High Magic Earth

Chapter 1761: So this is not an official match at all

For Jean, today can be counted as his lucky day.

As an introverted nerd, Jean, like many American youth movies, has fewer friends and fewer girls.

But fortunately, he hasn't been to the extreme.

Not so much as wearing a green plaid shirt at the favorite girl's birthday party.

Opel, his classmate, is also his favorite girl.

He likes this on girls he likes, which is often seen in movies. The school nerds who have no sense of presence and are often bullied will always like the most beautiful girl in the class, the female school tyrant, and even the school flowers because they are a little different. Opel is just an ordinary American girl, an ordinary high school girl.

In fact, those pretty girls who are school flowers are not easy to follow. . It is not easy for ordinary boys to catch them, not to mention nerds.

The quarterback guys with well-developed sports cells, even if they are simple-minded, are considered to be the best in the campus boys.

This is no way, who makes rugby the main theme.

It is certainly easier to catch up with the school flowers by Fengyun figures.

So those nerds actually have nothing to be angry about. . This is not a strange thing.

Jean doesn’t know whether he has self-knowledge or whether he has a love for carrots and cabbage. Anyway, he didn’t look at their high school school flowers or class flowers, but just stared at an ordinary, other class girl.

It’s not pretty, but it’s not ugly.

The only thing that makes Jean feel heart-wrenching is that she is so touchable, and not just for him.

She can speak easily, but she seems to be very friendly to everyone.

Especially boys.

There are a lot of boys who have a good relationship with her. Although no one has spoken out that he must be chased after her, Jean still feels very worried.

The only good news is probably. . She does not have a boyfriend, no boyfriend who has a clear relationship.

Therefore, Jean will make up her mind and invite her to take a vacation to see the dinosaurs in the Jurassic Park theme island before the summer vacation.

Of course, watching dinosaurs is only one part of it, as for the other part. .

The dream is good, but unfortunately Jean may not be clear, it is this kind of girl that is the most difficult to chase.

Jean is very lucky, because he has saved most of the semester's pocket money, and finally bought two tickets, anxiously invited Opel. . She even agreed once.

The happy Jean almost did not take off on the spot.

He was accompanied by his two other buddies, as well as the companions they invited. . That is, three boys and two girls total five people.

Because one of Jean’s companions did not invite the girl, she could only come by herself.

Of course, it may be that the money is not saved, and it is all used to buy games and comics. . But because he is not so stupid, it is not impossible, after all, is it a dead mansion?

As a nerd of learning tyrants, Jean doesn’t necessarily make friends, but he certainly has an introvert temperament.

Otherwise, they cannot play together.

As an introverted dead house, they are naturally longing for Jurassic themed islands. When the dinosaurs were just resurrected, they wanted to see them. . It is a pity that the oldest Jurassic Park had an accident, and when the accident was exploded and was known to the public, the entire island was destroyed long ago, and naturally there was no need to watch it.

Now, the International Gene Technology Company has not only rebuilt the Jurassic islands, but also revived the dinosaur, an ancient creature that has been lost. . It directly turns it into a large theme amusement park.

How could a dead man and nerd like Jean not be excited.

As a property of the dead house, he has a natural interest in things like superheroes, dinosaurs, and monsters. The part-time nerd makes him very interested in the academic field of dinosaurs, so. . A trip to a Jurassic-themed island is inevitable.

In fact, as a dinosaur island that has just opened for a few years, the overall heat is at its peak and there is no decline at all, so although the tickets are not expensive, they are not cheap. Jean needs to accumulate half of the semester to buy it. Double ticket.

And it’s not just dead houses like Jean and his companions, people around the world are now interested in dinosaurs, creatures that have reappeared for hundreds of millions of years. . Among them are Opel and another girl.

I'm really ready to come over to see the dinosaurs, which may be one of the reasons why Opel promised Jean so easily.

After landing on the island, the dead man trio found out that it was paradise. . There are dinosaurs like magnificent behemoths everywhere. This kind of prehistoric creatures with awe-inspiring figures are simply amazing, and there are many kinds of them, including long-necked dragons, triceratops, stegosaurus and carapace. . Everything.

All the dinosaurs that could only be seen in the book, which can be seen in the picture, can be seen here.

Of course, they are all active within a certain range of wild reserves. Even if they are herbivorous dinosaurs, or dinosaurs that are not aggressive, International Gene Technology does not dare to let tourists come in contact with them casually.

In addition, there are a variety of small gifts, peripheral toys related to dinosaurs, limited-edition hand-made models, etc., and although the Jurassic-themed islands do not have as many high-tech techniques as they have in a decade In fact, it is not low.

In addition to various virtual projections, light screens, AR and human interaction systems, there are many large-scale amusement facilities, such as high-speed trains running through the island, self-driving tour buses within a certain range, and underwater parks.

However, unlike the hobbies of these three dead houses, Opel and another female partner do have some small interest in dinosaurs, but they prefer to have no legs, like a large pet dog. Small dinosaurs such as triceratops cubs and stegosaurus cubs.

Girls naturally like such cute things.

The smaller the guy, the more they like it. . Even some small triceratops are not much bigger than cats, and they weigh only a dozen pounds, so they can be held in two hands.

Unfortunately, the small triceratops is too fragile, and it must be accompanied by professional training personnel to communicate and touch, so the play is not so enjoyable.

Of course, the larger triceratops are not impossible, for example, the triceratops that are just higher than their waists, but not much higher. Although they can't hold it, they can ride!

Ok. . It was also accompanied by breeders and staff.

Dinosaurs naturally need to be reared. In the eyes of human beings claiming to be the most advanced animals, there are no animals that cannot be reared. The same is true of dinosaurs, although they have been lost for hundreds of millions of years and were once the overlords of the earth. . But humans are like this.

Human beings are afraid of the unknown. When it is not clear when the dinosaurs are, they will be puzzled and admired and shocked.

But really when the dinosaurs were revived, this shock and fear gradually disappeared, and they began to re-see the dinosaurs as animals or even rear them.

Not to mention those herbivorous dinosaurs.

But dinosaurs are pretty. . But Jean did not forget the business anyway. He didn't really ask Opel to come to see the dinosaurs, but for that, that one.

So after playing for half a morning, they solved the lunch with a Tyrannosaurus pizza in a Jurassic-themed town, and Jean decisively chose a self-driving tandem.

It is a recreational project where you drive to the protected area to observe the dinosaurs up close and at a short distance from the dinosaurs.

The self-traveling double car is a special car for Jurassic islands. Not only has a separate number and a unified control system and positioning of the external console, but also has strong safety performance.

The external armor is comparable to armored vehicles, and the interior also has a strong buffer system. The main thing is that its internal space is not as complicated as the normal car decoration and operation, which allows it to do a very complete buffer function inside.

The operation is simple, there is no extra decoration inside, but all are buffer devices. . Such safety makes it possible to operate even people without driving experience.

However, the transparent circular self-traveling double car is different from a dozen years later. The current double car still chooses the normal car appearance. Some are like the small one off-road car, and the speed limit is not very fast.

After all, there are more than ten years of technology gap.

But it is enough.

In fact, the conventional styling of this two-seater car may be more suitable for Jean, first of all, its styling is no different from that of a conventional car. . It's more useful.

In the future, the transparent round tandem car seems to do nothing.

Of course, Gene didn't plan to do anything in the car, after all, there was in-car monitoring.

Secondly, the narrow space can make people feel more secure, and it is easier to wipe out something in the narrow space.

Therefore, the self-travel type double car project is a must.

ell. . Before he came, Jean was ready, how could he not do the investigation, after all, this was his long-awaited first date.

The other two companions wisely did not try to choose a three-person car, but took another girl into the car to create opportunities for Jean.

Then Jean took Oppel and drove into the wild dinosaur area.

Although it is a wild dinosaur area, it is also a protected area under the control of the staff. There is no real wild dinosaur in it. All are dinosaurs that have been domesticated and all are herbivorous. There is no danger. .

The Jurassic theme park is not just a commercial amusement island. The research on dinosaurs and the main laboratory of International Gene Technology are also on this, so there is indeed a real wild dinosaur area on the island. Used to simulate and observe real dinosaurs.

But it will not be open to tourists.

Jean went there without intending to be demented. . In fact, he could not enter. The entire wild area was protected by high walls, and the gate was also guarded by security forces, so he could not easily enter.

. . Pterosaurs don't count.

But he also has his own ideas. Although there are no real wild dinosaurs in the reserve, it is not bad to be able to get in close contact with these big herbivorous guys.

Of course, it is true, zero distance.

. . .

Half an hour ago.

"This...not so good."

Opel said hesitantly.

"Don't you want to see these big guys up close?"

"Relax.. They are all herbivorous dinosaurs. Paradise does not dare to put carnivorous dinosaurs and aggressive dinosaurs here."

"They are not dangerous at all."

Jean's words made Opel hesitate again.

Opel hesitated again.

The reason is very simple, because half a minute ago, Jean actually sneaked out a small thing that did not know what mechanical instrument was, and then told her that this thing could open the car door.

Yes, open the door.

The two-seater car is closed. Since entering the protected area, the door will be directly locked by the control center. It is the so-called door that has been welded. . No one wants to leave.

But how could Jean not be prepared? He not only explored how to play this date, but also prepared a gadget that can temporarily paralyze the vehicle monitoring and open the door.

It should be said that it is indeed a tyrant.

After reaching his destination, Jean took out the little things he had prepared. . And tell Opel that he can open the door, in a real sense, to observe these big guys up close.

So Opel is hesitating.

She has been unable to make a decision. . But these big guys really made her curious, and if you can take a few photos at close range, it would be even cooler.

So in the end, Opel asked again.

"But... will we not be found."

Here, Opel refers to not being discovered by the dinosaurs, but whether it will be discovered by the staff, that is, the console of the international gene technology company controlling the double car.

And Jean’s answer is simple.

"So... we actually only have forty minutes."

"From three minutes ago."

"I temporarily paralyzed the video of the monitor and let it repeat the loop that was played three minutes ago. At the same time, the route of our two-seater car was still moving, but only forty minutes."

"I once hacked into an external database. The security of these data is not high, but forty minutes is already the limit."

"What's more, there is no need to know that you can't open the door when you enter the park... They won't treat us like that, we can actually tell them that the door is not safe."

When it comes to the professional field, the school bullies can always say a few more words. Jean said a lot. Actually, Opel did not understand much, but this does not prevent her from being surprised.


She sighed sigh~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In fact, she was completely aware of what the boys were all about. . How could she really be so natural that even these things are unclear.

She actually doesn't mind. . If appropriate.

And Jean. . It is not clear whether he is suitable, but it may be because he has done this kind of exaggeration for those things. Opel finally decided to go and see.


She whispered.

"What are you waiting for."

But neither Jean, who is excited, nor Oppel, who is full of curiosity and the same excitement, is not clear, just not far from the two of them, built in a work area behind a undulating hill, A fierce battle took place, and in the near future. . It will spread to the whole island.

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