High Magic Earth

Chapter 1760: Parasitic art

Venom spider Mary Jane... that is, the female Spider-Man could not help but step back a few steps, looking at the huge monster in front of her so high that she could barely see the end, she couldn't help but swallow.

What the **** is this tm? !

Even though Mary Jane has been a superhero for some time, she has adapted to all kinds of strange creatures and strange enemies. When she saw this huge creature...or a monster, she still couldn't help being surprised.

And the danger warning from spider sensing is flashing madly, which means...


Mary Jane jumped backwards without any warning, and then jumped **** the ground, and her body jumped up to a height of three or four meters.

And with her movements, it was her feet, the patch of ground and the surrounding broken walls also burst without instantaneous signs... Then it was the delayed vibration and deafness.

The reason and origin are simple. The huge monster in the distance moved.

The stones that burst out instantly sprinkled around like raindrops, filling every inch of air and space around them, and suddenly let Mary Jane lose her vision directly.

The large and small slate stones whistled outward, with an astonishing force.

However, Mary Jane does not need her eyes to look around.

The person was in the air, but her movements did not have any hesitation. Not only did she not have any jerky or obstructions, but she also kicked very smoothly at the nearest distance, and also the fastest... a stone board flying over.

Spider Sensing has already prepared everything for Mary Jane.


She gently stepped on the stone slab that came from whistling, and by this force, her body curled up in the air suddenly rotated a full circle, and her beautiful body instantly stretched out, avoiding the three parallel The gravel that came out also vented a beautiful figure belonging to the model and the dancer to the surroundings without concealment.

Because venom... after all, but a tights.


Mary Jane's other foot slammed again on another stone that didn't know where it came from, making a snapping sound.

The gallop of gallop seemed to have no speed in her eyes. She stepped on it with her foot at a non-hurried speed, and then used the side to the side.

Of course there is not much power borrowed in mid-air, but also, it does not require much power and speed to turn and adjust direction in mid-air.

Mary Jane dangerously and dangerously avoided the two rubbles rubbing past her cheeks.


Then there was another crunch.

The roaring gravel came like raindrops, and Mary Jane stooped, and then slammed her feet, again selecting a large stone slab that was galloping past, and once again leaned to the side.

Crisp sounds are endless.

Like a dancer dancing on the tip of a knife, Mary Jane continuously stretched and contracted her slender figure, and her feet kept stepping on the rain-like rubble around her, as a point of landing and borrowing, Continue to dodge through the splashing rubble.

Spider sensing allows her to easily avoid intensive attacks from all directions, plus Mary Jane’s movements are actually not much slower than the galloping stones, so her movements are very elegant and precise.

There are hardly any unnecessary movements and places to panic. She calmly used her strength to step on the slate and rubble, stretching out the beautiful and Liu Chang's movements, dangerous and dangerous, passing by the dangers around her.


But in fact, Mary Jane's actions are slow and slow, and quick and quick.

The rubble that fell like raindrops passed a moment, but at this moment, Mary Jane had completed a series of difficult, juggling-like movements and passed through the rubble.

Then again with a crisp sound when she fell to the ground, Mary Jane squatted on the ground with her legs apart in a standard Spider-Man action, landing smoothly, and the curve was exposed.

But without staying, she quickly jumped back on the spot again, directly backing several meters back a few meters.

Even so, the danger posed by Mary Jane's spider's induction did not abate, but became more intense.

Because everything that caused this Foshan-like collapse was in fact, it was just that the behemoth moved a little not far away.


Mary Jane jumped to Natasha in three steps and two steps, and flinched slightly.

"Are we going to deal with this big guy?"

"It doesn't look like it."

Natasha hugged Willie with one hand, and she had the strength and physical qualities that were no less than that of Captain America, even with a large living person, even more flexible than Mary Jane.

Long ago came to a safe zone.

"But if our big friend is not vigilant anymore."

"I'm afraid I won't be our friend anymore soon."

While Natasha was talking with Mary Jane, a figure fell instantly from above, black and red, with a touch of gold.

Stark and his Venom Warframe.

He raised his arms in front of him, and the armor of the arm immediately popped up a window like a display screen, and began to scan Lito not far away, as well as displaying various hard-to-understand data and codes.

Stark was talking quickly with several people while operating quickly.

"I have to interrupt, ladies."

"We should withdraw."

Not only Lito noticed that the superheroes are gradually falling into disadvantage, but the superheroes themselves are aware of this.

In fact, even if Lito didn't make a sudden disruption, Stark would let other people find a chance to withdraw...if they could still withdraw.

Superheroes have rich combat experience with poisons. It is clear that in this case, they may not get any benefits.

In fact, during the battle with the poison, the superheroes have never taken advantage of it.

And if at the beginning, the poisons still have the advantage of sneak attacks, it is understandable that the superheroes were caught flat-footed.

At the point of engagement, the superheroes paid a blood price because they did not understand the information of the poisons. This is also justifiable.

But after the battle has continued for a long time, the superheroes are still in a state of being fully suppressed, so it can only be shown that they are actually not opponents of poison.

This is also true.

Except that Stark once effectively prevented a counterattack during this period, it seems that the superheroes who have studied what poisons are controlled have won once, and there is no time to take advantage.

And after this time, that kind of restraint also lost its effect...they fell back into disadvantage again.

In the entire war between poison and venom, the situation of superheroes is not very good... It seems that the people who were originally able to support the scene are gone.

Those scientists who often shout, I think this thing restrains them, are not there anymore...Shenzhende is indeed absent. The absence of one of the biggest wall hangings in the Marvel Universe may only give the poison symbiote a arrogant capital .

But Stark was on the second wall.

Stark did successfully organize all counterattacks, but probably this is the symbiotic universe, which is the home of poison and venom. His counterattack did not last long.

All in all, the poison is far from being as good as expected.

In fact, their methods and attack methods are also very simple, nothing more than parasitic, and then positive... It sounds like there is no difficulty and technical content, but the superheroes who can fight are losing ground.

In addition to the fact that superheroes do lack a lot of main power, another reason is that the poison tactics and their own characteristics are indeed very practical.

It's totally a zombie virus routine.

In the face of the zombie virus, once scratched, bitten, or any wound may be infected, then it will become a member of the zombie army, and will extend its teeth and pointed claws to its former companions.

This is why the zombies fight more and more.

Normal humans will always be downsized, and the downsizing will not get much supplement, but the zombies will not. The downsizing of the enemy is their best source of companions.

The poison is roughly the same.

The total number of superheroes is only that much, but as the battles continue to intensify, the number of poisons begins to increase, and the number of superheroes is decreasing.

Perhaps the superheroes have already left the category of ordinary humans and will not be threatened by those zombies, but the poison is like an enhanced version of the zombie virus.

Can threaten the kind of superheroes.

Ordinary humans and zombie viruses, superheroes and poisons.

Superheroes are in front of the poisons...and they are no different from ordinary humans.

In a sense, Poison Destroyer is disintegrating Dr. Strange’s will, allowing the little poisons to take advantage of it, and there is nothing wrong with the illusion that was arranged when he forcibly transformed him.

In order to fight the poison, Dr. Strange constantly pulls people from other worlds and pulls more venom as a helper.

In fact, it is precisely because of his actions that the number of poisons will increase.

It is true that superheroes have become more and more careful, more cautious, and stronger, but this does not mean that superheroes will not fail and will succeed.

Even if you are careful and cautious, there will be times of failure.

Then, they will become members of the poisons.

Their number has been increasing, forever.

Therefore, whether it is Strange or Stark, they have already changed their combat strategy. They have changed from advocating offensives to self-protection.

Because they can no longer continue to add enemies to themselves.

Natasha did not hesitate, she nodded at Stark, and then took the lead in pulling Willie and left here. As an experienced ace agent, almost all of the judgment has become her instinct.

She had long felt that it was time to withdraw.

Willie next to her neck was still trying to observe what Stark was looking at... the screen scan on his arm, or what data was analyzed.

But it was a pity that she was taken away by Natasha, and with the ordinary person of Willie, she could not resist the ace of Natasha, or wore the venom.

Mary Jane does not have as much experience as Natasha, but as an ordinary person transformed into a superhero, Mary Jane naturally has her own way of life.

She is always good at borrowing her people's strengths.

Just like now, she consciously couldn't handle such a complicated situation, so she hugged the thigh of a companion who could handle it.


Mary Jane and Natasha disappeared instantly, but Stark had not left.

As he said to three people before,

Lito is no longer careful, I am afraid they will not be friends.

Because Stark noticed that there were already many small poisons rushing in there, and some even had contacted and touched Lito.

It may be that Lito is too large, even if it is normal parasitism, it is also a slow process, or there are other reasons. The small poisons did not start parasitism immediately.

But once it started... Stark felt that even if he got bigger, he could not avoid the attack of poison.


He raised his hand as a cigarette-sized incendiary bomb hit the little poisons. The next moment, the position of the little poisons exploded with a loud noise and a hot flame.

Stark didn't know if they had all been eliminated, but now the fragile guys can't survive the heat and explosion.

In fact, Stark doesn't care about these little guys, because they are too many, these are just accidentally exposed, and there are many small poisons hidden in the dark, and then quickly went to Lito.

Unless they are all eliminated, there is a danger of being parasitized.

It may be difficult to wipe out everything, but since it does, Stark doesn’t mind cleaning it up.

What he really worried about was Lito.

Because once he is really parasitic, with his huge body... it will be a huge, trouble.

So Stark decided to keep up and take a look.

But before that...


Stark whispered.

"Did Pym particles be detected?"

Jarvis's voice was still quite satisfactory, and it seemed that he would never rush to answer Stark calmly and calmly.

"Sorry, sir, the presence of Pim particles has not been detected."

Stark frowned slightly.

What he can imagine is that the thing that is so large and quilted by him is probably only Pim particles, but if the other party does not have Pim particles...

Confused, but Stark still has a calm look~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Okay. "

He shrugged and said to Jarvis.

"It seems that our big friends have some technology we don't know about."

Seeing Stark seem to be preparing to continue to rub it down here, Jarvis also had to remind.

"Sir, those poison prototypes are already close to our big friends."

"It is recommended that you follow along."

Stark shrugged again.

"You have learned to joke."

"It seems that my last update was quite successful."

As soon as the words fell, a few bright flames appeared at his feet, and then the Venom Warframe instantly rose into the sky and led him straight to Lito.


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