High Magic Earth

Chapter 1763: To learn to turn

? Most nerds have poor physical fitness and motor nerves, but this is not to say that they are tertiary disabilities. . Although there are indeed some extreme nerds that are true.

Jean’s physical fitness and motor nerves are not bad. Not only did he realize the danger in the first time, he also ran with Oppersa.

Even before Opel responded, she pulled her out a dozen meters away.

then. . The situation is reversed.



The long-necked dragons were stroking their stout limbs, pacing very regularly, grouping together in twos and threes, and starting very slowly, slowly, even lowering their heads and nibbling two leaves at the treetops from time to time.

Their movements seem to be slow. . But after all, the huge volume is there, even if it takes a few seconds to move that small step, and that step is also a few meters away.

Jean and Opel ran all the way in the front, and as a result, the long-necked dragon brigades followed slowly, but the two did not throw away at all.


And just after Jean pulled Opel out of a distance of more than ten meters, Opel, who was confused, finally seemed to react.

She screamed and pulled Jean backhand. . Then the next action of the two became that she took Jean to start running all the way.

"Run, run, run!"

She exclaimed.

Jean was dumbfounded.

He never thought that Opel had such a great power. . And such a strong explosive force, even after continuing to rush out a distance of more than ten meters, he is even more desperate to find that his physical strength seems to be inferior to that of Opel.

. . Sure enough, he usually has too little exercise!

And it wasn’t just Jean who was desperate alone. After running for more than ten seconds all over again, Oppel’s heart began to gradually become desperate, because they didn’t seem to have lost the possibility and hope of the group of long-necked dragons behind him!



They still followed behind, even closer than before!


The heavy limbs even fell like a meteorite not far from their running route. . Not only did the ground suddenly shake every time it fell, but even occasionally there were large trees that were blocking the road and were pushed down and pushed to the side by them.

Look at the groaning and painful groaning of the big trees a few meters high, and think about yourself again. .

Jean and Opel don’t dare to think about it at all!


Opel shouted loudly already.

But Jean soon realized that he was desperate, and he ran on the road in less than a minute. . He seems to have exhausted his physical strength.

He seems to be weak now!

Well, although Gene is not the kind of third-rate crippled nerd, it's not much better.

In fact, in fact, Jean and Opel ran the wrong route at the beginning. They should not run straight back, but should reverse their direction to avoid the whole group of long-necked dragons.

But now it seems that it is too late. Although the number of long-necked dragons is not large, they are too large. The scattered four or five long-necked dragons occupy a large range of hundreds of bisons.

Now I want to cross in front of them. . It is very likely that they have been trampled into meatloaf before leaving their course!

Although Opel exploded in an astonishing desire to survive, she seemed to have been stunned and did not realize that she had to turn to avoid them.

But Jean. . Jean realized it, and just hesitated for half a second before he made a decisive decision.


He shouted loudly.

By the way, he pulled Opel's hand hard.

The over-frightened Opel didn't actually understand Jean's meaning for the first time. . But she had an instinctive reaction to the word turning, and with Jean dragging her by the arm, she immediately turned around.

In fact, Opel is now running around instinctively. No one guides her, and she has run in one direction without stopping. When someone guides, she changes her direction as if she has caught a life-saving straw.


Along with the loud noise and the vibration of the ground, a huge foot fell to the two of them. . Almost a few meters away from them, it is necessary to trample them into a patty.

Gravel splashes, flying leaves and splattered branches even confuse their eyes in an instant.


Opel screamed again.

She realized what Jean was doing. . But whether she wanted to refute or want to run back again, I am afraid there is no chance now.

The only thing that can be done at this time is to run faster and faster.

The two began to run desperately.

"Bang! Bang!"

The rumbling around is constantly falling.

They must run faster, otherwise they will be caught up, otherwise they will. . dead.

"Run! Run!"

Jean let out a big gasp and kept urging. He seemed to feel that his lungs had disappeared. He was greedily squeezing the surrounding air every moment. . Try to breathe enough oxygen.


Another long-necked dragon trampled on it unkindly, but fortunately the two were lucky enough that this time they still rubbed down next to them.

But their speed must be faster.

Especially for Jean, Opel is actually faster than him, and has a lot more physical strength. . But precisely because Jean's speed has not been fast, the two of them can not accelerate.

but. . The group of long-necked dragons who have crossed over have reached the top of their heads. If they do not want to be trampled into meat patties, they must leave this dangerous area as soon as possible.



The foot of the long-necked dragon is like a bomber bomb. They continue to erupt around the two of them, making the running Jean and Opel frightened. . Fear that the next moment of doom will come to them.

They dare not dare to have the little rattles staying, especially Jean, who felt like he had squeezed out the last potential in his body.

He never realized that he could often run for so long.

Sure enough, at the critical moment of life and death, human potential is always greater.

"Boom! Boom!"

Jean’s choice is correct,

If it is running in front of the long-necked dragon group, the ghost knows how long they need to run, because the ghost knows where the long-necked dragon will move.

And turned to cross from the long-necked dragons. . Although the risk is very high, as long as they rush out, they will be completely safe.

And the time to cross the long-necked dragon group is not too much, this risk is worth taking.

Fortunately, they really succeeded in crossing.


As Jean and Opel crawled across the front of the last long-necked dragon, they finally came to a safe area.

Leaning on the tree trunk next to them, the two people breathed heavily.

It's like spitting out the lungs.

Opel is actually uncomfortable, although she seems to be slightly better than Jean in terms of speed and endurance, but it is inevitable that there is no reason for the potential outbreak of life and death.

Suddenly there was no danger now, and a series of after-effects suddenly appeared.

And anyway, she is also a girl. . There is more pain now than Jean.

But as the long-necked dragons walked away, watching them along the horizon, gradually disappearing into the sunlight that had begun to fall slightly, the two of them took a long sigh of relief.

It is finally safe.

Whether it is Jean or Opel, there is a feeling of the rest of the life now. . This is a real bald head.

Although it is not a dinosaur who maliciously attacked them, it may not be more fortunate than the attack of a long-necked dragon.

After about three or four minutes of breathing, the two talents finally seemed to slow down.

Looking up, Jean's heart could no longer be described as desperate. . That is destruction.

Obviously, he felt that Opel must hate himself. After all, it was the car he was about to get close to observe the dinosaurs, and the door he opened. As a result, Opel experienced such a dangerous thing.

If the change is to be yourself, then certainly not happy.

But looking up, Jean found that Opel was looking at himself.

Stopping the other movements, the two began to stare at each other.

but. . Contrary to Jean's speculation, he didn't seem to see disgust in Opel's eyes, and probably because of the escape together, the two seemed to become more energetic.

As if there was no need to communicate and communicate with each other, Jean seemed to be able to understand the meaning of Opel's gaze.

She did not blame Jean, nor did she hate him, because it was not all his fault.

. . Although there is no communication, Jean still seems to see these meanings in Opel's eyes, or is this his illusion and speculation?

Jean didn’t know and didn’t bother to figure it out.

He only knows. . Under some inexplicable traction, he seemed to be getting closer and closer to Opel.

The next step is after the heroes and heroines escape from the movie. . The necessary story.

. . .

It's actually just a kiss.

Just a affectionate kiss.

Maybe it's still a bit jerky.

And when the two are separated, they may still carry a bit of shyness.

But in any case, this sudden progress made Jean ecstatic. . Observing dinosaurs up close is indeed a very correct choice!

Not only did the sudden danger not make Opel hate himself, but their relationship seemed to be one step closer.

I didn't expect it to be so easy.

But although it sounds easy, the facts are not so simple, because in the crisis of the past, it is still not easy to give up the other party, but it is not a very easy thing to do.

But neither Opel nor Jean left behind and fled alone.

. . Of course, Jean can't run fast at all.

Whatever the reason, Jean's confidence has increased with further relationships, and he is ready to dig deeper into his relationship with Opel.

After all, they have forty minutes. . Encountering long-necked dragons and multi-way rushing, in fact, it didn't take a few minutes.

Because if Jean and Opel really ran for more than ten minutes, it is estimated that they would not be trampled to death by the long-necked dragon, they would be exhausted first.

There is plenty of time.

but. . Perhaps Jean has plenty of time, but it seems that after he was out of danger, the **** of luck also left him by the way.

Just when Jean was about to get close to Opel again, and Opel did not plan to resist. .



The loud noise and the long-necked dragon's hissing came from not far away, and looking at its direction, it seemed that the long-necked dragons left. .

Jean and Opel looked at each other.

"Double car!"

The two said in unison.

I couldn’t care about anything else, and the two immediately ran to the place where the voice appeared again, this time it took less than a minute,

Then they saw the scrapped tandem.

Yes, it has been scrapped.

It can be clearly seen that the front section of the two-seater tour bus has been severely sunken, as if it was hit by something heavy, and is ready to be smashed into a cake.

It was the front part of the car that was smashed, and it may be that the front part of the car was damaged, possibly involving the fuel tank. . This made the entire tandem bang with a bang, and directly exploded.

Jean didn't see the dead long-necked dragon around, but could clearly see a little blood on the surrounding grass.

Obviously, the long-necked dragon is indeed injured, but it is not heavy, but it is not important. Opel actually does not care, because the only thing she is worried about now is how to explain the problem of the double car.


Jean is obviously well prepared.

He shook his head.

"We have something to explain...their two-seater car brought us into danger. It would be nice if we didn't ask them for an explanation."

Opel was speechless for a while.

"But the door is locked, how can we escape..."

Oppel saw Jean walk to the scrapped, still burning tandem and picked up a half-sized scrap metal from the grass.

It's the car door, it seems to have been burnt, with black smoke marks on it.

"It looks like we can escape."

Jean shook the door of the car that was blown far away and said.

such. . It seemed foolproof, and even Opel didn't find out what was wrong.

The two found a big tree and sat down~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They didn't move on or leave. . Because they need to wait for rescue.

This is how the two-seater car was scrapped, and those jean tricks are obviously useless.

The staff of the console must have been hit by an accident in this car. I believe they will dispatch rescuers soon and the coordinates are here.

So Jean and Opel are not going to leave for now.

Although there are no dangerous dinosaurs here. . But it's too big here. If you don't have a car, you can't do it.

"Hopefully they will be faster."

"So maybe we will have time to drive another car into the reserve."

Opel sat comfortably on the ground and then whispered.

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