High Magic Earth

Chapter 1874: Intermission: Mr. Glass (4)

This message was naturally passed on to Yi Chou by the shadow.

If it is just an ordinary person, then the shadow will naturally not control so much, it must be dragged directly to the fantasy island, and then what will happen to the other party. . It doesn't matter.

Anyway, people have arrived, and the coordinates have been handed over to Yi Chou.

I really thought. . Neverland is the island that exists only in the dreams of children?

But Mr. Ilya Glass may carry the world energy, and the shadow cannot be easily manipulated, but without the coordinates, if you want to open the door to the world where Mr. Glass is, you need to guide the shadow yourself.

So, it came to Yihou.

But these things are not a big problem for Yi Chou.

The upper limit of the combat power of Mr. Glass's world is too low, even if there is really a hidden big brother in that world, the combat power will not be so high.

The chance of directly encountering the comic version of the scarlet witch, or simply having an OAA hidden in that world is too low.

As low as outrageous, Yi Chou feels that he may not be so unlucky. . The result of the divination he did for himself before he left was auspicious, which meant that at least he would not encounter anything particularly unlucky during this trip.

I bumped into a wild OAA, which is definitely a bad luck.

As long as it does not exist at this level, there is nothing to worry about regardless of what is hidden.

The disease of Mr. Glass is not a problem, it is an incurable terminal illness for modern science, but it is no big deal in front of magic.

What magic is good at. . It is precisely those so-called impossible miracles.

Of course, magic is not omnipotent, and there are many things that cannot be done, but it happens that most of the areas it is good at are hard to touch with technology.

So this world is a special surprise for Yi Chao.

The upper limit of combat power is not high, and there is no multi-cosmopolitan gang town. This means that nothing can stop Yi Chou.

Not a sub-world belonging to the wizards, but one of the sub-worlds among superheroes, which makes Yi Chou's destruction completely stress-free.

The most important thing is that whether it is Mr. Ilya the Glass, Kevin the Beast, or David the Guardian, the three of them are actually not bad.

After all, they are all superheroes and have their own abilities. . probably.

It's just that the upper limit of this world is too low.

They are all protagonists, not supporting actors. After all, the core of the story is around the three of them.

protagonist. . A low-level, unpopular world, but also very outstanding protagonists.

This is simply the material of the natural creation plan, they are almost perfect match with the creation plan.

At this moment, even Yi Biao had to remember the words that Mr. Glass often said, which is simply. . The arrangement of fate.

World energy, Yi Chou naturally want, but these three protagonists, he will not let go.

Only children can make multiple choice questions, which is easy to clamor. . All are required.

. . .

In the dim ward, Ilya's eyes were blank, and he looked at the floor in front of him without focus. On the surface, he seemed to be in a daze. . Okay, he is indeed in a daze, playing a fool who can neither communicate nor communicate, but his brain keeps thinking in secret.

The night is getting deeper and colder.

He could feel that the temperature on his skin was falling and his cold hair was curling, which meant that the temperature tonight was at least one degree Celsius lower than usual.

The cold wind blew through the unobstructed iron windows in the psychiatric hospital of the dark castle. .

Okay, this is all kidding.

People always have a sense of humor. In this near-closed cell, the sense of humor is very important, because loneliness is the greatest enemy of mankind.

So the above is bullshit.

As a senior psychiatric hospital in Ruiwenshan, or as a senior mouse, everything Mr. Glass has is the best here.

The most perfect and most comfortable, too. . The most well-prepared ward.

The temperature here is kept at 25 degrees Celsius, the most suitable temperature for human life, so there is no such thing as a drop in temperature, and Mr. Glass can't sense the temperature based on his skin alone, or such a precise perception. . He has no such ability.

But Ilya is indeed thinking.

And is controlling the contraction instinct of his pupil.

In the long time, he learned these uninteresting tricks without a teacher, otherwise it is impossible to conceal such disguise for so long.

Because a normal person cannot disguise himself as a fool in any way, this also requires long-term practice.

It requires firm perseverance.

Many details. . All need to be carefully disguised, for example, the pupil.

Of course, Ilya is well aware that she does not have any extraordinary powers on the body, such as strong self-healing power, or something that can breathe fire.

If there is, he will not be like a waste person now.

But he does have some extraordinary places, such as wisdom. . Well, although this seems to be a self-boasting suspicion, Ilya is indeed very smart.

It is difficult for normal people to calculate all the available places in the psychiatric hospital only by looking at the opportunity of the circuit diagram when the Ruiwenshan psychiatric hospital was built. . It is almost impossible.

But Ilya can, so can the supervillains in the comics.

It is precisely because of this that Ilya firmly believes in her identity.

Otherwise, there is nothing special, just suffering from osteogenesis imperfecta, why should he claim to be a super villain? That is not a villain at all, but a pure waste!

Or, as in the superhero comics, the yearning for the hero in the heart, but ultimately no qualifications, can not be a passer-by of the hero, used to set off the ordinary friends of superheroes.

Fortunately, he is not a real waste, so Ilya has been looking for his own real position for so long.

Ilya is smart, but there is no physical variation.

Learning to control his pupils will not instinctively contract and see the flaws, which is purely tempered by his own strong willpower.

He had to do this, if he still wanted to escape from it, if he still wanted to finish that thing.

Sitting unmoving in his wheelchair, Ilya's eyes were blank and expressionless, as if she were a real fool.

If it is in some old mental hospitals, it should be iron gray walls, old iron windows with cold wind, and a full moon hanging in the sky.

The cold wind blew past, like a prison like a concentration camp.

But here. . This is Ruiwenshan Senior Psychiatric Hospital, a completely modern psychiatric hospital. In fact, it is not a psychiatric research institution at all. Its establishment and existence are just for their superheroes or villains.

The entire Mt. Ruiwenshan Institute of Psychiatry is for them, the existence of other mental patients, but to pretend to make all this more realistic.

Therefore, all the interiors of Mt. Ruiwen Mountain Mental Hospital are in a sci-fi base style with a sense of sci-fi, and they are rigorously guarded. Although the security personnel are dressed like the security guards of other psychiatric hospitals, the combat effectiveness is obviously higher than the front line.

There are no full moons and iron windows here. Some are only incandescent searchlights that exude mild luster but make people feel extremely cold, as well as various fixed and unusable soft plastic products.

He doesn't look like a cruel criminal or a mentally ill, more like. . A little white rat to be slaughtered.

But fast, fast.

all. . It's about to start.

Under the incandescent lamp, Ilya was paralyzed in a wheelchair, seemingly an unconscious vegetative, but his brain was spinning and thinking fast.

Just a few hours ago, he learned a useful message from the mouth of his caregiver Darrell.

The Osaka Tower, a newest, landmark building in Philadelphia, was successfully built.

It's a rare opportunity, isn't it?

Beast Kevin, old friend David, and now there are landmark buildings. It’s simply that Heaven is helping him. It’s like there is really an invisible big hand writing their life, their destiny, and their history.

It’s like a creator, like a comic book author.

Yes, he also knew the arrival of the beasts Kevin and David.

This is due to Darrell.

Although these nurses are asked not to speak or communicate, this is, after all, only a psychiatric hospital, not a place with more security, and it is inevitable that some nursing staff will be recruited from the society.

And these people will naturally have a slightly lower sense of responsibility.

Darrell didn't really say much, but Ilya could tell that he was a social idiot and even had social phobia.

His friends are few, and even his loved ones have few contacts.

He occasionally smells alcohol, but he is still very energetic at work, which means that he often goes to bars or drinks at home alone, and then there is no next show, that is, drunk, sleep, no woman .

The ring imprint on the ring finger shows that it has been more than a year, but his emotional state still seems very bad.

Loser in society.

The person who is alone is also an ordinary person. . It's just that you can grab a large number of such guys, those who have no brains.

Because of this kind of failure and the rare communication in life, although he desperately wants to abide by the rules and not communicate with the patient, he will unavoidably whisper a few words.

Faced with a fool who can't communicate, humans are always easier to open their hearts. . Is not it.

Ilya sneered at her caregiver in her heart.

Of course, although the news brought by Darrell has some value, it is not the main source of Ilya news. He still goes around every night and then revises the video to complete everything he wants.

But occasionally, there will be some surprises from the news brought by Darrell.

So after repeated thinking, Ilya decided to act tonight, and before acting, he needed to see the beast and communicate well in advance.

It is necessary to be fully prepared.

Because there is only one chance.

And if it fails, then he, they, everyone. .

Ilya's godless pupil suddenly moved slightly, leaning sideways, and the eyes that had been kept out of focus were finally unable to calm down so much, because he found that he saw, saw. . what is that! ?

The invisible black shadow is like the ink spit from the king squid in the deep sea. It spreads along the wall and diffuses until it covers the half of the wall.

As if a certain boy who wasn't even a graffiti artist poured a bucket of paint on the wall, the half of the wall instantly became dark, exuding some unspeakable feeling.

Ilya's lips trembled slightly, and he swallowed a saliva, while the brain began to spin wildly.

this is. . this is. .


He pondered for a long time, but found his brain seemed blank.

In the past, he always expected that some day, some supernatural power would suddenly come to him, such as an owl holding an envelope. . No, no owls, this kind of start is too naive.

It should be that the two men in black came directly to the house and told him that they had been observing themselves for a long time, and they actually did not realize that they had another identity, that is, someone who was against a certain force and was chosen by nature.

Or it can be bullied, and then suddenly burst out when it is not humiliating. The most unlucky, the most unlucky, even the alien invasion can prove the supernatural existence.

Superheroes, supervillains.

Of course, Ilya actually found them and found his companions, namely David and Kevin.

Although these two companions may be slightly different from the cool feeling he imagined, they are beyond the extraordinary existence of ordinary people.

But now, but now. . When he expected the real transcendence that suddenly appeared in front of him like this, Ilya realized that his words seemed to be barren.

He couldn't say a word at all, and couldn't think of anything.

Do you actually fear these things? No, absolutely not. He just couldn’t tell what the darkness on the wall in front of him was because of insufficient clues, right! That's it! It must be so!

How to say, Ilya is also a self-proclaimed super villain, even a guy who is known as Mr. Glass. His psychological quality is still much better than that of ordinary people. He quickly readjusted his mentality and stared closely at his eyes. Walls, and the darkness in front.

At this time, he obviously didn't need to continue to pretend to be a fool~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This thing appeared directly here, he didn't think it was a coincidence.

How low is the probability of such a coincidence?

And the emergence of this large darkness in front of me is obviously a more powerful supernatural force, no matter whether it is a person or something behind it, whether it is a superhero or a supervillain, it is far more than David, Kevin seems like this There is no distance from ordinary people.

Its appearance will obviously change everything.

Maybe it will completely disrupt Ilya's plan, so there is nothing to disguise.

Ilya's eyes were bright, staring at the black wall in the front half.

And did not disappoint him, in the next moment, two blurry figures emerged from the darkness.

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