High Magic Earth

Chapter 1753: New skin

"Tony Stark!"

"Are you so powerful?"

"Compared to him...you are far away."

"It seems that your taste will be much worse, ha ha ha ha!"

Thor, the poison that was smashed back by Stark, was directly smashed into the wall again, before bursting out of the ruins again, he burst out laughing.

His laughter was sharp and unpleasant. It was the typical voice of bad intentions, insidious, cunning, and cruel.

. . It is difficult to imagine that so many things can be heard by sound alone, or even guess what a person looks like.

But the voice of poison Thor is indeed the case. If it is to be described, it is probably often seen in cartoons. With the voice and bgm alone, one can tell whether he is a villain or the most insidious and cunning in hell, and The feeling of a cruel devil.

The expression under Stark's Venom faceplate grew darker.

Both poisons and venoms have IQs. Symbiosis has its own IQ, and not only that, there are also different personalities between the symbiota, for example, some symbiotes are particularly nagging, and some do not love Speaking, some are as stupid as Huskies, and some are really cruel.

And obviously, the guy who devoured Thor. . It is not a kind symbiosis.

Well, for symbiotes with very different life styles, there are very few symbiotes that can be called good, even if they are so-called justice symbiotes.


The gravel swelled up and then slipped around. Although the poison is not like the venom, it can be a guest of Spider-Man, and it uses its own eaves to walk through the wall, but it is very strong. . As if wearing a layer of armor.

The characteristics of the poison are the same. The venom is like a huge layer of jelly wrapped around the human body, which enlarges the host into a small giant and changes a lot. The poison itself is like wearing an extra layer of armor.

After being swallowed by poison, the host will become angular and horny, giving birth to many armor-like parts and having a sense of layering. These things are not attached to the poison, but themselves, they are poison, and have been A host of poisons in one.

To some extent, poison and venom are two styles.

Of course, although it looks like a layer of external armor is worn, it is not really armor after all. . It must be far worse than Stark's steel suit.

But from the present point of view, although it is no better than real armor, it still has a good defense.

At least the poison thunder **** was hammered around like a ball by Stark, and it looked like nothing.

The black and red armor crossed the sky like a shooting star, and Stark went straight to the poison thunder **** again. . Well, there seems to be a faint golden color in the arc of this meteor.

With Stark's character, it is impossible to give up such a cool color as gold.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!"

The scene of Stark wearing an anti-Hulk armor and beating Hulk in the movie is perfectly reproduced.

This time, before the poison thunder climbed out of the collapsed ruins, Stark's figure galloped away. He even pulled the poison Thor out, and the armor of his hand turned into a big casserole fist, caught He was a violent blow.

"Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang!"

The fierce voice even made Natasha, who was not far away, feel toothache.

Looking at Stark at this time, he really held Poison Thor in one hand, and the other hand remained motionless. The armor on his hand was like a spring that bounced and dropped quickly and hit his mouth. There are words in mind.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

. . The sense of sight is very strong, almost exactly the same as his anti-Hulk armor.

But of course, Stark wouldn't install such low-level things as springs.

In other words, the armor of his arm is much more powerful than the ordinary spring, and even far exceeds the normal hydraulic pressure.

Stark's armor is the latest model, also known as the venom armor.

As the name suggests, listening to the name can imagine it. . It was the result of the combination of Stark's steel armor technology and venom.

This is the Venom Iron Man.

In fact, Venom Stark, like everyone else, was a rescuer who was caught by Dr. Strange.

The poison universe is actually a very magical unpopular universe.

In the entire universe, in addition to the core poison family, this new high-level symbiotic family, another important existence is the supporting role corresponding to the protagonist poison family, representing the venom superhero.

As the name suggests, all of them are venom versions of superheroes, venom heroes.

For example, the most classic and well-known venom spiderman, and other superhero venom versions that are not well-known or completely unknown, venom iron fist, venom night monster and so on. .

Of course they cannot all be in one universe. . Of course, this is not to say that objective conditions are impossible. Symbiotes live on a planet. They are brought back to Earth by the spaceship launched by the Life Foundation in the movie world. There are only a few.

But if the symbiote discovered the earth by other means, and then most of the symbiotes of the entire planet of the swarm have found the earth, then it is not impossible to gather all the venom heroes.

The impossibility here is subjectively impossible. As a result, the plot design seems to be too deliberate, just like the emergence of so many venom superheroes for the existence of poison.

So apart from the three or two venom heroes they originally had in the universe, all other venom heroes are from other universes, parallel worlds.

That is, the strange doctor Dr. Strange pulled the strong man.

. . Just like now.

It is a well-known thing that Dr. Strange will open a portal. This is Kama Taj’s signature skill. In the movie, he can only open the portal on the earth, while in the comics, he can open other universes, parallel worlds, and even It is a portal at other latitudes.

Dr. Venom Strange is one of the original venom heroes of the poison universe. Using powerful spoilers, he was aware of the crisis of the poison event. . Then using the venom on his body as a coordinate and primer, he used magic to open the portal to other universes and parallel worlds.

And the opening of the portal is coordinated by venom, so there must be venom in the opened world.

. . Maybe it's a venom superhero, maybe not.

Venom Iron Man, the original Venom Super Heroes of Venom Thor, was the one who was brought over by Strange.

If you think about it carefully, these superheroes appear here suddenly. . It doesn't seem to be completely unexplainable.

As for Venom Iron Man. . He was the first to be pulled over by Strange as a helper.

In the Marvel world, Iron Man's combat effectiveness is not top, although not weak, but still much worse than the real big brother.

But his strong place is not intuitive combat power, but his wisdom. He always finds a solution when facing difficulties, and when he is facing an unbeatable enemy. . Also always find each other's weaknesses.

And more importantly, he is well-deserved, the core of the Avengers.

This can be seen from his being a member of the Illuminati.

And he is very rich.

Nowhere can money be left, even for superheroes, if there is no money, what else to play, and Stark can perfectly guarantee the logistics of superheroes.

So the first thing Strange was looking for was him.

The origin of Venom Stark is very simple. Just like the birth of Venom Spider-Man, Stark flew on the street one day, and then a mysterious alien life suddenly fell.

Symbiosis, venom.

As a big dog and scientist, Stark may be as curious as Spiderman who picked up the venom at the time, or even worse, but his heart is not so strong.

Without knowing anything, let an alien creature attach itself to its body? Is this crazy?

After realizing that the venom was trying to penetrate the armor and contacting himself, Stark made a decisive decision, opened the deep protection of the steel armor, and hurried back to the company at full speed.

So the first parasitism of venom has failed.

Although not a biologist. . But he is Tony Stark. Not only is he smart, he has money, but he also has his own independent biological laboratory.

Successfully rushed back to the company and came to the laboratory, Stark began to study the strange little thing of venom.

It has to be said that geniuses, that is, between smart people and ordinary people, do have a huge gap.

Because although Stark is not an expert in biology, he quickly learned a part of the experimental results through self-study.

About venom. . And symbiotes.

Even a few months later, Stark analyzed the venom almost. Of course, there must be something deeper that he did not understand at all, but he did not need to pursue such deep analysis.

Because Stark didn't plan to use it anyway.

Every venom symbiote has a different personality, some have good personalities, and some have very bad personalities, and the symbiote that Stark was lucky to meet at the time was a person with a bad personality.

Not only does it communicate to be harsh and cruel than the devil, but it is also a true evil symbiote.

From the first day of being able to communicate with Stark, as long as there is communication, it will always take the time to lobby Stark to hurt others. . Even ruin the world.

I don't know what benefits the destruction of the world will bring to it. I am so passionate about the destruction of the world.

And Stark. . Stark is also an arrogant guy.

He may not be able to endure the vicious words of venom, and the stupid self-praise.

So this venom is dead and destroyed. If you give an example, it is that it has lost its soul, thinking, and everything.

It's still alive, but it's just empty eyes, only the most valuable material left.

Half a month later, Stark's new steel armor came online.

Venom Battlegear.

He analyzed the existence of venom, then combined it with his core armor, and finally formed a peculiar, venom armor.

So from the very beginning, Stark had no intention of directly touching the venom himself. . He is not the poor child of Spider-Man, he is wearing armor, the venom armor formed by the combination of steel armor and venom, is this not the most perfect?

Venom Warframe is different from any other Warframe because it is alive.

In a sense, it is not impossible to classify it as a creature, so strictly speaking, this should be regarded as a biological armor.

But whether it is biological armor or pure mechanical armor, powerful armor is good armor.

The Venom Warframe is undoubtedly better than Stark's previous armor in performance.

In that universe, it is not clear to which generation the Stark's armor was developed, but the Venom Armor does have its unique advantages. . It is very compatible.

Venom is a symbiotic, but it is more like a parasite, and it is stronger as the host is stronger.

Warframes are of course not life, but under Stark's transformation, venom can be fully integrated with warframes, and venom in this form can be compatible with collisions and conflicts of many energies.

This allows Stark to make further improvements to the armor.

In general, the venom armor is somewhat like Stark’s late Nano Warframe. Everything in Warframe is composed of small, self-replicating nanorobots. Countless tiny nanorobots can be arranged according to Stark’s ideas Combine into any shape. . This creates a cool effect that his armor can be deformed at will.

However, the shortcomings are also very serious. After all, self-replication is limited and very slow, but once the battle comes, the damage of the nanorobot is also very fast.

At least a few of each attack, even a small face of the nano-robot died, which caused the battle to the last moment, Stark's armor may have been almost destroyed.

. . Of course, as a rich man, Stark can put more spare nano robots into space and directly drop them when necessary, but in the end there is no venom war armor.

Transform the instinct of Venom, and that's about it. . He perfectly solved the problem of nano-robot loss, he didn't need nano-robot at all.

And the deformation of the venom warframe is not weaker than the nanorobot, after all, it is increased on the original warframe.

So Stark wearing venom armor ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ combat power has actually reached the middle and late period of time, it is not surprising to be able to hold the poison thunder god.

"Give me... Get away!"

But the next moment, with the roar of the poison thunder god, the surrounding gravel suddenly exploded, and Stark, who had been slamming his sledgehammer, was also lifted out of guard.

Ok. . It seems that Venom not only strengthened Stark alone, but also strengthened Thor Thor.

After swallowing the host.

"Don't do unnecessary struggles!"

Poison Thor made a roar, and rushed toward Stark with the hammer of pseudo Thor, and his fighting style was still inherited from the real Thor. . There is nothing terrible, just right.

So the pseudo-Thor hammer in his hand sent out bursts of something like black lightning, and in the blink of an eye, the counterattack hit Stark's face.


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