High Magic Earth

Chapter 1879: Intermission: Mr. Glass (9)

It is naturally useless to try to snipe Athena with firearms, but humans are too dependent on firearms. Without firearms, it is like losing the backbone.

but. . They are really useless.


The fierce gunfire was so dense that no one dared to relax in front of the enormous pressure brought by Athena, and the firepower in his hands was pouring towards Athena like no money.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

But Athena didn't care about the storm-like bullets at all. She strode quickly. The metal boots were like drums of war, knocking on the ground and making a muffled sound. Almost in the blink of an eye, she would The distance between her and these armed men's encirclement circle has more than doubled.

Close at hand.

"Boom Boom!" "Boom Boom!"

As the distance got closer and closer, the way to block Athena's route has become a cross-fire, but these bullets fell on Athena's body and even her skin did not break, falling on the seemingly backward original armor, It was ejected directly, making a crisp ping pong.


One of the unlucky eggs on the side suddenly screamed and fell to the ground with his right leg covered. . He was hit by a stray bullet that bounced back from Athena's armor, becoming the first number to be downsized.

And he will not be the last one.

"Hurry away!"

The commander screamed exhaustedly, beckoning those closest to Athena not to try to block, but to pull away.

But it was too late and too slow.

Athena sprinted from a distance of nearly a hundred meters away, and even took less than a second. These armed forces actually had no time to respond, and they could only adjust the shooting angle by instinct.

Because they are ordinary people. . I couldn't keep up with Athena's speed.

Run, bump, and wield a sword!


With the golden light flashing, a hapless egg in front of Athena suddenly uttered a scream, but the scream lasted only half a second, and then suddenly stopped suddenly, and then the next moment, he was like slow motion Like a lens, slowly, slowly starting from the abdomen, split into two halves, and then the upper body slipped to the ground, and the remaining legs fell.

The blood spewed, instantly dripping everything around.

But the strange thing is that the nearest Athena does not seem to be stained with blood. The surface of her armor still shines with a charming luster, only a little mottled red, and the long golden hair is not diffused by plasma, but only contaminated. There was a trace of scarlet. . This did not make her covered with blood, but more and more charming, full of ambition and killing beauty.

In contrast, the armed people around are much worse.

Half of the body was split. . It seems to be known how large a human's bleeding volume is, even if it is not as inferior as it is in a movie and does not fit the actual special effects.

Blood flowed up like a fountain, and instantly filled the faces of the armed people around.


Someone shouted loudly, maybe this person's friend.

But none of these can stop Athena's killing.

The blood permeated, blocking the sight of the armed people around, and the bullets stopped because they were unable to see the target around them with **** eyes. . Worried about hurting your partner by mistake.

So here has become a natural hunting ground belonging to Athena.


The streamer flashed, a golden arc was drawn in the scarlet blood rain, Athena backhanded the knife, and the golden double blades separated the unlucky body next to it.

Bullying, Athena rolled in the air like a butterfly, jumped from the head of an armed person who could not make a dodge in front of him, and at the moment of falling, sent the scimitar into his back, and at the same time sent another The one-handed scimitar threw it away.


Another is the muffled sound of the balloon being pierced, the flying scimitar is in the middle of the red heart, and the people on the opposite side are instantly silent.

Immediately afterwards, Athena turned back calmly, withdrew the machete that had been fed into the unlucky heart, and then slashed again to the last armed man standing around her.


The blood splashed and fell like drizzle.

The blood beads rolled onto Athena's body, on the armor, converging into a stream and continuing to flow down. . It did not leave much traces of killing.

In just a few seconds, she had solved at least half of it by hand. . Annoying guy.

The commander's eyes were not far away, and there was a deep chill in his heart. He was very clear that these people could not stop Athena. Continue this way, only die!

Fortunately, the death of the five companions gave them time. . They did not do nothing.


At the next moment, the commander heard a roar of fear and anger coming from the side and back, and then turned his head to see that a black hole rocket barrel had been pointed in the direction of the scary woman not far away.

Because this is in the city of Philadelphia, they did not carry too much heavy firearms when they arrived, but the bazooka was still equipped, but they never thought that they would use it when they were on a mission. .

This time. . This kind of thing is involved.

Just when Athena was killing on one side, on the other side, someone had already put down the bazooka from their car, and it was still two at a time!

Without any hesitation, the launch button of the rocket launcher was instantly deactivated. They are all experienced professional combatants, and naturally will not procrastinate at the critical moment.


The roar emerged, and the fire burst out.

Time seemed to be slowed down at this moment, and the commander could even see the flames erupting in the rear arrow barrel and feel the turbulent air waves.

"Lay down!"

He yelled loudly.

The next moment, the remaining surviving armed men fell to the ground almost at the same time as the rocket burst.


The billowing air waves came out not far away, even if they were lying on the ground, they could feel the surging air waves and the suffocating hot temperature.

But there is no doubt that they hit their own goals.

Ears were buzzing, everything in front of me seemed to tremble, and after a long while, the commander held his head, and looked dumbly not far away.

It was completely enveloped by an air wave and smoke, because the rocket launcher did not hit the flammable and explosive materials such as cars. After the initial eruption, the flame soon began to extinguish, but there was still a lot of smoke and dust remaining in it .

They must have hit the target.

The attack range of the bazooka is very large, it is not just an attack point, the entire explosion range is its attack range.

The two rocket launchers are in parallel and can destroy everything within at least ten meters.

Even because they were too close, they felt the air wave even tens of meters away and even shocked their chest pain.


The disgraced commander spit out the dirt in his mouth and struggled to get up from the ground.

His face was finally relieved.

Since the amazing lethality demonstrated by Athena, his face hasn't been relaxed, because the threat of death may fall on them at any moment.

Others also have different expressions, such as the faces of the three superhero family members looking at the fairy, the face of David who still has little change, and the continued joy of Ilya.

The quicker and sharper Athena's movements, the more people resolved, the more excited the expression on his face.

Superheroes always have cool fights. In his opinion, everything Athena does at this time is like interpreting the story in the comics into a realistic version.

Along with the rocket hitting the target, the sudden explosion directly swept Athena in, Ellie and the commander's faces slightly relaxed, David and others were still surprised that there was a hint of instinctive tension, but Ilya was still A little excitement.

It's just like. . It's like waiting for a good show to continue.

Yes, he is not worried about Athena, because neither superheroes nor supervillains are so easily defeated.

A bazooka can solve the enemy, there is Gotham.

But not here.

What's more, it doesn't matter if Athena is really dead, more transcendence is emerging, and a new era will come sooner or later.

And they will be the forerunners!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

But when the expressions of the people present were different, the sound like the drumsticks from the ancient times suddenly appeared again, and it dullly passed out from the dust, rumbling, like banging on each Personal mind is the same.

The commander's face suddenly changed, because he felt that the sound sounded familiar, which seemed to be. .

Sure enough, in the next moment, among the billowing smoke, a golden boot splits the mist, and then slowly walked out from inside, followed by another one.

It's Athena.

She walked out of the center of the explosion calmly, except that her face seemed a little uncomfortable, and there was no trace of damage on her body.

That monster. . It's not dead yet. .

"Attack! Quickly attack!"

The commander screamed desperately.

"This is impossible!"

But this time, not everyone responded.

The figure of Athena who came out of the smoke was like a demon. It instantly destroyed the remaining will of the remaining armed men, such as one of the two armed men who carried the rocket launcher to attack, and they couldn’t believe it. Looked at Athena who came out again, whispering this impossible.

At first it was split in half by Athena, the unlucky egg called Sam, who was his best friend, and he also screamed out at that sound.

In order to avenge his good friend, he carried the rocket launcher at the first time, but he did not expect it. .

"What the **** is this... what a monster..."

He couldn't know the answer anymore, because in the next moment, Athena had crossed the remaining distance in an instant and came to him in an instant.

With his hands up and down, he only had time to see a glimmer of golden luster, and in the next moment, he would not know anything.


"Bash! Bash!"

Like a real superwoman, Athena's hands and feet are carried by humans that are never possible, incredible power and speed. Her movements are full of violent beauty, and even every movement has a beauty.

It's an obsessive, unmanageable one, and belongs to an extraordinary field.


Ilya, not far away, exaggerated and said to the mother next to him.

"If you put it in a movie, this is definitely a classic lens."

His mother was staring at all this, and when he heard him, he nodded slowly.

The commander who faced Athena alone swallowed a spit. There were no other companions beside him, and everyone fell, leaving him alone.

Looking at Athena who was still standing in front of him, there was an unstoppable fear on his face.

He certainly would not be Athena's opponent, but he didn't want to die.

A glance at Athena's double-edged scimitar, he paused and threw the weapon to the ground. Although the fear on his face was still clearly visible, he still put on a posture that wanted a one-on-one fair fight. .

But Athena glanced at him, then suddenly sneered.

Lift your legs.


It was like being hit by a cannonball, Athena's slender jade legs were held high, and he was directly kicked on the commander's chest.

The tremendous power instantly dented his sternum, and the whole person seemed to have been hit by a train. He flew directly back a dozen meters away, and even before landing, the person was still in the air, and he had lost his voice.


There was another muffled sound, and the body weight of the commander fell to the ground until it continued to slide a few meters away on the ground, and then stopped after hitting the wall of the mental hospital behind.

And his whole person is obviously dead and can't die anymore.


Ilya opened her mouth and laughed silently.

He even laughed until tears shed, as if he saw the most exciting drama in the world.

Athena glanced at him, she had seen the plot of Ilya, knew what this guy was blinding and excited about, and knew that Yi Chou came to find some good helpers this time, but there was nothing to say.

Even if you have an account, you can calculate it later.


Yi Chou snapped his fingers.

"The people who are in the way are gone now. Next, we should have a good talk."

"Yes, hero time."

At this time, Ilya also came out from behind the hiding vehicle. . Yes, he came out, and after calming down, he found out that the **** foot he had been injured for many years was actually better.

Ilya’s speech immediately drew Yi Ao’s eyes, as well as Athena and even David and others.

Seeing everyone watching themselves, Ilya did not feel any discomfort. After all, as a super villain, his speaking time should have been like this.

"Hero time."

Ilya spread her hands and said it again.

"It's just that the superheroes get together, talk about humor, or discuss what tactics to use next."

He paused and looked at David and others who were unresponsive, feeling a little bored.

"Okay, of course, there are times for super bad guys, just to get together and discuss how to fight superheroes."

"Then the question is, which type do we belong to?"

He looked at Yi Chou.


Yi Huo thought for a moment and smiled.

"It depends on how you see what we are doing."

"Talk about another place?"

Yi Biao's gaze swept over Ilya and his mother, Kevin and Cassei behind him~www.wuxiaspot.com~, David and Joseph and his son, and even Ellie.

"Your site, you choose."

Although I was asking about Ilya, Yi Biao's eyes naturally fell on the psychiatric hospital. After all, there seems to be only one place here for temporary settlement.

but. . Ilya, a fan of superheroes, obviously has different opinions.

He also smiled, showing his two rows of white teeth.

"I have a very good idea."

He said to Yi Huo.

"Osaka Tower."

"how is it."

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