High Magic Earth

Chapter 1769: This is traditional, just like the broken arm

Looking down at the earth is like a god.

In Lito's field of vision, the ground below seems to have become like jigsaw crackers, and the sea in the distance is no longer so bottomless, terrifying, crowd on the ground. . It has shrunk into ants.

This is really a brand new experience.

But in fact, when Lito found that his body began to grow rapidly, or even an uncontrolled surge. . He realized it was not good.

He seems to have forgotten how much medicine he should take.

But this does not blame him.

Mianlong just gave him a vial, probably no larger than the volume of a finger. It was exactly the dose of a reagent bottle, just like it was just taken out of the chemical laboratory.

Usually encountered this situation, naturally boring.

but. .

The violent growth of his body was naturally beyond Lito's expectations, but fortunately only this was completely beyond his expectations, because apart from the sudden increase in volume, no other concurrent reactions occurred.

For example, the body is uncoordinated, the balance in the body is out of control, and even hungry because of the lack of energy for rapid growth, or even hungry or even hungry.

None of these complications that should occur under normal circumstances.

Wouldn't say. . Is this really a magic potion?

Lito can tell whether it is a magic potion or not, it is not because he participated in the production process, nor is he feeling any so-called magic fluctuations, nor is he using his sphinx ability.

It's a magic potion. . Its characteristics are too obvious.

Quirky, unpalatable, and ugly are the characteristics of most potions.

Of course, there are a small number of stand-alone magic potions, such as spirits, but the taste is also difficult to say.

The small potion that Lito drank before was actually very deliberate. Although the test tube was not large, even the size of the finger, the liquid inside was blowing very suspicious bubbles, just like it was shaken. Coke or something.

But obviously Lito did not shake it, and it could not be Coke.

The second is its color, the suspicious dark green, yes, it is the suspicious color of the suspicious liquid boiled in their big tank in most fairy tales of the witch.

. . This is plainly telling Lito that it is a magic potion.

Perhaps only the magic potion can directly increase its volume regardless of the material balance.

Switching to the field of technology, even the super soldier serum, requires a lot of energy to replenish the human body. When Captain America experimented, it almost instantly exhausted the power of almost the entire city.

Of course, the potion is not an absolute growth out of thin air. It may also follow the law of conservation of matter. The energy required for this growth may be recovered from its place. . I just don't know where to find it.

Perhaps it is the power contained in Godzilla's genes?

If there are other energy supplements, the energy contained in the Godzilla gene is fully utilized, and it may be that he has skyrocketed more than a hundred meters in height, etc.

These are Lito's guesses.

He wénpíng is not high, not those Hollywood tyrants, mixed Hollywood, and brand universities such as Ivy League or MIT, etc., obviously can rely on learning to eat, but must rely on the face to eat.

Lito didn't go to college, and the college he later studied was also a community college that was not influential. .

Dadao Li didn't know much, and Lito was too lazy to think about it. . People who don't like to think are actually the mythical magic creatures who are best at thinking, the bloodline descendants of Sphinx.

I have to say that this also seems like a kind of irony.

But even if you don’t understand the general principles, common-sense scientific knowledge, Lito still understands. If you just analyze it, you can analyze a lot of things.

. . These things are probably in the era of the Harry Potter story, many wizards have never thought of it in their lives.

But in the outside world, in this world, in different times, it is common sense. In addition to the fact that the magic world in the Harry Potter series is too closed, it is also the cognitive gap between different boxes. Rolling.

And such an analysis, as if it were now, is not a bad thing.

After all, because he suddenly became such a behemoth, everyone, everything, all battles were suddenly disrupted.

The so-called future.

Nature has changed.


Lito left behind these messy ideas. . Then the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, because as he took a deep breath, the surrounding air seemed to whip a small whirlwind.

Although it disappeared into nothing in an instant, it did appear!

What the **** is this?

Lito vomited badly in his heart. Fortunately, Sphinx is a half-human and half-lion face. Although Lito's outline can still be seen, it is the kind that makes people discern it at a glance. A lion, or look like a lion.

. . This makes Lito's Sphinx look less strange, otherwise the real Sphinx is definitely a kind of strange creature.

Lito's Sphinx looked pleasing to the eye because it was all in one.

Because he is not a human face, but is similar to the human face, so the expressions and small movements on his face are not noticed.

Including the momentary whirlwind caused by his deep breath.

After realizing the changes brought about by the huge size, Lito's actions began to become more careful.

He first feels the presence of the limbs, feels their weight, then feels their flexibility, and then slightly accumulates the strength and coordination of the body.

Lito must be careful.

Because there are many innocent people below.

. . Although Lito is an impulsive person, everything follows his feelings, but he is far less kind than Will.

As Will, who has almost the protagonist-like quality, has reached a point where it is a bad step to rotten good people and the Virgin. To put it plainly is to love.

But Lito is not.

He is a sentimentalist who rushes away without feeling, but he does not have the same fraternity as Will.

At a critical moment, Lito still only cared about himself.

Of course, when he put his hands down, he would not kill the innocent indiscriminately. . He was vigilant not to cause too much damage below.

In addition to innocent people, those superheroes are still below.

Although Lito didn't think he would threaten a superhero, there were many dishes in it. . No, it's a lone hero on the street.

They are not good at dealing with such a big scene.

So Lito's actions must be careful.

In fact, feeling the flexibility of his body and the uncompromising coordination, Lito's heart already knew his state at this time.

He was magnified numerous times.

But there is no disharmony and imbalance.

His fighting power at this time is naturally self-evident.

He even felt like he could play ten.

When Lito first drank Godzilla's potion, he didn't think about how much combat power he could increase. Sphinx was not originally known for fighting. . Even if he can ask the future for a short time, almost foreseeing, he can only maintain a situation that is not endless.

When dealing with those poisons before.

And there may be some advantages in dealing with general combat effectiveness, but against these superheroes, they are not ordinary combat effectiveness.

In fact, there are such top guys as Thor, Iron Man, and Ghost Rider.

The results have just been confirmed.

And Lito did not expect Godzilla’s pharmacy to pull him up so much at once, he just wanted to change his height to ten meters to disrupt the overall fighting rhythm and interfere with the future, so that at least can guarantee Willie’s It is safe to prevent accidental death after a while like in the future.

He drank the potion with the thought of disrupting the rhythm and interfering with the future.

But now, obviously his effect has been achieved, and the effect seems a little too good. .

So Lito's thoughts turned, he lowered his head and stared down with a staring stare. . In fact, he saw nothing. Those superheroes and poison villains hid very well, and the target was too small.

But he felt that his glaring could still serve as a deterrent.

For example, you can bring Willie smoothly. .

Wait, what is that?

Lito suddenly noticed a small black spot in his eyes zooming in quickly. . It is getting bigger and bigger, which means that it is approaching quickly.

What is that stuff?

It is an exaggerated description of the small black dots. The height of a hundred meters. Looking down, the human target is indeed very small, but it can still be seen clearly after careful observation.

Retracting the messy thoughts, Lito took a look and then immediately recognized what it was.

That is. .

Lito's pupil shrank sharply.

"Hulk! Smash!"

With a roar like a beast, Poison Hulk galloped wildly, like a roaring cannonball, with fierce beasts and wildness, it was more like the false Godzilla of Lito. It is a monster, and the shape of the poison is to bring a bit of cruelty and bloodthirsty.

Lito was shocked.

The fear on his face was almost visible to the naked eye. .

Stark and everyone below:. . .

Well, it's not almost visible to the naked eye, but the people below have already seen it clearly.

Damn, such a big man, even afraid of Hulk's fist, Stark below vomited badly in his heart, and the disgust on his face was also visible to the naked eye, so he did not let Jarvis open the talk Out.

But then he thought of the enemies that had been hammered by Hulk, especially the big enemies, and silently lit a wax for Lito in the next moment.

Just in a blink of an eye, Stark thought that the current Hulk was no longer a Hulk, but a Poison Hulk. The real Huoke, the real Dr. Banner, had died, and was replaced by his former enemy, Poison. Symbiosis, Stark's face dimmed.

Just like other companions who have been devoured.

Too many people have died in this war, and too many companions have been lost. . It's time to end.

Stark's face was almost unsightly, because he claimed to be the leader, and he no longer felt blamed for the sacrifice and death of his companions almost all the time.

Even more so than when he was flying alone to the universe with a nuclear bomb. . A hundred times stronger, a thousand times stronger, incomparably real, and incomparably angry.

In the corner, Natasha stared quietly at Stark, whose face was distorted, and worried in her eyes.

She has mastered the information of every superhero concerned by SHIELD. She may even know herself better than Stark herself who is proficient in psychology.

Stark's heart is actually very fragile. . So now she is very worried about Stark's state.

In addition to Stark being their companion, the city is a bit of a core figure of the target, and a high-end combatant capable of countering the poison Thor.

Without him, the entire balance will turn sharply. They can't do without Stark or Iron Man.

But in dealing with people's psychological problems, Natasha has no good way, especially Stark is such a stubborn person, so you can only pay more attention to it.

hope. . Things will turn around.

The people below have different psychological activities and different faces, but Lito above has only one mood in his heart at that time, that is.


Seeing Hulk coming straight to him, Lito quickly tried to dodge.

He didn't want to eat Hulk's fist. Even if he became bigger now, Hulk's strength did not become smaller! Of course, maybe his skin has thickened, but Lito still feels that his patience for pain has not increased much.

Yes, this is one of Lito's shortcomings.

Not a tough guy, he has a low tolerance for pain. . To put it plainly, he is afraid of pain. He is not a legendary urban mercenary. The iron-blooded king is afraid of pain. It is not normal that everyone will become very strong when they encounter danger.

And Hulk's fist. . Ha ha.

Lito wanted to dodge, but it was not that easy. His speed did not change much, for example, it slowed down or slowed down.

Theoretically, in the past, he could use a faster speed than Hulk, and with the ability to predict, he could run ahead of Hulk.

Since the speed has not changed, it should be faster than Hulk.

But only in theory, his speed did not change, but his volume became larger, that is. . There are more places where he can be hit.

Facing the crazy Hulk, Lito quickly turned sideways, but even so, it was still too late.


The next moment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hulk had already rushed to his face, and Lito was also directly caught by Hulk, and then a heavy punch fell on his face.

Thanks to Lito's avoidance in advance, the fist of Poison Hulk was originally directed at Lito's nose, but because Lito turned his head, the punch fell **** his face.

Although it hurts, it is better than the nose.


And after a muffled sound, Lito was even beaten by Hulk.

Well, it was still a familiar taste, and it was still the crazy Hulk.

The sharp pain in his face left Lito depressed. . Isn't this a copy of Hulk and the flame giant Suterte? When I saw this scene, Lito was still thinking about how Suterte could hurt and how powerful Hulk could be.

As a result, it is now my turn.


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