High Magic Earth

Chapter 1870: It's time to make the title serious

and so. . The scaleless or frost giants can be ignored on the spot, Yi Yi does not need these things.

They are named after the establishment, and the other is named after the race. It sounds like the life of the cannon fodder.

There is really no good candidate at Yihou. Good materials, such as Yoshioka Nobuko's excellent supporting role, are simply natural elite cannon fodder and the like.

That's why I thought of calling a few people, brainstorming and hearing if there was any good way.

"Maybe... can we rob people with mutants?"

As a participant and user of the Chuangshen Project, Athena was very aware of the role of the project. When she realized that Yi Chou did not need materials of this level, she realized that he might be a supporting role or an unimportant unpopular. protagonist.

Then it is a good way to rob people with mutants.

Just like Magneto before, but this time it's not as simple as talking about being a fun, but to make these mutants completely part of them.

In addition to Charles, such as the main character of the mutant series, supporting role mutants, although not many, but. . Ok? It seems that the number is really not much.

Athena was stunned for a moment and did not continue to speak.

In fact, in addition to the protagonists of Charles, the number of supporting role mutants is very large. It can even be said that the mutants are the superhero world with the most supporting roles.

Even if there are not thousands of variants who can call the name, there are at least a few hundred, such as blinking, fast silver, sunspots, saber-toothed tigers, dead women, etc. .

But the problem is that the timeline of the mutants is too confusing, the timeline is very long, most of the mutants exist across several eras, and there are many mutants who can't come together at all.

Just like them now, the current timeline is very early. Some famous and surnamed mutants have been summoned by Charles and they have been called up in advance, and then there is something like Kuaiyin, who has not yet been born or still a child.

There are not many choices.

Of course, there are definitely a lot of variants without a name. It is easy to collect a dozen or even hundreds of people in New York, but it makes no sense.

If they are useful, Yi Biao can collect a lot as early as the Apocalypse era, but that is the golden age of mutants with respect for mutants.

But what Yi Chou wants is a well-known supporting role, or the protagonist.

The core of the Chuangshen Project is to mobilize high-latitude energy. The protagonists and supporting characters in these so-called sub-worlds may have some special traits on their bodies. They can carry more high-latitude energy and can extend stronger power. The growth rate is stronger.

Far better than the unknown. . So they got out of the cannon fodder level and became more elite, so Yi Chou only needed them.


Yi Huo shrugged.

"Quickbank may not even be ten years old now."

Athena fell into short-term thinking.

The idea of ​​robbing people with mutants naturally happened, but the problem is that this time is too early, and many mutants of future generations have not yet been born.

Kuaiyin, still a child, is about the same as Phoenix Girl.

Of course, in fact, if the fast silver phoenix girl has really grown up and can be alone, Yi Chou will not be so calm.

He also asked Magneto to play casually. He had already begun to seriously search for suitable materials, perhaps before incubating the jade algae in Bai Guiji.

Mutants are the race with the most bugs, and ghosts know what power they can explode.

But now there are no such women as Phoenix Girls. They haven't grown up yet. Before there was no threat, Yi Chou could choose a lot less.

Crossing his hands, Yi Xiao continued to put on his shape.

Daenerys collapsed into her chair again. She felt that she had nothing to suggest. The Legion of the Unclean was her only suggestion. After being rejected, she decided to continue salting fish.

Rocky has a lot of thoughts, but unfortunately it is not used to help Yi Chou. At this time, she will not talk much, and Lorna has no say at all. . Well, she is one of the materials.

Only Athena is really serious about helping Yi Huo think. Unfortunately, although she is the goddess of wisdom, she is not magical and intelligent. She can't do what Lucy has done. Undoubtedly, everything is considered in a very short time.

Her way of thinking is the same as Yi Chao, and Yi Chao is now strengthened by various magics, and her thinking ability is not weaker than her so-called goddess of wisdom.

So Yi Biao didn't think that she actually had no good idea.

If it doesn't work. . It is estimated that the Hundred Ghosts or Red House agents will still be on the court, as well as the group of mutants brought by the Apocalypse era.

Counting Yoshioka Nobuko, Neferhot, and Lorna, in fact, the manpower is enough.

After a few seconds in the conference room, Yi Chao and Athena's mind appeared at the same time.

But what is different from Athena is that in the next moment, another signal suddenly appeared in his mind. It was a special kind of existence. It was a signal to him. . The signal that has been silent for a long time.

Yi Xuan suddenly closed his eyes.

Athena turned her head a little suspiciously.

Although she and Yi Xiao, as well as Lucy, Sadako and others have telepathy, but this kind of induction is not strong. For example, Lucy, who has crossed the world and times, has long been disconnected, and the control of induction Also in the hands of Yi Chou.

Yi Ao does not need them to know that Athena can see nothing.

For example now.


Yi Chou suddenly stood up from his position, glancing at the group of guys who still seemed unable to lift their spirits.

"The show is about to start."

There was a smile on his face.

. . .

I was sleepwalking all the way. I didn’t know what I wanted to write. Daenerys left, and I took Lona with me. I was not happy. I didn’t understand what Yi Chou was doing. I also didn’t want to leave. Left here under his gaze.

In the meeting room, only Yi Chou, Athena, and Neferhot were left.

"It's still an old friend."

Yi Xiao sat at the table and said to Athena.

"An old friend brought us good news... it just happens to solve the problem of understaffing."


Athena was a little puzzled, but she didn't think Yi Hao had any old friends.

Then in the next moment, as Yi Huo raised his hand slightly, his shadow, or his shadow, would not know when to return to his feet.

This is normal for a normal person. After all, the shadow is at his feet, but it is easy to clamor. . Neverland has taken away his shadow. He hasn't had his shadow for a long time.

Fortunately, this is not an easy thing to notice, and few people find it.

Athena knows a part about Yishao's shadow, and Neferhot knows nothing, but the latter is not a person who likes to talk.

"A new world."

Under Yi Chou's gesture, his shadow detached from his feet.

The shadow of the black shadow, the silver eyes, it is like a nightmare that often scares crying children in nightmares. It slowly floats from the ground and even breaks away from Yi's body, and then comes to the side wall.

The vortex appeared in its shadowed body, seeming to be spinning.

Then the vortex rotates faster and faster, as if an invisible giant mouth has been opened, and then a black portal with some silver in it appears on the wall.

Elliptical, and the inside still seems to rotate.

"Isn't the joy of surprise."

Yi Ao's gaze glanced at Athena and sent out an invitation.

"Do you want to come together?"

"of course."

. . .

Half a minute ago, the long silenced signal suddenly tried to contact Yi Xuan. . It has been silent for too long, and it took a while for Yi Huo to be stunned for a while before realizing what this thing represented.


Yi Chou murmured.

Then in the next moment, his thoughts have been separated from the body instantly and worn back into the red castle of Neverland.

In the state of the soul.

"Master is back! Master is back!"



The state of the ghost is not strange, and it is no stranger to house elves. Although Yi Chou turned his silver tongue into a ghost, there is no difference in the eyes of house elves.

The house elves who scattered almost all corners of the castle noticed the arrival of the clamor first, and then the little yellow people.

But ignoring these overly energetic guys, Yi Chou slowly came to an empty window in the corridor.

The shadow emerged from the wall next to it.

Obviously, it brings good news. . It discovered a new world, like the little Tom who opened the era of Harry Potter and the Tyrion of the world of the song of ice and fire.

There is also the time leading to the Decapitated Valley.

However, the world of Guillotine Valley is a little special, and the staying time cannot be very long, so no one was brought in, just opened the portal directly.

This time the shadow did not lead people into Neverland, perhaps. . This time will not be long.

"But the time used to collect the world's energy should be sufficient, right."

Yi Biao is like talking to a person, whispering to the shadow.

Yes. . World energy.

The shadow of Neverland is not specifically used to open up a new world for Yi Piao. It has a responsibility, and Yi Piao also has a responsibility, that is, to collect energy from the world.

The significance of the shadow to open up a new world is not to let Yi Chou collect any materials and enter the world connected by the shadow. Yi Chou needs to collect the world's energy.

The song of ice and fire comes from the energy of Daenerys, the energy of Caterina in the world of Decapitated Valley. . In the era of Tom’s Harry Potter, world energy has never appeared, and is still in a blocked state, so Yi Biao has never been able to get it.

But now, there is another world.


Yi Chou frowned slightly.

"You mean that this world is not special, unlike Gudugu, but it is no different from the song of ice and fire. It's just that the person you find is a little special and can't be brought back."

"He is...fragile?"

Of course, the shadow cannot speak or answer.

However, it will feed back some basic information to Yi Chou, some basic information about the world, and Yi Chou translates it in his own words, which is probably the case.

Yi Xao touched his chin, a little puzzled.

This is fragile. . what is the problem.

Forget it, let me take a look at it, what kind of world is this?

The next moment, the message from the shadow poured into Yi Chou's mind, and he knew the name of the world in a flash.

"Mr. Glass..."

. . .

Ilya Price, an unfortunate and lucky child.

When he was born, the woman who delivered him felt something was wrong with him. As the doctor arrived, everyone knew that his limbs had all been broken.

He had a broken bone since he was born, right in his mother's stomach.

Osteogenesis Imperfecta, also known as brittle bone disease, is divided into many types, and the one in Ilya is still the slightest.

He cannot play like other normal children, because he is very vulnerable to this disease, and his body is easily fractured. Not only does a gentle fall will cause multiple fractures in his body, even walking on the road, All of a sudden, the feet are crumbling because of the brittle bones.

From an early age, Ilya was fractured, healed, and then returned in the process of fracture again.

Gradually, he became unwilling to go out and was afraid to go out. This is normal, because he is not only easily injured, but also will not have other friends to play with him.

Everyone was afraid of inadvertently hurting him, so he didn't dare to approach him. . Glass doll.

Very crisp and brittle.

But he has a good mother, a mother who has been encouraging him all the time.

She didn't want to see her children stay in the room every day, so she bought a set of the most popular superhero comics and told him that as long as he could walk to the bench on the street every time, then. . There is a comic there, waiting for him.

So far. . Ilya has a close relationship with comics, or superheroes and supervillains.

. . .

Years later, Ilya has become an art painter, has her own gallery, and lives very well.

But he was still obsessed with superheroes, and he was even enchanted.

This is normal.

The second one is the experience that everyone will have, and he is obviously more special. The fragile body makes Ilya not have many activities and choices. Reading comics may be the most comfortable and spiritual entertainment for him. The only choice in a relatively scarce era.

Comics, comics of superheroes, occupy his entire life.

Secondly, because of this disease, Ilya is more eager for superheroes than normal people, eager for their strength, and eager for their difference ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or rather. . Longing and wanting to find out where he is.

Because even the most normal and ordinary life is unprecedented for Ilya.

The fragile bones even made him take a bath, which became a very dangerous thing that could not be done by himself, because it might just give him a slight fall, which would make him leave the world instantly.

Ilya is confused. He does not understand why he appears in this world, and what position does he appear in this world.

Everyone has their own role, a good teacher, a good electrician, even a good father, qualified police and doctors, even robbers and murderers. . It also has its own existence.

Then he. . What is he.

One. . What a waste?

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