High Magic Earth

Chapter 1750: This is the best teammate

?Dr. Doom is somewhat surprised.

He could feel the threat of this energy, even enough to threaten his life, but did not panic, destroying what kind of guy Dr. was. . There are more people who want his life, and more fatal crises have been encountered. He is not still alive and well.

So there is nothing alarming at all.

Facing Diaomin who always wanted his life. . Dr. Destruction has countless ways to protect his life.

But one of the best ones is to hurry up!

Almost as soon as his tech armor popped up an energy test warning, Dr. Destruction pulled back backwards without thinking.

He is still floating in the air, but he is no longer floating slowly, but like a low-profile version of Superman who changed his skin, he instantly rushed out a distance of more than ten meters.

The green cloak rang with his flight. . But this color scheme is really not good-looking.

Dr. Destruction responded quickly, and the two poisons coming behind him did not react slowly. Seeing that his boss had lost his way and fled. . Or if they feel threatened, they will run in an instant.


The poison covered in green paint and stepped on a gray-black flying wing made a strange call, and then the flying wing flexibly turned a fox in mid-air, and with him he disappeared instantly.

The remaining poison, which was covered in gray and white, had no flying wings, but she could fly by herself. It seemed that there was some invisible wind holding her up, and the speed was not slow at all. She followed the flying wings poison.

Even indistinctly, she was able to see that she was constantly blazing with sparks while flying, like lightning.

Will frowned slightly and didn't get much clues from him.

Although the venom symbiosis and the poison symbiosis are completely two painting styles, the former is, as the name suggests, liquid and viscous, like a huge jelly that can be deformed at will, while the latter is more like a shaped armor, once parasitized , Will be put on that layer of armor. . In other words, your skin and appearance become armor.

But although the shape has changed, their essence has not changed.

That is, all are symbiotes surrounding the host.

The original characteristics and appearance of the host are all covered by symbiota. . Not at all recognizable.

The two poisons have very different ways of leaving, but unfortunately, Will still didn't recognize it, but Will also vaguely guessed the old man who stepped on the flying wing and forgave the color. . After all, there are not many characters in the whole Marvel, all in green.

But Will didn't have much time to think about it. Dr. Destruction may not know what was going on, but only detected a high-energy response below, but Will knew it.

My dear Dawasiri. . That stuff is about to explode!

"Run! Run! Run!"

"Then you run! Hurry!"

Will snarled wildly at Venom in his heart.

And Venom realized from Will's mind what the **** was going on. . Also unwilling to let out a burst of exclamation.

The ghosts crying and wolfing in Will's heart palace.

Unfortunately, Will had just overdrawn most of his strength just to avoid Dr. Doom's attack. Although he had recovered some things at this time, he still didn't get the best, and he couldn't even mention the speed.

So when it reaches the outside world, it becomes. . A pile of venom squirmed on the ground, and ran to the distance.

It's about to explode.

Everyone ran outwards, such as Will in the venom state, although strenuous, but still struggling, the two poisons are also showing their magical powers to try to stay away from here, destroy the doctor. . Dr. Destruction has stopped in the distance, it is estimated to be ready, and want to observe a wave.

The only thing left in place is the explosive.




His expression looked painful.

There is even some distortion.

But he still didn't speak, just sent out bursts of screams and screams that seemed instinctive and unbearable. . Angels have no emotional thinking, at least for most cannon-level angels.

It's just that he looks really painful.

If he has emotional thinking. . Maybe it’s time to express their pain with loud screams or loud curses.

Just like most humans do in this situation.

But he didn't.

The angel's expression became more and more distorted, but when this distortion reached the extreme, unusual and surprising changes appeared on his face.

It was black veins, like black blood vessels, and black tattoos. They were dense and dense, almost in a blink of an eye, spread over his entire face, his head, and then spread along the way.


The angel uttered a cry again, and the black lines spread all over his body.

The bare arms, neck, and even palms are all such thin black lines. They spread like viruses, and even occupy almost all the skin space.

And when the space on the epidermis can no longer be covered with these black stripes, they seem to be transferred into the body of the angel.

It started to swell, and it swelled at a faster rate. If it took only a few seconds for the black lines to spread, its swell rate would not even reach a second.

It has swelled to the extreme!


Will, who was sprinting, saw the scene behind him. . This almost scared him to death, he cursed in his heart, and he desperately summoned the last strength.

The speed of the venom finally got faster.

He started striding again, striding vigorously, and even calling the tone running, rather than jumping, because each step of his stride has a distance of more than ten meters, and each bounce is at least three or four meters above the ground.

It's like gliding at low altitude.

Even in the end, he is no longer limited to the ground, walls, ceiling, and countless things around him. As long as he can see with his eyes, it has become his borrowing point.

Venom blasted the tentacles frantically outwards, pulling forward like a spider silk and ejecting backwards, in order to be able to increase the speed of that little bit.

"Quick! Hurry up!"

Venom roared with Will.

but. . It seems too late.

Because it took about half a second for the angel to swell, its expansion seemed to be extreme, because it stopped. . Suddenly stopped.

But this did not make people feel at all, but more shocking, like. . Before the storm, the final tranquility.


A violent explosion rang out.

It's so abrupt and unprepared, but it also comes so naturally, it seems that it should have been so.

But in any case, the raging flames are like giant snakes devouring the world, with a speed that cannot be possessed in the world, roaring through all.


Will's pupils suddenly widened, and even the eyes with the venom armor seemed to be enlarged. His last word was blocked in his throat and he couldn't make it out.

"Armor bodyguard!"

"Armor bodyguard!"

"Boiling like a waterfall!"

"Quick! Anti..."

Then, in the next moment, Will only had time to wield a few defensive magic, and then control the venom to accumulate a large part of the armor to the rear. . The loud noise and impact have been crowded from all directions.

Squeeze the air away, push everything away, and even seem to wipe away gravity.

The world is quiet.

Will only felt a buzzing sound in his ears, and then he became unable to hear anything. He felt that the heavens and the earth were spinning around. The invisible force controlled his body and did not know where to fly, it seemed like Is to fly to the end of the world.


The explosion came.

Swallow him.

. . .

Will felt uncomfortable.

But he estimated that he should not die, protected by venom, and his life should be worry-free. . Venom is not so fragile, but it is estimated that it will not be too easy.

It’s not that he didn’t face the explosion, eh. . The most dangerous time for him was when he encountered a heavy grenade, and the grenade exploded less than ten meters before him.

Even if there is no wall as a bunker, this distance is definitely enough to kill him.

At that time, he was cleverly hiding behind the corner of the wall, but Rao was so, it was only a shocking shock, but also caused a slight contusion to his internal organs.

The impact of the explosion is absolutely uncomfortable.

Especially now that this level of explosion is even more terrifying.

But since he can't die, Will has a mind to consider some other issues, such as. . About the explosion itself.

Angels will explode, yes, that's it, and it's not a novelty, the origin conference, even most free people know.

Although it is not clear why angels, like some fanatics, can explode. . Perhaps it is inheritance? But they can really explode.

Especially the low-level cannon fodder angels, they are only a blast in the end, which is no secret at all.

There is even something similar to the zombie virus. They are called angel viruses. In other words, low-level angels have the ability to infect humans.

After being borne by angels, humans will not become angels or other noble existences. . It will become what the angel brother had just exploded.

The whole body was infiltrated with black lines, and then swelled to a degree of surprise.

Although they all became big fat one by one, they seemed to be inflated, with no weight at all, and they were walking briskly. . It seems to be floating next moment.

But looking at it can float, but it does not mean that they are not threatening like balloons.

In fact, they are very powerful.

The impact force can stop the car, even knock the car back and forth, and can crash and smash the ground when falling and bouncing, and the defense is also very strong.

It's a low-profile Captain America.

And the most critical. . If they fail, they will explode.

The power of self-detonation is not as strong as the angel who looks like a senior angel just now, but it is not small. At least it destroys everything within ten meters without any problems.

This is why there are very few angels caught.

They leave no corpses at all.

Although it is unclear why they have not been infected in this world, there are many such low-level angels, and the free people on the mysterious side will encounter their pursuit. . And it will come a lot at a time.

This kind of angel has a certain sense of sight. Mianlong always felt that they also came from a certain plot world, but they never found their prototype.

And now it seems. . Not only can this kind of angel virus-like thing explode, it seems that every angel, exploding is a necessary skill.

The higher the angel's rank, the power of self-detonation is estimated to be undoubtedly greater.

This is not good news at all.

. . .


Time does not know how long it has passed, it seems like a moment, there seem to be ten thousand years.

Will's ear finally heard the sound again, other sounds, noisy sounds, life sounds, and no longer the kind of buzzing. . . It feels like an air defense alert.

In the same way, all kinds of bad feelings have emerged. The blood seems to be flowing back, and his internal organs seem to be suffering from various squeezes and tortures. . It's terrible, but it seems to be alive again in an instant.

"Be careful!"

Will yelled suddenly, but neither he nor Venom had time to react. The next moment, the two guys fell **** the ground.

The venom wriggled and deformed, wrapping itself into a ball. . Then he rolled forward more than ten meters away, and then the impact was removed.

"Don't stop!"

Will hurriedly said inwardly while struggling to get up from the ground.

The venom transformed into a humanoid shape with his movements, and then attached to his body again.

Will stood up again, and then continued to run without looking back.

His body was in pain, and even when he opened his mouth, there was a burst of blood. . Although the explosion did not burn him or blast fragments into his body, the mere impact of the explosion was enough to make him reach out and seriously hurt his hand.

But even so, Will cannot stop.

Because Dr. Destruction is behind, and this explosion is the best time for him to escape.

If this time missed, even Will himself does not know whether there is such a good opportunity next time, and he can successfully escape from Dr. Destruction.

And the task. .

The task has not been completed.

Whether to continue dragging Dr. Destruction to complete the mission, or to retreat now. .

This question was only instantaneously circling in Will's head, and he instantly chose the latter. Dr. Destruction is not the idiot angel before, and he can calmly let Will slip away.

If Dr. Destruction feels that he is wasting time, then he will directly make a big move~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is Dr. Destruction of Poison. He wants to devour Will's venom and Will himself, turning it into poison, This didn't stop at the beginning.

But if Will provokes Dr. Destruction, it's hard to say.

Will felt that if there was a chance, he would just take the opportunity to slip away.

But what about Lito and Nancy. .

"Da da da!"

While Will hesitated, he suddenly heard some footsteps coming from the side, and he quickly turned his head. . Scared that he thought it was Dr. Destruction that came after him.

But the sound is a bit wrong.

At the moment of suspicion in Will's heart, the master of the footsteps had already turned from the side of the corridor. . That is a huge figure.

It looks like a fox.

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