High Magic Earth

Chapter 1764: True welfare

? Jean's mouth twitched.

He thought his heart was big enough, but unexpectedly, Opel's heart seemed to be bigger than him, because such things happened, she even wanted to continue playing!

Hell if you can continue playing!

Even if the park will not hold them accountable, I am afraid that various inquiries, medical treatments, and comforts will be indispensable.

It will even involve their other companions.

And Jean is very clear in his heart that he did find a lot of reasons, but in fact none of them can withstand scrutiny. . He feels that the best result is not to hold each other accountable. Everyone assumes that nothing happened. This is the best.

Ok. . In this way, it is really possible for the park to continue to let them go.

After all, they have no right to detain them privately, at most, it is just to call the police.

But Jean doesn’t think it’s because the park may be more worried about the impact than they do, and such a thing will happen, but it will directly become a scandal.

They will never let this matter come to light.

So Jean feels that the possibility of not pursuing each other is still very high.

Ok. . He is indeed not as optimistic as Opel.

It seems that Opel is not as complicated as she thought, because she just casually said that in the next moment, she seemed to leave this matter behind.

Only Jean, the guy who never forgets others' hearts, will put every word of her in her heart and try to figure it out repeatedly.

And after the initial interest dissipated and the freshness gradually cooled, Opel soon stopped paying attention to this matter, and began to chatter with Jean about something useless.

It may be because of the previous experience, the experience of common escape, the relationship between the two was quickly drawn closer. . It seems to be directly from a near stranger to a friend.

Jean never felt that Opel could even say that.

Still girls are as nagging as she is.

No, Opel didn't pay much attention to him before, and naturally there wasn't that much to say. . Jean thought there without concentrating.

In fact, if Jean had learned a little psychology, he might have speculated about the state of Oppel at this time.

She was not so nagging, nor was she usually like that. . She was obviously frightened, frightened by the previous chase of the long-necked dragons.

Although I didn't feel anything at the time, it obviously doesn't mean that there is nothing wrong now.

And Jean's own state is not quite right. His kind of wild thinking is like a sequelae of fright in a sense.

It's just that he didn't even realize it.

Opel tweeted there. . But he was suffering from the next to Jean, he was not a good talker, especially in front of girls, especially in front of girls he liked, especially when he was thinking about things like that .

Jien Zhiwuwuwu, generally can not answer any questions.

Fortunately, Opel's state is obviously not right, and he did not pay attention to these things, and if it is usually normal now, it must be crazy, but now Opel does not care about these things.

But suddenly, Jean, who hadn't been so focused all of a sudden, had a sudden meal.


He said.

"what happened?"

Opel was also shocked.

Then immediately realized what Jean wanted her to hear, that is. . A kind of vague, roaring?

Opel, who had been chased by a group of long-necked dragons, was immediately nervous.

"Is it a dinosaur?"

She was so frightened that she stood up directly.

But Jean didn't move.

"No... it seems not."

He said calmly.

"You listen carefully, it looks like..."

"I care what it looks like!"

Oppel directly interrupted Foljan, grabbing his arm.

"Anyway, it is definitely not human. Humans cannot make such a voice!"

Not even a car. . So Opel didn't think it would be the park's people, even if they had patrolling staff around, it would not be so fast.

And this sound is really not like the machine and steel can make it.

Jean felt that Opel made sense.

In this dinosaur reserve, since it is not a human being, it can only be a dinosaur, and it will be impossible. There will be other monsters. . Do not. .


A loud noise burst out in a flash.

Like the volcano that destroyed the ancient city of Pompeii that year, there was no sign, no hesitation, no time to react, and no time to make any preparations.

Almost in an instant, flying sand and stones, the sky of rubble seems to be confusing people's eyes, so that people can't see anything, and even people can't breathe a trace of air.


The two were almost startled by the sudden explosion.

Opel sent out as if to lose. . A silent cry.

Jean just seemed indifferent, but at this moment he reacted faster than anyone else, almost jumped up and grabbed Opel and ran.

Hell, he shouldn't hesitate just now.


The two had just started to spit on the girl again, and they heard huge wailing from behind.

The earth is mourning.

The earth seemed to be split, like the whole island was split in half by someone, and a terrible crack came from a distance, but fortunately there was a distance of more than ten meters from the two.

So they almost watched it as if it were a long black snake, chasing up from behind, and in a split second, a black crack with a width of two or three meters was split.

Jean swallowed.

"This... has nothing to do with us."

He said tremblingly.

I don’t know if I’m talking to Opel or myself.

This of course has nothing to do with them!

They didn't even have the ability to do such a big thing. You know, although the crack next to it didn't really divide the island in two, it was almost the same.

The depth is more than two meters, and another five or six meters away, basically it will be exposed to the sea water.


Another loud noise came from behind.

The two didn't care about other things, and left and started to hug again.

Flying gravel-like gravel came from behind, and Jean and Opel could even hear them falling on the ground like raindrops.

Fortunately, it seemed to be far away from them, otherwise the rubble might be enough to smash them into meat sauce.

But even so, the wind waves caused by the gusty wind, blowing the small sand and gravel around, and the needles of those trees directly hit them, especially the exposed neck, arms, wrists, etc. , It hurts to scrape them, even the skin is flushed.

Jean and Opel dare not look back.

The voice behind him. .

It's like there are ancient beasts to be born!

Well, Jean admits that the place where they are now is indeed a Jurassic World themed island. . But here is completely artificial! It is impossible that they really crossed into the Jurassic era! ?

Jean didn’t want to know, and couldn’t believe it.

But if this is not the case, then what will be behind.

Human fear often stems from the unknown, always.

Not a dinosaur. . What is it, even more, is not a monster. . What would it be?

Jean couldn't figure it out, he just felt like he was out of luck today, and now he needs a lifeless run, that's it, but even now. . He didn’t open up and took Opel’s hand

The loud noise continued.

And it seems to be getting faster.

This is not an illusion, because the surrounding and fallen trees have gradually caught up with them, no matter what is behind it, it is gradually catching up with them!


With a long and desolate roar coming from behind, Jean and Opel only felt a tremor. . It seemed to be squeezed by some kind of behemoth, and his whole body became stiff.

This is the most instinctive reaction of mankind in the face of myth and legend.

. . .

"This is... what is this voice?"

Not far away, some of the towns in the Jurassic theme park seemed to hear some kind of roar.

Many people started to stop watching and looking around in doubt, not knowing where the voice came from.

No, it must have been from the island, but what would it be, is it a dinosaur? The sound seems to be very far away, so such distant sounds can be transmitted, if it is a dinosaur, how large it should be.

Some guys who don't know whether they are turning their heads faster or have bigger holes in their brains have already started to think about it.

And their doubts did not last long.

"That... there!"

"God! What is that?!"

The crowd soon heard the exclamation, and with the exclamation, more and more people saw the behemoth, and then the riot began to spread, and even completely chaotic.

That is. . A monster.

One. . Very large monster.

. . .

Jean felt that the shock behind him was getting stronger.

He couldn't even keep him running. . Because the strong tremor even caused the ground to start shaking, between bumps,

Between stumbles, Jean has not even been able to stand still, let alone continue to escape with Opel.


In a trance, Opel suddenly tripped under a raised tree, suddenly staggered, and then fell heavily on the ground.

Jean didn't pay attention at all, so she was directly taken down by her.

But although Jean is a nerd, after all, he is also a boy. Both endurance and willpower are stronger than Oppel.

The bridge of his nose seemed to have been broken. He felt that there was some warm liquid on his face, but he didn't dare to stay for another second, even standing up rolling, trying to drag Opel to continue running .

But he didn't pull.

Opel seemed to be in a state of collapse, or her foot was twisted, unable to move at all.

"I blame you! I blame you! I blame you!"

She threw away Jean's hand violently and yelled at him like crazy.

If they still have a car. . The current situation may not be so bad.

Jean was in a hurry, or the pain was sweaty, mixed with blood, which made his wound jump.

Reason told him to leave here and go to escape, but Opel. . He couldn't let Opel down, and he couldn't let Opel stay here alone.

After gritting his teeth, Jean stopped.

He stood behind Opel, as if to stop the huge monster that appeared suddenly, and he widened his eyes, wanting to see what it was.

Since I can't go.



The roar came from a distance, the earth was roaring and roaring, and the billowing air waves were like a tsunami, sweeping against the ground.

The big tree is collapsing. Stegosaurus, triceratops, long-necked dragon, and even outside the protected area, the thieves, raptors, and tyrannosauruses from the experimental area are all trying to escape.

They turned a blind eye to the companions and food around them, just like a race, scrambling to try to run faster away from everything behind them.

The air wave formed by the sand dust was behind, blocking Jean's eyes, so that he could not see anything, and the air wave was rolling and rolling, as if it would overwhelm everything.

But Jean didn't waver, instead his eyes widened even more, as if he wanted to see what was happening before the dust completely swallowed him up.

then. . He saw it. .

The billowing air waves roared closer and closer to him, closer and closer, half a thousand away, and then spanned in an instant, leaving only a distance of 100 meters, and then passed away, less than ten meters away from him.

But at this time, a vague figure also appeared in the dust.

It seems to be constantly increasing, expanding, and becoming larger, and it is precisely because of this that Jean can capture his figure in the thick waves.

Then, Jean's mouth began to grow, the longer the bigger.

"God...oh my god..."

"what is that.."

He looked at the huge shadow in the sand with shock.

It does not seem to be a dinosaur. Although it is not clear, Jean has such a feeling based on only one appearance. It is really too far away from the characteristics and characteristics of creatures like dinosaurs.

But it doesn't seem to be any kind of creature that Jean knows, even if the huge volume is incredible.

but. . How could Jean ignore its huge size!

This huge volume is the most important thing, and it is the most incredible thing recently!

Its volume seems to have exceeded fifty meters. . Jean calculated according to his own visual observation, according to the general feeling of his sight.

Of course, Jean is not sure, everything is his guess, but even if it is wrong, the ratio of it to the horizon can only be higher than fifty meters, not higher.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if it is only 50 meters, what creature on earth can be 50 meters? Even the Tyrannosaurus rex, which was billions of years ago, does not have such a big size!

Jean felt that he couldn't figure out what it was because he might be dying. Looking at the dust that was about to roll in, Jean sighed.

He had no time, the ghost knew what was mixed in the dust, the broken tree trunk, the unlucky dinosaur, but even a small piece of rubble could kill the fragile life of human beings.

all. . It's all over, but it's a pity not to have Oppel. .

However, just when Jean had closed his eyes and blocked Opel's back, waiting to die quietly, a mature female voice suddenly appeared in front of him.

"... brave lucky boy."

"Today is not your death."

The next moment, without waiting for Jean's head to react, he hugged the whole person in the air, and then his entire face slammed into some kind of softness.

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