspects that it may be thinking about the credibility of his words, and it is indeed the case, because at the next moment, the venom really started to cry again.

"No! I don't want it!"

"I want to be the only one! I want to be the most special one in the Venom family!"

Will's mouth twitched.

The venom's cry was hoarse and harsh, and it sounded agitated. . The sound is restless, and it makes the listener feel very uncomfortable.

This made Will more upset.

and. . How is this guy like a child, just like he can't eat sugar and clamoring for sugar? Is this guy really the venom that eats people?

"I feel doubt!"

Venom started yelling again with dissatisfaction.

"I thought we had a tacit understanding."

Will doesn't know why it's so much nonsense, but he knows this guy is definitely not the venom symbiote in Eddie's body in the movie universe.

The two are quite different.

Of course, it's character.

Enduring the chatter of the venom, Will's eyes swept around.

The security forces have all been resolved, a total of 97 people. . Very large numbers, the members of the security forces who are wailing everywhere are almost full of four corridors.

This is just the leading member of the security forces.

The number of security forces of the entire international gene technology company is definitely not limited to this, but they need to be scattered across the island, and there can not be too many people gathered in a hurry.

And the degree of gathering nearly one hundred people. . It is already a large number, and it moves quickly.

But although the number of nearly 100 people sounds very high, very few really pose a threat to Will.

Because space is limited.

No matter how large or empty the laboratory is, only a dozen people can hold it, not to mention leaving enough room for fighting.

What's more, there are more corridors in this work area.

So most of the enemies Will confronts are not more than a dozen people at most. . If it is a corridor, he may only face a few people at a time.

This greatly reduced the intensive attack power of modern firearms.

In fact, the attack that Will encountered in the beginning was the most intense, that is, when he started the fierce battle with the angel.

Because it was the security forces who touched them all and surrounded them directly, until the encircling circle could no longer squeeze in more people.

And accompanied by this attack was washed away. . The security forces never succeeded in organizing a decent attack on a large scale.

The members of the security forces do have good combat power in small-scale conflicts. They have accurate marksmanship and close combat skills. They are all retired veterans or mercenaries and have rich combat experience. . For ordinary people, if there is no gun, it is estimated that three or five people are okay. If you have a gun in your hand, it is estimated how much you will die.

But encounter the venom monster who is more proficient in small-scale battles, raids and street fighting. . As ordinary people, they don't have much resistance.

The bullet is almost ineffective against the venom. The high temperature of the explosion can cause damage to the venom, but it is not enough to kill him, and the two are incomparable in strength.

Unless they have sonic weapons, prepare in advance, maybe there will be some chances of victory when facing venom, but unfortunately. .

So in less than a dozen minutes, Poison Weir solved all the security forces.

Apart from the members of the security forces who have not yet arrived, none of the security forces present was able to stand.

Looking at his masterpiece, Will nodded with satisfaction.

At this point, the guys in the security forces finally had no way to find their troubles indefinitely.

"It's our masterpiece! We!"

Ok. . If there is no such nagging voice in your ear, it will be more perfect.

"Ah! You **** it! The guy who crosses the river!"

Will controlled the venom and gradually withdrew from the state of complete venomization.

Symbiotic venom is actually a very wonderful thing, not to mention the powerful amplification ability, just to say that it hides itself, from the original can enhance the power to a level of three meters disappeared without a trace, It's magical enough not to see a single drop.

But Will did not relax his guard completely.

Because the angel is gone.

Yes, the **** thing, like the gangrene of the bones, the angel who blamed it all was gone.

Will didn't believe he was because after he turned into venom, it was like stepping on an ant, and he was not careful to step on it when solving the security forces.

He must have some conspiracy.

A professional policeman, he never minded trying to figure out others with the greatest malice. . Because he has really seen too many heartbroken criminals.

Therefore, although the crisis seems to be temporarily lifted, it still needs to be quicker, and the task can be remedied as soon as possible, saving more nights and dreams.

By the way, remind Nancy and Lito, eh. . It seems that there is still a person, who it is. . Here. Oh yes, it's Toby.

Forget it, Nancy will remind him.

Will also didn't treat the newcomer very much.

Indeed, they are all magic, they all have great potential, they are all free people, and they were selected by the origin meeting, but it does not mean that they will become close friends or close friends who can be trusted.

You know, even in the origin meeting, although everyone maintains a minimum of friendliness, it is only the minimum. There is still complexity and alienation between human relationships.

Similarly, choose one of the important indicators of interpersonal relationships. . Is it possible to get together, that is, the eyes.

As a former policeman, Will saw the essence of Toby at a glance. He used to see more of this in the NYPD when he was a day-to-day, no-doer, and a little bastard.

He certainly can't bother to be with such a person.

Former actor Lito, a normal person like Nancy who just left campus and hasn't started working for long, will certainly not exclude him.

But not excluding does not mean that the relationship will be good. Whether the relationship is good or not depends on what you get along with in the future.

Will circumvented the unlucky **** of several security forces under his feet, lifted the American team's shield behind him, and then took a look at the probe.

Ok. . Although the battle was fierce, it did not affect the shield's internal space. The researchers and some sophisticated experimental machinery still looked well preserved.

Then Will quickly shrank his head back again after several researchers were either cursing or curiously asking questions.

He was in no mood to comfort these people.

. . Let Mianlong have a headache.

Well, this time the task completion is indeed a bit bad. Perhaps in the end, even if these people are successfully sent back to the temporary station world, it will take a lot of explanation.

But if you think about it, it's nothing. Isn't it normal to take it back to take it away by force? You should know that these people are either researchers or professors. Although they are not scientists, they are not much different, even if they are not scholars in the field of physics or space. . But never underestimate the curiosity of a scientist.

No matter what the field.

Curiosity is always the commonality of scientists~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But it is just a few more explanations.

With Will backing his shield behind him, the space magic of the Harry Potter world is very clever, even if it is inside the space bag. . The only drawback is that they are very fragile.

But Will didn't hide the shield. It was either the most dangerous place or the safest place, but the shield was really strong.

Although I don't know about the frontal collision, it has also resisted several angel attacks before, that is absolutely tonnage-level.

The load-bearing capacity is absolutely sufficient, so what you need to worry about is not that it can withstand less power, but more about how it will face the penetration of a point attack.

For example, bullets.

The bullet certainly does not have a few tons of impact, far less than the fist of an angel, but the two can't be counted as such. The bullet is very penetrating and can withstand a few tons of weight, not necessarily able to resist that small one. Small warhead.

Fortunately. . Now Will also has new defenses.

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