High Magic Earth

Chapter 1839: What should this title be?

Neferhot was shocked in a moment of cold sweat. Only then did he remember what he had forgotten, that is the god! But can peep inside!

Just when he was sincerely trying to beg him to save himself from death, Yi Chou said it again.

"Stop talking nonsense, what's the matter."

During the speech, Yi Biao's eyes glanced like Athena's, and she realized that she did not know when she had recovered a cold face... expressionless.

Well, it seems that I will only get sick when I am alone with myself, my brain is not completely broken, and the human settings have not collapsed, otherwise Yi Chou really wants to remodel her.

But the question is... When did Athena awaken such a strange attribute.

Wait... It seems that she has always been, but she was not familiar at first, so she didn't show it, and because the magical intelligence Lucy is almost by her side all the time, Athena and herself have no time to be alone, this...

Yes, don't think there is anything that is not familiar between father and daughter, they are not real father and daughter, this name is Athena's first expression.

As a created product, Yi Biao is very familiar with Athena because she created it with all his heart, but Athena has no understanding of Yi Biao.

She is not familiar with Yi arrogance at all, so of course it is necessary to understand Yi arrogance before she can decide whether to expose her other side.

Otherwise, if Yi Chou was a very rigorous person who could not tolerate a little sand, then it would be strange that she would be remodeled if not on the spot.

Although the Chuangshen plan is to preserve the unique personality of the outward appearance gods, Gao Leng's character is also a kind of human design, and it is the same as the love nagging character.

Yi Xiao rolled his eyes inwardly.

Athena is right, this is really not a big problem, and Yi Chou can’t re-plug Athena back into the God Creation Project because of this... The God Creation Project itself is risky, although Yi Chou has a remedy Means, but inevitably there will be some accidents that he can not remedy.

After all, is it an accident, something that happened outside the plan.

So there is no need to take that kind of risk because of this little thing.

Yi Biao's thoughts were fleeting, and the Neferhot below began to speak briefly.

"The steles of destiny have all been thrown to their destination...no uncooperative cities."

Neferhot lowered his head and spoke concisely.

During this time, he also figured out some of Yi Chou's personality, including that it is better not to talk nonsense, so he didn't dare to say a lot of nonsense... while praying secretly, he can only pray that he will not...


Yi Huo nodded his head, as he did not pursue his cranky thoughts, and Neferhot also breathed a sigh of relief.

"But next...you have a new mission."

Yi Chou continued, he glanced at Athena.

"Cooperate with her."


Neferhot responded.

As a messenger, God's will is his goal, there is nothing to refute, and as for Athena...

Yi Xiao looked at the past, and found that she still had no change in her expression, and still looked faint, as if there was no such person as Yi Xiao.

Athena usually had such a cold expression, and it is still the same... Women are really guys who are good at disguising.


Sure enough, after responding, Athena ignored the clamor next to her, strode out with two long legs, and stepped out, and this time, even the blind can feel that the atmosphere is a little strange, not to mention the observation skills. Nephew full.

Facing Nefihot's eyes for help, Yi Chou nodded helplessly.

Neferhot quickly caught up with Athena.


The door was closed and the laboratory was quiet again.

Yi Xiao fell back to his chair, rubbing his eyebrows wearily.

Athena was right... the progress is too slow now, no matter what the progress is, it is too slow.

The main reason is the loss of Lucy’s assistance. As a magical intelligence, Lucy follows Yi Yiao every day. It looks like a mess, and there is nothing outstanding...but it is actually irreplaceable. .

She is much more powerful than a pure housekeeper. The characteristics of magical intelligence and intelligence make her calculations not weaker than artificial intelligence. She was born in magic and she is no stranger to Yihou's magic... I played a lot, but not many mastered magic.

Lucy is very important, otherwise why Yi Biao first created magic intelligence, because only the existence of enough intelligence can assist Yi Biao, perfect the experiment he needs, and even perfect itself.

Use magic intelligence to continue to complete the magic intelligence.

But now, with the separation of Lucy and Yi Xuan... No, it is the separation of two time and space, the progress of Yi Xiao's daily work has suddenly slowed down, and many things require him to personally order.

Just like these things in front of you.

Yi Xiao spread out the parchment and sighed.

The dense text on the parchment made him scratch his head. This is the parchment record that was handed to Athena before, but it wasn't the only one. Yi Chou engraved a copy with magic.

Although there are a lot of texts, it seems to be a headache, but in fact, Athena only needs to filter them one by one according to the requirements on the parchment, and Yi Chou... is to consider how to meet these requirements.

Yes, the Stone of Destiny has been arranged in an orderly way, then Yi Chou will no longer need to pay attention to the Card of Destiny in the next time, just wait for the Stone of Destiny to take effect gradually, and he will get fresh data continuously.

Of course, for some interesting cards, Yi Huo still keeps track of it, for example, the golden card in the hands of Xiao Duola... This guy can be really suffocated, or old Tum is suffocated. , The two are still in the process of escaping and transferring, and have not begun to study the cards carefully, and Yi Chou has not paid attention.

So taking advantage of this time, he could just solve another thing that needs to be done before leaving.

That is to choose the right element... No, choose the right assistant and future partners.

Although the quality of this batch of golden age variants is not as high as the golden age of later generations, the number of winners is greater.

With a large cardinality, there will always be some excellent existences. Pick and choose. Perhaps there will be many lucky people who can be selected by the God of Creation project.

Yes, they are definitely lucky.

Although the God of Creation program has great risks, it will die, and there will even be more terrible things than death, but from another perspective, who will not die.

Most of the creatures in the universe are dying, and it always arrives as scheduled, but the God of Creation plan gives them a special possibility, that is, the opportunity to surpass the present.

Although this is in exchange for risking his life, it is normal to have risks if there are gains.

At least in Yi Chou's opinion, this matter is worth it, they are lucky.

Of course, there will certainly be people who don’t think so, but it’s something that is easy to control.

"Um... let me think about it."

Yi Xiao turned the quill in his hand. Feather-like feather quill had substance in his hand... and flew away.

To screen for excellent mutant seeds, the old method will certainly not work, let alone a few days, even a few years may not be enough.

It would be a major project that would hurt the people and cost money, but it would take more than ten years, and it might not be accurate, because in the long time that has been dragged on for so long, many new variants will be born, and the variables will increase. … It’s not necessarily everyone’s variants will actively participate in this selection.

Although the mutants of this era are not persecuted, but stand on the heads of ordinary people, but suspicion is human nature, and humans naturally doubt everything.

Yi Chou will definitely not use such a stupid method, because maybe this big project of labor and people will be recorded in the historical annals...became another unsolved mystery of ancient Egypt?

Although this is just an unfamiliar unfamiliar world to Yi Xuan, and may no longer be relevant after leaving, Yi Xuan does not want to leave such a record...even if his magic will clear up his time in the river Figure.

"and so……"

"A silver tongue is still needed."


The rotating quill pen suddenly spilled a few large drops of ink, which spattered on the parchment like spots, on the table around the parchment, in a chain, mottled and mottled.

The parchment gradually sucked the ink, and the spots slowly spread like a halo that gradually enlarged.

The handwriting was gradually blurred, and the parchment also became a little rustling.

Yi Chou's movement paused there.


He said to himself.

Then he waved on the parchment with one hand, and everything on the table returned to what it was before it was contaminated with ink.

"But maybe you can give it a try."

Inspiration is not something that comes from the beginning. If you forcefully say, the ink that was scattered on the parchment as if it was a short-lived flower just inspired Yi Chou, but it is indeed true.

But Yi Chou also feels that his current idea may not be the best choice. Even if he can finally succeed, I am afraid it will still waste some time.

It's just... forget it, Lucy is not there anyway, just use it.

Since the screening variants do not want to use the ancient method to gradually investigate, then they can only choose another one, which is Yi Biao who is better at it, silver tongue.

Withdrawing a piece of parchment again, Yi Chou placed a quill pen on it, and then began to meditate.

He is not a qualified writer, and good stories are sometimes difficult for even good writers to create. It is not necessary to write a story that conforms to the goose bumps style like RL Stan.

The requirements of the silver tongue for the story are only the lowest.

So after a few seconds of contemplation, he didn't raise his hand, still leaning his chin halfway, the feather pen on the parchment paper had already started automatically without wind.

It stands on parchment paper, and starts to write beautiful floral questions.

"This awakening, a pros and cons from the nature eliminated."

"In the silence, the choice of evolution begins silently."

"And the story...will also..."

Yi Chou suddenly raised his hand.

"Not this time."

"Wait for me to think again."

Feather pen, a fast speed, erase all the previously written paragraphs, the parchment again restored to the blank appearance, lying quietly on the table.

"Not a natural selection, but a leader..."

"Changes will come one day, and the signs of their arrival..."

The quill seemed to be thinking humanely, and then brushed again to start writing hard, and in the blink of an eye, it almost wrote half a roll of parchment.

But Yi Xiao still shook his head after reading it.

"It won't work...never."

Brush brush!

Well, perhaps Yi Biao is still not a good author, but he is at least a qualified reader. He doesn’t even need a silver tongue to read, he can roughly tell whether a story is really qualified.

Neither of these two works, the quill still needs effort... and himself.

This is a magic quill, but even if magic is cast, it is impossible for it to write beautiful stories by itself. Of course, Lucy and Yi Chou did not consider using the silver tongue to create a story that can write their own stories. Feather pens, or they can randomly generate text and generate blank books with the stories they want.

But it is difficult.

The silver tongue is not impossible, it can really create such a powerful complementary existence, but it is not easy.

It’s already difficult enough to create them. At least Nancy tried hundreds of stories, either quills weren’t born at all, or quills were born, which didn’t match what they expected and set. Cannot complement the silver tongue.

That makes no sense.

So something similar has not been successful.

This feather pen in Yi Xiao's hands does not have his own thinking and cannot think like magic intelligence, but it can sense what Yi Xiao is thinking at this moment and convert it into corresponding beautiful words to form a story.

The user is still arrogant, but the process of word formation and writing is omitted.

A lot of effort was saved, but... still some difficulties.


"Wait... this is good, continue."

"No, the next paragraph is not good, come again."


The sound of easy thinking and temptation echoed in the laboratory, as he said, without Lucy, it takes a lot of brain cells to create any story that fits the silver tongue.

And this time Yi Huo also promised Athena to get the matter done before dark.

So, maybe you should have a lucky magic yourself? Yi Huo, holding his hair, silently thought...

Regardless of whether Lucy is beside Yi-huo at this time, time is constantly elapsed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ flows by Yi-huo, and also by Lucy and others in another world .

In a minute, it was five days.

"Dangdang Dang!"

Yi Chou, who is collating today's card data in the laboratory, suddenly raised his head. The door of the laboratory was knocked as loudly, and only Athena had this habit and style.

Because during these three days, she hasn't been very quiet. She comes back almost every half day to disturb Yi Chou... anyway, there is Neferhot, and she can go anywhere.

"Dangdang Dang!"

Yi Xiao took a deep breath and then told himself that he was calm and calm.

He sorted out the data calmly and then looked at the time. Fortunately, he was about to hear this kind of dangdang smashing the door, because nothing unexpected, today is the fifth day, the person he wants should find Is almost over.

And if it goes well, leaving this world agenda will soon be raised...m.

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