High Magic Earth

Chapter 1757: I don't need to look at 14 million futures. .

Poison Erica smiled happily, but unfortunately, as a symbiosis of poison, she really couldn't match beautiful. . At most, it can only be considered handsome. The shape of the poison symbiosis looks angular and angular, but it has a somewhat unique beauty.

But more often, there is still a cruel and bloodthirsty momentum.

Humans are visual animals. . This sentence actually makes a lot of sense. What makes sense is not whether humans are visual animals, but vision, which is indeed a very important factor.

Not only is the first impression important for humans, in nature, appearance is an important factor that intuitively affects survival.

Otherwise, there will not be so many people who use the appearance of bluffing to improve the survival rate and scare away the creatures of natural enemies.

Therefore, with only one appearance, it is indeed possible to see a different momentum.

Unlike Erica, the poison, Lito was indeed a little bit distressed.

When the father and daughter of Venom Wolverine first appeared, Lito did not take it seriously. . In other words, it was left with curiosity to watch lively and novelty.

He didn't understand why a Jurassic dinosaur-themed world suddenly popped up with several superheroes.

If there is a free man suddenly, it is not surprising that those new human beings. . Because here is their world, their territory, suddenly put it normal.

But superheroes, even mutants. .

This is not a superhero linked universe, and it has nothing to do with the dc next door.

As Sphinx. . Curiosity is like his instinct. Although Lito is still a human, this curiosity is still stronger than others.

And they are superheroes, not new human beings, to be more precise. . They are plot characters, so they can still be safely contacted.

So Lito chose to stay.

But later, with the two groups. . The emergence of the Poison Legion and Venom Superheroes immediately disrupted Lito's consideration.

He wanted to go, and he couldn't.

And the arrival of poison gold and evil spirit knights and others mean that no matter whether it is poison or venom, they will continue to invest reinforcements here.

This world is no longer safe.

It can even threaten Lito's life.

Now at this time, Lito is very desperate to leave, but. . But it has not been so easy.

"..are you OK?"

Willie, still behind him, asked softly in his ear.

Obviously, although these researchers have big brain holes and abnormal brain circuits, as researchers, being able to become a researcher, IQ is definitely superior to ordinary people.

She was naturally aware of the situation now, and it didn't seem as wonderful as she had imagined.

"What's wrong?"

Lito asked in a low voice.

"I mean... It seems dangerous now. If you have any difficulties, just let me down, and you can try to escape."

Lito was a little surprised.

Although he acquiesced to protect Willie and acquiesced to the existence of these research fellows, it does not mean that he really had an obligation to protect her.

Of course, it seems that Wei Li's performance has always been right.

But she didn't expect that she would make such a decision, instead of seizing herself, just like grabbing the last life-saving straw.

Although things haven't reached this level yet.

"Aren't you afraid? Or is my explanation of the poison not clear enough."


Willie whispered.

"But in the superhero script, a beautiful girl like me, even if it is a supporting role, will be protected and eventually saved by the heroes, isn't it."

Lito pouted.

"But don't forget that there are still many background walls that serve as the death toll."

"Maybe you will be one of them."

"will not."

Wei Li was obviously firm.

"Because I'm more beautiful, smart, and have the status of a researcher... I must be a supporting character, at least one or two lenses."

Lito laughed.

Well, Miss Researcher is still your researcher Miss, even at this juncture, her brain circuit is still so strange.

In fact, although her tone was firm, Lito could still hear the tremor and fear in it.

She is not afraid.

There must be some curiosity. The unique curiosity from the scientist dilutes a large part of her fear, but the fear still exists.

But she still made the decision.

Although such a decision seems not only stupid, it is also very naive.

Does she really think that this is a movie, or in which comic book plot?

Lito laughed, but. .

I have to admit that Lito felt very weird that Willie was in harmony with herself. . And it really fits together. He doesn’t think that Wei Li’s strange brain holes and brain circuits are abnormal or even annoying. He thinks it’s not bad, and he can understand what he is thinking about.

. . Does this mean that his brain circuit is also abnormal?

Lito was thinking wildly.

The decision made by Willie made him feel that the two of them were in harmony, but also felt further. . She is not just a strange brain hole, her IQ is still online, and people are not bad.

Lito didn't put Wei Li down.

"Things are not there yet."

He said quietly.

"It's not a movie now, you really think I let you go, will you be safe."

"Facing the symbiosis of poison...well, like a zombie, I believe I just put you down the previous moment, you will be parasitized by the poison the next moment, and then I need to face a poison version of you."

"What do you think."

"I didn't expect that I could become a superhero...no, a day of supervillains."

Willie's brain circuit is still not normal.

Fortunately, Lito is used to it.

"Super villain? You are at best a cannon fodder in a villain."

"Relax, if you can rush out, even if there is one more you will have no effect, you are very light weight."

"This is really the best news I have heard."

Willie whispered.

"... Actually, I don't have much confidence."

Lito vetoed quickly. . He didn't want to let Willie relax too much. Not only were the powers of these poisons already weak, but if he was not careful, even if he was, it would be possible for him to overturn.

"Not rushing out."

"I mean, you said my weight is very strong."

But he forgot Wei Li's strange brain circuit.

Okay, Lito shrugged.

The time between the two was not really long, but it was just a few eyes, three or two sentences, but it made the poison in front of Erica very angry.

She was killed and killed here. Not far away, her ex boyfriend Poison Daredevil was also dying with Captain America. What did the two guys do in front of them?

Sprinkle dog food?

Dogs sprinkling dog food **** it!

Ok. . As for why she was an ex-boyfriend, because her original boyfriend was Daredevil, but now he has become a poisoned Daredevil. .

So the poison Erica roared and rushed over again.

At the same time her movements, the little poisons around them immediately began to wander around restlessly, murmured running around. . It seemed like he was looking for opportunities, creating psychological pressure on Lito.


Poison Erica used the double blades of the poison to cut on the exposed wall of Lito's body, making a crisp collision.

Erica's attack was not as desperate as before.

Obviously, Lito's sudden outburst made her realize that the guy in front of her was not as simple as she thought, or so easy to deal with.

The other party wants to leave, so she won't stubbornly confront her. If it's stubborn, it might be the case.

So Erica's attack naturally took a three-pointer.

She has been swallowed by venom and has not become a venom symbiote, but venom is also wise.

Similarly, since Lito wanted to leave, all she needed to do was to get rid of the convenience, not to defeat Lito. It was precisely because of this that Erica's attack was not as desperate.

The poison is indeed wise, but it is equally fierce. If you need to kill the opponent desperately, even if it is not the opponent, the poison Erica will definitely desperately and dare desperately.

Pulling the knife around, Erica's poison double knife once again crossed a tricky angle, and then attacked Lito again.

The poison engulfed the host, and almost inherited everything from the host, not only the combat skills, but even the special abilities.

For example, the spider's launching silk. . Unless some extremely special abilities, such as the approval of Thor’s Hammer, or the Scarlet Witch from other latitudes of chaotic magic, the poison may not be simulated and inherited.

So the attack of this poison Erica is naturally very sharp at this time.

As a third-line street hero, Erica was born in a hand-joint. Because she has no special power, her fighting skills are naturally pointed to the peak, otherwise she is not qualified to be a superhero.

Lito frowned slightly, flashing sideways again.

After a short pause, he seemed to want to fight back, but after all, he did not make a counterattack, but used Erica to weaken the gap of the attack and try to pull away a little bit again.

Lito's momentary pause was seen by Erica.

After all, the two men fought in close combat, and everything between them was infinitely limited. This short pause or completely unremarkable at other times, but in this fierce battle situation, it was obviously very incomparable.

In fact, Erica was a bit wary at the time.

Because Lito's strength and speed are not weaker than her, if she wants to fight back, even she must respond well, so she has to be vigilant.

She wants to hold the other party, so naturally it cannot be solved by the other party, otherwise there will be no delay.

Although Lito did not continue to attack after all, Erica did not dare to relax her vigilance, otherwise, once the other party took the trouble again as before, she might be resolved.

Poison is not immortal.

So in a sense, Poison Erica's offensive is much slower than before. Although she did stop Lito again, Lito is also reopening the distance, and it is much faster than before.



The poison samurai sword hacked again on the wall beside Lito, and for a while the gravel spattered, and even seemed to vaguely spark out Mars.

Lito is entangled with Erica here, and it seems no different than before. . But the surrounding situation is completely different from before.

The new baby raccoon. . That is, the rocket raccoon is still spraying everywhere with the special gun attached to the venom, and arbitrarily spitting its firepower, but in fact can not deal with the three poisons in front of it.

Their three venoms are actually on the suppressed side.

Lito had taken advantage of the cracks in the battle to see who the Rocket Raccoon's companions were, namely, Venom Jessica Jones and Venom Luke.

Certainly not Luke of some Arad warrior. . It's Luke Cage.

And Jessica Jones, the black man who is the jewel girl couple.

Jessica is fighting against the punisher. Her pressure can be relaxed. The punisher is also a gun party who is good at using combat skills and tactics. Give him enough time, he can slaughter the whole universe to show you, but positive Forced engagement is not a punisher's strength.

But it happens that Jessica's power is infinitely powerful, and has a certain self-healing power. The venom symbiosis has infinitely amplified her two advantages, so in the battle with the poison punisher, she is considered to have the upper hand.

Luke's fight is that Kim was merged. Contrary to Jessica, his condition was not very good, even being beaten by Kim and pressed.

Luke's original strength was invulnerability. . That is, the defense is very high, which does not seem to have any meaning for the venom symbiosis.

And there is a saying, the best defense is offensive, Luke does not have any offensive force, some is only defensive, so in the face of the extremely comprehensive combat ability, does not possess any abilities, after being possessed by poison, very The Jin Bian that conforms to the symbiosis's direction of enhancement is violently hammered throughout.

Kim is not good at defense, but he is better at attacking, facing Luke who only has defense, he can see at a glance.

The most difficult thing to deal with is the Poison Ghost Rider. This guy can definitely be among the first-line heroes. He doesn’t know how to be possessed by the poison, and he doesn’t know why he is mixed with the punisher and gold.

But that little raccoon is definitely not its opponent.

The two seem to be fighting fiercely now. The little raccoons fired everywhere. In almost a few minutes, they blasted everything around them. The attacking power was rumbling and powerful, but they were chased everywhere by the evil knights. , It jumped up and down.

Poisons are indeed not capable of parasitizing any ability, such as the hammer of Thor’s Hammer, but it happens that the power of the evil knight’s hellfire is within the range that the poison can swallow, parasitize, and simulate.

The evil spirit knight paralyzed by poison did not lose its original power, and became a melee super soldier unit with only power speed and physical strength, but it was strengthened and amplified in all aspects. . After the combination of the **** fire and poison that I encountered, www.wuxiaspot.com~ turned into something that I did not know.

At this time, the evil spirit knight uses his usual iron chain as a weapon like a whip. Often when the whip is pulled, it can directly split the ground to the sides.

The fighting power is very high.

Lito once briefly predicted the outcome of the battle between the little raccoon and the evil knight. The answer is to continue this way. The little raccoon may not last for three minutes.

Less than three minutes, it will be trapped, and then be assimilated into poison by the small poison waiting around, not only the high-end fighting force of the evil knight will be liberated, but a member of the poison will be added, the poison rocket raccoon .

And then the fate of Jessica and Luke can be imagined.

And all this. . It will be like the domino domino.

That is definitely not good news, and there is not much time left.



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