High Magic Earth

Chapter 1812: Setting up such a flag is often the last. .

Red, eye-burning red, and dazzling red represent life. . red.

As Yi Xiao opened his eyes, it was a large red.

The sky is red, the ground is red, everything around is red, and this red is not a kind of substantial existence color, but more like a kind of rich energy phenomenon.

That is, some kind of energy is too rich, and this kind of energy happens to show this color to the outside, so the entire sky and ground, and everything around it, are dyed in this color.

And this is not what Yi Xiao observed through opening his eyes. He has cut his eyes back to the usual state, and can no longer recognize the different energy, and then use different colors to distinguish.

That is to say, this space is like this, even for Athena and Dastan.

The red at dusk, as if the blood of the gods soaked the entire sky, is also the red of life, as if everything in the world and the light when all things were born.

Dim and pervasive throughout the sky, but it does not make people feel dazzling, with a mysterious and unpredictable breath, but it does not make people feel disgusted and frightened.

Yi Xiao calmed down from the initial shock and began to look around seriously.

The ubiquitous red brings a slight sense of dizziness, even Yi Yi is also affected, and the surroundings at first glance. . It's like being on an alien planet.

But seriously, this is indeed not the earth.

Yi Chou's movements looked around slightly.

The energy that crimson approaches the dark red is everywhere. Although they seem to be harmless, Yi Chong still subconsciously slowed down.

Because he is not sure what the energy is, and whether his guess is accurate.

The rich energy pervades the sky, and it is scattered on the ground, so that the air here is red and the visibility around is a bit low.

Yi Biao blinked and instantly switched a mode to his own eyes, which combined a variety of eye modes with detection functions. . But still not very easy to use.

This ubiquitous ubiquitous energy does not look very simple, and it is indeed the case. Even if Yi Xiao switched his eye mode and looked around, it was still not very clear.

Even Yi Xiao couldn't help but glared his eyes.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect. As soon as my eyes are empty, my vision becomes clearer than before.


Yi Xiao frowned and looked around.

The dark red energy is diffused and covered by the wreckage of some ruin-like buildings. They look like some kind of architecture, and they are also very sci-fi buildings, because its appearance is full of sci-fi.

Something I haven't seen before.

Gently passing through the layers of red mist, Yi Chou came to the shadow of a large area of ​​ruins and took a closer look, only to find that it was some kind of large machine, full of the beauty of the machine's steel.

But it doesn't seem to be some kind of sophisticated large machine, it looks. . It is more like a broken part of a whole, a member of a larger mechanical body that is broken away, and the whole body is full of rough and wild manufacturing style.

"and many more!"

Yi Chou suddenly had another meal, because he realized that he seemed to see something in the end.

it. . It seems that it is not a machine, but a creature!

It was alive, or once was alive, now it has completely decayed with the passage of time, leaving only some bone-like remains left here. . No, it doesn't have to die in the corrosion of time.

After Yi Xiao recognized this thing, he didn't think that time could erode it, maybe it could, but it would definitely be very, very long, even to the end of the universe.

The bigger reason may be that the ubiquitous energy around it has corroded it. Yi Chou does not know whether this energy is so.

But it does not prevent him from making such guesses.

These seemingly mechanical existences are actually not machines at all, but armor of decaying creatures. . But its volume is too huge, and this armor itself is not just a thin layer of metal, it does contain a lot of high-end technological power.

But even armor that contains a lot of technology is armor, not a pure mechanical creation.

The size is huge and you can't see the end. There are only a few feet, there are several large, and wearing metal armor, or high-tech armor rich in unknown technology. . Yi Xiaodang even judged its identity.

Tenjin group.

Just don't know which god.

There are a lot of gods, but don’t look at the name of the gods group blowing into the multiverse is famous, but not every **** is extremely powerful, indeed, there is extreme combat power that has stood at the apex of the multiverse, but more The level of the **** is just so-so.

Because they are not the same as Saiyan people at all, all the people are good fighting races. As a group, they also have their own duties, some are good at fighting, and some are not.

For those groups of gods who are not very good at fighting, only ordinary powerful cosmic creatures can hang them up and hammer them.

So the **** of death is not uncommon, and the gods group is not a member who has never fallen.

of course. . Even if it is not strong, it is relatively speaking. For ordinary human beings, even if it is the most incapable member of the Tenjin group, it is also standing at the apex of the universe.

So there are indeed very powerful cosmic creatures that can hang them up and hammer them, but the number is actually only a handful.

Tenjin. .

The **** of the Marvel world.

Yi Xiao's eyes were a little bright, and these big guys were indeed rare for him. He wanted to get in touch with them for a long time. . It is better to study it.

And now it is clear that all three of his wishes can be fulfilled.

And exactly, he can also find out how strong he really is by studying the wreckage of the Tenjin group in front of him, and more in-depth analysis. What is the superhero world he is now like? . world.

Whether he is in a pocket universe, or a parallel universe, and even there is no pocket universe and other parallel worlds, even the main world as powerful as the comics world. . These things can be studied by studying the wreckage of this god.

As long as Yi Huo is given a certain amount of time, these secrets will no longer be secrets.

. . Of course, it also needs to be merged with Lucy, a magical intelligence that can bring too much help to Yi Xiao in this research.

In the same way, the wreckage of Tenjin appears here, which also confirms another conjecture that Yi Chou is here. .


Yi Xiao suddenly realized that there was a blurry figure shaking not far away.

The foggy surroundings were red, and the scattered energy filled almost every inch of space. Even the sight of Yi Bust was greatly obstructed here.

He could only see a blurry black shadow swaying in the distance, looking like a human figure.

But he couldn't be sure.

Intuition told him that it might be Athena, eh. . The shaking figure became two people, and the chance of being Athena became even greater. That might be Dastan and Athena.

Similarly, the chance of not being Athena is also greater, because Yi Chou and Athena are separated, why Athena and Dalstein are not separated.

The chance of the two appearing together is very small.

The most important thing is that these two black shadows dangling, a performance like a monster in Silent Hill, really makes Yi Chou have to doubt.

Yi Chou slowly walked over there.

In this weird place, he is just a newcomer, so these two shadows are really monsters, and Yi Chou doesn't feel that he can get rid of it. He still has a look in the past.

The dark red energy has diffused to the sky, rendering all of them together. . Yi Xiao also had to consider whether the use of magic would cause any unknown reactions.

So he decided to use his fist to solve the next problem.

I hope they are not monsters, if so, I hope they are not too disgusting.

However, after Yi Biao leaned on the past, he realized that this was just a misunderstanding. It was really like he imagined. The two shadows were none other than Athena who didn't know how to get together.

Dastan walked honestly in front, Athena walked behind silently.

"You... what did you encounter?"

Yi Huo asked strangely.

Because Athena's performance is very strange. Although she looks silent, she always looks at the front, back, left, right, and around very alertly. This even makes Yi Chou feel if they have encountered any danger.

But Athena didn't speak, but it was Dastan who shook her head.

"Adult Athena is alerting to hallucinations to avoid being controlled again."

Yi Chou twitched.

But it also relaxed.

Because he secretly checked it with special means belonging to the silver tongue, and found that the two were indeed Athena and Dastan, and were members of the appearance, so I was temporarily relieved.

Yi Chou wouldn't casually believe the two guys who suddenly appeared. . Especially the moment before they looked like two monsters who couldn't walk, the next moment, they became Dastan and Athena respectively.

Yi Chou feels that this is like teasing himself.

but. . Well, they really are them.

Yi Chou can’t be sure what all this is about, but it doesn’t matter, because all this can be attributed to this bizarre space, where the energy is problematic.

"Where is this?"

Athena asked again.

She found that since entering the Great Pyramid, as the goddess of wisdom, she became useless. . Wisdom that could have been proud of occasionally becomes meaningless.

Fortunately. . Yi Xiao did not let her down most of the time.

This time it's the same.

"I already know here."

When he said this, Yi Chou's eyes fell on Dastan. After all, he attracted the two of them. He obviously knew what was here.

As a member of the appearance, he can't betray Yi Chou. If there is any danger here, he will not even think of Yi Chou.

At the beginning of the creation of the plan, the possibility was cut off.

So Yi Chao is actually very curious. Since there is no danger here, why would he come out empty-handed in the future, or say that he got something, but even Daztan does not really know it.

And now. .

Yi Biao finally understood the reason, because the things here were too hot, too strong, and so powerful that even Yi Biao would not dare to touch it easily.

"...The heart of the universe."

Facing Athena's problems, Yi Huo uttered four words in a low voice.

Athena froze for a moment, and didn't seem to realize what these four words represented, but in the next moment, she suddenly widened her eyes.

As a god, Athena's knowledge far exceeds that of other silver tongues, especially as the goddess of wisdom. Her knowledge is extremely advanced even among the gods.

The silver tongue's identity brought her another layer of detachment, so she faced most of the gods. . Well, at present, only when faced with Thor Tmel, Athena did not feel anything surprising.

Because she is very clear, these superheroes are still far from Yi Xiao and their creation plan.

but. .

"Heart of the universe?"

Athena's pupils seemed to twitch.

In the superhero world, there are naturally many powerful existences. She can look down on Thor, but she has to fear these things.

The first echelon of the characters is not considered for the time being, it is too much to count, and it has nothing to do with the present. In the existence of non-creatures, there are not many who can occupy the first echelon.

There is no doubt that the most famous infinite gems will naturally occupy a place, and in addition to them, there are actually many.

It's just that they are not very famous, or most people are not qualified to know.

For example, the heart of the universe.

"This cosmic heart... Is that the cosmic heart I think?"

Athena still asked in disbelief.

"No surprises, yes."

Yi Chou nodded.

In fact, his face did not calm down. . Even a nondescript guy like Yi Chou can't control his emotions.

Even at the very beginning, in the previous channel, the dark purple energy had just spread~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When he had already speculated about it, Yi Chou had a kind of panic and even wanted to leave.

However, Yi Biao found that no one named Life Court suddenly appeared in the next moment, and then took the opportunity to shoot himself to death, he also changed this idea.

The heart of the universe is indeed powerful and terrifying, but it is not the most terrifying.

The most troublesome is that the heart of the universe may be related. The top gangsters of the Marvel World, give him some time. Yi Chou is confident to use the silver tongue to collect resources and strengthen himself a little bit, so that they can compete with them. Degree.

But not now, now, Yi Huo is not sure to deal with the top presence in the Marvel world.

But fortunately, there doesn't seem to be them here, but only it. .

The heart of the universe.

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