High Magic Earth

Chapter 1871: Intermission: Mr. Glass

Ilya has been confused, like a soul with nowhere to go, wandering in the world, but no place for herself.

And because he was confused, he was firm.

He firmly believed that superheroes really existed, firmly believed in everything about them, and firmly believed. . They do exist in this world.

. . .

Pennsylvania, suburb of Philadelphia, East Rail 177 trains.

David Dunn, an equally humble man.

His appearance is mediocre, and he wants to attract women's attention with his appearance. . Although it is not difficult, I am afraid it is too difficult, and the clothes on him are difficult to make people connect with the wealthy. He is just like other mortal beings, ordinary and unremarkable.

But he has also been brilliant.

When he was young, David was a star football player in Philadelphia, and even almost took the path of a regular football star, but unfortunately, with an ankle injury in a car accident, he left the green field.

But it did not leave too far.

Because he became a stadium security officer.

I don't know if I can't let go of my previous obsession, in order to remember something, or. . What are some other reasons.

He had also had a very happy marriage. His wife was known by the athletes during his college days. On the day of the car accident, the two of them were in the same car. They had just confirmed their relationship at the time. She was rescued from that car accident, and the two of them have been working together until now.

The two also have a son.

But this relationship is now cracked.

the reason. . There is no reason, maybe it is simple, I feel that the two people are no longer in sync.

David went to New York alone, trying to find some new jobs, but it was clear that he had not found a suitable job while sitting on the Philadelphia return line.

Sitting wearily at the window, David sighed.

then. . He seemed to hear some abnormal sounds.

"Dangdang! Dangdang! Dangdang!"

This is the sound of the train wheels hitting the track.

David looked puzzledly at the wheel under the window.

The train is getting faster, getting faster and faster, and the scene outside is blurry and becoming. .


The darkness in front of him was the last color before David was in a coma.

When he woke up again, the roar of the train, the roar of the railroad tracks, the screams and despair of the crowd seemed to be coming to his eyes.

But when David's eyes gradually re-condensed from the slack, he realized that he was no longer on the train.

He is in the hospital.

"Are you all right, sir."


The doctor opened the medical flashlight and aimed it at his eyes.

"Look here, sir, here are a few."


David gently pushed away the doctor in front of him.

The white was pushed away, it was the angel in white, the white gown, the color of heaven, and then the red in his eyes.

There was a man lying on the surgical bed next to him. His neck and chest were covered with surgical cloth, but a large swath of blood came up, and soon the surgical cloth was dyed bright red.

Bright red.

"Are you all right, sir."

The doctor asked again.

David nodded.

In fact, he did not feel anything wrong, any physical wrong, his body still seems to be very healthy, his limbs are still hard, his heart is still beating, and even now he is asked to go outside for a few laps There is no problem.

He seemed to be as usual, and it seemed that he had not just experienced a disaster.

But he. . He was just a little confused.

Hearing David's answer, the doctor's expression seemed strange, surprised, puzzled, and even unbelievable and frightened.

It's more of a miracle look.

"Do you know, sir... you are the only two survivors."

He said that the electrocardiogram warning sound appeared in the back, and the doctor glanced back, and found that it had become a straight line, and the heart of the person with chest hemorrhage being rescued had stopped beating.

Then the doctor turned back again.

"Now you are the only one."

"And you are unscathed, you can't find a wound on your body."

The doctor's tone was incredible.

But David didn't want to listen anymore, he walked slowly away from the operating bed.

"Where were you sitting on the train..."

The doctor was still amazed, but David had opened the door and walked out.

He couldn't hear anything more. He came to the corridor of the hospital, and saw his wife, who had the same feelings.

There are still waiting for his children.

Until he arrived home, he seemed to be muddled. . After surviving from this accident, it has always been the case.

East Rail 177 train, New York to Philadelphia, two cars collided, a major accident, 131 passengers died, and he is the only survivor.

He attended the funeral of the victims in a hurry, and returned to his car until he was awkward. . He saw a letter in front of his car window.

The content of the letter is very simple, only one line.

"Do you remember the last time you were sick?"

This sentence is like having a certain magic power, completely opening up David's memory. He began to constantly recall his past experiences and scenes, and constantly tried to think about the last time he was sick, or rather. . In the end, has he ever been ill.

then. . As these neglected memories were remembered again, he finally realized one thing.

He has never been sick or injured.

During his half of his life, David experienced a lot of disasters. The initial car accident and the sudden fire in the hotel where he lived later. At that time, he was the only one who escaped, and everyone else was caught in the fire. , And this train accident.

Almost every time, he was the only survivor.

So did he survive, or did he. .

According to the address on the letter, David found the person who sent the letter to him, Ilya Price. . That is the child who suffered from brittle bone disease.

He grew up, except that his right foot could not be completely healed due to an accidental fracture, and he needed a cane. He also grew up safely.

But for so many years he has not given up his belief in superheroes.

He is more convinced and more focused than normal people.

And David is the superhero he noticed.

Obviously, David's experience of being the only survivor again and again made Ilya notice him. In Ilya's vision, the two of them seemed like a curve.

David is on the other side, and he is on this side.

He was very fragile, and even faced the threat of death even down the stairs, and David was strong, so strong that there was hardly anything to destroy him.

In addition to water.

David found Ilya, and Ilya told him this theory, of course, David did not believe it.

He thought Ilya was a lunatic.

Or. . He lives too much in his own world.

In order to avoid being stared at by a lunatic, David told Ilya that he was not invincible. When he was a child, he drowned and nearly drowned.

This is the news that he accidentally learned from an old teacher when he was looking for when he was sick.

I thought Ilya would give up this unrealistic idea after hearing it, but I didn't expect that Ilya seemed more convinced.

Because in the comics, if a superhero is too strong, then there must be something to restrain his existence and things.

For example, Superman, he is too strong, so strong that no one can beat him, so he has weaknesses, that is. . Kryptonite.

Perhaps David is too strong. In their world, David is like a superman, so he must have weaknesses, and his weaknesses. . Nature is water.

This weakness did not convince Ilya that David was not the superhero he was looking for, but instead made him more convinced that David was the person he was looking for.

David doesn’t believe it. It doesn’t matter. Most of the heroes didn’t believe in their speciality at the beginning, because they didn’t realize their identity.

Ilya became more and more excited.

Because in his view, the encounter between the two of them is almost like it is. . At the beginning of fate, the gear of fate is turning.

But David naturally still did not believe. He warned Elijah not to come to haunt him again, and then left here, but Ilya obviously would not give up. He chased to the stadium where David went to work, and the two had another conversation.

And with the passage of time, I don’t know if I realized that I might actually seem to have such a dizzying difference, and David’s body has indeed begun to show some unusual changes.

such as. . He can see what this person has done by contacting others.

What has been done evil.

If we say that our body is stronger and stronger than others, we survived several disasters, and even survived unscathed. Although we can barely explain the past with lucky people, or simply pure natural power.

But the power of this time-lapse retrospection is obviously not something that a lucky person can explain.

This is obviously not a normal human power.

The emergence of this ability even made David himself have to wonder whether he was really, really. . So superhero.

This series of accidents and things happened, so that David who tried to get answers from Ilya did not get the answers he wanted.

Instead, he became more and more confused.

But what is certain is that he does have powers that are different from ordinary people, and he has the ability to resist strikes. He can even see the crimes they have committed by contacting other people.

The only similarity, or weakness, is probably that he will also drown.

So in this confusion, David left his familiar sports ground, left his familiar working place, and even left his familiar home, and just started again, it seems that he has a new wife.

He walked around, turned around, aimless, like again. . Looking for his true position.

David walked into the crowded station and walked slowly. He was crowded among the crowd, gently touching the people passing by with his arms and shoulders.

He saw one after another evil, one after another, some people have stolen apples, some people have misbehaved against drunk ladies, some people like to throw garbage into their imagination, some people even like to Smashing the shop window in the middle of the night.

then. . He met another person.

A cleaner, a cleaner in the station.

He saw the man's past and saw it. . The sins he committed not long ago.

The crew cleared a house, so he killed the host of the house, occupied the house, and imprisoned the hostess, daughter and nanny.

He returns to this house every night to rest, and during the day, he continues to work as if nothing has happened. . Doing the cleaning work of the station.

David was silent.

He is not a person with a great sense of justice, nor a jealous person. He is just an ordinary person, just like other ordinary people.

Otherwise, he would not be confused and overwhelmed by what he is doing now.

And David is also not a person who lacks a sense of justice, a person who goes to sin, he is just an ordinary person.

In fact, most ordinary people tend to be neutral and kind. Maybe they are smart and like to take advantage of small ones, or they will make some small mistakes, but they are just.

The conscience in their hearts still exists.

In the face of right and wrong, most of them will make just choices, or even sacrifice themselves. . Of course, not everyone has courage, but in the end it is the majority.

And David, David should be more kind than neutral and kind.

Faced with such a fierce and brutal criminal, facing the crimes he committed, even the ongoing crimes, David couldn't stand idly by.

Silent for a moment, standing in the crowd of people, like a lost lamb, David suddenly lifted his foot gently, he turned around. . Behind this person.

. . .

The night rain is getting bigger and bigger.

Dressed in dark green and somewhat black waterproof cloak, David stood in a corner and watched this man enter the house that he did not belong to again.

After a while, David also walked in.


Gently pushed the door open~www.wuxiaspot.com~ David saw the body of the original male owner of the house, and was thrown on the stairs leading to the basement, slowly going upstairs, he quickly based on the memory of that person, I found the nanny in the storage compartment and the family's daughter.

He made a boo gesture to the two and slowly cut the bandages that bound them.

The night rain became more intense, and the sparse voice rolled down the roof, like the sins from **** were poured into the world.

After letting go of the two of them, David motioned for the weaker ones to leave here soon, and then he went on to the other rooms.

Sin never ends, and today is just the beginning.

His start.

Belongs to a hero. . The first battle.

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