High Magic Earth

Chapter 1875: Intermission: Mr. Glass (5)

"It's a long absence...a taste of freedom."

Said one of the black shadows who stepped out of the shadow first.

The other shadow is closely followed.

"In that world, will you feel depressed?"

The shadow's voice sounded a bit puzzled, and it seemed. . Like a woman's voice.

Okay, maybe it’s not a woman, because Ilya can’t determine whether the other person is a human, but finally knows that the other person seems to be male and female. . Anyway, it seems to be a gender gap, which is also good news, right?

This is exciting news.

Ilya smiled comfortingly in his heart, and he noticed that the darkness on the wall somehow faded away, disappearing without a trace.

The two shadows are left in front of him.

It looks like they are two people, or people who are exactly the same as the human appearance he knows, but in the end, it is a real human, or just an alien that looks like a human imagination, or a creature disguised as a human appearance. He is also unknown.

Ilya continued to remain quiet.

Pretending to be stupid at this time is obviously meaningless. These two people are not the fools in the Ruiwen Mountain Psychiatric Hospital. They can be fooled casually, but continue to remain silent, but it is still the best choice at this time.

Ilya knows nothing now. He must observe, and he must have enough observations to get some valuable information.

Otherwise, even if he is extremely clever, it is impossible to speculate out of thin air.

"Why do you think I feel free?"

The man asked rhetorically.

"But every day I worry about when an OAA or Scarlet Witch will jump out and hammer us."

"At that time we didn't even have a chance to run."

The woman next rolled her eyes and didn't speak.

Ilya continued to observe them. At first, he was really afraid, because human fear of the unknown is the most natural instinct, but after the initial fear, he began to get excited, because what appeared in front of him was really supernatural. existing.

Whether it is in good faith or hostile.

they. . Are all supernatural beings.

And this is not what he has been pursuing.

Ilya still seems to have no expression, but if you look closely, you will find that his eyelids are beating wildly.

He was indeed kept in the Ruiwenshan Psychiatric Hospital for a long time, but this time did not eliminate his cravings and yearnings for things like superheroes and supervillains, or that these things have been printed in his bones, he Was born for this.

In any case, he will not give up these things.

At that time, he killed countless innocent people in order to find David, and he also cheered as a child for David to take the first step of his own hero.

He now. . Although it has changed, it's almost the same.

The so-called change is that he is not directly rushing, but is still sitting relatively calmly in a wheelchair.

Ilya is still watching the two of them.

There is nothing wrong with their clothing. It is a kind of dress that is not particularly serious, but also very decent and common. It is normal.

In the past, Ilya himself likes to wear a small gray and silver dress suit. Of course, as a super villain consciously, his dress should be slightly exaggerated.

That kind of small dress-style suit is not suitable for normal wear or casual clothes, it is more suitable for wearing at a banquet or a ball.

Ilya sighed a little in her heart. From the dress, she couldn't see anything.

Obviously, the other party has already entered the village to follow the custom.

Without waiting for him to continue to think about these useless things, those two people had locked their eyes on him.

The men are handsome, like half-breeds, and the women are beautiful, just like the virgins above, but they appear here in that way at this time. . But Iliad's heart was only cold.

Although he admires superheroes or supervillains, because this is his dream of chasing. . It doesn't matter even the extremely dangerous villains.

But this does not mean that he will definitely cooperate and completely obey the other party.

He was just longing for a true story that belonged to the heroes, and he was one of them.

This can be seen from the original plot, he can sacrifice David, Kevin, and even himself without hesitation.

Ilya never values ​​anyone.

It’s the heroes.

The two people in front made Ilya feel bad.

Whether they are enemies or to save themselves.

Because there will never be goodwill for no reason in the world. If the people who come here belong to the same kind of super villain, then if they save him, there must be some place to use him.

If the superheroes are okay, after all, since they are called heroes, then naturally they have the character of heroes.

They may indeed ask for nothing.

But Ilya's intuition is telling him that the other two people may not be good guys. There is no reason, it's just intuition.

But even so, they are also supernatural beings, which he has always been looking for and chasing, and he is for these. . It has been a long time.

Of course, it is also an important reason to examine the degree of deprivation. After all, at present, he does not seem to have any resistance.

"Hello, Ilya... Price."

"Maybe you will prefer me to call you Mr. Glass."

Ilya's clouded eyes moved, and it was undoubtedly stupid to be stupid in this case, but he could continue to show a weak posture.

Although he is indeed very weak. . No resistance.

"So how do I call you, stranger."

Ilya said in a low voice.

"Ha... cough!"

But in the next moment, the man suddenly laughed out of face with the inexplicable expressions of the woman and Ilya.

"what happened again?"

This woman is also inexplicable and seems to know nothing, but the impatience in the tone shows that this has not happened for the first time.

This is not the first time this man is so inexplicable, as if cramped.

Ilya observed silently.

"You can call me Angomaka."

The man smiled slowly.

"Sorry, this face of yours is really too visual, and when I think of another guy who has the same appearance as you but lacks one eye, I can't help but want to laugh."

"And...it will be very interesting when you two meet."

The people who come are naturally only Yi Yi and Athena.

Hearing Yi Chou's words, Athena's mouth was quite boring, low-level fun, she murmured in her heart.

The reason why Yi Chou would say this is that in this movie of Mr. Glass, the actor of Mr. Glass’s Ilya is the actor who plays the newly-raised nickname halogen egg, the director of SHIELD Bureau Nick Fury, which is Samuel Jackson.

and so. . When Mr. Glass meets Nick Fury, it will be very interesting.

And the surprises in this world are not only that. In addition to the same actors as Mr. Glass and Nick Fury, there is another one who is also famous.

Beast, Kevin.

His actor is James McAvoy, also known as Yimei, Zhan Yimei. . In addition to the beast Kevin here, he also played another very familiar guy, Charles Xavier, Professor X.

That’s right, Professor X in the first battle of the X-Men.

This is the world where Yi Chou has just come.

Kevin the Beast, Professor Charles. . If you take Kevin back, when Kevin and Charles meet, it is definitely more interesting than meeting Ilya and Nick Fury.

Yi Biao's smile didn't cover up, and even he explained to Ilya with great interest.

"You may not understand that in another world, there is a person exactly like you."

"Although he and you have a very different life, a very different life, but the two of you are indeed two identical beings."

"The exact same thing is not to say that they look very similar... but that they are just like a person..."

"Duplex, right?"

Ilya interrupted Yi Chou slightly fanatically.

"I have seen the double body in the Flash."

Yi stunned for a moment.

The double body in the Flash. . He also knew that the general meaning was that the same person was fanned by the butterfly's wings because of changes in the world line, and had different life paths.

This is a typical parallel world branch.

But the actor is not a branch of the parallel world, although it does have some similarities. .


Yi Huo thought about it.

"Although I don't mean this... but it's similar."

As the words fell, Yi Xuan began to observe the Mr. Glass in front of him, he looked. . It seems strange.

"I know what you are thinking."

Mr. Glass's tone was still a little excited.

"You are hesitating, doubting, thinking..."

Yi Chou: "..."

Mr. Glass also seemed to feel that his tone was a bit wrong.

"Sorry." He said, "I unconsciously took on my own role."

What is the role of Mr. Glass, he certainly defines himself as a villain. . At least on the surface it looks like yes, but where does he really belong, this may only be known by Mr. Glass himself.

As a villain, he certainly has no problem speaking in this bewitching tone.

But now the situation seems to be tolerant, so he is so casual. . Mr. Glass is smart, and smart people are generally able to see their position clearly.

"That's because you don't know what I am after, what my dream is, what my life is like."

"I have always believed that you, we, exist."

"Comics are a tool for humans to record history. I have always believed that they are all real, I have always been..."

Yi Xiao raised his hand and interrupted him.

"We are not interested in your life."

"To be precise, we already know you, otherwise, we will not come directly to you."

"So, do you join us or choose to refuse."

As Yi Chao said, he knows Mr. Glass very well.

After all, he has seen the plot of the entire movie.

The appearance of himself and Athena is definitely a huge impact on him. This guy is a fan of a fanatical heroic story.

He was initially trying to figure out whether they really existed, not only because he had always been addicted to the effects of superhero stories, but more about himself.

Osteogenesis Imperfecta, a much smarter mind than ordinary people. . If it is only the former, he can only be regarded as disabled, but if the latter is included, this setting seems to become familiar at once.

Isn't this the super villain in the superhero story?

As David was found by him, he became more convinced of the authenticity of the story. Manga is one of the means by which humans record history. Perhaps the content above is no longer there, but it will definitely leave clues.

Even it is still there, but it is extremely hidden, and there is still an unknown world in which there is conspiracy, betrayal, and supernatural fighting.

He has always believed in these things, and he has never believed in it, and it has not changed.

The appearance of Yi Biao and Athena undoubtedly allowed him to confirm this view again, just like the dream that has been pursued for many years suddenly realized, this feeling is not even weaker than he suddenly discovered, the beast Kevin was born because he acted inadvertently. . That moment of coincidence as if destiny.

Of course, although he was excited, he did not lose his mind.

He will choose to cooperate with Yi Huo, but true cooperation or fake cooperation, it is not easy to say, after all, he is looking for evidence that superheroes or supervillains really exist.

Instead of finding a host for yourself.

and. . As a supervillain, one set of appearances and one set of secrets is not his setting.

Of course, Yi Biao didn't worry about his little ideas at all. With the creative plan, he didn't worry about what trouble Mr. Glass could cause.

Facing the problem of clamor, Mr. Glass only hesitated for less than a second.

"of course."

He reached out to Yi Chou.

"Why not."

Yi Xiao looked at his hand and gave a slight pause, and then reached out and shook it.

"So, it's a meeting ceremony."

He whispered.

The moment the words fell, Mr. Glass suddenly felt a certain warm current coming from his outstretched hand. He couldn't say what it was, but it felt very, very warm.

"Lest you accidentally die at that time."

"It's very troublesome to save the dead... even for me."

Mr. Glass looked at his hand over and over. He didn't notice any difference, but the feeling at that moment just didn't seem like an illusion.

This very different power from David and Kevin made him wide-eyed.

Because whether it is David or Kevin~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although their power exceeds the ordinary people, but it does not exceed too much, unlike it is now and before the appearance of Yi Huo, it is obviously far beyond The range of normal people.


Seeing nothing, Mr. Glass could only repeat this sentence in amazement.

Then his eyes noticed that Yi Xuan and Athena's figures were slowly fading, and he quickly asked.

"What should I do?"

But Yi Chou's figure has completely disappeared, leaving only one sentence still echoed in place.

"Nothing to do, go on... your plan is just fine."

. m.

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