High Magic Earth

Chapter 1878: Intermission: Mr. Glass (8)

The successive screams naturally attracted the attention of everyone present. In fact, when Athena just threw the armed person responsible for vigilance a dozen meters away, her existence could not be ignored.

Ellie's eyes widened, apparently she had never seen such an extraordinary existence as powerful as Athena. . David's power is also great, but it is far worse than Athena, the difference between mortals and gods.

David's ability to break the iron bar, for ordinary people, this is a shock enough to make people's eyes stand out.

But relative to Athena. .

Ellie estimated that she had never been in contact with anyone like Athena. The clover organization is the same. The upper limit of the combat power of this world is not high. David’s estimate is already a leader. However, if he is not afraid of water, he is indeed A low and low version of Superman.

They may not have been exposed to the extraordinary existence of this level of Athena, and naturally have no experience of coping, so Ellie seems at a loss at this time.

But unlike Ellie's daze and confusion, Mr. Ilya, the glass beside her, was obviously very happy.

He smiled broadly and watched Athena throw out these armed men one by one as if throwing a frisbee. . Although he looked from the final reversal, he didn't seem to be a brutal man, but he was obviously not kind. Otherwise, it would be impossible to involve so many innocent people for David alone.

What's more, how could the final reversal not be that when he knew he was hopeless, death would also drag the enemy to death.

So don't expect much sympathy from him.

The armed personnel thrown out by Athena flew directly a dozen meters away and fell onto the lawn. Although Athena did not use much strength and there was a lawn as a bedding underneath, they would not be too uncomfortable.

Injury is inevitable, only a guy with good luck may be unscathed, or just scratch a little bit of the skin or something. If you are unlucky, you can break your neck on the spot.

But Ilya read with interest.

His eyes were shining, as if it were the first time that a child of naughty age came to the playground and saw the wonderful circus performance for the first time. There was a kind of eagerness and a signal of hustle and excitement all around .

He also looked at Athena obsessively. . Not the obsession between men and women, but as if looking at a rare treasure, as if he pursued his lifelong dream, and suddenly one day was realized.

The situation is indeed similar.

In his life, he was looking for the truth of the superheroes. The traces of their real existence. The appearance of David gave him a very big surprise at the beginning. At that moment, he did feel that his life seemed to be in an instant. Completed and sublimated in general.

Not long ago, Kevin gave birth to the personality of the beast because of his father’s death, and his father’s death was precisely because of the fact that David took the East Rail train. When he found out, he was equally excited for a moment.

Because at that moment, he really felt as if there were a pair of hands of destiny in their hands controlling their destiny and controlling the direction of all stories.

And he seemed to be really in the story of a superhero, really became a member of them, and became a character in the story. . main character.

But these are not enough.

All this is far less shocking than the power Athena showed at this time.

It's as important as it is extraordinary.

Real superman.

What makes Elijah feel excited and difficult for herself is not just the power shown by Athena. It is a real, extraordinary power that far surpasses David.

There is also Yi Xiao and her debut.

That's very. . Super villain, isn't it?

Mr. Glass was excited like a child. He even clapped his hands slowly. The two rows of white teeth couldn’t be closed and concealed at all. It was like enjoying the world’s most exciting stage drama. He couldn’t control himself. Excitement and excitement.

With the silent, shocked, and sluggish state of the side, the three states are constantly switching, but either of them seems to be like a wood-like Ellie, showing a strong contrast.

It's like two worlds.

New world, and old world.

"Attack! Attack!"

Athena was so disturbed that when she threw out these armed men like throwing sandbags without knowing how many meters away, all the remaining armed men immediately locked her target on her.

Obviously, although Ellie seems to be the highest person in charge here, in fact the highest command in combat is not her body. These armed men actually have independent commanders and have higher command authority.

There is no need for Allie's consent and cooperation.

So for a time, except that the sniper who snatched Kevin still aimed at Yi Chou, everyone else listed Athena as the first attack sequence.


At the same time, quietly, like the sound of a balloon bursting, another sniper bullet flew over, but this time its goal was not Kevin, but Yi Chou.

Sniper. . What is needed is calmness and timing. He obviously does not need to obey the command. When judging that he has the opportunity to attack Yihou, and the probability of attacking Yihuo seems to be greater, he did so without hesitation.

Unfortunately, this is not useful.

The sniper behind the sight seemed to be stunned. He suppressed the instinct and impulse to look up and see what happened. . Because here is too far away from Yi Huo, you can't see anything by observing directly with the naked eye, you can see it clearly through the sight.

However, the sniper repeatedly observed through the sight, but found that he did not find the answer he wanted.

That is what just happened in a moment. Did his bullet hit Yi Chou or missed, or is it a bullet?

In the next moment, a sniper with cold sweat on his forehead saw through the sight that he was aiming at the target, that is, Yi Chou, gently raised a hand, and then shook his finger at himself.

Don't act rashly.

This seems to be a warning.

. . Is it? The light flickered, and the next moment, he seemed to see something sandwiched between the target's fingers, which refracted a little gloss under the sun, a kind of reflective glass object or something. . Metal objects?

This is the last thought of the sniper.

Because immediately before his eyes, there was darkness, and there was no more life.

He is innocent, Yi Biao doesn’t know, but even if he is indeed innocent, he may not let go of the soldiers who just followed the orders of his superiors, not to mention, this is the sniper who attacked him subjectively. Too.

and. . There are not a few innocent people who died in the hands of Yi Chou.

He who has feelings does not ignore life as before, and death will always go with him, but it does not mean that he will never kill.

The lack of Yi Chao naturally means that he and the artificially defined subjective good camp. . It was missed.

Gently threw the bullet back so that the little trouble on the opposite side was no longer a trouble. The little movements in Yi Chou's hands were not noticed by many people, or only Cassey, who was still guarding Kevin, saw everything.

The eyes of everyone else fell on Athena.

Yi Chou glanced lightly at Kasei and Kevin, who was not yet a beast. He didn't say much, but he made Kasei shrink back holding Kevin.

She likes Kevin, as a kid kidnapped by Kevin, but also loves Kevin's personality, and even chased after this place. She may be Stockholm's syndrome, or something else, but whatever it is, it does not mean that she is abnormal.

She is very normal, so she is afraid of Yi Huo, the guy who kills easily. . Just like she was afraid of the brutal beast Kevin at the beginning, until she knew the existence of the beast personality was to protect Kevin's master personality.

Yi Chou did not care about the reactions of the two.

Unlike Mr. Glass, Kevin’s plan in Yihuo is more of a thug. Perhaps with the particularity of the split personality, the God of Creation plan will have some kind of unknown aberration in him, prompting his status. , But it depends on his own character,

At least among Yi Chou's existing plans, he is a thug.

The protagonist of an unpopular world.

Although Kevin's identity is very good, there are not many similar thugs. Perhaps they are not as good as Kevin. For example, Yoshioka Nobuko is only a supporting role, but it is also almost the same.

So he is not as important as Mr. Glass. . Before he proved his worth.

The priority of the three people is Mr. Glass first, he is next, and David is the last. After all, personality split may have certain specialities, and may change, then David. . David is a pure, absolutely qualified thug.

So naturally there is no need to invest too much attention.

At the same time, the counterattack against Athena also began.

"Bang Bang Bang!" "Bang Bang Bang!"

The dense sound of gunshots was connected, and it sounded like a fatal danger.

David, who was still weak, rolled a few times and escaped from the most dangerous zone behind Athena and rolled to a relatively safe position. His son Joseph also reacted quickly, estimated to be a superhero dad. The support team usually has no illusions about this happening, and it is estimated that they have practiced it.

The most important thing is that he didn't feel helpless, but he really reacted for the first time, and he had an evasive action.

You know, thinking about it and really encountering a sudden event in your mind are totally two concepts, and his mental quality is not bad.

Ilya was also hiding for the first time, and had not forgotten to bring his own mother, because he knew his identity very well. If they were standing near the ballistic track, then these people solved themselves smoothly, and he was not surprised at all.

Relatively speaking, Ellie is not so worried. Since the purpose of the clover is not to appear an uncontrollable human god, it will naturally not allow the organization to compete for power and profit. For example, by controlling the organization, indirectly controlling the world. .

Even if there is competition for power. . The movement is not so big.

Ellie didn't worry that these armed men would kill her with a black hand, but stray bullets were inevitable. In order to prevent her from being unlucky and hit by stray bullets, she also hid aside.

In this way, Athena will face the remaining armed men.


The dense gunshots still continue, but the strange thing is that from the first shot to the present, it has lasted at least a short period of ten seconds, even if they may reduce the rate of fire and the frequency of shooting, but this is also semi-automatic rifle.

After hundreds of bullets passed, the other party continued to move forward. This is because all of them lost their accuracy. . Or some other reason?

It is the latter.

Because everyone on the scene saw that Athena was not unscathed. At least her suit, which seemed to be an office clerk, was damaged in many places, but it was not to the extent that it was tattered.

Obviously, the bullet hit her, but did not hurt her.

After all, they are also professional combatants, and the quasi-heads will not be so bad.

The commander of the armed men who saw this scene was surprised, and then his scalp became numb. He knew nothing more than other ordinary players, but he didn’t have to look at the situation in front of him. He knew that things were wrong.

He had never seen such a weird thing.

Is the opponent a robot, a war weapon newly developed by a certain country? . then what.

And since the opponent can't be hurt by their intensive shooting, he doesn't think it makes sense for these people to shoot, nor does they think they will be opponents of this thing.

Whether it is the use of firearms, or the shortcomings.

perhaps. . Should I try heavy firearms?

Thinking of this, he immediately raised an arm high, made a slow shot, and then motioned everyone to slowly back away.

The bullets do not seem to be of much use, but they cannot stop firing.

One is that shooting still seems to play a role in blocking and procrastinating, and the other is. . If they stop shooting, they will become bottomless in themselves, and humans are too dependent on firearms.

The field outside the mental hospital is very large and very empty. In addition to the vehicles belonging to the clover organization, there is only one medical vehicle like an ambulance, and all the vehicles of the clover organization are on the edge.

It can be said that there was no obstruction between Athena and these armed men's shooting tracks.

It seems that these guys are still not stubborn ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Athena is not ready to continue to rub it down.

Her pace became faster, from slow walking to brisk walking, and then she started running next moment.

The slim long-sleeved skirt did not know when it disappeared, but replaced it with Jin Cancan, a metal skirt with golden luster, and her upper body was also shining. Pieces of armor appeared and replaced the bullets. Suit fabric with many bullet holes.

"Shoot! Shoot! Shoot quickly!"

The people present were not blind. Seeing this, the commander immediately roared loudly, inviting everyone to increase the intensity of the shooting again, at the same time. . While trying to take others slowly back.


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