High Magic Earth

Chapter 1751: flag is invincible

Will frowned slightly.

He doesn't remember. . Where can foxes appear? This is the movie world of the Jurassic world, not where the magical animals are.

Why, there will be a fox.

Concerned in his heart, Will didn't care about him, but continued to rush to the road, the fox came from the side, and all he needed to do was to escape from Dr. Destruction behind, find a relatively safe place, and leave.

So in theory, this fox will not affect him.

"Hi! Will! Hi!"

But this doubt didn't bother Will for too long, because the next moment, he heard the distant greeting from Nancy.

And this voice comes from. .

"You don't look well."

The fox approached quickly, even easily catching up with Will, and then proceeded side by side with him.

Nancy's voice also appeared from above, and she protruded half of her body, looking at Will with interest.

"But... wow, you have a venom."

As the veteran of the origin conference, Nancy knew more inside information than Will, for example, the development of the origin conference in the next stage.

Origin Conference. . The name of the conference has named their core strength, the origin is their strength, and their strength comes from the blood.

Trace the blood, and then go beyond the blood.

All who can enter the origin conference have potential and successfully trace back to the existence of the bloodline, so what they need to do next is to go beyond the bloodline.

Bloodline. .

In addition to being related to magic, this word actually also represents another layer of meaning, gene.

When it comes to genes, it naturally involves the content of the technology side. In fact, the synthetic agent that originally activated the bloodline is technology, not magic.

So most of the development direction of the next stage is related to genes.

And the use of technological means.

Then the existence of venom and symbiota. . There is no doubt that they will be noticed.

Life Foundation, which is the place where the symbiotes are delivered, this company sounds very related to the origin meeting. Nancy knows that Mianlong has gone to the world of venom, but did not expect him to move so fast and has already made venom Here comes the hand.

. . I don't know if it was the venom in the movie.

Probably not, because Mianlong will not easily enter the relatively hot and relatively new movie world, the whole origin meeting people will deliberately avoid them, because it is easy to crash.

That is to meet other free people, especially the free man on the side of the new man.

Mianlong did not know whether it was an existing world or a movie first, but what was certain was that the world of the movie that was just released would always have extra people in the beginning.

Even a parallel world that is only in touch with it may have lucky or unlucky free people thrown into it.

If it is not venom, this matter is indeed more important. . Mianlong will not even enter the parallel world related to venom.

Because it will meet other free people.

How much is a troublesome thing, and once an angel is attracted, it is even more troublesome.

So Mianlong will definitely not go to the movie world of poison, at most it should be a parallel world, but I don't know which poison parallel world.

There are many parallel worlds, but not many. Many parallel worlds are far more dangerous than the movie world of the main world.

Even if they may be able to get some venom symbiotes, they are probably limited.

Mianlong can give Will one. . Obviously, he is very optimistic about Will, and otherwise, this time the task may not be so easy.

Being able to become the leader of the entire origin conference, Mianlong is definitely not as simple as the best.

Except that his strength is the strongest in the entire origin conference, his wisdom is not low, of course, this does not mean a specific value plus a point, the higher the wisdom, the higher the spell damage, but he is indeed a qualified leader .

Mianlong always makes the most correct decision.

The first period of time when the Origin Conference was established was not good. Without a stronghold world, everyone was scattered in this world.

It is necessary to face the pressure in this world, hide yourself, and avoid the maliciousness of the new human beings. The most important thing is that they are very confused about the way forward, and there are not many companions.

At that time, any wrong decision is likely to cause irreparable losses.

But Mianlong took them to make almost no wrong decision. Although there were some small mistakes, they finally won a mysterious side of the world as a stronghold, and began to control the scale of synthetic medicine in their hands. Completely hide their existence.

Mian Long can be said to have perfectly solved all the difficulties of the origin conference at that time.

Nancy did not blindly believe in Mianlong, but he really rarely made the wrong decision. Even Nancy once doubted whether Mianlong had any ability to predict. . And this suspicion continues until now.

Since Mianlong feels that Will needs to improve his combat power in this world, and to improve a lot, then this world is definitely in danger.

. . Probably not that group of dinosaurs, no matter how dinosaurs change, it is difficult to be an opponent of magical creatures.

Then. . What will it be.

Nancy thought impatiently, she didn't like fighting. . Because not everyone is a born warrior.

The emergence of a free man seems to be completely random. Being able to become a free man will undoubtedly grow and progress in the continuous world shuttle.

But it does not mean that such growth will be enjoyed.

Because not everyone likes fighting, killing, killing, and living so tense and tired every day, like Nancy.

She prefers to work regularly from work to work every day, doing repetitive work that does not need to damage brain cells, and occasionally a little accident is used as a life adjustment, and then brushes the play after work, look at Weibo, look at the paragraph, look forward to On the weekend, then go shopping with friends and enjoy the food.

Is the most common one. . people.

In fact, in China, Nancy did live this kind of life. After graduating, she passed the initial stage of newcomer in the workplace, and she quickly entered the retirement period.

She has nothing to pursue and naturally has little motivation.

Unfortunately, this kind of life did not persist even for a month. . Fortunately, or unfortunately, she became a free man.

She has become stronger, even beyond human existence.

But she also gave up a lot. For example, in the past she was alive to wait for death, now she is alive to live.

Everything is to live.

Even if she doesn't like fighting.

Thinking of these unhappy things in her head, Nancy did not show it. She still smiled at Will with a quiet smile.

"I feel like I missed something terrific."

She looked at the embarrassed Will and couldn't stop looking up and down.

The venom symbiote, although it is not strong enough, can indeed enhance the host a lot. Even Captain America put on the venom and jumped directly to beat Iron Man. It is not impossible for the tough Hulk.

Putting on a venom symbiosis would make such an embarrassment. . This is not good news.

"indeed so."

Will is still sulking, and the venom's resilience is still very strong. Although it has been a few minutes, he has recovered most of it.

Naturally, the speed has also increased a bit.

But Will still has no confidence in dealing with Dr. Destruction, so he is still running away. The only difference is that now there is one more person beside him. He and Nancy flee side by side together.

"You can't imagine who I met... or what it is."

Speaking of which, Will paused abruptly, and his eyes turned once again on the big fox, only to remember that there was such a thing. . Where did it come from.

"what is this?"

He asked.

"It's Toby."

Nancy's answer was very plain, with few emotional ups and downs. . So Will didn't care, well, he didn't care at first.

"It's him."

Will also responded blandly.

but. . and many more.

He suddenly had another meal.

What is it?

Toby? He heard it right, what he said right, what Nancy just said. . Is Toby?


Will shouted.

The question passed through his mind only once, and Will was the police. . Although not a serious case, it still requires keen thinking and observation.

He instantly wanted to understand what Nancy meant, and suddenly became a little bit creepy.

"What's wrong with him? Use more synthetic potions?"

"How many synthetic potions did he use?"

Synthetic potions cannot be used too much, otherwise, all people will have unlimited use of synthetic potions. . Minutes can be traced back to the force at the origin of the bloodline.

Although this medicine has no side effects, if used more, it will have a serious impact on the structure of the entire organism, including blood, genes and even other balances.

The lightest is mutation, and possibly death.

Everyone knows this. . Even an idiot such as Toby knows the common sense that things like medicine cannot be used in excess.

Although synthetic medicaments can mutate people, it requires extremely large amounts of medicaments, and the medicines given to them by Mianlong are actually not enough to cause such consequences.

"it's me."

Nancy said calmly.

"This guy is not stupid... Unfortunately, he is not smart."

"If he doesn't cooperate, then I can only use some special means."

"He is a ancestor in this situation, and he can do it when the power in the bloodline is fully activated... Unfortunately, it is an uncontrollable ancestor."

"Not only did he lose his mind as a human being, he is also unlikely to come."


Will said a word, and he didn't know how to say it.

Nancy's voice was so calm, it seemed so calm that she didn't even know what it meant, but obviously she was very clear, just didn't care.

Although Will doesn't like Toby this guy, it doesn't mean he can sit and watch Toby become like this, especially by his companions.

He can of course ignore it, but. . If the next one is him.

But how to not sit idly by is also a problem. Is it possible to turn your face now?

"rest assured."

Nancy obviously knew what Will was thinking.

"This matter has a deeper reason... Mianlong also knows, I will tell him when I go back, and he will explain it to you."

Will nodded while running, assuming the answer.

He didn't see how Toby did, and he hated this guy too, Will just couldn't sit back and watch what Nancy did.

They are companions, and who can rest assured that there is such a companion?

But if there are other reasons, it is not unacceptable.

"It's you, what did you encounter."

After a brief meeting, Nancy finally began to care about the enemy who had never appeared.

They had been running for a few minutes, but Nancy didn't know what they were avoiding.

"You won't want to know."

Will took a deep breath, and the existence of Dr. Destruction immediately wrapped up again like a shadow.

But when she heard this, Nancy hurriedly interrupted.


"Can't you answer the question well, don't mess with fg."

Nancy sat on Foxfire's back, constantly looking left and right. . Worrying about fear that Will would finish talking about something you wouldn’t want to know, the other party quietly emerged from which corner, and then blocked them, and at this time, Nancy should look at the other person’s face, and then He calmly responded to Will, in fact, I already knew.

Ok. . Most of the movies are played like this.

Fortunately, fortunately, Will's fg didn't succeed, because there was no stranger who came out after he finished speaking.

Their escape route is still smooth.

Will rolled his eyes inwardly.

Venom didn't know if it was scared by the poison. . He hasn't even spoken or confessed to Will until now, which makes Will, who has been used to the nonsense of venom for half an hour, feel a little uncomfortable.

But he responded quite well.

"It's poison."

He didn't say half and half, he just said everything almost the same.

"That kind of higher-level symbiosis...you should have an impression, a special comic, a poison universe or something."

Nancy must have seen this cartoon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as she thinks of which one, she will know what is said in it, so Will did not elaborate on the poison universe.

"I met Dr. Poison Destruction, and there are two other poisons. One is probably the poison Green Devil, and the other poison is a female... I haven't distinguished my identity for the time being."

"That's Dr. Destruction. I have no confidence in dealing with Dr. Destruction...you have..."

"Poison Storm Girl."


Will froze for a moment before realizing what Nancy meant, but the next moment he immediately widened his eyes and looked behind and around him.

Because why Nancy will know that they can only catch up!

. . But after looking around, Will didn't see anyone.



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