High Magic Earth

Chapter 1838: I didn't expect you to be like this. .

"Very good magic."

"I have made more progress than before, and I didn't even find you."

Flying is Athena’s magic, and it’s the only magic that comes with it. The power of stealth comes from her cloak and other equipment, just like a characteristic. These equipments are only worn by her, or she only wears them. Only after going up these equipments can you enter the invisible state.

But does the magic on the equipment also improve the effect due to the increase in proficiency?

"But weird, I remember the skills in these equipments, can they also follow..."


Only halfway through the speech, Yi Chou suddenly stopped and turned his head.

Because Athena, which gradually emerged from the front of the wall, had no equipment or clothes at all, she only had a cloak hanging behind her.

And as her body gradually withdrew from invisibility, the original transparent and chameleon-like body also regained its original flesh color, graceful and beautiful, and the perfect curve is also in the true sense, as if the proportion of the **** divided.


"Suit up!"

Yi arrogant cold voice.

Athena was very calm, she flowed from the good, she dragged her cloak forward, wrapped her like a stream of water, the cloak wrapped around her body, and then slid again under the pull of gravity... revealing the condensed armor. .

The armor and battle skirt fit perfectly on her body, and within less than half a second, they were fully worn, and a cloak pulled behind by Athena appeared strangely again.

It seemed to be the one that was pulled down by her... It didn't even know when it came back to her.

"You are too much fuss."

Athena fiddled with her double-edged scimitar, adjusted the angle, and placed it into an angle suitable for quick knife out. Her hands were accustomed to it, and her expression didn't care.

"We are a family, don't yell so much."

Yi Xiao glared at him.

"Then you should remember...I am your nominal father!"

"Yes, father and daughter, so it's normal, isn't it."

Athena dressed neatly and took a step back, leaning herself against the wall, her legs slender and straight.

Although she is a well-known and most famous goddess of wisdom and war in Greek mythology, she was not really born with mythology as a prototype.

Initially, it was Silvertongue Fulchart who gave her life and soul, but after being sealed or killed by Yixuan, Yixao combined her silver tongue with the plan to create God, and gave her a second life.

That is, she came from the movie Shock God of War as a template, and she is now.

So her appearance is not the guess and imagination of human beings in the mythology, but the image of the female star in the God of War after the makeup.

But the intensity of optimization is greater, making her more like... a god.

The actress is not a big-name star, nor does she have a memorable appearance, but after all, she can stand out in Hollywood, and the chance to make a movie is not too bad.

After becoming a god, she comes with a beautiful face, and the face value immediately goes up.

Yi Xiao glared at her again.


"It's just that the father and daughter are abnormal!"

"Are you broken again in your head... that the effect of the pyramid has not ended for you?"

Athena's face collapsed.

"So what are you going to do... Reinforce my abilities with the God of Creation program and create a spirit personality that can resist the interference of the mind? IMHO, I don’t remember anyone on Olympus who is proficient in this aspect of the soul."

"They are making useless things every day, making wine, growing apples, beauty pageants..."

"That is indeed their style hobby."

Yi Xiao took out a piece of parchment and came to the table to start writing.

"But I'm not Zeus, so I can't do this kind of father-daughter chaos..."

He paused.

"You know what I mean, right."

"We are not that kind of relationship."

Athena said unhappy.

"You are my creator, but there is no blood relationship between us..."


Yi Xiao made a stop gesture and directly ended the topic.

"What happened to the things you asked you to do."

Athena was stunned for a moment. It seemed that Yi Chou was so decisive that she turned the subject aside, but she still took it.

"It's done."

"Apocalypse is all right... It's just that the spirit is a little stimulated, you know, I can't control it at high latitude energy."

Athena shrugged her shoulders.

"He's chatting about it all the time... I'm invincible, it's impossible, history shouldn't be something like this."

Yi Xiao raised his head from the parchment and smiled.


"It seems that this stimulation has awakened a lot of things to our Pharaoh Lord."

As the oldest variant, Apocalypse still has two brushes, whether it is in the movie or in the comics, it is not the kind of casual shouting.

He has many abilities and thousands of years of time, so he has enough time to choose his favorite power and wait for them to appear and be born.

So the later the apocalypse, the harder it is to deal with, because his abilities will increase.

And just like the ancient one, perhaps the apocalypse of different worlds will also be related to each other, after all, he is also an important person.

In fact, in the Marvel world, as long as there is a little fame, it may be connected with the parallel world.

Because no one knows, in which world, they will become the protagonist, become the strongest in that world... so as to obtain the ability of time, space, and peering into the parallel universe.

Gu Yi is bound to be related, because what she originally specializes in is time and space, and she is very clear that her future has already been accepted.

But the apocalypse is not necessarily, he is just a mutant, good luck, maybe in an unknown pocket universe, he has gained the ability to peep into the parallel universe, which is related to the other him, bad luck, even if he can kill He can’t jump out of all the other superheroes in his own universe.

But judging from his whispering words at this time, he has more or less captured some information from the future world.

"do not worry."

Athena hooked a pendant of a necklace from under her neck.

"I have re-cleaned his memory again... to make sure he is exactly the same as before."


Yi Chou's quivering quill paused.

"I mean, exactly like him in the correct history."

Yi Huo nodded, and he gave Athena the necklace for combing memory, just to ensure that the memory of the Apocalypse is correct, don't remember things like being beaten by Athena... try to restore him to the normal one.

"When we leave here, we will push him out, as far as possible to ensure that the history continues normally, and we will go to the golden age of another mutant in the next world."

"I'm not sure whether the two worlds will be related to each other. That era... is after this era." Yi Chou said quickly.


Athena broke her finger and counted down one by one.

"Introduce the Apocalypse to ensure that he becomes a Pharaoh, let history continue to proceed normally, and... there is no need to deliberately promote fate cards, so even if the apocalypse will all of them do not matter."

"Because before we left, you had collected enough data, right."

Yi Chou nodded.

"So there is nothing at all, just need to ensure that the history goes on normally and let the apocalypse take the position of Pharaoh."

"That's the way it was." Yi Biao didn't look up, so he threw the parchment already written to Athena.

"what is this?"

"I will leave here in a few days. Before leaving, always bring some specialty products." Yi Chou pointed to the parchment, "our future companion."

Athena's gaze swept quickly on the parchment.

"It's not enough to have a red devil?"

Then Athena could see the dense magic words on the parchment.

"Oh, your request is not low."

She rocked the parchment.

"Stop playing."

Yi Chou rubbed his brow.

"It's less than a week, so we don't have much time."

"Soon, soon I will give you the screening method, cooperate with Neferhot, and look for it as much as possible... the quantity does not need to be too much, but it must meet the requirements."


Athena was very serious.

But after two seconds, Yi Biao suddenly instinctively realized that something was wrong, and Athena was too quiet, which was not in line with the style she just showed.

Sure enough, Yi Huo looked up and saw Athena quietly trying to get close to her, stretching her hands, not knowing what she was going to do.

"I don't need a massage."

Yi Chou broke through Athena's little abacus between the electric light and the flint and made a decisive stop.

Athena dropped her hand in regret.

"Why don't we go back, it's not convenient here."

"It's just a Rocky...don't say you are for this experiment, it can be carried out anywhere, even in the world of the previous female Iron Man."

"Anyway, you have solved Gu Yi, in fact, I don't think any superhero in the movie version will be your opponent."

"You can..."

"Whatever you want?"

Yi Xiao took the call.

"Not the same, my daughter, this is not the same."

But the next moment, he shook his head again.

"I can destroy those movie-level superhero worlds, but don't forget that any super-British world is related."

"At the beginning of my entry, I was worried that it might be discovered by a higher level of existence, such as eternity, and the existence of the heart of the universe can prove this. They do exist."

"Maybe it's the comics world, maybe they can't see us, they can't see the movie world, but maybe... they will also track us across borders."

"Not destroyed, just..."

"Not much difference."

Yi Chou shrugged.

"Don't forget, there are angels and demons staring at us."

"There are also demons in the super-British world. The ghost knows whether there is any connection between them, so we don't need to be too low-key, but don't be too high-key."


Athena nodded.

As the goddess of wisdom, she is not a guy who only knows brutality. She knows more than most people, but the problem is that she doesn’t understand what Yi Huan wants to do now, which makes her anxious. He even doubted whether Yi Hou had concealed something...

"As for Rocky, I have other arrangements."

"I don't know about it."

Athena said for the first time that she has been playing with Rocky during this time, or that all of them are playing with Rocky, and more importantly, Athena never knew what to do next!

Her reaction at this time is of course greater.

"You didn't tell me?"

Yi Xiao paused a moment, he knew what Athena wanted to express.

"It's not hiding, it's just not necessary."

"But you are only me by now." She said immediately.

"Accurately, there are Daenerys, Sadako, Fu Jiang, Lorna... if I need help, my candidates are actually very rich..."

Watching Athena's death stare, Yi Chou finally terminated his confusion.

"Well, I just think you really don't need to know."

So there was some awkward silence between the two.

"No need?"

After a while, Athena broke the silence again.

As a member of the God-creating plan, even if she is a generation of gods, it is impossible to resist Yi Chou's orders... There are only a few tempers. Of course, this is also on the premise of not defying the orders.

Just like now.

Yi Chou did not constrain their nature, otherwise it was a group of robots, and the last thing Yi Chou wanted was the Robot Corps.

What he wants is a soldier who can fight independently, not a robot army that fights in groups.

So although Athena complained very clearly, she didn't continue to question her. The magic directly stopped her from the depths of her instinct, but her unhappy face was clearly written.

Yi Chao is a bit big.


But in the next moment, Yi Xuan's ears were keenly aware that someone appeared at the doorway outside the laboratory...he even heard the sound of red mist.


as predicted.

"grown ups."

The knock on the door rang.

I didn’t even wait for it to ring for the second time~www.wuxiaspot.com~The door has been opened under the magic of Yi Chou...The ordinary people in his laboratory can’t get in. Nefihot naturally belongs to the ordinary people, even the teleportation Useless.

And Neferhot, who was just about to walk in, was also shocked, because he looked up and saw Yi Chou and Athena. Although Athena had a cold expression as before, but as a proficient in observation Under the instincts of his subordinates, Neferhot instinctively felt a strange atmosphere.

What happened a few seconds ago?

He remembered that he had vaguely heard that Athena was called the father of the gods and spirits, which meant that she was a goddess, and the relationship between the two was a father-daughter relationship, and the father-daughter relationship... even the gods were not so good...

Cough, Neferhot stopped his crankiness decisively, maybe just talking about things.

But in any case, is it not the time to come now...

"Do not."

"You came at the right time."

Yi Huo said...m.

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