High Magic Earth

Chapter 1749: There seems to be something wrong

This is not a battle of equals, he can fight with the angels, and strive for the advantage of one punch and one foot. . That's because the two are at the same level, and perhaps just a punch advantage can determine the final victory.

but now. .

Although Will avoided an attack, this time he made every effort to prepare in advance to avoid the attack. For Dr. Destruction, in fact, he just moved his finger.

He didn't even care, nor did he bother to hide his intentions.

Seeing Will evade his attack, Dr. Destruction didn't shake at all, or he didn't move at all, or even one eye was too lazy to throw to Will, just continued his movements calmly, Raise your arms high. . Let the electromagnetic field become stronger instantly.

"Fuck! Fuck!"

With the action of Dr. Destruction, countless steel bars sprang up on the ground instantly.

Naturally, building a house requires irrigation with steel and cement. . The gene technology in the Jurassic world movies may be more advanced than other worlds, but the construction technology is not.

The battle between Will and the angels destroyed almost all the walls nearby, but the steel materials in the walls could not be easily destroyed, so Dr. Destruction easily pulled them out.

There was a not so good feeling in Will's heart.

Sure enough, in the next moment, Dr. Destruction raised his hand slightly again, and the steel bars in all directions suddenly broke away from the original position.

They were dragged out of the wall and lined up slowly in the air. The long and short cold steel bars were like a javelin, pointing straight at Will who was about to be executed.

. . The number is close to one hundred.

really. .

Will took a deep breath and then whispered.

"Venom, Venom."

Venom didn't respond, or, since Will's mind recalled the messy story of the poison, it hadn't said anything.

It is a strong contrast with the chattering nonsense before. . It's like instant noodles without spices, it has lost its soul.

Although Venom can see what Will is thinking, it is only part of it, not reading memory.

The venom in the movie universe can, of course, but it cannot, not because it has something special, but Will is special.

Of course he has practiced Occlusion.

If you want to come to this place where you can face Professor X, can't you practice brain occlusion? Although this may not be useful in the face of Professor X, anyway, it is a comfort.

When he got the method of brain closure from Mianlong, Will has been working hard in private and practicing, and can be a partner of justice, not a black police. Of course, Will is a self-disciplined person, and he also treats Harry. This million oil magic in Potter World is very interesting, so progress is fast.

Professor X may not be blocked, but it is absolutely okay to stop the venom.

It was just that after he saw Dr. Destruction, his heart began to fluctuate violently, and his brain pondered the story about the poison universe. . Venom could immediately obtain this information from his cortex.

Just like at the beginning, after Will put on the venom, he thought about the various settings and stories about venom in the Marvel Universe. Venom knew about the multiverse and countless things about himself.

Instantly jumped from inside the box to outside the box.

But the existence of the poison universe. . It may have hit the venom, or maybe it was afraid, anyway, whatever the reason, it has been quiet for a long time.

"Don't pretend to be dead."

Will said again.

"I need your help... otherwise we will really die in a while."

Venom finally talked lazily.

"...Well idiot..."

At this moment, Will still admired the venom, although it seemed to escape without being reliable. . But at least in the face of this situation, it is still calm!

It is also a skill for Daxin to be like this.

But unfortunately it only lasted for a moment, and the next moment, Will put this impression behind him, because he screamed as if he heard the venom as if it were crazy.

"...What are you waiting for! Not running yet!"

Don’t I know?

Will silently cursed in his heart, but also felt the strength in him began to increase again.

Although the main control of Venom Warframe is in the hands of Will, after all, it is Venom, which can certainly control part of it, but at this moment, under the threat of life and death. . The venom finally broke out under the joint control of the two.

"Boom! Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom!"

A series of sonic booms suddenly burst out in the air

Will captured Dr. Destruction, he saw his fingers slowly pressing down, saw the rows of steel bars that seemed to be javelins being instantaneously blasted out, and saw them accumulating power in the air, even the air. Split open.

If you do not avoid it, you will die.

The number of them is too much. Venom does have a strong self-healing ability. Even the host Eddie in the movie can be pulled back, but Will is not confident to face so many steel bars. . They are large enough to pokes his head into a hedgehog.

Must be avoided!

In the face of a huge threat, Will and Venom jointly exploded into endless potential. In a flash, he only felt that the whole world seemed to be quiet.

Like the possessor of the neon, Neo, he felt the blood flowing in his body, the favorable ups and downs of his heart, the wind around him, and the invisible time. . He even felt the movement of every steel bar.

The venom muscles in Will's feet bulged, and he finished accumulating energy in a blink of an eye, and then desperately jumped to the side.

Like a black thunder.

But the speed of these javelin bars is not slow.

Bullet time just allows Will to catch the movements of the outside world, slowing down the time, or accelerating his thinking so that he has more time to think, it does not mean that his movements are accelerated.

Just when Will jumped hard, the rotating steel javelin also galloped, not only almost on his face, but even some steel, which had penetrated into his body.

But Will was unmoved.

Venom is still defensive after all. If it weren't for too many steel bars, Will wouldn't even need to escape.

With raindrops falling down, Will's huge body like a black bear showed a faster speed than Cheetah, almost against the gap between the reinforcements, and Will suddenly rushed out.


With a loud noise, Will crashed to the ground.

And time seems to regain the speed of flow at this moment.

"Bang Boom Boom Boom!" Numerous rebars plunged into the ground, splashing the gravel smashed on the ground, and the dust was flying, but at the same time, Will's figure also seemed to flash, spanning a distance of more than ten meters in an instant, Came not far away.

"Call! Call!"

Will's movements had stopped, he bent halfway, gasping continuously.

The moment of life and death just looked at him and escaped easily, but in fact it was far from that easy. This sudden explosion consumed his physical strength and energy. . Even with the venom as a support, Will now feels as if he is about to collapse.

It was even more stressful than when he faced intensive shooting.

This is not an exaggeration, because intensive shooting sounds terrible, but with Will’s speed, it is actually very easy to escape the shooting range, and once leaving that range, it is difficult for those firearms to launch a concentrated attack again.

The attack from Dr. Destruction is actually far more terrible than the shooting of firearms. Although it does not sound like controlling the metal and controlling the steel bars used to support the building as a spear, the speed of these javelin bars is actually faster than the bullets. Strong.

So in order to avoid them, Will almost tried his best.

Along with Will's gasp, the venom that seemed to bulge like a muscle on his body subsided.

Although he had tried his best to avoid being pierced by the steel bars, and even squeezed through the gaps against them, he still only protected his main parts, such as his head.

This is not fatal to Will. . But it is to control the existence of the entire body, without visual hearing, even if it is not a death on the spot, it will be a sure defeat.

In addition to these parts, there are still steel bars, such as Will's left arm, where at least four or five and a half meters of steel bars penetrate through.

Even if there is no venom in support, even if Will is not dead now, I am afraid that he will also be penetrated by steel bars, fixed in place and unable to move.

. . Just like Wolverine every time it touches Magneto.

Although he didn't have much power for the time being, Will was still alert to destroy Doctor. . He can only be vigilant, no matter whether he is in good condition or not, he has no confidence to defeat the guy on the opposite side.

But there may be a chance to escape, so Will is always looking for the opportunity to escape.

But to Will's surprise, Dr. Destruction didn't seem to intend to continue to catch up with it. Obviously, he just needed to move his finger again to hook out the steel bars on the ground and wave it again. . Maybe Will can't hide things.

But Dr. Destruction didn't do anything.

He fell from midair again, and seemed to be staring at Will.

Will was wary.

He never felt that Dr. Destruction was a good person.

Dr. Doom can be roughly divided into two versions, comics and movies. The movie belongs to the secondary setting. Victor Dumm is a talented scientist with high education, and Mr. Reed is a good friend, but unfortunately his later The company's investment in Reed's spaceship project not only suffered from a cosmic storm, but he also disfigured himself. Even his girlfriend, Susan, was taken away by Reed.

Although Victor can be considered a superpower, but. . And Mr. Miracle's rubber man, any part of the body can be stretched and contracted at will. It's just weak.

And the invisible woman Susan dumped Victor and followed Reed, eh. .

In the comics, he is a child of a gypsy witch, proficient in magic, technology, and even the king of the whole Latovinia. He is a quite wise person, also highly educated, and even seems to be elite.

Although he is a terrible super villain, he is not a madman, and even makes people feel like a noble temperament.

But even so, Will didn't think he would be a merciful man.

So what's the reason. .


But this question did not last long, because the next moment, Will heard a strong explosion from the back of Dr. Destruction.

His heart was alert again, alerting to whether there was any conspiracy to destroy Dr. Destruction. . Although Will didn't understand that Dr. Destruction had all shown the power of crushing, why did he play tricks again.

Could it be that. . Is this a look?

A series of classic scenes in many movies appeared in Will’s heart. The justice side always had all kinds of false information to deceive the villains, clearly he had nothing, but he could have the risk of being shocked again and again. Through various fatal crises.

Then yourself. .


Unfortunately, in the next moment, as the two figures suddenly flew out of the rear, and then thrown a hapless egg to the ground, Will calmed his thoughts.

really. . It’s just fantasy.

At the same time, Dr. Destruction spoke again.

"He... is it your companion?"

As he said, Dr. Doom gently raised his hand. The unlucky egg on the ground was obviously not a metal robot, but still under the control of Dr. Doom, he floated up easily.

He curled up, then fell gently in front of Will, destroying the feet of the doctor.

Will initially looked at the two newcomers, who were also poisons. . It's just that one of the guys is green, stepping on a black-gray flying wing, the other is gray and black, and there is a cluster of comb-like hair on his head, still a female.

He was guessing the identities of the two poisons, and Will also felt nervous when he heard Dr. Destruction.

Was it Lito or Nancy? .

Then his eyes fell on the man on the ground, and it immediately became a little weird. Even if it wasn't for venom as a mask to block his face, it would have been seen by Dr. Destruction.

The unlucky egg on the ground is not Lito, Nancy, but not a stranger. . He was the angel who was running after Will.


Will instinctively uttered a word. . Then I don't know how to proceed.

"I know people like you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but Dr. Destruction didn't seem to realize that there was any misunderstanding, he looked at Will and said again.

"You always call yourself a messenger of justice, so in the face of threats, you can care less about yourself, but you can't care about your companions."

"Now, what are your options."


Dr. Destruction took a step forward, a foot tower on the hapless angel's chest, and asked Will again.

"Face with you... same..."

Dr. Destruction's voice suddenly stopped, because three means from technology and magic, and even poison began to alert him at the same time.

High energy reaction, high energy reaction appeared.

And the source of energy. . It was at his feet.

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