High Magic Earth

Chapter 1747: Sure enough, no lie

As the shield was hung on his back, a black liquid-like substance quickly spread out, then filled the entire shield, and finally wrapped it all up, forming a brand new pure black shield.


It is the new defense brought by Venom that allows Will to hang the shield on his back with confidence. .


The venom that originally covered the surface of the shield suddenly spread like a cat with a blown hair. It spread like a spider with eight legs. It instantly covered Will's body for half, or even only half of his face. The speed of coverage This stopped.

At the same time Will's ear moved slightly, his footsteps stopped momentarily, and asked in a low voice.

The Transformer just enhances his lost sense of hearing. Although he can transform and imitate others at will, it does not mean that he turns into a superman.

However, the appearance of venom greatly increased his hearing. Will even felt that he could hear the whispers of the two people even if they were now ten meters away.

It was only at the next moment that Will suddenly felt that he was overkill.

Because this is a workspace after all. . Even if there is a fierce battle just now, it does not mean that no one will pass by here, and someone will pass by. This is really normal.

For example, some hapless researchers, but in such a strong atmosphere of war will break in. . Either it is very brave, or it is really stupid.

And even if it is not an ordinary researcher, it may also be a security force that comes afterwards.

This possibility is very high.

Will felt a little fuss about himself. . Since the angel disappeared mysteriously, he felt a little nervous.

However, there was indeed a bad hunch in his heart. This feeling was like a curse that haunted him all the time, and it was exactly what feeling made him uneasy.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Not far away came a sound that seemed like a heavy footstep.

The corner of Will's mouth twitched at the sound.

Because it doesn't sound like something familiar, such as a security force, or a researcher here by mistake. . This is not like human footsteps at all!

Venom seemed to feel Will's heart.

It snarled wildly and wildly in Will's ear.

"Don't be afraid! Come on!"

"Why, coward, are you going to run the program directly!"

It sounds fearless.

The fact is true, Venom is a guy who is not afraid of anything. . Even if the character of this venom is like a tease.

However, in the face of the venom and temptation of Venom, Will was unmoved, even after hesitating a little, he took two steps back, and then turned around and ran.

He was really afraid of the angel. . It's not fear, but I don't want to be chased by that guy again before the task is completed, and then pull out a lot of trouble.

Unfortunately, there are very few things in the world that can be satisfactory, and the results are often contrary to wishes.

"Boom! Boom!"

Will is fast.

Although the venom has been clamoring not to be positive, but the subject is still under Will’s control. It quickly cooperates with Will’s muscles, and within a few seconds, he rushed out nearly ten meters. the distance.

But there is something faster than Will, that is the invisible force, electromagnetic force, one of the four basic forces in nature.

With two loud bangs, the two laboratory doors on both sides of the corridor suddenly flew over, as if they were torn from their original position by some huge force.

The invisible force waved them casually, but their heavy weight even whined in midair.

This extreme gap immediately showed a strong contrast in the seriousness of people.

But Will did not care to appreciate this contrast.

He stopped in an emergency stop, stopping before he was about to hit a temporary barricade constructed by two rough metal gates.

The venom of the venom continued, and it had never heard of it, always instigating Will not to run, and turned to face the enemy.

It was not expecting Will to die. . But Venom means to have confidence in yourself.

At least until it encounters a really powerful enemy and can knock it down on the ground, it can't be changed temporarily.

After all, this venom has not encountered riots or slaughter.

It's just that after observing Will's actions, Venom is not happy. Even if Will stops now, it seems that there will be a great chance of turning around and seeing the situation, achieving the purpose when he has been urging him before.

And on the contrary, Venom turned to encourage it in reverse.

"What are you afraid of you?"

"Rush over!"

"You will stop with these two pieces of broken stuff? I just saw the wrong person!"

It used to be that it was constantly instigating Will and let him turn back to be tough, but now when Will seems to really stop and prepare to go back, this guy starts to encourage Will to continue to rush. . I'm so **** up.

In fact, it is exactly the same. . This is what real venom looks like.

It is chaotic in itself, and it does what you want, and you can do whatever you want.

Will ignored the venom, he sank his face and turned back to face the direction he came from. The venom on his body began to spread silently and quickly, and he rewrapped him into a huge humanoid nearly three meters high in the blink of an eye. Type creature.

"I'm not afraid of these two doors."

"But what they represent..."

"And the other party has already greeted so enthusiastically, and I want to go again, I am afraid it will not be so easy."

In his heart, Will's calm voice and the venom's madness and anxiety showed a strong contrast.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

And indeed did not let Will wait too long, the footsteps of this enthusiastic beckoning existence sounded again and gradually approached.

"You seem nervous?"

Venom asked inwardly.

Will didn't answer directly.

"Unknown has always been the enemy of mankind."

The unknown is always scary.

But sometimes, it is also known to be intimidating.

For example, now, because of the familiar way in which these two doors suddenly vacated, Will involuntarily reminded of a terrible existence.


This ability to control metals and to manipulate them at will is precisely Magneto's signature skill, magnetic field control.

The electromagnetic force that controls one of the four basic forces in nature is an extremely powerful and terrifying ability.

In addition to the electromagnetic force, the power of mind is also easy to cause such an effect, but the scope of the mind power almost includes all objects that have substantial existence, and the simple metal is still very reminiscent of Magneto.

Of course, Will knows that Magneto will not appear here. How could a mutant come to the movie world of the Jurassic world inexplicably, although this is a sub-world of new human free people.

If it is the Avengers who come to the next door, or even the Justice League, it is not impossible, but this. .

At this time, Will didn't know what happened to Lito, nor did he know there. He had already started a super-expanding superhero fight, a symbiotic special issue.

But what happened in front of me is really reminiscent of Magneto.

The two metal gates clicked and collided with each other in the air, then stopped the road. . Hidden behind it is likely to be waving his hands like a magnetic conductor like Magneto.

It's also really famous that the scene is very famous, so everyone often thinks of him first, especially the world related to superheroes.

"A stranger."

"I have never seen you."

The next moment, the sound of footsteps from far to near came to an abrupt halt, and at the same time a figure did not know when it appeared in front of Will, that is, the direction in which he fled.

Along with this sound, there was still a sound with a rich metallic texture. The sound was hoarse and rough as if two pieces of sandpaper were rubbing, but there was a feeling of restraint and frustration. . It's like a singing pattern.

. . Very familiar way of speaking, just like the nobles who are pretentious.

"tell me."

Will's eyes slowly lifted up, following the visitor's feet and legs, looking up all the way, and then Will's cheek was a fierce convulsion.

It's not really Magneto, but. . It's a guy who is a hundred times more terrible than Magneto.

"Are you... a new hero."

The voice asked methodically.

Although hoarse and unpleasant, it can make people feel as if they are handsome.

Will twitched his skin.

The other party stood a little tall, and the war between Will and the angels destroyed it and became a ruin. The large areas around them were collapsed walls and the like. The visitor picked a raised pile of ruins and stood there. .

So the first thing Will saw was his feet, ribbed feet. . Although this description may sound strange, it is.

Then there are the legs, still the legs with horns and corners, like hard armor, but they don't give any metallic texture, more like some kind of unknown horny.

His skin is grayish white and a little shiny, and the mixture of the two is like a dull silver, but just looking up his leg, you will see another color.


It was a green short robe, and a green cloak floating in the back.

The **** material clung to his whole body, like wearing an armor and a green cloak robes wrapped around him. It seemed to be a little ragged, but his domineering arms embraced him, and it was dark and let people look The unclear face stared at Will coldly, giving a very stressful majesty.

He is not Magneto, but Dum.

That is. . Dr. Destruction.

. . .


Will unconsciously blurted out, then stepped back instinctively.

He swallowed and suddenly felt his throat dry.

"You seem to feel fear."

And in my heart, Venom still doesn't know the nonsense of life and death.

"Why is this, what are you afraid of, don't be afraid, rush up and kill him!"

"Oh, it looks like you know me."

Dr. Doom said in a long voice.

Although this sentence is very short, it still sounds a strong sense of restraint and frustration, and even sounds a bit elegant.

"So...it can explain a lot of things."

Will smiled bitterly inside.

Victor von Durm, the famous doctor of destruction, Will certainly knows that the venom idiot is still chattering and asking why he is afraid. . Rush up and kill him? It is just looking for death.

As the supervillain on the opposite side of the superhero, Dr. Destruction seems to be a guy with a title that sounds less domineering, but he is well-known and has a very powerful fighting power.

Although his main enemy is the Fantastic Four, it also looks like the four low wires with low combat effectiveness, but the daily destruction of Dr. Destruction does indeed beat them. . But it is not just limited to beating them.

Many people have been hammered by Dr. Destruction, down to the enemies of the Fantastic Four, as well as Iron Man, Thor, and even the Black Bat King, the members of Professor X, such as members of the Illumination Society, medium to Silver Shadow, Tyrant, Captain Britain and many more.

And the upper limit. . He was even able to create a stiff face with the oldest eternal protoss, anomalous people, and even their **** group.

And if you get any multi-universe-level powerful treasure, jump out of the five elements in minutes, the creator of the Devil Hammer Meal, the eternity of one of the five gods of the Marvel Universe is not impossible.

But of course, in the end, he will still be defeated by superheroes who are not overwhelming, and it is not that he won the final victory in the universe.

Many super rebels have their own final victory in the universe, for example, they are old but slaughtered the hegemony of all the universe, or the same old, refined countless years of magic, and ultimately invincible, holding the thunderbolt a burst of hammer Old Rocky ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There are also universes where Dr. Destruction has won the final victory, but in most universes and parallel worlds, the superheroes still win when they won.

It is the same as the devoured planets when it is strong, the planet devoured by aircraft when it is weak, and the notorious deterrence of the universe when it is strong, and Cthulhu who is knocked down by a small sampan when it is weak, Dr. Destruction is also a model of high and low combat effectiveness.

When it is strong, everything is exploded. When it is weak, you can only play mud with the Four Wonders.

But even at its weakest, for some ordinary superheroes, Doctor Destruction is strong enough.

You know, although the Fantastic Four sounds very low, but the combat effectiveness is not low.

Mr. Fantastic, that is, the boss of the Fantastic Four, the rubber man, the **** stick, Reed Richards, the core of the entire Fantastic Four, the husband of the invisible female Susan, the Perak United team. . Ah no, Jonathan's brother-in-law, and Stone's best friend. . Not just a member of the Four Wonders.

Reed is also the leader of the Illuminati.

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