High Magic Earth

Chapter 1758: One change is enough

The sharp laughter of Poison Erica kept coming. She seemed to use this sharp laughter to disturb Lito's thoughts. Fiction


Unlike Lito, who was silent and serious, the poison Elika seemed casual...but only her own heart knew that her pressure was not less than that of Lito.

Because the poison Elika didn't know when she could hold Lito.

Obviously Lito is still constantly leaving the battlefield...If no other poison comes to help, the final result will still let him escape.

By then, the poison Erica will be really desperate.

After seeing Lito's power, Poison Erica was really not sure to take the other side, which made her very bottomless.

She doesn't want to die, and no creature wants to die, even poisonous symbiosis, which seems very cruel.

As long as it is a wise creature, there is no fear of death.

So the poison Erica seems calm on the surface, but in fact, the heart is too panic.

But... wait.

Lito's movement suddenly took a slight pause.

This pause was abrupt, and even the poison Erica was a little strange, but she didn't immediately follow up immediately, because she was not sure if this would be a trap or something.

But just in a moment of hesitation, the timing has been missed.


But in the next moment, not within the fighting range of the two, there was a scream suddenly, and the poison Erica was also slightly stunned, but immediately realized who it was.

That... idiot raccoon?

Lito's eyes were wider than hers, and it was the Rocket Raccoon who screamed.

The bullets flew everywhere, and it didn't notice that there was a fault in the ruins at the foot, not far behind it, so when it kept going backwards, it was a stagger when it didn't pay attention.

But it was this opportunity that the Poison Ghost Rider directly lifted his chain like a cowboy, whistling toward the Rocket Raccoon.

The rocket raccoon that couldn't dodge was directly trapped by the poison grim knight's chain, and a black liquid flame spread to its body in an instant. Then the next moment, the small poisons waiting around the opportunity had swarmed.

After a few breaths, the poison rocket raccoon was born.


The Rocket Raccoon, incarnation of poison, immediately changed hands to help the Poison Ghost Rider against Jessica and Luke... not only the Poison Ghost Rider was liberated, but the people who originally belonged to them were directly enemies. .

Venom and Jessica couldn't deal with so many people at all. After a few blinks, the poison Jessica was born.

Luke gave a sorrowful roar, but he was unable to stop it all.

Jessica, the incarnation of poison, threw at her boyfriend without hesitation... together with the poisons next to him.

Poison Luke, born.

It was originally three venoms against three poisons, but in a blink of an eye, it became a symbiosis of six poisons...

Under the sudden change of circumstances, Lito had no time to get rid of the poison Jessica's entanglement, and the six poisons rushed to Lito as soon as they were free.

He is the closest to them...Obviously, they want to directly transform Lito to enhance the combat effectiveness of poison.

Poisons are hungry and they don’t choose food. Whether they are a few lines of heroes, as long as they are superheroes and have combat power, they are the targets of their parasitic and transformation.

Six poisons, plus Erica, there are seven poisons in total, and there are high-end fighting powers such as the poison evil spirit knight.

Lito can't eat enough.

"Go away!"

Lito let out a roar, trying to break through with force...but an Erica couldn't get rid of him for a moment, not to mention so many people.


The Poison Rocket Raccoon laughed wildly, waving his firepower without hesitation.

Then in a trance and conflict, a bullet penetrated Willie's back, and the blood instantly soaked Lito's clothes.


Lito snarled.

Everything around seems to be stretched in a moment, the world seems to be spinning, twisting, deforming... like everything around is flushed into the toilet.


Then Lito took a deep breath.

Let your thoughts return to your head.

The pause stopped.

Lito paused for a moment, causing the opposite poison Erica to stun for a moment, not knowing whether Lito actually made a mistake or some kind of trap.

However, the latter is more likely.

So the poison Erica didn't move at all.

But now as Lito's thoughts returned to his head, he naturally moved again...as if to reassure Poison Erica.

Not far away, the battle between the Rocket Raccoon and the Poison Ghost Rider continued. The Rocket Raccoon was still arbitrarily waving his firepower, but did not notice that the road behind it was not as smooth as it expected.

In the same way, Willie stayed right behind Lito and was not penetrated by bullets.

Time is back.

In other words, Lito saw the future briefly.

"This is not very good."

Lito took a deep breath.

Sphinx does not have the ability to predict, but it is omniscient... because Sphinx can get all the answers it wants in the world.

Among them, naturally includes the so-called future.

What will happen in the future can be asked as a question or even condition.

After asking, Lito will naturally see the future.

Of course, it takes time, and you need to give enough time to see the future. Just like Sphinx thinking about other complicated problems, the more complicated the problem, the less understanding Sphinx has about the foundation, the time it takes to think The longer it will be.

If the future you want to see is far away, then it will take a long time.

This degree needs to be grasped... lest the future seen is not the future.

Fortunately, for the future of the Rocket Raccoon, Lito does not need to waste too much time, so he clearly sees what will happen in the future.

For a moment of silence, Lito suddenly accelerated, and then headed towards the Rocket Raccoon.

Poison Erica stunned slightly.

The reason why Lito flung away Erica easily is because Lito's direction of departure was not to escape, nor was he trying to break through Erica's entanglement.

He went straight to the direction behind him.

Wei Li was also puzzled, but this time she was wisely silent.

Lito's speed was very fast. With all his effort, he came to the Rocket Raccoon a few times, and then picked it up without hesitation.


The Rocket Raccoon issued a complaint and exclaimed.

"You guys' technology is too bad."

"Be stable!"

Although he complained in his mouth, the Rocket Raccoon's hand never stopped. Special venom firearms were still sprayed with violent firepower. Even the evil knights had to avoid the most powerful fire position.

Rocket raccoons are short and walk backwards, so the ground is bumpy and it can't be seen at all. It is easy to see what Lito sees in the future.

But Lito is different.

He was carrying a little raccoon, looking at the road from the front, and as a mythical creature, if he could still wrestle while walking, it would be too funny.

The ruins and gravel on the ground couldn't stop Lito in the slightest, he kept carrying the little raccoon up and down, almost flat.

"Ohhho!" "ohhho!"

Rocket raccoons kept exclaiming, but obviously felt pretty good.

As a small man, he was not good at moving without a vehicle. Now, with the help of this free vehicle, it is actually more than satisfactory.

"Hey kid!"

"You came in time."

And as Lito jumped up and down, it was almost like walking on the flat ground, without any impact, and the Rocket Raccoon realized the problem.

It's not half a catty to the poison evil spirit knight. It was originally crushed by the poison evil spirit knight... If there are any problems on the ground, and it has to consider these problems when it dodges, then it is easy to fall in between. The balance is broken.

Even if it falls into the downwind instantly, it is not impossible to be defeated by the poison evil spirit knight.

Lito sneered and said nothing.

I was too lazy to explain that there was no accident, it would indeed be empty, and then caught the opportunity by the poison evil spirit knight, let the poison parasitize it.

Lito's speed is very fast, and not walking around, he carried the rocket raccoon, and quickly moved closer to the place where the battle was fiercest.

That's where the battle started, Venom Iron Man, Poison Thor, Poison Hulk, and so on... As for the battle between Jessica, Luke, and Kim and the Punisher, you don't need to worry, because with the The Rocket Raccoon was taken away, and the Poison Ghost Rider also caught up.

If it does not catch up, Lito will not easily take away the Rocket Raccoon.

And Elika, the poison, was also close behind. Although she didn’t know what Lito suddenly had, she fled to the place where the fighting was fierce, but her opponent was Lito, and naturally there was no reason to let go.

"What are your great ideas?"

Venom Raccoon also noticed this.

As a rare, brainy guy in the Guardians of the Galaxy... The raccoon is still somewhat wise in strategy, and it immediately realized that Lito might be doing something big.

Sure enough, Lito responded immediately.

"of course!"

He roared loudly.

"Take care of her for a while."

Lito refers to Willie.

"no problem!"

Rocket raccoons naturally agreed.

It doesn't know who Lito is... but it doesn't need to know, just make sure that he is not a poison, or that he is not an enemy.

Fighting to the present level, there is no super hero anymore. Fighting poison is an ally. It's that simple.


Lito was getting closer and closer to the place where the battle was fiercest, and he could already see Stark and Poison Thor still torn apart.

At the same time, Lito called out without hesitation.


Without Jarvis's reminder, Stark heard Lito's voice...he was very loud because he blessed with loud magic.

Stark didn't know who Lito was, but as long as it wasn't poison, it was a front.

"Be prepared, I'm going to zoom in!"

Stark rolled his eyes under his mask.

"What a big move?"

He also used roaring questions.

Lito gave a very vivid word without hesitation.

"Do you know Ant-Man!"

Stark understood immediately.


He shouted loudly...

As a member of Sphinx, Lito has no future to change, the future of change is still tangled in the future.

He didn't want Willie to die, then change it, it's that simple.

And Lito chose one of the easiest ways to change, that is...Since he originally planned to take Willie to escape from here, then don't escape now.

Lito felt it was time to try his new ability.

Putting Willie down, Lito took a potion from the stretch bag in her arms.

He took Willie to escape for three or five minutes. Over this period of time, where poison and venom battles are most intense, there are already many poisons and venoms separated from the battle.

Unfortunately, it is the poison who has the upper hand.

But no matter whether it is poison or venom occupying the status, with the unequal number of people appearing, poison and venom must unite their own companions in order to fight the opponents who have united.

This is convenient for Lito.

As soon as Wei Li was put down, there was a venom raccoon, as well as the Venom Black Widow and others who came together to protect Wei Li while she was behind her.

Lito pinpointed his blood vessels, then paused a little.

The medicine... was given to Mianlong. The origin and function of the medicine have been clearly explained by Mianlong. Excluding Mianlong deceiving him, there is no risk to the whole medicine.

But when used, the psychological pressure is really not small.

Because of the effect of the medicament.

Lito took a deep breath again.

This potion is only suitable for members of giant creatures whose bloodline origin is...for example, his Sphinx, or Toby's Foxfire and so on.

Like Nancy’s little fairy, Will’s deformer is not suitable.

Because of this thing, but from brother...

"Is it dangerous?"

Not far away, Willie had obviously been paying attention to Lito. Through Lito's hesitation, Willie obviously realized something.

"Do not."

Lito whispered.

"I'm just a little nervous."

The enhancement of this thing is undoubted... But Lito is not sure whether he can cope with the current situation, but it should not be a problem to leave with Willie anyway.


"Will you give me some analysis?"

Hearing Lito say that there is no danger, Wei Li immediately put down most of her heart, and then Qingqi's brain hole appeared again.

Lito rolled his eyes in his heart.

But in the next moment, Natasha, the venom not far away, suddenly turned back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'm sorry to interrupt you. "

"But... it's really not a good time now."

It seems that before finishing, Natasha hastily joined the battle again.

In fact, what she meant was obvious, no matter whether this thing has any risk or not, it is now time to use it because the poisons are gaining the upper hand.

Once the poison finally wins, then no one can run, and now is not a good time to protect themselves.

"I know."

Lito nodded and asked himself silently.

"Will this matter have a good result."

Then the next moment, without waiting for Sphinx to get the answer, he suddenly poured the potion into the blood vessel.


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