High Magic Earth

Chapter 1873: Intermission: Mr. Glass (3)

The story is here, and it seems to have entered the old-fashioned link again.

A self-righteous doctor, she firmly believes that her theory is correct, and also wants to try to prove that the heroes are wrong, and the story eventually develops. . In any case, there are three possibilities.

The superheroes proved themselves. For example, the beast fled. In order to protect the innocent people, David finally broke out the power of superheroes, witnessed all this with his own eyes, and Ellie who was rescued by David finally chose to believe.

This is a typical heroic victory.

Or because of various accidents, Mr. Glass only got the existence of the beast, he persuaded the beast, and teamed up with the beast to prepare a big vote, which forced David to have to fight to stop, the two sides fight, and then they were exposed to all In front of the group, superheroes. . First appeared in this world, in everyone's eyes.

This is the birth of the heroes. If it is placed in the storybook, it is the origin story of the heroes.

There is the last one, that is, David calmly resolved the crisis, he resolved the uncontrollable Kevin, and ensured that Mr. Glass will not continue to do evil, and then did not say anything or leave any information. Then he left here silently to continue his legend. Ellie neither showed any belief in superheroes, nor did she show disbelief.

This is the most heroic ending.

Old-fashioned, yet without losing the spirit of a superhero.

The story seems to have only three possibilities, but. . The facts are often so unexpected.

The next development is not as expected.

Before David entered this psychiatric hospital, Philadelphia's newest and tallest new technology building was completed, the Osaka Tower, which is a completely environmentally friendly building, and the outer layers are all self-sufficient using solar panels.

Just like sunflowers, the solar panels that continuously adjust the angle of the sun make the outer layer of the building look very sci-fi. At the same time, this building can provide thousands of jobs for the entire city.

Iconic buildings, the latest technology, and press conferences have attracted worldwide attention. .

This meets the opening conditions required for all major events in the hero story.

Sure enough, Mr. Ilya of Glass is not really crazy or stupid. He just disguised all the time, not talking or communicating. He was waiting for the opportunity.

He sneaked out every once in a while and was found without any response. Over time, people even got used to his behavior, thinking he might have some symptoms of sleepwalking.

But in fact, in the dark, he has collected all the information he needs.

The completed Osaka Tower, Philadelphia's new landmark building, countless reporters and radio stations will flock to it, all of these conditions are already in place, only one difference. .


When Ilya realized that Kevin the Beast had come to this psychiatric hospital, he realized that the opportunity had come. This was a rare opportunity.

His strength alone is enough to escape from here, and even upset the live broadcast of the opening of the Osaka Tower, but it was still not enough, because he could not fight David with a worldwide battle.

He is a villain who plays with wisdom, not a tech player or a mutant player.

So, Ilya found Kevin.

With excellent eloquence, he successfully persuaded the beast.

He took the beast out of here, preparing to head to the Osaka Tower. Of course, he will not forget the old friend David, another protagonist of this action.

Because, whether it is only a superhero or a supervillain, they are all lonely, and the story will be the most exciting when the two of them collide together.

David naturally cannot be absent.

Taking advantage of the fact that everything in the psychiatric hospital has been thoroughly understood, Mr. Glass escaped easily. At this time, Ellie was still meeting guests at other places, including Ilya, David, and Kevin’s relatives, or Relationship people.

This is a mental hospital, not a secret organization of the government, so loved ones can naturally visit.

Ellie tried to persuade them to believe in their treatment, but obviously, as loved ones, they believed in their loved ones even more. In order to rescue David and others, they always came to struggle. Yes, Ellie had to deal with them again and again. .

At the same time, the beast Kevin has solved the security of the mental hospital, the source of the police, and took Mr. Glass to the outside of the mental hospital.

David also broke out of this cage because of the guidance and provocation left by Mr. Glass, and because of the harm that the beast of the beast would bring to the innocent crowd.

After the alarm bells, Allie immediately noticed the accident.

She locked the position of several people through the monitor, and she couldn't care about the few people in front of her, so she hurried out, preparing to block the external gates and walls.

then. . The final duel was launched in advance.

Kevin the Beast, Mr. Ilya the Glass, and David the Guardian.

They met outside, and when they met, there would naturally be a showdown between superheroes and supervillains.

The battle is fierce and exciting.

As in a true superhero story, the battle is fierce, but there are also warm memories, sadness and struggle, and a wonderful turn.

Yes, flip.

The secret was revealed by David's son, who was also in a hurry and was good at some hacking techniques.

The appearance of the beast was also caused by Mr. Glass.

But this was something Mr. Glass couldn't think of. It wasn't that he did it intentionally, but it was an unintentional move.

There was another person on the Philadelphia East Rail train that Ilya made an accident in order to test David. It was young Kevin. . father.

David is the only survivor, and besides that, no one survived.

It was precisely because of the loss of his father that Kevin’s family had suddenly changed, and he had to depend on his mother, but his mother was a severe obsessive-compulsive disorder patient. In a long and abnormal life, Kevin also became extreme. .

His original mild personality splitting symptoms became more and more serious, and he was born to protect himself. . Beast.

This is the birth of the beast, and it is Mr. Glass who contributed to the birth of the beast.

In fact, even Ilya did not think that there was such a connection between him and the beast. He discovered it not long ago. When looking for information about the newly-acquired patient, Kevin, the beast, Seeing the cause and time of his father's death.

that moment. . Ilya felt that the whole person had sublimated.

original. . There really is a destiny, there is really a coincidence.

This is, this is their true, superhero story.

If it is not destiny, this miraculous coincidence, comic effect, how to explain.

Angry Kevin punched angrily into Mr. Glass's chest. . It seems to be angry, but this punch is actually enough to take Mr. Glass's life.

Brittle bone disease caused his ribs to break several heels on the spot and penetrated his important internal organs. No one could survive such injuries.

For ordinary people, this is just a punch, but for Mr. Glass. . This seems to be hit by the car head-on.

The following things also turned sharply.

Mr. Glass was dying, and the two who seemed to be temporarily in a truce also briefly rested, but in the next moment, the beast Kevin was soothed by the girl he had kidnapped, but was soothed by the girl who had sent him feelings. Sniper took the opportunity to snipe.

At the same time, he was injured by both defeats of the beast. Finally, David, who came out of the water tower used to restrain him from the usual mental hospital, was also pushed by the special police to push his head into the puddle.

And he hasn't recovered from drowning.

Suddenly, the strange armed men controlled the scene in an instant. With the beast Kevin shot, Mr. Glass was on the verge of death, and David was unable to struggle. . No one else has the power to resist.

So soon, Mr. Glass died, the beast died, David. . also the same.

Before dying, Ellie let David touch herself and asked him if he had a moment, really believed that he was only suffering from mental illness.

Because even Ellie didn't believe this.

Because she is very clear.

They are not sick, but truly extraordinary.

She always knew.

And that's why she appeared here.

She is affiliated with an organization called Clover, mainly because its logo is three small leaves, and its purpose is to stop these extraordinary appearances in the eyes of the world, that is, under the leadership of Ellie Steep and her psychiatric research institution. task.

Clover. . It is made up of a group of rich people, people with status, and people with rights.

They are not evil villains, or just friends and companions, as they saw in Ilya's superhero story.

The only thing they have been doing is to prevent both superheroes and supervillains from appearing in the eyes of ordinary people.

Whether it is a superhero or a supervillain, they are their enemies and they are all prevented by them.

Because it belongs to the clover. . I don't want to see the extraordinary like David, exist and live in this world.

Those of them, through hard work to get money, through hard work to gain status, through struggle to gain power, then why, such a guy like David is just a change, even without doing anything, you can easily, Get everything.

So these extraordinary beings. . All are incorrect.

Except that Kevin the Beast still knew nothing, Ellie told these things to David and Mr. Glass before they died.

Because she was also curious, did David really have a moment, really believed that he was actually just mentally ill, this answer is true. . very funny.

She has always wanted to tell Ilya that reality is not like the comic book, only the helpers of the villains and the partners of the superheroes.

and also. . they.

The release of the Osaka Tower continues. A group of high-class people are gathering here. They are members of the Philadelphia Clover Organization. They have money, power, and status in this society. Naturally, they don’t want to see a group of extraordinary people appear outside.

Soon, Ellie also came here, she completed the task perfectly, and was ready to rush to the next city.

And her so-called mission ending. . Naturally, it was the death of David and others, that is, the failure of superheroes and the demise of supervillains.

An ending that no one can think of.

But in fact, this is not the case, and it is not as simple as it seems.

Because Ellie always seems to think that Ilya’s favorite superhero comics are not correct, which is not the case in reality, so she did not realize that the heroes may fail, but they will never die, and the villains may Was successfully stopped, but it will definitely be lingering.

The so-called supervillains are able to find the most crucial clue under countless complicated conspiracies and tricks, and use it to create a terrifying conspiracy. . exist

Just like Mr. Glass.

Yes, Mr. Glass did not lose.

Because he didn't plan to take Kevin to the Osaka Tower at the beginning, and David had a showdown between so-called superheroes, just like the fatal showdown in the story.

He had long been aware of Ellie's conspiracy and realized that there was a force that was preventing the extraordinary from emerging.

So he made a mortal decision.

That is to use yourself, Kevin, and David, and the hundreds of cameras that are almost ubiquitous in the psychiatric hospital, record a few of their extraordinary battles outside the psychiatric hospital, and then. . Spread it out.

Their death is not a failure, their death is a new beginning, because with their death, there will be more transcendences awakened, that will be. . A new era.

they. . It is the preface, the forerunner.

It's the original, superhero.

Just like in the opening chapter of every hero series.

. . .

What the shadow found, the unexpected little surprise in Yi Biao's mouth was Mr. Glass, and shortly after Kevin and David were clenched on Mount Raven, Ilya had already started preparing for the final plan, but the time had not yet been fully planned Mr. Glass on point.

The reason why Mr. Glass is special is because he is very fragile. This fragility makes the shadow dare not touch and move him easily. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, the shuttle world is different from outbound taxis. It is dangerous to call a taxi, not to mention a big project like crossing the world.

The shadow can't bring him, or he doesn't want to bring him.

because. . This time the world energy seems to be in Mr. Glass.

The shadow cannot accurately locate the existence of the world's energy, and its appearance is irregular, so it is necessary to send Yi Chou to find it.

Although the shadow cannot be found accurately, if the world energy is placed in front of it, it can still be roughly distinguished.

In the world of Mr. Glass, the person who carries the world energy seems to be Mr. Glass. There is no need to look for it. This Mr. Glass, who is used as a coordinate and guides the shadow to the past, has world energy.

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