High Magic Earth

Chapter 1840: So should I think of a cool slogan?


Yi Xiao pushed the door of the laboratory and saw Athena waiting outside...she smiled.

The heart of a woman is more elusive than those of indescribable existence. This is even more so in the heart of the goddess, let alone a goddess who can be related to those inexistence.

Yi Xao felt that if he didn't use magic, he might have completely troubled what Athena was thinking about every day.

Athena's unhappy mood lasted for less than half a day. The next morning, her mood returned to her original state... Probably she also knew that it was no result to be angry with Yi Chou, and Yi Chou might still be at ease.

"People are here."

She handed a piece of parchment paper.

"But it was almost double what was expected... There were fewer than forty people."

Yi Xiao glanced at the list.

"Forty people, there are already a lot. Ning Que is not indiscriminate. What I need is quality."

"It's less than forty people."

Athena was very boring and chewing.

Yi Xiao glared at her and only heard forty people. He didn't hear himself saying that what he wanted was quality. Sure enough, he was a boring guy.

"Quality is paramount."

He emphasized again.

When the parchment was displayed, Yi Chou slid outwards against the ground like a ghost. The craftsmen of ancient Egypt were originally known for their exquisite craftsmanship, plus the large brain hole, and the existence of mutants is estimated to let them fly. self.

After all, mutants can do things that humans cannot.

And in order to repair such things as the temple, there will be no mutants who do not cooperate, so architects and craftsmen can open their minds.

For example, in this temple, the internal space is not very large, but there are at least nearly 100 dense corridors, which do not interfere with each other and will not make people feel crowded.

There are a lot of strange secrets and walked out of the temple. Next to the laboratory selected by Yi Chou, there are several similar secret passages that can lead directly to the temple square outside...The mutants who have been called are gathered at this time. it's here.

During the shuttle, Yi Xuanfan looked at the sheepskin roll.

"Survival of the fittest?"

He saw these words at a glance.

"Very good ability, I didn't expect to find him."

"I think this is praise."

Athena caught up, keeping pace with Yi Chou.

This speed is nothing to her at all, just like a human walks, otherwise she can't just respond to her fast speed.

Her thinking and responsiveness match her speed.

"It is indeed a very good ability."

Yi Xiao praised again.

Survival of the fittest... This ability appeared in the golden age of the mutants a thousand years later, but the owner was not very lucky, and he encountered the boss just after he left the rookie village.

However, this boss is very strong, but it is not without weaknesses, and even if the card is good, it is possible to pass the customs without damage, but it happens that his little partner is also a daddy.

So the road to the brave has not yet begun, it has already died.

When looking for information about the world of superheroes in this world, in addition to the official comics and settings, Lucy of course also collected a lot of happy inferences from sand sculpture netizens on the Internet.

And the ability of the mutant to survive the mutant seems to be quite a group of admirers on the Internet. They always say that Darwin died too early, which is a pity, otherwise... Oh, Darwin is a golden age of mutants after a thousand years, that The codename of the mutant with survivability of the fittest was not that Darwin, who was not lying in a coffin with Newton.

If this guy can survive and rely on the ability of the fittest to survive, maybe he will be among the top mutants involved.

Because the survival of the fittest can not only guarantee survival... Don't forget that natural selection and elimination of advantages and disadvantages also belong to the scope of survival of the fittest.

Although the ability of mutants cannot be evolved, the ability of the fittest to survive may itself have the ability to evolve autonomously.

However, Yi Chou felt that the ability of the fittest to survive may not have reached that level.

Omega is, after all, Omega, and mutants of the Omega level are not arbitrarily achievable by a mutant who sounds pretty powerful.

Although most awakening abilities are useless, mutants still have many abilities that sound very powerful.

If this is the case, the omega-level variants will already be everywhere.

Omega-level mutants do not simply mean that a certain mutant is very strong. It also involves something related to the essence. The most common thing is to affect atoms and so on.

The fittest survives or does have great potential, but it is definitely not at the Omega level.

And even if it can evolve, wait for it to evolve slowly to the omega level, how many years, ten thousand years or billion years?

The world of mutants is open everywhere, and the evolutionary conditions that originally took thousands of millions of years to achieve may be shortened to a few minutes immediately after encountering something, but there are also tens of thousands of honestly mixed Years, honest people relying on time... For example, the black queen who is a mutant but more biased towards the magician.

However, if the ability of the fittest to survive is useless, it is not. Yi Chou also feels that it has potential, otherwise it will not be included in the candidate list.

Of course, the so-called potential is only that it seems to be very suitable for the God of Creation program. For the potential of the God of Creation program, the God of Creation program can unearth it most, not by itself.

"Exactly, we lack a companion who can attract firepower. Maybe we can tailor a creative plan for him?"

Athena is also very optimistic about this guy, survival of the fittest, this is simply a natural target.

"Try it."

Yi Huo thought.

"Very good, but I can understand the survival of the fittest. What's going on with this can make yourself like a pufferfish, and then spit water arrows out of your mouth."

But as soon as the voice turned, Athena's finger fell precisely on the name of the sheepskin roll.

"Is he funny?"


Yi arrogant also choked up.

"This guy, according to the guidance of Magnet, um... I think Magnet should be looking for the Iceman, but this time there were no mutants with the same ability as the Iceman, so I chose him instead."

"The iceman is also in the target. I heard that he can make ice out of thin air, and he is also a variant of the omega level. The strength is directed at the atomic level. I have long wanted to study him. He is indeed one of the targets."

Yi arrogantly said more and more smoothly, and at the end it was estimated that even he believed it.

"Yes, he must have replaced the position of the iceman. He can spit water, and it should be similar to making ice out of thin air. I can just study whether the ice man is just making ice out of thin air, or is it still working at the atomic level... "

But Athena just looked at him with an endless expression.

"Spit water?"

"Ice making?"

"Are you serious?"

"Okay." Yi Xiao opened his hand. "I know that's two things. The Iceman is involved in Omega because he can make ice without doing work. This has affected the total mass of the universe, but seriously , What does the total mass of the universe have to do with me."

"But this is indeed a very interesting experimental subject, maybe spitting water is also out of thin air..."

"So how do you know he is not the water produced from the body?"

Athena said impatiently.

Yi Xiao shrugged, "I said I don't know, so I need an experiment...it's just an experiment, no fuss."

Athena snorted coldly.

With a sigh of relief in his heart, at this moment, Yi Biao could even see that there was another villain exactly like him, and also wiped off the sweat like an amnesty, and then discarded the non-existing beads of sweat.

Strangely, when did you start... Your relationship with Athena has become like this now.

Yi Xiao remembers that at the beginning, his relationship with Athena was not so close, and the two were more like tools and users. Athena was silent and he would not say much.

But from when...

Is it charm magic, love potion? No, Athena does not know these things, and Yi Chou is also very confident. He will not be fooled by such things. More importantly, he and Athena are not in such a relationship.

By the way, it's a title. That's right. After that claim, the relationship between the two gradually began to change, and it became a little strange.

But no matter how weird it is, I have to admit that Athena's status began to rise, and Yi Chou became more and more dependent on her. Of course, there must be Lucy who was not around... and so on!

Yi Biao suddenly remembered that the time when Athena suddenly began to try to pull the relationship was right after leaving Lucy, probably after meeting the Josephine version of the red skull.

Although Athena had such a trend before, she didn't show it directly. After leaving Lucy, she found time to start to get closer.

This made Yi Chou have to doubt again, maybe... this is premeditated?

Is the wisdom of the goddess of wisdom...

Perhaps this thing should be stopped? After all, Yibiao often needs to think about it now, instead of leaving nothing at all as it used to be.

But Yi Biao seems to feel that this is not bad, because if everything is again like before, he doesn't care about anything or think about it, why is he chasing his emotions and soul?

They are the source of all troubles.

Forget it... Yi Chou left these useless thoughts behind.

Rolling parchment paper, Yi Chou put it in his arms, he was still very satisfied with this list, and this is his five days of gains, the list of candidates for the Creator Project, the mutant version.

At present, there are actually two groups of people in Yihou's hands. One group is from the Red House plan during World War II, and the young and beautiful girls are beautiful girls. The other groups are these mutants.

Undoubtedly, the latter has greater potential, but the former cannot play a role in certain special occasions.

When collecting the group of Mao sisters, because Lucy was still seventy years later, Yi Chou tried his best to try not to affect the timeline that might touch the future, so he used magic to identify some useless Mao sister.

In other words, if the business skills are not strong, it may die in the first mission, and the early death will have little impact on history.

Of course, time is a very, very dangerous area, and even the current clamor, there is no area to analyze and contact. Although his method can make a part of the screening, it is certainly not enough, far from enough.

Any small deviation, under the effect of time, may be magnified infinitely, not to mention take away more than a dozen people in one go.

For example...Although some Mao Mei failed to learn because of her inexperience, she died when she first failed the Red House mission. Even if no one was assassinated, her exposure may also alert the Axis. As a result, some preparations have been made before.

Yi Ao took her away, and there may be no impact on the casualties, but it may have caused a greater impact because she was not exposed, so that the Axis Powers did not prepare in advance.

These are all possible.

Butterfly Storm, it is almost infinitely magnified in the long river of time.

What Yi Chou can do is to try not to affect the fan of future time.

However, during the Second World War, because Lucy may be in the same timeline seventy years later... Yi Xuan is also unclear whether the timeline is only one day, or will open up countless parallel worlds.

Although it looks like the latter, but it is only a speculation of Yi Chou, so in order to be safe, and not to interfere with Lucy, Yi Chou chose this kind of screening that will not affect the future as much as possible.

But here, this is the world of mutants, which has nothing to do with the original world, and Yi Chou doesn't care. Naturally, there is not so much to consider.

The things created with the silver tongue will only find the mutants, or the ability of mutants, that Yi Yi wants, without considering whether it will affect the future.


This is what Yi Chao created not long ago with the silver tongue.

The story is very simple~www.wuxiaspot.com~Magnet is a very old stone. It can find a corresponding thing called magnetic paper. Many people have owned it, such as Goblen, Zheng He... So when it came back to life, only one piece of magnetic paper remained.

Although what is recorded on the magnetic paper needs to be very, very comprehensive, and only one-time, it is completely enough for Yi Chao.

He only needs to find the mutant this time, and the next time, the next time, this story can be used repeatedly. Although it is a bit time-consuming and laborious to describe and describe the capabilities of the mutant he wants, it is more perfect than thinking about one. The story is much simpler.

So after the magnet was created, just five days later, Athena took the magnet and brought everyone together with the help of Neferhot.

"grown ups!"

The figure flashed, and Yi Ao and Athena had come to the end of the Yong Dao. Neferhot was already waiting there. When they saw Yi Ao, they immediately bowed and saluted.

The loyal red devil doesn't know yet. He is actually a member of this group of people outside, although... this is not a bad thing.

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