High Magic Earth

Chapter 1770: Fight against the air

? It is always shocking to be small and broad.

Whether it is a battle with fewer wins or more, or a small man defeats a big man.

Just like now.


Lito's head was knocked straight by Hulk's punch, and he felt a pain in his face. . As if the bones were cracked.

If he was hit by Hulk in a normal state, he must have a pain in his entire face, because after Sphinx deformed, Hulk increased in size, Hulk is also a small giant, and the big casserole fist is exactly half his. The face is almost big.

But after Lito's volume soared, his face swelled, and the fist of the original casserole immediately shrank countless times.

So Lito is not painful all over his face now, but pain in only one place.

It's like the bones there are broken.

But Lito knew his bones were not broken. . Hulk's strength is too great, so it hurts.

As for why Lito knows, Sphinx's ability is not a decoration.


Hulk, who turned his head and punched Lito with a punch, had long disappeared. He fell to the ground again under the influence of gravity and inertia, and his feet landed heavily, making a loud muffled noise.

Seeing Lito turning his head to look for himself and staring at him, Hulk suddenly gave an angry roar again.


"pissed off!"

Lito rolled his eyes in his heart.

As one of Marvel’s representatives, Hulk will surely be taken out as soon as he encounters a large-scale enemy, and then let him bounce directly and punch him in the face of the enemy. In order to create a strong visual effect and morale.

This seems to have become a tradition.

Such as Surter, such as swallowing stars, such as. . Dormam? Dormam may be choking, after all, it may not have a real entity.

Every big man seems to have been hammered by Hulk, and it seems that he hasn't been hammered. It's not the same as a complete big man. .

But Lito did not want to be one of them at all.

Hulk seemed to feel Lito's hostility. . Perhaps the idea of ​​shuffling was shrunk, but he seemed to start to move again anyway.


He muttered in his throat and snarled in a low voice, looking at him as if he was about to jump up and hit Lito's knee again. . No, Lito's face.

then. . Lito immediately relaxed his guard.

Yes, he relaxed his guard.

Because he saw it. .


Sure enough, in the next moment, when Hulk roared most excitedly, as if he would jump up the next moment, the black hammer with a roaring wind and black thunder fell suddenly in front of him, and then stopped Got him.

"Quiet, big guy."

That's Thor's hammer.

Or the hammer of pseudo Thor.

"It seems that your partner is in trouble."

Not far away, Stark saw the emergence of poison Thor through Jarvis, so he sideways said to Willie.

then. . Poison Thor didn't know which ruin to get out of, and with Thor's unique sturdy and reckless temperament, stepping on the ruins step by step, slowly came to Lito's front, blocking Poison Hulk Behind him.


Unlike the real Hulk, the poison Hulk whimpered, and then the momentum gradually fell.

If it is a real Hulk, in the current situation, he will not control who is standing in front of him, even if Thor is blocking him, it will be correct, then it is useless in the real sense, Thor The same is true.

But this poison Hulk, obviously he was afraid of poison Thor, perhaps because of strength, or because there are also food chain superiors and subordinates between poisons. In any case, he followed the words of poison Thor.

He stayed silent behind the poison Thor.

With the emergence of Poison Thor, more and more Poison Superheroes have come together from all corners and in all directions.

Poison Ghost Rider, Poison Daredevil, Poison Black Panther. . And the more special poison deadpool, and so on.

"Brother really is the most special one everywhere."

The Poison Deadpool suddenly said proudly.

"But I said... man, it's too obvious that your last pen was buried. I can see it with my eyes closed."

"But rest assured, I don't know what you are burying, after all, your new story hasn't been updated yet."

Even with the incarnation of poison, the chattering annoying character of Deadpool remains. .

"This is the selling point, do you understand the selling point?"

Deadpool stressed dissatisfiedly.

But obviously, even the poison Thor, he knew the annoying character of Deadpool, so he didn't even bother to know where the Deadpool murmured.

He stared coldly at Lito.

In the first time Lito expanded, he and Iron Man could almost be said to let go of each other for the first time. Although he and Stark didn't know Lito's details, Stark meant to retreat, He obviously didn’t want to let Stark go easily,

Only Lito appeared, but had to upset his plan.

He didn't know Lito's details.

In the world of superheroes, there is actually an unwritten rule. . The larger the volume, the more powerful.

Even if it is not the extreme, it will not be weak, which is not surprising, because sometimes the huge body itself has already brought various increases.

The most intuitive is power, and in order to be able to support such a huge body action, in addition to strength, the density of physical body must also keep up, otherwise I am afraid it will only move together. . It's impossible.

So huge itself is power.

But as Lito's volume continued to skyrocket, Thor, who was backing away, realized that the enemy might not be as powerful as he thought.

Although it has increased, it is not that he cannot deal with it.

He immediately felt irritated and angry.

However, Lito's volume was already very large at that time. It was difficult for him to take what he did with poison alone, so he could only wait for the poison to regroup.

Just like now.

He can't wait any longer.

Poison Thor's gaze put a lot of pressure on Lito.

Although Santa Jin Jiang Thor is always a reckless impulsive image, it seems to be a rough man with no intentions, and seems to be very kind, but he can not ignore his true identity.

The son of Odin, the heir of Asgard, is also the future king. . The strongest in the Nine Realms.

Not only did Lito face him with less confidence, he did not have confidence in facing him at all. .

I am not a fighting faction, Lito vomited in my heart, why this group of guys have found themselves one by two.

But Lito's heart is actually very clear. After he drank the synthetic potion, this thing actually happened sooner or later.

Whoever makes his goal the greatest and builds a strong wind, he will inevitably attract hostility and pull the hatred away.

But he must also do this and do things that disrupt everything, otherwise the future. .



But at this time, accompanied by a burst of loud music, a black and red figure suddenly crossed from Lito's front. . He also deliberately passed Lito's two eyes to make him see clearly, and then fell to the ground with a loud bang.

The only person who can be so arrogant and passable is. . Stark.

"It looks like you need help... the big lion."

Stark said frivolously.

"Yes, and me."




And with the advent of Stark, other venom superheroes also flocked over there, some flying like Stark, such as Jessica Jones, also fell on the ground, as for the others, most Like Mary Jane and Natasha, they jumped up in a spiderman fashion.

. . But it's just similar.

Venom's ability is enhanced, not given out of thin air. The reason why Venom Spider-Man is called Venom Spider-Man is because he is Spider-Man.

And Mary Jane is so similar to Spider-Man, even a completely remade female Spider-Man, because she is also Spider-Man.

In this Mary Jane world, it wasn’t Peter Parker who was bitten by the spider, but Mary Jane.

So she is also Spider-Man.

And Natasha. . Actually it is much worse than her.

The reason why Venom is very compatible with Spider-Man is that Venom can simulate and replace Spider-Man's spider silk, but otherwise, it only has the amplification host.

So although Natasha and others can use the venom to simulate the effect of spider silk, neither the jumping power nor the sense of balance are far inferior to the original Spider-Man.

Not to mention the spider sensing.

They are just because of the use of venom spider silk. . It looks more like it.

Soon, the venom superheroes gathered around Lito again, looking scattered. . But the number is not small.

As early as when he saw Stark's arrival, Lito was relieved, because he knew Stark appeared, which meant that other superheroes would not be beside him.

He is not alone.

Sure enough, others followed Stark, some words were more. . Rocket raccoons, for example, also shouted a few strange words at him, and of course there were friendly greetings, like Luke Cage, and. . Eagle eye.

Lito could not help but twitched at the corner of his mouth when he heard the eagle-eye sentence still containing me.

What's the use of you! You are just an eagle eye! A mascot! Don't think of yourself as Tony Stark!

But it's just thinking about it.

Lito is not stupid enough to speak out again at this time, and then re-attract the target to himself. . Although his volume is placed here, the goal is already large enough.

Sure enough, with the arrival of the venom superheroes, this group of poisons quickly put most of their attention back on them.

Poison Thor stared at Stark again, and the two were silent. . It looks like some kind of invisible confrontation.

Lito suddenly felt someone stab his claws hard, no, it was his hair. . This familiar feeling immediately reminded him of a person.

With his head lowered, Lito's mouth twitched, and he really saw this guy, Willie.

She was stepping on her instep with one foot, and then grasped hard with both hands. . Yes, a handful! A handful of hair pulled out.

This guy is simply poisonous. When can't the experimental material be collected? Can't he give it to her on the spot?

and many more.

When did you willingly provide material for her by default? Although it was hair, it felt very strange. Lito was generally very repulsive.

But Lito thought about why Willie was so obsessed with collecting all the bits and pieces of her body, because she didn't know she was going to take her away.

Although Wei Li's brain was clearer, she knew that Lito could not stay. . He will disappear sooner or later.

Maybe it's leaving this world, maybe it's simply avoiding it.

At that time, she had no material, so she collected these things now. . It may be the only material left.

These materials will be related to the entire biological world, the new pattern of the genetic world, and her knocking door to Nobel's door!

Of course, Wei Li is not without doubt, if magic, these so-called magical creatures have long existed, why no one has ever discovered it.

I am afraid. . It’s not that it’s not, but it’s stopped.

But it doesn't matter, she will obviously not give up until the last moment.

Lito's volume was magnified, and her movements were naturally magnified as well, and soon Velie noticed that she had been found, she looked up, and then. . Then there was no intention of repentance!

Natasha next to noticed this scene.

"You won't worry about me leaving her outside."

"Those little ones... It's dangerous."

She refers to the prototype of a small poison.

Faced with them, Lito didn't think there was any danger at all, but if they changed to Willie, they were indeed very dangerous, and she might be directly converted into poison.

but. . Poison may not even parasitize her, maybe because Wei Li is too weak, just an ordinary human.

This is just a chance, Natasha will not bet on this chance, nor will Lito, so it is correct to bring her in.

As an agent, Natasha naturally considered more than others. When no one thought about the explanation, or even Lito thought about something wrong, she worried to cause a misunderstanding, but she first explained it.

Lito nodded at her.

. . Lito always wanted to be low-key, but unfortunately, he was so huge that it was impossible to be low-key.

The interaction between the three people immediately caught the attention of Poison Thor.

"It looks like...you guys seem to be a terrific guy."

He said in a hoarse and gloomy voice.

Stark sneered and did not answer.

Poison Thor is still gloomy.

"Although I don't want to admit ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but..."

"You don't think I am the most powerful guy."

The real Thor doesn't obviously say that, but it's the poison Thor, just a symbion that devoured Thor, simulating his strength and appearance.

It is very different from the original Thor.

Stark is clearly not the first time he has communicated with Thor, and he has no sense of strangeness in his words. Even after he said such a threat, Stark in the Venom Warframe is still unmoved.

But actually. .

"Jarvis, Jarvis!"

His hand was sending messages inside the armor, calling Jarvis frantically.

"Go check the hero database."

"Look at what other powerful guy... will be unlucky enough to hit poison."

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