High Magic Earth

Chapter 1813: Yi Xiao frowned, feeling that things were not simple

The heart of the universe.

Just listening to the name, it seems to be an extremely powerful existence.

This is indeed the case, and it may even be stronger than everyone expected.

The heart of the universe is worth not only saying that it controls everything in the universe, it is everything, everything, everything has substance and immaterial, everything tangible and intangible, all conceptual and non-conceptual, even all human beings have What is known and can be described is unknown to human beings, and even cannot be described.

It is the universe, it is everything.

In a sense, it is equivalent to the universe and to all in the universe.

The universe is the universe, and the heart of the universe is the heart of the universe. Although the two are different, they are not much different. In fact, the heart of the universe can become only one step away. . Universe.

In other words, create the existence of the universe.

Create everything.

But now the heart of the universe is not the entire universe. It is just an independent existence. All mastering the heart of the universe is equivalent to having everything.

Really, everything.

Both tangible and intangible, known and unknown to mankind, are in possession.

At that time, don’t say anything about creating things out of thin air. Even turning around time, destroying the entire universe with one blow, and then restoring everything to the beginning is not difficult.

Even if you do it easily, it is much stronger than the silver tongue. . It can also be said that it is not a level at all.

In fact, someone in the Marvel world has actually gotten it, and has done a lot of amazing things.

That's right. . It is the last surviving Titan who is keen to collect infinite gemstones and each strength growth depends on foreign objects.

In the comics, it not only collected seven infinite gems, but also had a terrible existence that was far more powerful than infinite gems.

The heart of the universe.

And it seems like. . He is the heart of the universe found at a certain point in time during the period of Egypt on Earth.

The clamor in thought suddenly froze.

He scratched his hair and felt a bit chilly around him, hell, if it were here, it was this era. . Shouldn't a purple potato essence suddenly pop out?

If it is the one in the movie, with the various abilities that Silver Tongue has attached to him for so long, he is confident that he will fight with him.

Of course, the premise is that he does not have many infinite gems.

Without wireless gems, Destroyer is an ordinary Titan star survivor, still a scientist. With Titan's natural physical qualities, he can beat most cosmic creatures.

But definitely not top.

If you collect all the infinite gems. . That is not a level.

Therefore, the infinite gems must not be collected. The fewer the collections, the better. One or two can easily handle it. Three or four can be difficult, five or six. . Basically, you can only guarantee that you are undefeated.

And it's still in the movie.

The hegemony in the comics is better than the movie itself, even if it is easy, and he is not sure of the absolute God of War opponent, not to mention that he may still hold an infinite gem.

However, the time when Yi Xiao came to this pyramid was not too short. He didn't see a purple fat man jumping out of it.

perhaps. . It's not time yet?

Yi Chou feels that he may have arrived early. He can't be so coincident. When he first arrives, it's time when hegemony finds the heart of the universe.

Although such coincidences often appear in movies and TV series, they are not making movies now.

. . Yi Chou had reservations about not making movies, so he did not put down his vigilance, beware of the big purple potato that might jump out.

At the same time, he continued to think about the past of the universe.

The heart of the universe occupies no more or less space in Marvel comics. The person who uses it is the guy who seems to be a collector.

He didn't know how to get to earth, or he didn't know the earth for thousands of years BC, and then he found the heart of the universe that was still on earth at that time.

Then there is no doubt that he got it.

After hegemony got the heart of the universe, he immediately began to use its power. He never feared the power and ability he had mastered, so hegemony immediately solved several problems for himself, such as the previous enemy, or scientific research. Lack of inspiration when you can't go on.

Then, he began to extend the magic palm to the universe, and began to change whatever he wanted to change.

As a scientist of Titan, hegemony is actually quite a pursuit. Although he has the irrational premise of pursuing the goddess of death, his knowledge reserve still exceeds most cosmic creatures.

For example, the elders of Gao Tianzun, or even the gods who are often not doing business.

The knowledge reserves of the gods are naturally amazing, they are inherited from the eternity of one of the five great gods, and the way of obtaining knowledge is completely different from that of human beings.

However, the reserves are far from reserves, and they are far from being able to be used.

But no matter what the pursuit of tyrants, there are any imaginary ideas, he has caused damage and impact on the entire universe.

In the case of using the heart of the universe.

So there is no doubt that the next moment, the life court will find the door.

If the heart of the universe represents the closest existence to the universe itself, then OAA is the universe.

It is the real everything, the real universe, the real creation of all these beings, that is to say, it is higher than the heart of the universe.

Yi Chou cannot determine how it will leave the Marvel world, but in the entire Marvel world, it is the god, and the entire world exists and is born because of it.

Similarly, as a guy who has self-awareness, but may not have the same way of thinking as humans, it does not care much.

So it needs a spokesperson, or housekeeper, and assistant.

Life court.

Under the empowerment of OAA, the Court of Life is the strongest in the entire multiverse, the infinite world, except for OAA.

Even more than the five great gods.

Eternity, infinity, death and annihilation. . And a planet devourer who interrupted the repeat.

The former four existences were born when the universe was born, and represent the materialization of the abstract concepts referred to by their respective names.

The power of the Phoenix with Qin Gelei as its host is somewhat familiar with them. Eternity represents eternity, and death naturally represents death, and the power of Phoenix. . Represents the essence of the spirit and mind in the entire universe.

Therefore, Qin Gelei's performance is the mutant of the spiritual direction.

As for the planet devourer, it is the remnant of the last universe. In fact, there are many remnants of the last universe, but the most famous one is it.

Because he lived through a big bang, its life form changed and became a brand new life.

The most important manifestation is that it will not die, it has been connected with the universe, immortal. . It can escape the big bang of this universe in death.

And this guy, like Captain America, is a combat unit.

If Captain America is the standard combat power unit for ordinary abilities, then the standard unit used for the battle to rise to the universe level is to swallow the stars.

And its combat effectiveness is indeed high and low.

When it is low, even its small partner, another combat power unit, may be able to hold it down, but when it is high, the remaining four gods may be added together, and it is not enough to beat it alone.

Mainly the amount of energy.

Because its manifestation is actually energy, the amount of energy directly determines its strength.

And its name can also be heard, its meaning is to devour the planet, the more the number of planets swallowed by it, the higher the quality, the stronger its power, and vice versa.

This state can also be called full and unfilled.

But no matter whether it is swallowed or eaten, even if it can contend with the remaining four gods, it is not an opponent of the court of life.

So after the tyrant used the heart of the universe, the court of life directly came up, because it is the strongest in the entire universe.

The court of life demanded that the tyrants surrender powers that did not belong to him.

However, he was born by relying on the equipment to kill the bully. How could he give up? When he did not get the equipment, he counseled at home every day and sent the dark sect to go out to do things. The bullies were all ordinary cosmic forces and cosmic life.

And as soon as I get a piece of equipment. . Bully swelled instantly.

Supported by the heart of the universe, he has an equal attitude towards the court of life.

Both of them are not good at all, so they don’t speculate. After a few words, the life court decides, and then go ahead and go ahead!

Then the life court waved a big hand.

The five great gods, the Tenjin group, various veterans of the universe, and the superheroes on earth. . Earth, whose timeline was thousands of years ago, certainly has no superheroes, but how could the court of life, the strongest in the universe, be troubled by the timeline.

It brought over the superheroes in the river for the whole time. The ones that existed before and existed in the future, those who had died and those who had not died, were all called by it.

It can be said that it gathered the power of the entire universe in an instant.

Needless to say, the life court itself is the strongest, and the five gods are second only to it. . Maybe there is a parallel.

The composition of the Tenjin group is a bit more complicated. In theory, the ten gods in the Tenjin group are created by the eternity of the five gods, and they are an extension of eternal will.

So in terms of strength and life, they are the first ones than the five great gods, but the comic book world is a very complicated time, and there will certainly not be such a simple setting.

Although the annihilated Zerg and Transcendental Protoss did not appear, it does not mean that they did not exist.

For example, some of the inborns in the Tenjin group are related to the latter transcendental race. They are transcendental gods that have received the power of the original transcendental, and are considered a blackened villain.

And in itself, in addition to the eternally-made god, part of the birth of the **** is actually the first sky, that is, the center of the universe, created at the beginning.

It’s just that they are few in number and don’t know where to hide, even because they are not created by eternity. Not only do they not listen to eternity at all, they never even appear in front of eternity. . It may not even know where they are. .

The level with the Tenjin group is uneven. . Uh no, it's about the same, that is, the elders of the universe, this is not a special race, just what they call themselves.

Their identity is also very simple, that is, the guy who received some benefits when the early universe was born, exists in all kinds of races.

The more well-known is Gao Tianzun, who likes to gamble and drives the universe, and his brother collector.

These guys have lived for a long time, but their combat effectiveness is actually uneven, and most of them are average, but that means that for the upper-level life situation, at least to the level of the Tenjin group, for ordinary people, they are still invincible. . God.

The life court is also welcome. People who eat me are my people. The universe has kept you alive for so long, and it is time for you to do your best.

So it directly dragged these guys together to count.

In addition to the top life in these universes, it is a superhero on the earth. Of course, not only the superheroes on the earth, but also the heroes of other planets and some special existences, such as Nova, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc. .

There are also some gods in various senses, such as the Asgards, Odin and so on, all of them are dragged together to count together, and there are some independent living bodies, the power of the Phoenix, and even the basis of the goddess of revenge. Different levels of combat effectiveness are interspersed. . Well, the goddess of revenge is temporarily away, she took apart and started playing.

It can be said that in the wave of hands, the court of life gathers the most powerful force of the entire universe, all forces of existence and future and past.

But even so, they want to deal with the heart of the universe, but still a little worse.

Facing the fierce life court, the bully is not afraid, with the power of the heart of the universe, it directly blows the life court with one punch.

It is estimated that the court of life has also expanded, or that it does not know the power of the universe's heart. . It did not expect that the heart of the universe was so powerful, so it was the first to withdraw from the team battle without having time to resist.

. . This guy is also no less pitted by OAA.

The Life Court exited, and no one else could give up, although their resistance was ultimately useless.

In the face of tyrants, everyone used the most powerful abilities, with the five gods in the front, then the temporary host with the power of the phoenix and the **** group, the elders of the universe, etc., and then Odin and other locals Life and superheroes and other powerful cosmic lives attack at the edge.

It's a pity ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this is really meaningless.

In front of the tyrant, everyone turned into a monster, and the tyrant was almost a punch, even the five gods did not support it.

Even a few hits, because of these endless streams, a large number of enemies are like ants. Fighting a tyrant with one punch is too time-consuming and laborious. The power of the universe's heart lifted by his world instantly wiped everything out.

The newly reunited life court did not even say a word, and with the five great gods and the rest were wiped out by the power of the hegemonic universe.

In an instant, the universe was empty.

There is only one person left, the only life left, the only life.

This. . This is the heart of the universe.

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