High Magic Earth

Chapter 1752: The battle comes

"you know?"

Will's voice was somewhat doubtful.

Is it some kind of prophecy? Because he didn't see anyone. . She thought Nancy's tone was so certain because the other party was catching up and she saw the other party, so she made a judgment.

. . Although it is very cinematic and dramatized, and it is not so beautifully dramatized, it really makes Nancy say it.

That's her set of related theories Barabara or something.

But Will didn't see anyone.

But as a member of the mysterious side. . In the face of this problem, there is another choice of answers.


"First of all, Thor can be ruled out because she didn't take the hammer. The hammer is very recognizable. If she takes it, you will have such a guess, but you didn't mention it."

"So she is not a goddess of thunder."

Nancy sat on Foxfire's back and looked down at Will in a condescending manner. At this moment, she was like a possessive of Formosa.

"In addition, the heroines related to the similar abilities of Lightning Thunder are more famous, probably the storm women."

"Exactly, she also appeared in the journal Poison Universe."

Lightning and thunder. .

Will froze a little, and thought about it carefully, as if it were indeed so.

When he fled the road before, the king on the flying wing naturally walked on the flying wing, and the remaining poison girl. . When she was chasing, it seemed that some kind of electric spark appeared in her body.

At that time Will didn't think about these things, but now it was mentioned by Nancy. This seems to be a very important clue.

But the new question is how does Nancy know.

Well, Will doesn't actually care how Nancy knows. Everyone has their own secrets, and Will's curiosity is not so heavy, and. . Please, it's time to escape now.

It's just that Nancy has already explained herself in a good mood.

"Lightning and Thunder..."

"It's actually very simple to make sure, because...you listen."

"Have you heard the sound of the storm?"


Will didn't even have time to listen attentively, and the thunderous thunder like thunder had surfaced on its own, and it was getting stronger and stronger regardless of approaching.

His face changed suddenly, and Will immediately realized that the other party had chased him.

. . Sure enough, they can't stand in chaos.

. . .


The sound of the hammer breaking through is like a giant axe that splits everything, sharp and heavy.

Faced with the thunderous poison Thor, Stark was unmoved.

Obviously, this is not the first time he has faced poison Thor. . There is already experience, and Stark is a brave guy. In his dictionary, he is not afraid of these two words.

The armor of his feet suddenly dropped several jack-like fixtures, and a clatter of the device fell heavily into the ground as a powerful fulcrum, fixing him to the ground.

Then Stark threw a punch without stopping, and the armor of his arm gradually evolved into a huge shield during his swing. . In the end, it crashed with Poison Thor's hammer.


The huge air waves seemed to blow the gravel on the ground and rolled to the side. The strong sonic boom was so deafening that people's heads were dizzy.

The poison Thor stopped.

Yes, Stark used his shield transformed from the armor to slam the poison Thor on the spot, and the thunder hammer transformed from the poison smashed heavily on Will's shield. . But in the end, he couldn't move on.

Stark's faceplate suddenly moved slightly, and then separated like the surroundings, but not his classic mecha combination, the faceplate lifted up or contracted around, but it seemed to be alive and wriggled.

His mask slowly opened a gap around his eyes.

Through this gap, Stark's eyes were silently watching the poison thunder in front of him, and then his voice came out.

"You are not him."

He said.

"You are far from him. Although he is arrogant and stupid, he is impulsive and reckless...but you, you fake idiot."

Stark's harsh lips spit out very vicious irony, as if to irritate the other party.

but. .

"Oh... I know everything you said."

The poison on the opposite side, Thor, didn't seem to be angry. Instead, he used a bitter tone to say what real Thor would never say. . It was an extremely arrogant and cruel greedy tone, which was more like Loki than Thor.

Even Rocky rarely utters such vicious words like curses.

"So he swallowed badly, when I was eating him... it tasted bad."

Stark's pupils seemed to shrink slightly.

The black and red face buckles on his face, people can not see his expression and thoughts, but through his movements, he can still feel his anger seems to have been saved to the extreme.

"Go to hell, bastard."

Stark didn't answer any more, but continued to bear Thor's hammer of Thor, while his left foot suddenly vacated.

The armor of the foot is also constantly changing during the flight. Those jack-like brackets are retracted and integrated into this part of the armor. . This made Stark's leg armor quickly change from its original slenderness to a heavy and huge metal block.

Finally, it was like a meteor hammer with a roaring momentum, and it was smashed towards the poison Thor.


Too late to react, Poison Thor was directly blown out by this heavy force.

He was brutally smashed into a wall not far away, and even fell into a half-meter depth in an instant, as if it were directly embedded, the clambering rubble rolled from the wall and the ceiling above He fell down and soon buried him temporarily.

Stark stood slightly.

The confrontation with Poison Thor is like blowing the horn of war. At this moment, all the venom superheroes and poison villains are moving.

They quickly rushed towards each other's defense. . It was like the grand prologue on the stage was pulled away.

But in the charge, both sides evaded Stark and Poison Thor with a tacit understanding.

Poison target eyes found Venom Hawkeye, Poison Daredevil met Venom Captain America, Poison Black Panther hit Venom Black Widow, Poison Iron Fist, Poison Deadpool, Venom Wolverine and so on. . I also tried my best to find my opponent.

As for the venom Hulk, the best poison in the game at the beginning, it was the Venom Stranger and Dr. Kiwi who personally responded.

As for the poison thunder **** and iron man, they have obviously stared at each other, so no one intervenes between them.



A fierce explosion sound instantly appeared, accompanied by gravel flying everywhere, and the wall collapsed. No matter what these superheroes used to be, after being parasitized by venom or poison, the relatively uniform performance was a big increase in strength. Enhanced.

They have made a qualitative leap at the level of physical attack. . This caused them to fight as if they were demolishing the house.

"Boom! Boom!"

The black panther became more sensitive after being parasitized by poison. He was like a black lightning, and instantly cut through the air and came to the black widow, but the black widow's reaction was not slow.

As the oldest agent, Natasha's combat experience can be said to be far beyond any person present.

What she has always lacked is that the ceiling of combat power is too low.

Although it is rumored that she has also injected Nick Fury's anti-aging agent, a derivative product of the super soldier's serum, but that agent seems to be only able to resist aging and delay lifespan. . The transformation of humanity itself is not great.

At least it still needs to be like an ordinary person, relying on various foreign objects, its own skills to fight, and it is not immune to bullet attacks.

But after possessing the venom, all these problems no longer exist.

Venom strengthened her strength, and not only exceeded the limits of the human body in terms of strength, but also greatly increased physical fitness, defense, flexibility and even balance.

She can even resist guns head-on.

At this moment, her fighting power soared more than ten times. . If Captain America puts on venom, but only becomes stronger on the basis of its already strong, then Natasha has become a Captain America among ordinary people from a not so strong level.

It's like a person changing from a pistol to a rifle, and another person is changing from defenseless to holding a pistol.

Venom's enhancement of Natasha is almost a world of difference. . Even a leap made her a combat force that was not weaker than Captain America.

In fact, if Captain America and Natasha play a game now, the winner is not necessarily Captain America.

Needless to say, in the past, the gap between the two was too great. Natasha's skills were no better than that of Captain America's unscientific shield and super soldier serum.

After wearing the venom, Captain America is still better than Natasha, who was not much worse than ordinary people.

But the gap between the two is already very small, far less than before.

And this gap is no longer the same as before. It is irreversible by combat skills. With superb combat skills and many years of experience, Natasha can make up for the gap. . Finally defeated Captain America.

Natasha's combat power is also at the forefront of the Venom Heroes at this moment, and she can definitely rank the top with the exception of the mutants.

Black Panther is fast, but Natasha is faster.

Not even because of the Black Panther's attack to make a counterattack, Natasha seems to have made a evasion before the Black Panther's attack.

This is what her rich combat experience brought her.

Although Black Panther has been possessed by something very unscientific, such as poison, the Black Widow can still instinctively perceive the next attack according to his body movements at the moment Black Panther attacked.

So soon the battle between the two became like a pre-rehearsal rehearsal of the rehearsal. Black Panther tried to catch up with the black widow in front, but Natasha had expected to kick the wall, the venom spread, and she was instantly removed from Panther's side went around.

Black Panther tried to catch the Black Widow again, but she thought about the flash in the side, and by the way, a whip was drawn on Black Panther's face.


Black Panther took two steps back, shook his head, and then rushed up.

Poison vs. Venom, the fighting styles of the two symbiotes are very similar, so there is nothing fancy at all, just be tough on the front.

But although most of the increase in Venom is in strength, that is, all attributes have attack power, but Natasha still uses it extremely flexibly.

If the black panther becomes like a black panther, then Natasha seems to be a real black widow at this moment.

Because in a sense, Venom can imitate Spider-Man, it can also be glued to the wall, using traction to move quickly.

Natasha, who is experienced in combat, will obviously take advantage of this.

In this space, which is neither small nor spacious, Poison Black Panther who has lost this ability is hard to even reach her side.


There was another loud noise.

The poison’s fighting style is very reckless, it does not mean that they have no IQ, and the symbiote is still wise, so in the face of flexible enemies like Natasha, the Black Panther has been injured several times, and soon blocked her in the corner. .

The wall collapsed next to Natasha, making her move slightly blocked. Taking this opportunity, the Black Panther quickly rushed to Natasha's side, grabbed her head, and tried to press her hard. In the wall.

. . But when pressed, it didn't seem to press.

The Black Panther froze slightly.

Then he saw Natasha's smile.

Yes. . Although Natasha has always focused on evasion and flexibility, she does not mean that she has no power. The power of venom is not weaker than poison.

This thought had just surfaced in the mind of the poisonous black panther symbiote. Natasha's leg and axe came instantly. Her right leg was raised high, and the venom gathered it into a giant axe shape, and then burst fall.

Poison Black Panther can't resist at all, and can only eat this attack hard.


Then it became obvious that he was directly smashed into the ground.

Natasha and the poison black panther have been circling for so long. . Obviously, she won't give up this opportunity. Her attack fell like a raindrop in an instant. The venom on her body formed an offensive with her. The poison Panther directly hit could not fight back.

Even if it is not difficult to kill either poison or venom, he may be dead now.

The fight between Natasha and the Black Panther continues~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Captain America and Daredevil are still fighting. . The Hulk rumbling not far away destroyed everything, and it seemed that Dr. Strange had no time to worry too much.

The battle between poison and venom is continuing, and when venom heroes have the upper hand, there are also moments when the poisons have the advantage.

At this time, as the two existences that sounded the horn of battle, the poison Thor and the Venom Stark also fought together again.


The poison thunder **** crawled out of the ruins, and the gravel was scattered everywhere by him, but his roar was not completely over, and a black and red figure suddenly followed.


Without hesitation, Stark once again hammered him into the ruins.

The loud sound is like the accompaniment of the music, adding a touch of tone to the symphony of this melee.



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